Mexicans in the USA

I see nothing wrong with mexicans taking over the USA I would even say that I am glad that they will be a mayority in a few years.

Would you rather have more blacks or inhuman chinese people flooding the usa? how about muslims?

Mexican people are hard working people

They have strong family values
They are conservative
Good food
They are friendly and nice people, they like to help each other
They are christian

The main reason why you Americans are so scared of mexicans is because they can speak a second language and you cant (many of you cant even write properly in your own language). They will take over your jobs since they work harder than you and speak the most spoken language in the world (after chinese)

So yeah tell me again why mexicans are a bad thing?

>The main reason why you Americans are so scared of mexicans is because they can speak a second language and you cant

You forgot to mention the mexicans cut people in tiny pieces, and behead people using chainsaws.

The first generation does work hard. But thy are all socialists. They will turn the US into Venezuela as soon as they have the voting power to do it.

YEah you are right Mexico is awesome

One more thing...

> Christian
> vote Democrat

Elegir uno

>They are conservative

please put this meme to rest. It's not true, it was never true. Mexicans, just like all Latinos, are genetically predisposed to socialism. Latinos vote for socialism in Mexico. They vote for socialism in Brazil. They vote for socialism in Venezuela, they vote for socialism in Ecuador. Everywhere there are Latinos there is a socialist government and the poverty socialism facilitates. Keep bringing Mexicans and other Latinos into the US and we'll soon fully devolve into an impoverished socialist hellhole.

But where will I go to get away from other Mexicans?

This is true, most of them are catholic not christian, and catholics are usually liberal.

>Mexicans are so hard working
then why is Mexico a third world tier shit hole run by cartels? Why do they flee their wonderful country and drain our country of wealth by sending all their earnings back to Mexico?

Get out of my country mexican diaspora

>Mexican people are hard working people
This meme needs to die. I worked plenty of low-wage jobs with many Mexicans and the majority of them are just as lazy as niggers. They literally sit around all day speaking Spanish and laughing at white people.

Also this


kys senpai. maxicans aren't nearly as great as you think they are for some reason. They're not like fucking Spaniards


>"Haha i beated a decadent empire"
>"In a overseas war"
>"With many fronts"
>"And we had WAY more resources"
Are you happy to beat a country whose last victory real victory was in the XVII? Then you say things like "VIETNAM WAS NOT A LOST, IT WAS A RETREAT. NOT A REAL WAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!1one1!."

He is mexican or sudaca diaspora.

>Mexican people are hard working people

Fuck this meme. Mexicans are not the only people who "work hard" fucking retard.

>They have strong family values

Not the ones in California. They're trash.

>They are friendly and nice people, they like to help each other

Mexicans are not nice people. They're fucking rude and are not polite. Fuck off. You know nothing about these assholes. I hate Mexicans more than black.

They need to go back to Mexico so they can help repopulate Japan

>They speak two languages
English is the language of business, any first world man would be retarded not to know English

>Good Food
Quit talking about their "good food", that is a personal opinion.

I don't remember beheading of innocents to be a very good christian practice.

How about we have glorious Europeans rule over their own land? (That means America as well shitskin)


>this meme again
Mexicans acclimate to US standards by the 3rd generation.
It's a little slow but they're fine.
The googles are the real problem. 250 years and they're still burning shit down.

im a mexican american, no my race is a piece of shit pridefull asswholes, many are fucking retarded and have no concept of how politics work, its always the goverment sucks i work hard at a shitty job always. steal social security numbers and i hate to say it but motherfucking rascist, they hate white people and are fucking the most jelouse people. their is one massive generation the 1st that does not want to do anything to improve thier life,they want to work shitty work a a mcdonalds construction gardeners, come home and watch shitty mexican television and novelas. i was lucky because my parents got papers in the 80s and got actual jobs careers, the second generation is also not so great. they bred these women who have to do great so they all go to college but they also hate mexican culture so they pass of as spanish or some other race, the men are fuckeddd, they either end up cholos or these psuedo niggers, the rest are mexican patriots who never lived their but still hate the u.s. the few 10 percent are the ones like me who can see all of it love the u.s and can see the mass hypocracy. also mexicans hate themselves, none of us are actually genetically the same, colonialism made us russian german spanish black , we all have different genetics, mexicans hate their fucking poor thus the poor come to the united states, their fucking rascist against their own people. remember multiethnic societys work but multicultural are fucking horrible


the truth is no is dyng in mexico, people their live ok lives. but then someone who lived in the u.s shows up and has a new 2016 ford or toyota and shows it off, the rest get really jelous and thus come here, its all abought being able to buy my mom a house and fat truck, their economic refugees not actual refugees, im mexican but i grew up when their was none and i see the fucking difference, also if you guys go to mexico and dont learn english mexicans are fucking brutal my race does not give a shit, they hate outsiders, their is a manifest destiny that is inserted into the race by the media. the truth is the millenials here in the u.s are unemployed because you have 30 40 year old mexicans working the jobs they need to get a start in life. just go to la. like i said im mexican american and i would never hang out with the trash that comes out of la

>I see nothing wrong with mexicans taking over the USA
Then you're flat out retarded.

They're turning the US into Mexico. They all vote democrat and are putting the same corrupt socialists into power here that have completely ruined central and south america. These idiots have fled their shitty countries, only to come to the US and remake it in the image of their shitty homelands.

I mean, how fucking stupid is the average spaintard that you can't see that?

The eternal gallego striking again.