Did Duce do anything wrong?

Did Duce do anything wrong?

Joining the war. Honestly he knew Italy wasn't ready for it and did it anyway thinking Hitler already did all the heavy lifting.

This. He could have done great things.

He totally botched the invasion of Greece, forcing Hitler to send help and delaying his invasion of Russia... Because of the delay Hitler had to invade in winter and it failed. Duce / Italians lost the war for the Germans.


>you will never eat pasta with Duce

which pasta and sauce do you think was his favourite hmmm?


A lot of things

I always thought that germany's defeat was his allies fault

North Africa didn't help either. Weren't they and the Romanians also trusted with the flank that got crushed causing the encirclement at Stalingrad? Romanians get a pass because they shouldn't have been relied on in the first place, but Italy was a pathetic excuse of a military that should have, in theory, at least been capable of holding its own.

Yes, pretty much every other military campaign.

blood of slavs

The Eternal Latin strikes again.

Italies fault you mean
They lost to fucking denbtniggers

Of all the fascists to get BTFO'd by based Commies, Mussolini has to be the most satisfying by far.


you lost to WW2 to 5 marine divisions

Hitler was an idiot for invading Poland
Hitler was an idiot for relying on Italy, which was a total mess in the 30's and 40's
Hitler was an idiot in general

Japan also takes the blame

Instead of attacking Russia from the other side you decide to attack Pearl Harbor, the fuck is wrong with you?


Everything when it comes to military matters.
Hitler even said the best case scenario would have been for Italy to just stay out of everything because they would just fuck it up.


He lost.

And in case you think that does not matter

His core belief and Hitlers boils down to might is right.

So he was wrong.


Flew two cloose too the son.

Thanks for correcting the record, fucko

you are the reason germany lost ww2.


He had the right idea, but the wrong people

>Along with his autobiographical writings of 1928, these writings would be combined and published by Da Capo Press as My Rise and Fall. In an interview in January 1945 by Madeleine Mollier, a few months before he was captured and executed by Italian anti-fascist partisans, he stated flatly: "Seven years ago, I was an interesting person. Now, I am little more than a corpse." He continued:

>Yes, madam, I am finished. My star has fallen. I have no fight left in me. I work and I try, yet know that all is but a farce... I await the end of the tragedy and – strangely detached from everything – I do not feel any more an actor. I feel I am the last of spectators.

I've been fascinated with him for a while. I always kind of dismissed him as Hitler's bumbling buddy but he's a truly interesting person. Had a large ego to be sure but his greatest desire was a strong Italy. He made it a rising star and a series of bad steps brought him down to nothing, the tired and defeated puppet ruler of a joke of a state who knew his time was up. A guy who didn't even really like Hitler all that much either.

>Hitler was an idiot for invading Poland
This proves that you don't know rat's shit

Between Poland and Russia there is almost no geographical barrier, it's just a giant concourse, Hitler referred to this as Poland's corridor. At that point the war was imminent, and whoever strikes first has the advantage, there was no way Germany could have survived a defense against Russia because the same reason why Russia was loosing against Germany.

Germany's fall in the 40s was due to a few factors

>Italy in africa
>Italy in Greece
>Italy in general, such a stupid ally

>Pearl Harbor
>Japan's ambitions

>UK entering the war
>The US entering the war
>Literally the whole world, even Mexico send their air force

>Treason within the highest ranks in Nazi Germany
>Communication conflicts whit mayor state, Hitler said one thing and they did the opposite

Italy was not a country yet unified enough for the things it wanted to do. It needed to cut its teeth more with minor conflicts, to train up a true officer corp.

The fascist state was not a joke, Italy was just a hundred years behind or more the likes of her neighbors like France. Even to this day, there are dialect issues among Italians, it wasn't until Gentilean reform did "high" italian get standardized and taught to the entire population.

because his army wasn't ready lol. Hitler tried recruiting Franco. Franco was like "no way man. I ain't ready for that shit. Maybe in like 5 years". And as a result Franco was the only fascist to survive the war.

Musso should have done one of two things, either go the way of Franco and remain neutral, or seek further military cooperation with Germany.
Had the Italian army been under the command of German advisors they may have avoided their early blunders.

I'm not sure what the big rush was for Hitler. Most of Europe was forming totalarian/autocratic governments. Franco was fighting for control of spain, the Duce was trying to unify Italy, the Iron Guard were enforcing a spritual junta in Romania.

Really Mussolini would've been better off taking the same route Franco took but he let his own ambitions and desires of a new Roman Empire get in the way of common sense.

>be smart
>lose because you are surrounded by bakas
sucks to be Duce

I think he's talking about the Repubblica Sociale Italiana there, basically a puppet state controlled by Germany with Mussolini still head of state to stop the advance of the Allies in Italy

>I'm not sure what the big rush was for Hitler

He wanted to beat the Soviets before they could recover from tearing their guts out.
That and the tremendous success of the German military industrial complex demanded a conflict of some kind in order to continue.

Italian colonial ambitions weren't even that exaggerate compared to the German and Japanese ones

Hitler shouldn't have threatened to invade Italy if we didn't join his faggot war then. Karma's a bitch

I agree but Mussolini knew Italy wasn't capable of taking on major powers. He should've spent the time quietly developing the military while Germany and Japan was keeping the world occupied.

>be white
>go to japan to teach English
>still remain a virgin and spend your days on Cred Forums
you lost to life, my friend


most tragicomic part of the story of Italian Empire is that Hitler did all that shit in Russia also to get to the soviet oil, the war in north africa was also to get to the oil of Egypt, and only AFTER the war they discovered that Libya had a shitload of oil
the irony must have been too big to bear for the fascists left at the time

He was a dunce militarily but politically he was a genius, pretty much a Caesar of his time. If he had spent the late 20s and early 30s building a modern Air Force/Aircraft Carrier fleet and had given his troops military tradition and better training he would've swept through Greece and have taken Egypt with only maybe limited German assistance. But he didn't.
"Hurr sure Italy will BE the aircraft carrier!!!!"

He was still working on creating those elusive italian people we have heard so much about but have never seen. Everything about the Italian government was mismanaged though, the Fascist just kept the order to the streets which the liberal government couldn't during the Red Biennium.

Needed a game plan then to settle it out. Taking Ukraine and creating a baltic confederation buffer state with romania to the south should have been the only goals. Instead the German army went and got bogged down in Stalingrad after it was split off. That's military history though, but the larger point I was trying to make here is that he had to settle for more limited victories and give the people time to lick wounds, and adjust to the new world order.

Bad military decisions and was too oppressive/abusive to his own people. Lived in his own fantasy world too much instead of being grounded in reality. He was everything opposite of Hitler. The German people loved Hitler, and he loved them. Mussolini saw them as expendable.

Still, I appreciate the aesthetics and fascist philosophy.

Yes, lots. Less wrong than Hitler though.


Italian expat here, my grandpa was born in 1922, in 1940 when he was 18 Italy went to war. He was the perfect product of fascist indoctrination. He told me even after Italy made the armistice and the germans took every Italian soldier as POW he still believed in fascism. Even after the nazis made him march on his feet all the way from Ukraine to Frankfurt he still believed. even after along the way for a bureaucratic mistake he was sent in the concentration camp of Gdansk and after they saw their mistake and took him out to march again only after 2 weeks and witnessed what happened there he still believed.
The moment when in the POW camp in Frankfurt they told the Italian soldiers they could be freed but only if they joined the RSI army otherwise they would stay there, he realized fascism was willing to betray those soldiers, used them for its purposes, didn't even care if fellow Italians were prisoners under the German "allies", that he stopped believe
In the last years (died this summer), when he began have senility, he began rantling some old fascist words and sentences I never heard him say before
Thinking about him, I believe in time fascism could have reshaped all of Italians

If the Luftwaffe had an actually competent commander Germany would've won the war - despite our incompetence, Hitler meddling with the generals and the nips' retardation.

You don't need carriers unless you want to project force outside of Europe.

Reading a biography on him now. He's been a fucking sociopath since childhood, has absolutely no capacity for long-term planning, and is such a massive attention whore that he will sabotage everything just to have the spotlight on him. He was a faggot.