
$25 billion eh?
Why is he talking about costs when Mexico will be the country to pay for it?

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Also all those supposed problems with striking through mountains and villages are gone in 2 seconds considering we have the cooperation of mexico, it can just weave in and out of convenient territory

Furthermore, why is he talking about planes? We want to know why the WALL will be ineffective, not how ICE are ineffective.

what the fuck do they even mean towns and villages? Isn't there a wall between El Paso and Juarez? Who the fuck lives in a house ON the border??

A wall isn't meant to be an impenetrable barrier. It's meant to deter casuals and slow down the hard core folks.

Yeah this video is totally fucked.
Stop the mexicans from going back? Thats the easy part. You round them up, put them in trucks and drive their asses back to Mexico. We need a wall to keep NEW illegals OUT. Fuck the ones who already got in. Paco needs to get back to mowing my lawn and forget that spanish rose he left back in Oaxaca

I think the like/dislike ratio is a little wrong, no?

while this is jew propaganda he is right but spics not being able to go back
that's how it worked until around the late 70s early 80s
then regan gave everyone amnesty and finally clinton put the nail in the coffin with welfare to anyone
t.a 4th generation spic

So it's ok for Mexico to protect it's southern border and stop central Americans from entering illegally but the US can't do the same???????

also to anyone who thinks mexico will not pay for the wall doesn't know how corrupt those fuckers are
it is truly disgusting and as long as mexican politicians keep their salaries they will pay for it

>Walls won't work!
Greatest Ally would disagree with you.

College Humor.


nice, that's exactly what i mean

He's right though. It's why I am more for the H1B shit Trump plans to fix than the wall. Even more true since less Mexicans have been making the jump in the past few years and A LOT more have been abusing the visas.

why have we nut downboated it into oblivion yet?

This guy is way too self-righteous for a guy who isn't right all the time.

>says over half of immigrants cross the border on the ground
>but a wall won't do anything

The circular flow stuff was just straight up retarded.

Trump already said the wall would cost $10 billion. The media, iirc CNN and WP did reports confirming that figure.

>This guy is way too self-righteous for a guy who isn't right all the time.

What? No they didn't. The cost is around $17 billion,

It won't though. The wall won't be able to successfully cover the real spots they use to get through to here.

Economically it's a waste of money. Rather than building something so expensive, it's far easier to spend far less money on better border security.

>implying the demand will remain the same if such taxes and costs are added
I guess that's what happens if you're a former communist idiot and have no clue how money actually works

"real spots they use to get here".

A large number of wetbacks comes through holes in the fence etc.
A wall will a positive effect on immigration, faggot.

So you want to spend a fuck ton of money to make a wall rather than substantially less to have security covering those areas? You want all this money to essentially go towards another country and not even us? Are you fucking dense?

He just lists a bunch of minor issues that make no difference. Even if everything he said wasn't exaggerated, the wall would still decrease illegal immigration.
"40% come on planes"
So the wall is going to make it harder on the other 60%? What is the point of this?
"What about rivers and mountains and homes!"
Natural barriers. The wall doesn't have to be exactly on the border. The border patrol will have less areas to watch, so they will be much more effective.

It goes on and on.

He literally just lists a bunch of things that don't matter. The wall would make it harder to get into this country and nothing he said actually attacks that point.

Like all anti-wall idiots, he also ignores we already have fences and walls in certain areas that are extremely effective. California basically pushed the vast majority of their border hoppers to other states by building a fucking fence. A fence is effective enough to send illegals on a huge detour all the way to other states like New Mexico. This fucking idiot thinks a wall won't help?

Also, I believe the real idea of the wall is a political metaphor. Not that he won't build a physical wall (effective), but immigration laws, underground sensors, criminal and terrorist identity databases and other technological structures would undoubtedly play a large part in building this actual wall. Its a stronger fucking border people. This wont cut it down to zero, but it will get ya alot closer than the position you are in.


we have to watch out for other sudacas as well
i dont know what kind of statistics you're looking at to detail how the number of ILLEGAL immigrants has shifted over the years

Kind of like how when you put 10,000 cops on the road, all of a sudden DUIs start increasing. ARE MORE PEOPLE DRINKING AND DRIVING NOW?:
NO, fucknut, you're just catching more/less now.

>shitting on Adam

His show is literally the only thing of any value, for however shitty the production value and humor are, to come out of college humor.

It brings up factors in our modern society that are fucked and provides sources if you wanna check his shit.

Show is pretty objective, I don't know why Cred Forums gets triggered when someone says something contrary to their echo chamber.

Just watch any episode of his on the food industry, auto industry, or even sex, and you'll see he takes an apolitical stance just uses sources.

>27-40% came on planes
>implying the rest came through other means

It would increase illegal immigration goyim!

Is this guy delusional? Either way, the war on drugs is costing a lot more than a $10-15B wall.

We fucking spend $25B on NASA and they don't even do anything except funnel money to SpaceX and do (((research))).

Oh wow, you sent a probe to Jupiter or w/e with a camera! Who gives a fuck, start developing a mars shuttle.

>Liking Adam
He's just a discount Streeter

I don't like the host, just the content.

Informing people about faulty laws, practices, and notions in modern society is a great thing.

But yes, Streeter or even Amir would have been better for the host.

This type of episode totally goes against the idea of his show. He should be ruining things his audience likes. Telling them that something they already hate is bad is just pandering.

Also I wouldn't call it objective after the women and video games episode.

Still the best thing on TruTV tho.

Commented before I watched the video, my new comment after watching would be tl;dr Dumb as fuck.

works fine for israel

The summer episode with video games was objective.

Its true that womens interests in video games as a potential market is untapped.

Games from nintendo entired the US marketed as toys for boys when Games in the 80's were for all ages and genderless. It was just fun to play pacman or anything because, well, in general video games are fun.

Just because people are trying to break into an unutilized market isn't pandering, its just business. If you find out half the male population would like to wear bras too, would you say "NO BRAS ARE JUST FOR MEN" or would to tailor and market to be the supply to that demand?

Its all about the money baby, thats the way the free market and capitalist world works.


>Works fine in a country that has all the worlds military contracts, and gets its hand held by all the major western powers

False equivalence fallacy friend.

lol his argument is that we need a deportation force along with the wall.