Isn't it time you paid up whitebois?

Isn't it time you paid up whitebois?

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Former slave owners should really pay former slaves for every hour of work and in some cases pay child support. Just don't involve anyone else in this, because people that were never slaves should not be receiving anything from people that never owned slaves.

African countries should pay reparations for selling their poor guys

Burgers, post yfw it's already been payed by welfare


>because people that were never slaves should not be receiving anything from people that never owned slaves.
So every current black American then

America have already paid it with the welfare over the years. Actually they've paid much more than what was needed.

What the fuck do they think welfare and affirmative action is? We've already been paying reparations for decades.

It was enforced by states so it should be the states that pay for it.

I know this is bait, especially with the nigger like phrase "whitebois," but the inherent assumption is racist. Should the Arabs give reparations to east Africans? what about Ottoman Turks? etc.

Why not starting with slavery in Saudia Arabia? Oh, right, because it might be islamophobe.

wtf black people were slave owners too...

> enforced it

Literally what? Nobody was forcing people to be slave owners, they did it on their own accord.

No, Le'monjello Al-Quebeci it is not time for us to pay.

You want to talk to the Spanish, Dutch and English. They are the ones that purchased slaves from African tribes.

Well, you might want to talk to those african tribes as well.

Okay the US would calculate all the unpaid wages for slaves, then calculate all the welfare, gibsmedat, and muh programs.

1.6 % of the population were slave owners, 100% of the 1.6% were Democrats. Also the slave trade was funded by jews. There you go, democrats and jews owe Black people reperations. Republicans paid theirs with blood, you're welcome niggers.

Keep it up and the ADL is gonna make Mac Tonight a hate symbol too.

You know im starting to see a pattern here

Black people sold their own people off as slaves
Blacks today blame white people

Blacks have a really big history of blaming other people while tearing down their own communities

When will niggers pay for my Jewish ancestors who were slaves and even had their children butchered by black pharaohs and black queens while breaking their backs to complete pyramids that still stand today?

This is just as bad as the holocaust which much to Cred Forumss chagrin did happen and thankfully help create the only nationalist country known as Israel

How many billions of money have been poured into Africa already? Or spent on things like affirmative action and welfare? You've paid in full many times over. Fucking let it go already.

When is America gonna pay reparations for seizing private property

People paid good money for them niggers

Fuck off

>Nobody was forcing people to be slave owners
should they pick the cotton by themselves? dude...


Pay up or shut up whitey

If the UN paid all its unpaid parking tickets it would probably just about fucking cover it.

To be quite honest these seem like agreeable terms, I don't have a problem with.

Honestly, even if we do I doubt the niggers will stop complaining.

Alright, who has to die.


If doobles blacks can suck granny cock

Shouldn't the middle east pay us for the barbary slave trade?

>Nobody was forcing people to be slave owners
I'm pretty sure you know how stupid this line you wrote is, so I'm just gonna leave it here as a reminder of your stupidity.

Now, one cannot own slaves if the state does not allow it. Slave owners did not give themselves the legal right to hunt escaped slaves or decide how much a slave was legally worth. Slavery was authorized by law (whether state or federal) and thus enforced by it. Why you are pretending otherwise is a mystery.

There are no more slave owners. Any reparations to be paid can only be paid by the governments, whether state or federal, that legalized and legally enforced the practice.

bois is used in place of men or boys when said man or boy is considered fuckable by other males.

And the goat fuckers that sold them too. They're the only ones to this day that sell and own black slaves.

>((((((((((((((((((((((((U.N.-appointed experts))))))))))))))))))

Look mommy i posted it again


>"UN-appointed experts"

Im fine with this idea,
as long as the jews pay their share as they ran the slave trade, and the turks pay back europe for all their slavery, and the west coast africans repay the central africans and the norweigans pay back the irish and english and get the point

>if the states allow it that means they're indefinitely liable

Fucking what?

The English fought the Africans the abolish slavery. The African leaders said that slavery was inherently a part of Africa.

White people are the reason slavery doesn't exist, and freedom IS the reperation. Being allow to live in America and become full citizens instead of being sent back to Africa is the reperation for black Americans

We are already paying you with our women.

Really everyone posting here is probably owed reparations from the Roman Empire. March on Rome when?

>Slavery reparations

Dave Chappelle really is a visionary,

>That moment when welfare exceeds what reparations would be if they were paid.
tfw blacks should pay back whites for taking more than their dues

Exactly, niggers should be paying white people reparations for fighting the wars to free their dumb fucking asses from slavery.

>Runs away from responsibility

Like a google running from his child.

Chappelle would be labeled an evil racist Uncle Tom if he did those skits in 2016.
My how fast our society has succumbed to PC culture.


Seeing as my family didn't come to the US until WWII, fuck off leaf.

What do you think welfare is?

>running away from responsibility
I dare you to find a bastard child with more privileges than googles.

Those that first sold them should be the ones to pay for the reparations. See Africa for payback.

I just bought a few boxes of 200 55 grain reparations at Wal Mart. Come and get your reparations, I'll give them to you right between the eyes at 3,000 feet per second. Niggers want what they have coming, and I'm ready to give it to them.

Na, black Americans enslaved them back in Liberia

>Isn't it time you paid up whitebois?

Ok, every congress should make a law of having every slave owner pay reparations to their slaves.

what is welfare?


Maybe if rich Jews cover all the costs.

I could post funny trump face but frankly i don't really care

Lol what about us beans?

Are the ones with strong Euro genes gonna have to pay up or are we going to have for that bit of spaniard in all of hs?

Don't forget deducting the cost of the Civil War, adjusted for inflation, that ended slavery in the U.S.

Add roughly $200 to the yearly income tax one time on every white American and that would be enough to buy a plane ticket for every black person back to Africa.

Figuring 320m Americans with whites at 60% and blacks at 13% of the population. And $1000 per plane ticket.

if this ever were to happen, i would identify as a slave

We should pay, but before we do we must make some deductions first.

We need to charge for all the riots blacks caused
We need compensation for the public services used by blacks including welfare, housing, college, and prison
We need to charge for all the school property destroyed by black youths
We need to charge for all the whites blacks killed
We need to charge for the slaves that caused damages before freedom was granted and when they left
We need to charge a fee and pay the US Army/Navy/Marines for all the resources used and personnel killed Anything else will be added

Who agrees with this?

I'm all for it. Give them a Trillion dollars. They'll spend it all on rims, drugs and whatever bling bling they want, and the money will end right back in the hands of white people in 5 years. Then they'll have nothing yet again.

>$1k for a one-way plane ticket to Africa
Woah, buddy, no need to send them first-class. In fact, let's just send them cargo. Market it as a spiritual experience for them, bringing them closer to their ancestors as they make their journey home.

Here you go

Gotta plan ahead better. Then, on top of this price, negotiate a group rate. Say $475 per nig.

2010 census lists 37,685,848 blacks in the US. Let's just say 37.5 million. Many will die chimping out after the news. $17.8 billion. A fraction of even one year's welfare budget.

I agree. However, they will wind up owing US. And the only way that they will ever be made to repay it will be to make them slaves again. Reparations is actually a demand for whites to become enslaved. Why should we, when we can just kill them all?

but now blacks owe 2 trillion dollars

When are you going to star paying reparations for Hitler, motherfucker? You fucking shittiest of all Eurotrash shitposters. My great grandfather was killed fighting the Nazis. Where are MY reparations? Fucking die.


We would make that money back in less than 5 years



Yeah more welfare to keep them enslaved to the system

and to disenfranchise whites

this is meant to increase racial tensions and divide the country further. this is to provoke whites just short of rahowa

If we're going to follow up on that line of thought, get the blacks to pay for reparations to the jewish peoples.

It should have been a long time ago, there literally dozens of songs of moonman on the internet kek

Bitch who do you think pays for the state?

I'm native American too. How about GoogleGoogles US for how the Freedmen still fight to steal from natives?

We gave them a whole country.

If we made all negros rich would they stop chimpout

wtf im black now

1. I was not alive when slavery was legal.

2. My parents where not alive when slavery was legal

3. My grandparents where not alive when slavery was legal.

4. My great grandparents where not alive when slavery was legal.

5. My ancestors immigrated from Germany where slavery was not legal... why should I pay?


What did they mean by this?

Please god don't tell me that we memed professional privilege checkers into existence.

Slavery was completely legal

same boat
my family came from Germany, Holland, Austia, and Bohemia where slavery was never legal and settled in MN and WI where slavery was never legal

it's called welfare

>Former slave owners should really pay former slaves


I never realized Raiden doesn't have a bottom lip

because white guilty liberals think you should and if you don't think this way you're a racist.

Black Nostradamus skits were just a reflection of his future.

>United Niggers

Mine went to PA. Your German side from Baden by chance?

Are you kidding me?
Because your a fucking white male you bigot.

For something none of us had to do with and something only 2% of people even did. Are the descendants of the Africans who sold them into slavery going to pay up too?

this still makes me kek every fucking time


Just shows the IQ goes down with the blue pill...math/history is not their strong suit.

I'm 100% serious when I say that black people owe us. We have to deal with them, incarcerate them, feed/clothe/house them and their little rats while listening to them screech. Buyer's remorse is an understatement.


>allows googles to remain in nation despite reason for being there ending
>allows googles to settle in the country giving them access to job and resources
>google homelands still backwards and undeveloped
>googles voluntarily remain in the US and are given even more benefits and opprotunities they'd never have if they left and they know this

Repratations? Believe me, we're paying far more than we ever should have by keeping them here as it is.

But just keep fucking pushing us.

Pay a fee whitey
>To a people already eating the tax up like wattamelun
>To a people still mentally challenged like autistic cavemen
>To a people responsible for terrorist cells in the country (gangs)



What the fuck did they mean by this

>gets enslaved by white people


every race of people has been slaves, just because your ancestors were slaves doesn't mean the government or anyone owes you shit. i might go along with them wanting money because of racism that still exists today but not for something that happened over a century ago. plus they weren't stolen from african countries they were sold, it's not white peoples fault that africa devalues it's own peoples lives, everyone is racist towards black people

Yeah the US must pay for what they done to the African countries !

No idea!

All the food stamps and welfare are the reparations, which America will be paying for forever because some damn 19th century farmers couldn't simply hire people to pick their cotton.

if we gave 10k to every dindu it would cost 400 trillion
not happening

I don't remember exactly
the Austrian part is largely theoretical
everyone on that side immigrated from Germany, but there are a large number of people in Austria with my exceedingly rare last name, so I figure I must have some Austrian in me

if you're trying to determine if you're related, you're not
if you were, we'd be on a first name basis

start paying? fuck we've been paying for you googles for more than 150 years. shit, we should go back to the people that sold you to us and get a refund.

something must be done about the dark side of kek

Debatable on relation. In 1820 my ancestor was widowed and left and never spoke to her family again. It would be very distant bruh.

We wiz kangs, but den de white ppl took it ol


Shut the fuck up you aren't gonna kill anyone fatty


Why should we pay for something that we never did? Nobody alive today has lived before the abolition of slavery.

(((UN appointed experts)))

Nobody. Just offer to return them to Africa instead :^)

Niggers were the pharaohs and shiet so wouldnt they owe the jews reparations for centuries of slavery in Egypt? 3000 years adds up to alot of interest shekels

Explain this

i hope they push this shit really hard pre-election

Honestly the work of slaves was pretty shit-just look at the southern states. Descendants of former slaves should get back to work fixing the shit job they did.

>"The white goyim must pay blacks for slavery! Even though most whites never participated in slavery!"
>"BTW goyim, don't notice the 1300 years of black enslavement by the Muslim rulers, nor the fact the Jews were behind all slave operations throughout the Muslim world."

Didn't know the US still didn't abolish slavery like the rest of the civilized world
What are you guys waiting for? Stop opressing those poor crncuge!

Jews were never slaves in Egypt
Moses, Exodus, all that stuff is a load of crock and isn't supported by anything other than the bible

the only Jews/Hebrews/Israelites that were ever in Egypt were well respected mercenaries

How did that work out?

Quick, have your non-country quietly anschluss'd between France, Netherland and Germany.

Wake me up when somebody with influence says something

>muh white guilt
Can we move on to important shit? Like not letting our country become a shit hole?

I forget where and how that came from, I think it was an x thread. Basically, all our top governments are guided by the 'pharisees' of our day - see: large religious institutions.

Guy was inside a main EU building, and managed to sneak that picture of some of the (((consultants & advisors))) that oversee the management of the upper echelons one day...

No, because statistically a black person is more likely to be descended from a black slave owner, than a white man descended from a white slave owner.

I'm not even that racist but this "da white man owe us" mentality is enough to piss anyone off. Fuck you, google, I don't owe you shit

>reparations for slavery

What would this look like exactly?

If we have to then jews should pay for the slavery ships they provided. The Dutch should pay for their part in slavery and so should Britain and so should Africa for their part in capturing slaves.

I'm ok with reparations as long as we make crying racism illegal and declare racism officially over

Irish were slaves first.

Why aren't the nations of Arabia paying for this?


Not even joking, some (very white) niggress at my loval liquor store I grab my beer at managed to bitch about "'her people' not being free until later" because the price of my beer was $17.76.
I was ready to tell her off, but I sure like gettin beer from there because they have the best selection in town and decided against it.
Though I made it mildly known the way I felt by how quickly I left and nearly laughed at the very idea of apologizing to her.
The stupid white grill next to her just accepted it and I wanted to tell her to grow a fucking spine after she said sorry two or three times.
What the fuck is wrong with people?


Fuck off google

so nobody alive pays anything, brilliant.

Hell I hate the assumption that I'm somehow responsible for slavery because I'm white nobody in my family going back to when they first immigrated to the US ever owned slaves. In fact Irish were more likely to be indentured servants (which is just 1 step up from slavery) than ever own slaves themselves.

im ok with blacks paying back all the welfare they have received through the state enslaving productive whites through taxation.

>Africans STILL enslaving each other today
>Black Americans whine about slavery that has already been abolished and ignore ongoing slavery
Really ignites my frontal lobe

here we go.....again.

Give up citizenship, you get one million dollars, and a one way ticket to the African country of your choice. We'll even help you get your immigration papers in order.

>We gave them a whole country.
And they fucked it up.

2015 crime stats just came out the other day.

niggers should be forced to pay us reparations for destroying our cities

>we should go back to the people that sold you to us and get a refund.
now that's something i hadn't heard before...and i like it. i think it's fair.

lol black people are so stupid


Who gives a fuck lol


My taxes pay for welfare and the prison system

>Can we move on to important shit? Like not letting our country become a shit hole?
too late

>What would this look like exactly?
They renounce citizenship, then get one million dollars, and a one way ticket to the African country of their choice.

OMg, ssh, every time someone says this, a liberal dies

We gotta think about mitigation of damages.

What would've niggers been doing if we didn't enslave them?

Why dont you just send them back to africa, where you took em from? So they can be free black kingzs again

We should make it so that you have to be proven to be 100% descendent of slaves. Ifg htey even have 1% of white blood in them, they have to pay reparations as well.

nah. they have their freedom. that's payment enough.


You actually make an excellent point. Even making a person that actually did own slaves pay reparations is punishment ex post facto.

I'm for it.

That's why we should build public housing in white middle and upper class liberal neighborhoods.

Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."

Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."

Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."

Niggers don't deserve a penny. It's that simple.
Cry more subhumans


pic related....very

This x 1,000

They'd waste it on Xcalades and Beats headphones, money would be back in white/Jew hands in a week. Give each one a million, about 1% would actually put it to good use.


oh look, another way to crush us through media outlet.

The day they write a check to a bigger in the name of "reparations" is the day white people revolt. I'm not joking. We would strike and the country would shut down.

The government knows it too.

Come make us bitch, I wouldn't mind adding a UN helmet to my collection

he does but it's entirely clear. You can hardly notice it in most cutscenes.


It's fake.


The U.N. Satanist Kike fucks can go fuck nigger cock. And let's not forget the fucking major and predominant Jewish role in the Trans-Atlantic African slave trade.

but still, the thread was fun...don'tch think?

More americans died to stop slavery, than we had slaves in the US. We had less than 400,000 africans brought to the US