Blown the fuck out

blown the fuck out

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Who the fuck cares, Obama is giving away the internet in 2 days and nobody can stop him

Can someone explain to me why Obama would want to veto it?

It gives the government, especially President, the ability to act.

Good Goys.

Because Obama is a Muslim and wants to look out for his brothers

>It gives the government, especially President, the ability to act.

Not really. It gives foreign governments the potential ability to sue high officials in federal courts. That is, it permits US citizens to sue the Saudi government, but it also permits the Saudis to sue our government here.

Constant threat of litigation, Obama's argument goes, will hinder the President and others from doing their jobs. He has a very valid point.

He's a Saudi pawn and a Muslim.

There's no legitimate reason to veto this.

>well fuck the little guy because da big bad pwesident doesn't want to go to court for being a shitbag

go home barry

Except opening a portal of litigation

>implying we'd deign to listen to them

Sorry, but we could just cancel all our debt to the Saudis and bomb them to glass.

We have all the bombs, we hold all the debt.

The world are our SLAVES because they gave us shit on the promise of money later.

>Congress let's Americans sue Saudis for 9/11
>About to all make a class-action lawsuit unlike any other
>Whoops! The Internet which was acting as a way for people to connect over this issue is suddenly deleted.

he's a muslim

Yeah, it'd be problematic if the Saudis were held accountable for their actions.

Can you explain to me why anyone *wouldn't* want to veto it? Everything we have is predicated on the petrodollar arrangement that the Saudis maintain by forcing the rest of the world to pay in US dollars when they purchase oil. We shouldn't ever do anything to upset the Saudis unless we're already planning on going all the way and staging a coup on their government so they can be replaced with new puppets.

Obama knew this would happen so why did he allow himself to be made a fool of? Who made him do it?

could this be any more of an obvious shill post

Because it might hurt US-Saudi relations.

Provided the president isn't a cuck, thiis is how that would turn out

>"Mr President! Somalia demands that you pay reparations for decades of systemic racist against our people!"
>Blow it out your ass

In other words, Obama is being a pussy faggot. Of course, that's just an excuse to be against it. The real reason is because he's protecting the fucking saudis.

That's great. I hope you sue the fuck out of those filthy mudslimes.

I know you're a low-intellect troll who doesn't really understand any of this, but in case anyone smarter is looking on:

There are literally thousands of incidents and events that happened all over the world in the past 80 years for which grieved people, given the power, will bring suit.

It's not an isolated incident of "the president being a shitbag," but years of presidents (and other government officials) spanning decades that will suddenly be under constant threat of litigation.

Maybe it'll put an end to freewheeling military intervention, which would certainly be good.

The Saudis are not our ally. They have never been.


now can congress do something about ICANN or is that out of their hands?

Good. Fuck them. They're not my friends.

Those countries have no leverage.

If they want to sue us, we can simply terminate humanitarian aid and all trade, and refuse to pay our debt to them.

Their economy explodes. They starve and die at the hands of their own desperate population.

They can play our game, or they can get fucked.

Right after our (((greatest ally))), they're our best friends in the region in geopolitical terms.

The TPP does the same thing yet obama is its poster child

>hurr durr u don't have one-sided view of topic u got paid to post that


Vetoing is all he can do. If he doesn't sign it in 10 days it becomes law anyway.

How so? What have the Saudis ever done for the US besides funding terror attacks against us?

>Vetoing is all he can do. If he doesn't sign it in 10 days it becomes law anyway

What is a pock veto for 100 alex

*pocket veto

so you is saying...

Isis is going into Saudi Arabia now?

Managing the petrodollar.

No they aren't. They've been sperging out and trying to destroy the US oil industry for the past 2 years but got beat at their own game.

Inhibiting government activity is the single best argument for this bill I've ever heard.

Pocket vetos don't really work anymore, congress is in session too long and often.

>i have no idea what I'm even talking about

A pocket veto only works when congress is not in session during those 10 days the president has to act.

Congress was in session.

You mean flooding the market with crude so American fracking goes out of business?

Wow, what an ally! Thank you, Saudis!

Until a crisis arises and the US feels obligated to act. The US is deeply involved in foreign matters both good and bad.

Inhibiting the bad also inhibits the good, in this case. legacy...

fuck the saudis THEY LITERALLY DID 9/11 you fucking KEK
We need to take all their oil, dump their shithold country full of niggers, and leave them to rot

>Those countries have no leverage

They don't need leverage with a lawyer-in-chief as president. Just look at the Iran deal.

The judicial branch of the government wouldn't let it play out that way. Also, why the fuck are America's courts assuming international jurisdiction essentially undermining the sovereignty of foreign powers? Is this the start of the empire becoming a transparent and legal one?

They don't have the power and influence to sue us. Obama can bomb in any country he wants but the government can't stop itself from being sued by third world countries? Obama is against this because Saudis are part of the imperial system, and the CIA knew about 9/11.



> why would Obama want to veto Hillary's financiers

So is this considered okie doke then?

>The judicial branch of the government wouldn't let it play out that way.

Don't be too sure. The judicial branch does not get involved with political questions (Google political question doctrine if you're interested) and have roundly refused to get involved with foreign policy matters.

remember how he interrupted his what should have been historic state visit to India to go cry at the old king's funeral

>The US is deeply involved in foreign matters both good and bad.
But that's the problem.

he's on his way out either way

That is exactly what I hope it will stop

The blatant dick poking America loves to do with every other country. STAY THE FUCK OUT OF OTHER COUNTRIES AMERICA

That's because ISDS is already a mechanism in almost all US FTAs/BITs, and we've historically blown the world the fuck out with it. Little countries sue the US all the time through it and get rekt regardless. The track record on ISDS in trade is firmly advantaging the few countries that can wield it (US, EU, JPN, Canada when they're not all fucking high).

This law is a fair bit more nebulous in the precedent it sets, and there's little history to look at to see the effects yet. Reasonable to be cautious.

>fuck the saudis THEY LITERALLY DID 9/11 you fucking KEK

They can blow up major buildings in our country repeatedly every September if they want, it still would be in our interest to keep them as allies considering they're maintaining our status as world banker by forcing everyone else to pay for oil with US dollars. Most of the negative economic effects that should be coming to us are getting exported out to every other nation thanks to this arrangement. I don't think you realize how important it is.

>I know you're a low-intellect troll who doesn't really understand any of this
>Maybe it'll put an end to freewheeling military intervention, which would certainly be good.

you ever get tired of all the mental gymnastics

t. obombo
remember TPP would do the same shit

Haha! Obongo BTFO

the last thing a democrat wants is for politicians to be held accountable.

post kennedy propaganda did a number omn you

we don't need oil to have sound money retard, and keeping the shell game going will just make it that much worse at the end

Fuck em I say

Let it all burn.

This basically repeals a 1976 law that gave foreign nations immunity. So prior to '76 you could sue other nations.

Not that I really care, it's just good to see that smug spearchucker put in his place.

faggot! xD

As my grandmammy once said: "if it aint white, it aint right"



No, your status comes from the fact that there's no alternative reserve currency so far. The pound will tank post-Brexit and the Euro is probably kill. Thr jap Yen is weak and their economy isn't doing well

We didn't start the petrodollar arrangement just for fun. Our economy wasn't sustainable on its own the way it was. Everyone was just going to cash out their US dollars for gold and we had nothing to offer them to stop it. You can either continue with the petrodollar or else enjoy your post-apocalyptic bankrupt shithole.

We shouldn't be stuck in the middle east, but we've been there since the 80s, Christ.

Other countries bitch that were there and bitch when we leave, let's just leave.

The end of Cred Forums will mark the end of the shemitah. The shemitah fags were right.

OPEC will switch to the euro and the yuan two seconds after we stop playing nice with the Saudis.


Pull out and let em burn

Not our fucking problem

Saudi Arabia is not the only place with oil m8
Canada alone has more than we currently need

fuck the rest of the world, they hate us so much? Lets see how it works without us babysitting them

Topkek, no one will switch to Euro. it's a zombie currency that won't exist in a decade

The issue has absolutely nothing to do with our need for oil. It's about our currency having value, and the only thing that gives our otherwise worthless paper currency value in the world today is the fact that OPEC forces every other country to pay for their own oil in US dollars. The arrangement allowed us to stop backing our currency in gold and to not have to give gold back to the rest of the world after they started trying to trade in for it with their US dollars because it makes the dollar de facto backed by oil.

>OPEC switches to yuan
>High demand drives Yuan higher
>China forced to burn foreign reserves to keep their currency low, or lose out tremendously as their exports become more expensive
>Falling demand for USD makes US manufacturing more powerful

Riddle me this: Obama has never shut his pie hole re: lack of bipartisanship in congress. Why would he veto this beautiful example of aisle crossing?

oh and you can't switch to the yuan.
It's not a freely traded currency, the Chinese government decides its value

>It's not a freely traded currency

That can change.

so does the USA, we are just trying to dry them up at this point, once SA runs out of oil we both know they will get a nice dose of freedom

the only reason OPEC is allowed to exist while Syria and Libya aren't, are 40 year old agreements that don't apply in the current climate

yes user, you can just make it like that overnight and suffer absolutely no consequences

>The judicial branch of the government wouldn't let it play out that way

No they really would. This is just a copy/paste of tne logic you'd see re: the Alien Tort Claims

If Abu-Jihad-al-Bin-Suicide-Bomber-Ashen-Bashir-Khan gets his case heard by a gay enough bench, there is nothing the government can do to stop him carrying it forward short of killing him, which may be a valid option.

but won't because China will be economic kill
they need a low yuan to be an exporter

The world gets closer to annihilation. I'm very excite

He's a fucking Muslim agent

The fact we were stupid enough to let him take the wheel for 8 years is sad

your a faggot


ending the monroe doctrine was a mistake

We'd be best cutting all ties to Saudi Arabia. It can so easily be done, but no one wants to do it and it makes people too much money.

I wish we did it
a war with saudi arabia that ends with the destruction of Mecca would be the best thing to happen on this planet

I'd rather just cut ties and let them keep their tacky cube

What's shemitah?

>Little countries sue the US all the time through it and get rekt regardless.
How does stop you from doing that in that case too? Call little bitches terrorists and demand them to pay fro nuisance. Problem solved.


>a congressional act is political

Wow no fucking shit Obama great job figuring out that completely obvious thing.

>bomb the cube
>muslims revv up the butthurt
>massive redpilling on how muslims are savages
come on m8, it's a flawless plan
we can seize/nationalize saudi assets in the US for starters, now that would be fucking hysterical.

In all likelihood, three reasons off the top of my head:
1) The US is more culpable in cases that this may create precedent for (drones, etc)
2) National litigation of this sort is more high profile and could accelerate declining optics for the country worldwide
2) Without established courts of law (WTO/World Bank), litigation in these cases may be harder to predict/contest

destroy the box and piss off every single slime in the world?

Listen, we will be fine if they use Euros, yaun, whatever. We have a $17 trillion annual economy not to mention non oil and non opec international trade pegged to the dollar. OPEC oil has not topped more than $1trillion and this year it's $400bln. Yes, it helps the financial cause but it's not a death blow. The lawsuits are a statement by the victims. Saudi would never settle or show up in court or pay a judgement of a kangaroo court.

why not? Then we can kick them all out

also so unlike his endorsement of Clinton, that wasn't political at all. or his veto in the first fucking place. everything he does is calculated as fuck.

MY LEGACY!!!!!!!!

Friday is the end of the Jubilee year. It has origins in Leviticus. The Jubilee is 7 shemitahs. It's when Jews harvest the benefits of controlling the goyim.

One of the Senators that was absent was Kaine, who was the other no-show in the vote? (They were likely eating a chicken sandwhich - spineless coward!)

Reasonable explanation.

>1) The US is more culpable in cases that this may create precedent for (drones, etc)
But this is american courts in the bill
Aren't they? How can foreign agents win case against America in the american court? Especially when it comes to definition of international terrorism?

If there's international legal acceptance that US nationals can sue in a US court, then that implies Saudi nationals can sue the US in a Saudi court. Given how many states don't have independent or transparent judicial systems, you can see the potential issue here.

The US courts would need to give authorisation on a case by case basis. It wouldn't hinder the US in its acts of war, because the court would not hear an appeal on that basis.

Fuck Obama.

Finally Trump did something right!

Even if they had no oil, they are geographically positioned in a strategic shipping/transit area that it would be in our interest to 'persuade' them to not screw with us again, or we leave a garrison as the Brits did in Oman.

The UK parliament still has unlimited legal jurisdiction.

They could technically outlaw smoking on the streets of Paris if they wanted.

>low-intellect troll

we get 8% of our oil from the saudis
all the muslims in this thread trying to make it out to be catastrophic to stop trading with them

It has nothing to do with our need for oil. It's that other nations are forced to pay for *their* oil in US dollars and that's how we get away with not having a gold backing anymore. How many times do you need to be told this? Petrodollar, read about it.

1. What court has authority over such a lawsuit?

2. Who would enforce the courts decision without the threat of war?

3. Once this Pandora's Box is opened, how many goatfucking peasants are going to be able to start suits against our government?

sounds like a flawed system
burn it down and put a better one in place, one that doesn't rely on barbaric sand people

It was actually a brilliant a system given that the alternative was an economic meltdown

>mfw I knew it would be the first override so I watched it on C-SPAN
348-77 in the House
97-1 in the Senate

Who was the one "no" in the Senate?

Harry "Left-Eye" Reid of Nevada. I'd tell you fuckers over there to get rid of him, but he's removing himself. Good fucking riddance, piece of shit.

Tired of playing soft with Saudi Arabia - a nation that consistently abuses gays, women, and religious minorities and economically takes advantage of the US by refusing to pay us for protecting their shitty sharia Islam monarchy. Sad!

No, we get away with not having a gold backed currency because we have the biggest military. Power is derived from the end of a gun, and the kikes understand this. The USD is the world reserve currency because it's what the US Navy is paid in, and the US Navy are the people who make world trade possible.

The Petroldollar is just a pleasantry OPEC did towards us, as a means of cementing US military support for their regimes. However that era is ending because the Saudis were retarded and price dumped oil, screwing over their friends in the US oil industry. The end result of this is that the US will stop importing oil. Already both Republicans and Democrats support a $10/bbl (if not larger) oil tariff to protect US jobs and pay for Amtrak. Over the coming decades you will see a transition to natural gas and ethanol, as well as hybrid (ie diesel-electric) cars. US oil will make huge money off this while the rest of the world goes to hell.

Honestly ISIS explains it better than anyone else I've heard explain this:

They might be sick torture-murdering fascist terrorists, but they know how to break down complicated ideas in clear and easy to follow ways so that even a child can understand, which I'm guessing is a side-effect of their constant practice of international propaganda.

Harry Ried is also the fucking asshole who stalled the Yucca Mtn project.

Let's read his horoscope.

Daily Horoscope: Leo
September 28, 2016

You are holding yourself to exceptionally high standards right now -- but if you are getting frustrated with yourself for not meeting them, then you need to consider changing them. Having more modest goals will ensure that your success rate increases. And besides, don't you think that it's time you gave yourself a break? Today, picture where you want to be just three months from now -- not ten years! An easier plan will get you thinking more positively.

Yeah, seriously fuck him.