American "tolerance"

Really made me think..

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice slide thread, kike.

The majority of Muslims agree with the radical Muslim terrorists...The majority of gun owners do not agree with the spree shooters.


But if you dont agree with gun control then you do want spree shooters

T. Braindead liberal

>Because if somebody is willing to kill you but doesn't have a gun he is perfectly fine
Really make you go hmmmm...

guns explode less than muslims.

The majority of Muslims believe in the Koran
The majority of gun owner believe in the weapons that spree shooters use.

Are you saying ban assault Korans?

>the vast majority of Muslims are
How convenient that he stopped writing just before he lied. The majority of Muslims worldwide want to live under Sharia law, want criticism of Islam to be criminal, want to kill gays, believe multiple women are required to give testimony in court equal to one man, and think punishments such as stoning to death are appropriate for women who get raped.

The Koran, Sira and Hadith literally tell the believer to rape and pillage the non-believer, utilizing lies to hide your true intentions.

So, yeah we should ban all muslims.

I don't have a constitutional right to Muslims.




Guns stop mass shootings, Muslims start them. Big Difference.


but that actually did happen

>democrats are depicted as upper-class blacks
lmaoing @ this pic

Are they muslim, or are they American?

why would he laugh at poor ted?
thats just cruel



>Look at all these peaceful Turks?
>uhh, where did Byzantine go?

This comic doesn't even make sense by their own logic:

Liberals legislate on gun owners based upon the violent minority, yet they shouldn't legislate upon muslims for their radical minority?

>assault weapons

The autist at sandy cook was a muslim?

nice sources m8

>America, a country founded on the principles of religious tolerance
>being a Muslim and American are mutually exclusive

Stupid racists. Muslim Americans are just as American as every other American. They have rights guaranteed by God.



I didn't know that the second amendment said "the right of the people to be invaded by third world scum shall not be infringed."

>implying anyone owes muslims entry

I've literally never seen a conservative shout at a democrat. My fellow gun supporters and I are usually polite and try to mention reasonable stuff like statistics and how all rifles make up almost no crime 2.5%, of which military style rifles are less than half, literally less than 1% of all gun crime. So banning them would be ineffective. We literally never talk about NRA but in person I have never been able to finish a sentance on the topic face to face with liberals because they cut in yelling stupid shit like, "BUT IF IT SAVES A SINGLE LIFE IT's worth it! WHY DO YOU HATE LIFE SO MUCH!?"

I being up how better road designs and better driving enforcement could easily save a lot more lives and they don't give a ahit at all.

No dumbshit. Minnesota mall was a muslim. Orlando was a muslim. Many more were done by muslims.


Never been to a Trump rally or county fair have you?


So those theater shootings were by muslims? Columbine was muslim extremists?

i wonder if this doodle was before or after the email leak where it showed that all to be true.

its skittles and niggers that abuse the gun freedoms in the first place

Nice shoops Ausie

So what are you going to do once Hillary is president?

the vast majority of gun owners are basketball Americans who are shooting eachother

I just love that argument technique
>"The vast majority of Muslims are..."

It's like, nigger, a gun is an inanimate object. Muslims are not inanimate objects. Muslims kill more people than guns. Ergo, Muslims are more dangerous than guns.

You can't argue in favor of banning one without banning the other.

>1 post by this id

I didn't say all shootings were done by muslims. The attacks they carry out are far worse that the ones carried out by nut-jobs and "right-wing extremists." Muslims need to be physically removed.


You're only tolerant until someone else's dog shits on your lawn. Then god help that dog.

Really makes the old neurons fire in the correct sequence

shit post until next election when i can vote her out?

Body armor doesn't protect much


>America, a country founded on the principles of religious tolerance

Tell that to the Catholics.

What about the orlando shooting? Or the San Diego shooting? Was that the weapon's or persons fault? Can you hold a weapon responsible?

Is your entire argument spamming half baked cartoons?

It'd be hilarious if some zealot Cred Forumsack actually went batshit and assassinated her.

Cite your sources on that, smalltownfag.

Guns don't kill people, Muslims do

You seem upset.

hold on, sending this to the FBI

look at that cool looking progressive guy, wow. reaaaallyyyy cooool, you knoooow.

Said the country comprised of nothing but backwater criminals.

i'm trying to grab this but I just can't get a grip, it appears to be made entirely of straw

Wow, really got my noggin joggin

we should only be tolerant of people that actually want to become americans and assimilate into our culture

they can bring elements from their culture, but the goal should be to share, not to be separate and "multi-cultural"

>believe in the weapons


>global warming
she hasn't done shit for it
>pro choice
non issue already legal
>gay marriage
non issue already legal
non issue
>voting rights
non issue
you already said global warming
>iran nuclear deal
non issue
wants to help her pharma donors out more
>food stamps
dem programz

> An overweight young man was arrested today for attempting bring an airsoft rifle into a Clinton rally.

I mean, I'm not saying it would be a good thing. Would probably end up turning her into a martyr anyways. I'm just curious as to whether there are people here who are crazy enough to do it.

>you seem upset

Nah famalamadingdong. I just find it ridiculous that liberals will always blame the gun instead of the shooter.

Who gives a fuck about tolerance

>What if he wore BODY armor
I mean it's expected someone who fucking hates guns never heard of Mozambique drill.

Some Americans are really this desilusional.

Fuck, Trump fought for minorities in the golf courses of New York why the Clintons were busy keeping the niggas in the vote base but out of the party.

People don't kill people, cleetus does

And what is the value of having a gun that can mow down a small militia in the first place?

Said the country comprised of nothing but blackwater criminals

What the fuck is this shit?

Thats the point. Guns can be used to keep people like Hillary and Obama in their place.

Incase it's needed

>Really made me think...

Guns serve a purpose. What purpose do muslims serve?

"Get out" is technically the correct response, islam has no place in America and has not contributed anything to that country (other than islamic terror attacks)

God bless you

Why is Anthony Cumia arguing with Adam Curry?

The left wants to be tolorant of the Orlando shooter.

On the right, maybe we should let them. It's not like terrorists target conservative white dudes and we have guns to defend ourselves with. It's mostly faggot liberals that will die.

I'm sure you personally sponsor 10,000 kids in africa OP

well done

>mow downs a small militia in the first place

Incase I need to. It's the Bill of Rights, not the Bill of Government Approved Rights. My AR is a semi automatic, just like those used in the shootings you cite as examples of why they should be banned. It seems as though the shooters were in target rich environments packed closely together without any means of fighting back.

How much experience do you have with firearms? You do know that "assault weapons" account for the smallest fraction of gun deaths right?

thats bullshit. Like, not even remotely true. The vast majority of Muslims despise ISIS and islamic terrorists, which makes sense because those terrorists shit all over literally everything islam stands for. Most terrorists haven't read the Koran once in their entire lives.

You mean the Tanzanian Tussle?

Implying ISIS has nothing to do with the religion that they base their entire lives around, whose primary goal is an Islamic State, based entirely upon the islam and the koran.


> You do know that "assault weapons" account for the smallest fraction of gun deaths right?

But, undisputably, the largest fraction of mass shootings.

I imagine the biggest cause of gun death is from pistols/ single shot hunting rifles, since those are the guns that the public has the best access to.

But if you named me one mass shooting committed with a pistol, I could probably name 3 more committed with a semi/full auto.

>The vast majority of Muslim Americans
Oh, you mean the ones that were 99% screened for links to terrorism?

Yeah, I love it when assholes conflate the realities of the global population of muslims with this much smaller population. I'm rarely if never talking about Muslim Americans. I'm talking about all the Muslims in the rest of the world that are too dangerous to let into the country.

Pointing out that the ones we did let in being 97% "good" doesn't provide a counterpoint or even support the policies that would just let all the muslims in the rest of the world flood into the country unchecked.

And it also ignores that even the "good" ones we have here are quite often huge cunts who don't respect our laws. Liberals don't seem to understand that Muslims despise them and are working to undermine everything they value in this country. Muslims are way way way further right on the political spectrum than even the evangelical christian republicans they complain about non-stop.

They only defend Muslims because they were told to, because they're brown, and to get imaginary virtue-signaling brownie points from other Liberals.

I don't get why they use guns desu, nothing more effective than a carefully place pipebomb...

It was about a month before the DNC leaks

This. Quickly post the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi's, so-called "qualifications" to prove us right Kiwibro.

Edit: Never mind I'll do it

>Holds a BA, MA and PhD in Islamic studies

I bet the cunt has never even opened a Quran has he? C'mon quickly educate everyone again.

No, he meant the Djibouti Double Shooty

>Implying ISIS has nothing to do with the religion that they base their entire lives around, whose primary goal is an Islamic State, based entirely upon the islam and the koran.

That is literally exactly what I am implying. They know jack shit about the religion that they do all of this bullshit in the name of. Half the middle east have declared them as being unislamic. Hell, freaking Al Qaeda declared these guys unislamic. Their recruits buy "The Koran For Dummies" in preparation for Jihad. I couldnt make this shit up if I tried.

These guys bear about as much as resemblance to islam as your average fundamentalist christian.

>Gun Deaths
Is getting stabbed, choked, or beaten to death preferable somehow?

Gun laws do not impact the total homicide rate.

easier to buy a gun than a reliable pipe bomb.


>They know jack shit about the religion that they do all of this bullshit in the name of.

The leader of ISIS has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad and yet these idiotic leftists still proclaim to know more about the religion than he does lol.

>edits on Cred Forums

I'll concede that the guys up top have spied upon a Koran more than once in their lives, but the guys doing all the bombings and shootings are typically grunts who have barely any knowledge of Islam.

>Half the middle east have declared them as being unislamic
Wow, how substantive.

Have they done a single thing to oust them from Islam, weed them out from amongst their population, cull their ideology, reform their religion to separate the violent content so that it cannot be misinterpreted to support jihad, or even commit military resources to fight radicalization?

No. They really haven't. In pretty much every western country the Muslim community distances themselves from terrorism verbally, but their actions paint a completely different picture. They pretend it doesn't exist and pretend it has nothing to do with them. But behind closed doors they're otherwise facilitating it, quietly celebrating it, or just allowing it to fester.

>Hell, freaking Al Qaeda declared these guys unislamic.
False. Al Qaeda simply declared them as being "too extreme" to cooperate with.

>Their recruits buy "The Koran For Dummies" in preparation for Jihad.
Most terrorists are typically illiterate. But reading the Quran isn't even vital to worship in Islam given that the madrassas and mosques are structure based on the Quran as an Authoritarian Theocracy. You don't need an understanding of the literature if its meaning is just going to be dictated to you anyways.

The Quran isn't their only text either

Double no idea. And they probably don't impact the homicide rate that much, since its far easier to get a knife, or whatever you prefer to choke/beat a guy to death with. I imagine car related homicides are probably up there as well since almost everyone in the USA has one.

But desu if I was to go about preventing mass shootings, specifically? I'd consider gun regulations to be a good starting point.

(One post by this ID)
Been off for awhile, what are they sliding?

>the largest faction of mass shooting
>gun regulations to be a good starting point

Mass shootings are flied as what? Gun deaths. The majority of which, when factoring out suicide, are gang related shootings with illegally obtained handguns.

Also, what defines a mass shooting? The FBI says when two or more people are shot, not killed but shot. A gang banger winging two dudes in a drive by can count as a mass shooting.

If you make it illegal for someone to obtain a something, what is stopping criminals from obtaining illegally? They already disregard the law. Like the biker gangs in Australia manufacturing crude 9mm SMGs.

During the 90's weapons ban gangs were still getting "choppers," or full auto AK's that were smuggled into the country. Firepower the average joe, or even most police departments didn't have access to. There is a reason Bush sat on it when the ban expired, it didn't work then and it will not work now.

Where does this tolerance shit come from? I don't have to tolerate shit, faggot.

Except guns in and of themselves are merely an object. They don't tell you how to live, they don't tell you what is right or wrong, they don't tell you who are sinners and who deserve to die. They don't tell you to kill anyone.

Islam is an ideology and one that has been shown to have many violent teachings. It also has religious leaders worldwide who call for the death of many people, including Americans.

I'd also love to see the statistics compiled from killings done by muslims worldwide and the amount of killings done by legal gun owners worldwide. Furthermore, I'd love to see the statistics of white gun owners worldwide.

False equivalency at it's best.


Hit the nail on the head here, good post.


Well, those gun owners actually condemn the people taking those actions. Muslims don't condemn any of the shit that is done in their name, they endorse it, and then cry racism when called on it, because they know the west is an easily manipulated pile of liberal shit. Gotta MAGA

>understanding the Koran
>killing in the name of the Koran

The reason you fail is that you see a difference between someone who knows why he's trying to kill you, and someone who doesn't know why he's trying to kill you.

Protip: when someone tries to kill you, and your response is to defend them, you are an idiot.


>But desu if I was to go about preventing mass shootings, specifically? I'd consider gun regulations to be a good starting point.
Disarming the victims is a good way to enable the predator. Almost every "mass shooting" we've had in the past 20 years has been in an area that prohibited open and concealed carry.

Ones that are attempted elsewhere rarely make it above the threshold of being a mass shooting before they are stopped.

Nevermind that I don't think it's reasonable to reduce inalienable rights just to attempt to curtail such a relatively tiny problem in such a large country.

The motives behind gun control have nothing to do with saving lives anyways. The whole point of them is to increase the dependence of the public upon the imagined benevolence of government. The people pushing so hard for these laws are promising you things they cannot deliver because their actual goal is to erode individual sovereignty. Nevermind that more often than not the figureheads of these laws are the biggest hypocrites in politics.

If anyone actually wanted to reduce gun deaths in this country they would do two things.

1. Make mental health counseling available through any social services program. Suicide is still 66% of all gun deaths and removing the tools to commit suicide has never proven as effective as attempting to reduce the motives for suicide.
2. DESTROY THE GANGS that produce 50% of the total homicide rate. You're going to have to crack down on them really really hard using whatever means are available. This invariably will require being extremely critical and hard on the Black Community itself for being so willing to obstruct police investigations. Obviously this would be political suicide. But everyone is dancing around this reality because the locations where this problem have the biggest toll are majority Democrat, so they're never going to bring it up.

tl;dr Gun Control Laws are a scapegoat for significantly larger problems. Politicians are cowards.

ok yeah I'm very much pulling this off the top of my head from random articles and stuff I've read over the past ~2 years or so, but the general picture I got was that most of Islam does its best to distance themselves from radicalism.

Also, most of the Islamic middle east are currently trying to recover from the whole Arab Spring thing. The political situation there is dicks, which is partially what allowed ISIS to form and have so much success. If many of the countries that ISIS occupies had the military or political resources to do something about them, ISIS would be far less of an issue.

>You don't need an understanding of the literature if its meaning is just going to be dictated to you anyways

This is how radicalism happens. Douchebags preaching their own version of their religions holy tenets to a bunch of fucks who are too dumb to try and check for themselves. Whether or not something is 'vital' to being part of a religion is a very subjective question which I dont have an answer for, but not being able to interpret your religion's holy texts for yourself makes you a gullible fuck.

On a sidenote, what other Islamic texts aside from the Koran do you think I should read? Its a subject I've been meaning to do more research into for a while

Fucking stupid yanks, it's called Rwanda Ratty-Tatty.

relly makes me thenk

this is ignorant, leftist wishful thinking that refuses to confirm facts and deals entirely with feelings.

ISIS is a perfectly legitimate expression of Islam. Their founder has a phd in islamic studies from baghdad university (one of the oldest unis in the world, certainly in the ME) and nothing they have done goes against the correct, hierarchical reading of the koran or the hadiths.

They are monsters and they choose to show it. The moderates who "dislike" or "despise" them are simply not following through with the later writings of mohammed and knowingly choose a default state of non-conflict.

But don't pretend like there isn't widespread sympathy for isis and others. 25% of natural born muslims in the UK support it, for instance.

someone have that pew research infograph?

AQ & AQI are no more legitimate forms of islamic states than ISIS is, so their condemnation comes from a theological perspective, and not for their actions.

>the general picture I got was that most of Islam does its best to distance themselves from radicalism.
It's lip service. I don't care about what they say, I care about what they do.

You also have to keep in mind that Islam is not a unified whole and there's a multi-millenium spanning power struggle between these factions, and even amongst those factions it's still broken up into smaller feudal groups.

There is no unity in Islam from which any individual could really speak on behalf of all of Islam. And to make matters worse, those that do have the widest influence amongst Islam (in terms of percentage of adherents), all of those noteworthy individuals preach Jihad openly.

You have Sunni, Shia, and some smaller ones that don't have any influence. Sunni have most of the power and Shia are in the minority in most places. But there's also a power struggle withing Sunni itself.

>Also, most of the Islamic middle east are currently trying to recover from the whole Arab Spring thing.
Here's the hiccup in this.

The Arab Spring was a "democratic movement", but the reality is that it was manipulated by influential nations to intentionally destabilize those countries. And which countries were destabilized? All the secular ones. Or all the ones in opposition to Wahhabi countries like Saudi Arabia. The Muslim Brotherhood wanted these governmental changeovers to go sour because it would help destroy their political and ideological enemies.

>This is how radicalism happens.

I hate to break it to you, but Authoritative Theocracy is how Islam itself works. You vow to follow a specific Imam just as you would vow to follow a Pope or Prophet. Islam cannot function without a figurehead or you are violating the principles of Islam itself. The rift between Sunni and Shia is a result of the disagreement over the succession of authority within the faith.

There's nothing stopping criminals from obtaining illegal weapons right now. At least by restricting semi/full auto sales, you make getting those things harder to do.

And yeah, making them full on illegal probably isnt the answer, and there should definitely be a way of legally getting them still, but I would probably start by having a mandatory "How to use this gun" course run by the feds, so legit buyers shoot themselves less, and to screen out psychos. Maybe make it cost a bit of money, but otherwise totally accessible to the public.

I think the general issue most people have with gun control is in how that gun control is enacted. If there's a way that I can single out the very specific subset of US citizens that are likely to go on shooting sprees and deny them access to firearms and just them, then that's what I would want in place. The closer a gun regulation system can get to that ideal, the better it would be.

You need more data before you can have any sort of conclusion drawn from that. You could say the same thing about ice cream and murder.

How has the general trend of violent crime gone since 1993 (down)? How have the general trends of firearms, tobacco and alcohol gone since 1993?

>someone have that pew research infograph?
It gets worse if you look at the nation-specific percentages in the Pew research itself. They try really hard to sugar coat the content though.

>DNC Scandal
>Hillary killing people
>they want our guns
>king nigger is a mussie
wait, these seem right....

The women and the wealthy can stay.

My main problem with the rapefugees is that they're overwhelmingly young men who should be fighting for their country.

I'm a faggot who could never fight anyone, but I'd still expect my mother and my sister to be saved before I was.

The CDC has the numbers if you go looking. Gun deaths account for 33,000 per year in the U.S., which sounds like a lot until you realise that we're a country of 320 million and about 2.5 million people die annually from all causes.

So gun deaths account for 1.2% of all annual fatalities. Two thirds of all gun deaths are suicides. Guns do make suicide a bit easier, but considering Japan and South Korea both have suicide rates double the U.S. and an absolute ban on civil firearms ownership, we can probably discount the 21,000 gun related suicides, since the determined would find another method.

This winnows or gun death total down to 12,000 or .4% of all annual deaths. The FBI reports that about 8500 are homicides or accidents, with the rest being justified, either civilian self defense or police action.

So, gun related murder and accidents accounts for about .25% of all annual deaths. That's one quarter of one percent.

That's a huge problem and we should get right on that.

>Linear has an r^2 of .54

I wish somebody would take your gun away because you're mentally underwhelming.

>mandatory "how to use this gun"

There is a smilier course that is mandatory to buy a hunting license in the United States. It's called hunter safety, and is funded by the Pittman Robertson act and is one of the few banks of money the federal government hasn't been pissed away and it is self sustaining.

I honestly am not opposed to it mandatory safety classes, firearms safety used to be something they taught in elementary school along side archery. Even if you don't plan on buying a gun you still know how to handle it so an accident doesn't occur.

The biggest problem with keeping firearms out of the hands of criminals is the black market. Most are stolen guns that have the serial number scratched off. The ideal would be to ensure people on the no fly list would be unable to buy a gun within the bounds of the constitution.

I probably need to do more research into the subject than I have done in order to dispute you further.

As for Arab Spring, I recall a massive conspiracy thread post thing by user about how Arab spring was masterminded by the US to destabilize Gaddafi and his whole "United Africa" thing because Gaddafi was pushing for a variant on the petrodollar.

pic related, hopefully

>The vast majority of Muslims despise ISIS and islamic terrorists
Then why do they play victims on social media every time there's a terrorist attack instead of condemning the group behind it?

I bet you also believe the Koran has multiple authors.

>At least by restricting semi/full auto sales, you make getting those things harder to do.
But you don't. First off, "full auto" firearms haven't been used in commission of a crime more than once in the past 20 years. Their use in crime is exceedingly rare.

Second, because you're impeding legal purchases, but you're not doing anything to curtail the existing supply of guns in the country.

Impeding new sales impacts a teeny tiny percentage of the total number of firearms in the country. If no guns were sold next year, you still have 320 million guns in public that could be stolen.

>but I would probably start by having a mandatory "How to use this gun" course run by the feds, so legit buyers shoot themselves less
They already don't shoot themselves, so it would be a huge waste of money given that such course are already available for free or a very low price.

2013 total for deaths resulting from accidental discharge of a firearm: 505
2013 total for deaths from discharge of firearms, undetermined intent: 281

786 deaths in one year in a country of 320 million. And a likely population of gun owners at around 140 million. The statistics also cannot break down how many of those deaths involved illegally owned firearms as opposed to legally owned.

>If there's a way that I can single out the very specific subset of US citizens that are likely to go on shooting sprees
You can't. It's that simple. If you want to try to find a reliable method, good luck. You'll be dabbling in the realm of Pre-Crime research.

amazing how even the cuckiest of leftists recognizes the nu male

>background checks at gun shows
>guns registered to their owners
Lol wut. Even gun owners are okay with these. Responsible gun owners want to prevent shootings as much (or possibly more) than Democrats who advocate gun control.

Also the NRA is a lobbying and fundraising group more than anything else nowadays. Fuck them.

this. just this. isis is 100% true islam

Suicide has a link to firearm ownership, but studies on the topic have failed to find a causation. There may be a parallel relationship between the types of environments that make gun ownership popular, but also makes suicide more prevalent. But they cannot seem to determine if the causal factor is state population density, state economic health, or something else.

>As for Arab Spring, I recall a massive conspiracy thread post thing by user about how Arab spring was masterminded by the US to destabilize Gaddafi and his whole "United Africa" thing because Gaddafi was pushing for a variant on the petrodollar.
That's just part of the overall scheme because on this topic the US is only acting at the behest of countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia.

My current understanding of the US Constitution is that changing it is deliberately very difficult. Also "people on the no fly list" is too vague for a Constitution-type thing, you have to be uber-specific in case some douchebag gets the Presidency and decides to be a jackass.

The easier way would be to instate some kind of Federal "Teaching people how to use a gun" organization and going from there.

I imagine that a good majority of the current black market for guns would disappear if Mexico were to suddenly gain more military and economic stability.

Trump wouldnt have to sink billions into building a wall if he just joined up with Mexico Government and hunted down all the cartels, because a lot more mexicans would just want to stay in Mexico. Also maybe helping Mexico build some infrastructure wouldnt hurt.

I guess Trump could still build a wall after that, if he really wants to. What if Trump is just a really big fan of giant walls?

Nah spree shooters usually pick shit guns. High point carbines, ab-10, Glocks with Korean magazines, MP-15 and a 100 drum, shotguns with birdshot. The list goes on.

What is this cancer? If you don't like it you can git out!

>Missing the third panel where she explodes

>16 posts by this ID
Wew lad. Corrected enough record for the day yet?

>believe in the weapons
this isn't /k/, user, we don't worship the gun cube; guns don't have an ideology, they're just meant to explode pieces of lead in the direction they're aimed at

>Also "people on the no fly list" is too vague for a Constitution-type thing
The real counterpoint is that there are 7 "no-fly lists" and only one of the lists involves any due process at all in order for names to added to or removed from it.

Three of the lists are populated by automated search engines.

Two of the lists can have names added at will by governmental employees with little or no oversight as to why.

And Two of the lists are not even public.

There's overlap between them. There's also the issue of not knowing if you're on one, and there not being a consistent procedure for getting yourself removed from one or multiple of those lists.

>The easier way would be to instate some kind of Federal "Teaching people how to use a gun" organization and going from there.

Only if it's free. Only if it doesn't obstruct your ability to buy a gun. And only if you can attend it anonymously.

There are already several private institutions that offer such courses anyways. And it's really not that difficult to just read the handbook that comes with the firearm.

>I imagine that a good majority of the current black market for guns would disappear if Mexico were to suddenly gain more military and economic stability.
Sure, but it's not going to happen in our lifetime.

>Trump wouldnt have to sink billions into building a wall
They're paying for it one way or another. It's also way more affordable than perpetual handouts for illegal immigrants.
>if he just joined up with Mexico Government
It's naive to assume that the Mexican Government actually wants to solve these issues for all of Mexico. The reality is that they don't. The Federal funding available within Mexico does not get distributed evenly within the country. Senora and Chihuahua have been destitute and ignored for over 50 years and will continue to be destitute. Most of the tax revenue collected by Mexico's Federal Government never leaves their capital.

No user the US is acting in its own self interests relating to that, we have the petrodollar and must defend it's existence if we are to continue to exist at this point since we have 0 hard backing for our currency value, it's all valued by oil.
Price per barrel drops, so does the international buying power of the USD

Why leftist cartoonist draw like shit

>No user the US is acting in its own self interests relating to that
That partly explains Libya, but doesn't explain Egypt.

Saudi Arabia undoubtedly offered a reduced rate on oil exports from their country or secured exports from Libya in exchange for the military actions there. Qaddafi was hard to negotiate with and wasn't cooperative with OPEC, so it does fit the stereotype of an assassination for profit.

Well the point is that its a mandatory thing for semi/full auto weapons, but making it voluntary for pistols/single shot rifles makes sense since there's already a large private market for that.

Attending 'anonymously' is hard to do, but in terms of record keeping, you could make the records private and legally protected.

Also, its not like the system in place keeps legitimate weapon owners anonymous at all. They have to keep records of your registered weapon/ license thing somewhere, so realistically nothing would change for the worse.

As for it being free... ...nothing is truly free, doubly so for federal programs. Best bet is to raise taxes somewhere, rather than imposing a flat fee. Probably somewhere in the vicinity of firearms related taxes, I don't know enough about the US tax system to suggest a suitable place.

Hey yeah wait a minute, why are we against muslims muzzing? Florida is a swing state and the Orlando shooter killed 50 gay latinos. That's 50 less Democrat voters in Florida. Didn't he technically help us?

>Also, its not like the system in place keeps legitimate weapon owners anonymous at all. They have to keep records of your registered weapon/ license thing somewhere, so realistically nothing would change for the worse.
It's as close as it can get.

ATF 4473s are only held by the dealer you buy a new firearm from. When the background check is run it's run against a database without any human interaction. There are only three responses to the automated check: Approval, Denial, Hold.
Hold involves a physical investigation and has a timeframe in which that can take place. If the investigation takes to long the automated check expires to Approval.

The 4473 forms themselves are only supposed to be surrendered one at a time if the dealer is supplied a warrant. The ATF has one many occasions abused this process.

Firearm Registries only exist in five states. A few others are Partial registries (usually for specific types). You can see which states in the bottom portion of the image in post

This Image is justifiable.

You literally can't trust mudslimes, they have a law called "taqiyya", literally allowing them to lie about their true beliefs to "infidels".

So all of those Muslims who claim to hate ISIS and Extremism, could literally be lying to our faces.

>semi/full auto weapons

The most popular sporting arm in the US is the AR15. A semi automatic weapon. Full auto weapons are restricted by the NFA.

>raise taxes somewhere to pay for it

How the Pittman Roberson act works is that it puts a 10% tax on everything related to hunting. Firearms, bows, arrows, ammo, camo, sents, everything. That goes directly into a trust that is managed by the Department of the Interior. That money can only go to land acquisition, management, hunter education, and the preservation of wildlife. Again, it is one of the few funds the federal government hasn't pissed away.


Good job.

>Muslim Americans = Muslim immigrants


a good majority of """moderate""" muslims eant sharia law

>The vast majority of muslim-americans are...

...entirely incompatible with western ideals?

b bb b but

b b bbbb but


Most christians don't read the bible but when you bash a faggot suddenly there is no standard for being christian.

The difference is that being a Gun Owner doesn't mean you subscribe to a book that tells you to fight to make everyone else a Gun Owner. And Gun Owners don't think - hmm, if I shoot people then people will come for our Guns, and when they do, that will enrage more Gun Owners who will start shooting people.

That's number of firearms not owners
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