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Cred Forums never goes too far

That spider did WHAT?

>Browse image folder
>Somehow no Pepes

I need him, Cred Forums, I need the new swastika

no wonder why people hate Jews and the (((media))) so much irl

It bit me on my penis bloody litte bugger i showed him whats what.

Australia stealing the show once again

Most Australian-esque headline I've ever seen

Maybe stop trying to fuck spiders?

>Cred Forums hits mainstream news
>Australian man shitposts IRL
It's like poetry.

Rachnera is not real.

> spider bites Aussie benis again


Checked and keked.

Have a hardcore pepe

It has clearly not gone far enough...


>implying this isn't a plot to get people to post Pepe, and in turn banned from the internet for hate speech
Yeah right, like I'd let you have my rarest Pepes even if this wasn't a jewish plot to get me banned and arrested

Unless... you beg for them?

the media does not understand that by doing this more and more shit is going to sprout out of this hat invested website

You got a template to make these? I wanted to do one with India.

here you go friend
semi rare peepee for you

The normies tried to claim Pepe as their own, its been a tough fight, but we may have won this time

They can pry my nazi frogs from my cold dead hard drive.

DutyFree Pepe

are the people behind these articles about Cred Forums and pepe actually redpilled?
think about it. they bring people here, of which some will inevitably be redpilled. we can't lose when more people come here.

>lay off women weight
Didn't the media attack his weight when he released his health records?

Not far enough if you ask me

this just makes them look so fucking stupid..
I fucking love it.

a racist frog?

>>"Spider bites Australian man on penis again"
AGAIN? Some guys never learn!


Some people never learn.

My fucking sides omg


not with that attitude


>when Aussies try to shitpost irl

ADL is not an actual government organization but a private one

>Soldiers of Odin gets labeled hate group

>BLM does not

Explain that.

Even the spiders shitpost in Australia.

Unitrips will it, ave kek.

>tfw you will never have intercourse in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation with based Mary

oh god its real

>Spider bites Australian man on penis again


max kek


>tfw your rare pepe folder is now a hate crime

Have the original.

Quads confirm Aussies are the shittiest of posters


Goddammit, Cred Forums, stop the epidemic of penis biting spiders!

Getting bit on the dick by an Australian spider isn't funny.


>the same spider

That does it, This time these filthy kikes went to far.

we concentrate all of them nao

>when your country has a woman shortage but has a lot of spiders


Lol mfw hidden black cock in image

Yeah, sure.
Arachnobestiality isnt fun.
Just imagine what else totalitarian Emu government force these pity aussies to do.

Fucking kek. He looks so guilty

>tfw i have over a 1000 nazi frogs

"The man was using a portable toilet on a Sydney building site on Tuesday, when he suffered a repeat of the incident five months ago."

I always forget how qt this girl is

how exactly do they think labeling a meme a hate symbol will stop people from using it?



>go through customs
>"Sir, is that a laptop in your bag? Do you have any memes to declare?
>"J-just a few dammit Daniel and oh shit here come dat boi memes heh..."
>"Please follow me, sir, and bring your bags"
>Hard drive ransacked
>one pepe thumbnail in cache
>arrested for hate crimes and sentenced to death for aiding and abetting the Holocaust of 6,000,000 Jews 50 years before you were born

>/x/ tries to do magic and fails every time
>Cred Forums does magic every single day without even trying

>/r9k/ tries to take Pepe back from the normies and failed
>Cred Forums did it in less than a year

We are truly His chosen.

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.


Jews hate him so much that they're trying to make Obama look white.

Sir I would like to purchase this fine Pepe from the lot

I can't stop laughing

>We are still the laughing stock of other boards

Holy Fuck


Australians and their weird fetishes

Pepe has altered me for his own peace of mind, I suppose. He doesn't want me to run at full speed into a computer bank and smash my skull. Or hold my breath till I faint. Or cut my throat on a rusted sheet of metal. There are reflective surfaces down here. I will describe myself as I see myself:

I am a great soft four hundred pound hacker thing thing. Smoothly rounded, with many chins, with dimly visible clefts of fat where my eyes were once visible. Rubbery appendages that were once my arms; knees disappearing beneath humps of soft slippery matter. I leave a moist trail when I move.

I have no sides and I must kek


Are australian spiders simply repelled by your women's cunts or something?

Is it the same man or spider?

Goddamnit Australia.

to think this wouldn't happen if that one faggot didn't shout PEPE during a hilldog rally

still fucking worth it.


Underrated short story user 10/10

>Spider bites Australian man on penis
Fucking straya, keepin up the shitposting bantz even in the news.
Kek bless australia, cunts.

Oh fuck my sides


fucking shitposting bogan spiders

