Are jews really trying to genocide us?

If jews are hellbent on genociding whites, why are they breeding their own race out of existence?

At this rate jews wont even exist by 2125.

Are they hellbent to destroy everything? Themselves along with us? Are they vindictive and want to end us because they themselves wont exist soon?

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They serve and drink the cool aid.

No one has ever accused kikes of an overabundance of sanity.

It's the only solace I get from all this. Jews will eventually breed themselves into extinction.....

Problem is they want to take us with them.

They do it, some don't do it. Some just wish they did it. Nobody tries to do it, though.


58% man. That's suicide. They wont exist in 4 generations.....

Because they are getting Jewed by the same globalist agenda, in fact they are actively leading the charge against ethnic homogeneity. However they do have a homeland, and they will insure it is protected for Jews. Whites have nowhere to go now.

Jewish liberal/socialist/commie/cunts are the majority and working for a globailist cause.

Zionists just want to see us all get fucked out of existence and protect themselves.

All Jews win in the end.

Jews were so hell bent on cucking whites that they accidentally cucked themselves a couple generations ago. Now only the elite globalist jews know what's going on. Still can't trust the normal ones though, they are a slippery people.

Whites make up 8% of the world population. 1.8% are women of child bearing age or younger.

White have NO homeland, race mixing is at an all time high, and being forced down the throats of everyone from childhood.

Think about that for a sec.

Hahahaha! That pic.

But even the elites are susceptible. There was a rothschild heir that abandoned her white husband for a nigger, who later abandoned her and joined a group which hates jews.

So they fucked themselves over royally.

Yes, but compared with jews, there's nearly 1 billion of us, and only 20 million of them.

Regardless of immigration, we will outlive them given the trends.

Only If you have a Jewish mother that bought you up can you be considered Jewish.
They don't consider the offspring of goyim mother/jewish father to be a true family.

>If jews are hellbent on genociding whites, why are they breeding their own race out of existence?

Because the rich people living behind walls or if theyre lucky off-world on the mothership or (((reptilian homeworld))) wont be touched personally by any of the consequences, they have created the regime that will provide them with sustenance as long as they are physically existing.

Stormfaggots keep telling you it's the juden when it's the globalist agenda

And who runs that agenda?

The mistake that is made is not identifying the Jewish character of these issues, it is to think that every Jew is a part of it.

Yes, but their jewwy behavior is genetic. That's being diluted. You already see it happening in people like Rubin, Shapiro etc.

Half white jews are less scumbaggy than full on ashkenazi.

And who are the Globalists? If you don't know that (((they))) are 95% Jew you need some education friend.

>why are they breeding their own race out of existence?
They aren't, that's just Jewish propaganda to counter the fact that whites are now aware of their own decline.

>(((Alon Ziv))) promoting interracial couples
>(((Alon Ziv))) defending Jews refusing to breed outside their race

>Miscegenation illegal in Israel
>Jews push immigration to white nations
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation

Yes but they have a homeland that seriously restricts non-jews form living there. Plus the Globalists at the top created Israel and will insure its existence.

Yea jews are totally genociding blacks

But those jews are inferior in virtually every way.

The clever ones (ashkenazi) all live in the USA, and they race mix far more than whites do.

if you think there is a single person or group of persons behind globalism rather than as the inevitable result of global markets you're either willfully ignorant or the owner of an extra chromosome

I thought Arabs win...

Whites have homelands, just in need of a little cleaning.

This desu, senpai. It's not like every last fucking jew has soros and rothschild on speed dial, same as not every catholic knows the pope. There's plenty of bankers/merchants/doctors etc, but the real power is in a select few globalist elites' families, and sometimes the cadet branches of those families. They're definitely a slippery bunch, but as long as you're not stupid, imo they're usually ok people.

Even know a few I talk to, good friends with a half-jew whose last name is diamond and whose parents own a jewelry store. Chill guy who browses Cred Forums and talks maymays.

Or maybe there was no conspiracy ever and you are just seeing a shift in ideas?

The pattern is disproportionately jewish.

You're the one that's willfully ignorant of the massive variable staring you right in the face.


He's a shill.

good links... that fucking sarkozy... jesus.

>if you think there is a single person or group of persons behind globalism

I never said that.

Nietzsche, abyss, etc etc

Jewish thing pass through women. Some sexts accept jewish through father too though.

This is a law that exist with the purpose to keep the jewish people alive in the worse of the situation. Generally in a genocidal war only the males are murdered and the women are left alive.

While most ethnic could be cucked out of existence, if we do it with jews their numbers only grow.

Also, since jewish people are inbreed as fuck and have tons of genetic problem, breeding outside their race is a good thing.

It could be just pragmatism

I'm being serious, let us say there is this whole zionist conspiracy, wouldn't the whole world be against it as it fucks with the status quo? The whole world runs on this status quo, there will always be a poor class to be exploited by the rich

No, because the jews control them through usury and the average people by media.

There also the pedo rings(see Epstein) that can blackmail politicians and other powerfull non-jewish people into serving their zionist agenda

Jews are very inbred. They use good goyim genetics to fix their gross problems.

Yes, but regardless the gene cluster that carries their behavioral insanity is diluted over time. Which means that they will gradually become more like the race they consistently mate with (whites mostly).

You don't have a clue do you?

They're trying to protect a jewish power structure at the top, particularly the central banks. Hitler was the one who came closest to defeating them and so they want to annihilate the white race so nothing can challenge them again, pretty simple

When did this start? The Torah traces people through their fathers. The matriarchal thing must be newer.

But how does mating with primarily whites and diluting their own gene cluster into virtual non existence achieve that?

They are gradually becoming white.

Youre jewish by actions not by blood you dumb goy

The talmud itself says you can convert its no big deal

A lot of ashkenazis already look like whites, except by their giant noses.

I had a kike neighboor that was blonde and had blue eyes. He could pass as a native in any nordic country If he made a nose surgery.

Anyway, jews are much more than looks. There are euro looking jews, black jews and even chink jews

user doing Gods work

Why doesn't India just fucking nuke Pakistan? Or conquer China for that matter? They've got opposed interests, so why aren't they immediately and clearly at war?

Other interest groups have other power bases and significantly different goals. Look at the Chinese and the nips, they have a lot of respect for the Jews, and there's VERY few Jews hanging around in the far east. This is because you can't just fucking annihilate a group that has similar powers to you without facing the risk of losing the war. As long as similar spheres of influence keep to their respective areas of said influence, and nobody fucks with each other's shit too much, there's no need for such open, unprofitable conflict.

Everyone is either in bed with the Jews, underneath the Jews, or in a similar position of power to the Jews. There's a set of different hierarchies, m8. I'm willing to bet there's some fucking Chinese/Nipponese board like ours that knows all about whatever group controls eastern media.

Ok, but again, their genes are being diluted.

If they mate with other race consistently they will inevitably lose their jewish traits. That includes their hive mind micro state instincts and tribal behaviors.

It traces knowledge, it doesn't trace jewishness

I think back in the day it was either parent was enough so long as you felt you were jewish and practiced it

>That includes their hive mind micro state instincts and tribal behaviors.

There is literally no proof of this.

Oral tradition.
"Oral Torah" they call.
Like the christians have oral traditions that isnt written in Bible.

Tribal behaviour is cultural through religion. Whatever genetic component is not that significant compared to the cultural component.


>Saving a poo pic in your computer.

Jews have Israel
Muslims are everywhere else, including manning the nukes everywhere
Muslims would either glass Israel or plunge the world into nuclear winter nuking each other

they prefer a country where there are no real heritages, because of their own broken one. Every time people become more traditional, the risk to be stripped of functions/wealth and thrown out increases. If everything is fuzzy, this can't happen.

Jews have Israel faggot. Intermarriage outside of Israel doesn't matter. Israel is actually getting more Jewish.


Just got it off google images mate, I typed in 'toilet skid marks'

Jews are natural parasites.

Without a good host to feed on, naturally they cant survive.

Are the niggers and sandniggers going to do hard labour and invent shit when whitey is gone ? no.

Not all muslims.

Egyptian and saudi muslims are their cucks now

How about their consistent behavior over millenia?

We know that behavior such as patterns of laziness, aggressive behavior, and sometimes even superstitions can be passed down genetically over time.

Our survival instincts are passed down through genetics, one could stand to reason that the peculiar evolution of jewish people over the last 10k-20k years lead them to inherit parasitic traits to survive better in their respective environments.

Now that jews are no longer persecuted, they are again becoming "normalized". They are breeding into other races, and over time their own jewish traits of survivor instinct are eliminated.

This initially created a very dangerous enemy, as ashkenazi (european related jews) gained the enhanced intelligence of whites, but with their retained parasitic identity and genetic code. Now they are slowly diluting themselves to essentially becoming white. Eventually (by my calculations) in 2125 there will be no pure jews left. By 2200 jewish proportion in overall genetic representation in whites will be less than 5%. By 2300 jewish genetics wont exist, or if they do in very tiny proportions.

This leads to the conclusion that genociding jews is a horrible idea, as the most efficient way to eliminate them is to allow them to integrate into our societies and be outbred by our vastly superior size populations.

Jews see white people like we see niggers, violent subhumans. Some exploit us, others actually try to help like whites do at Africa. And they fuck up with ideas like communism and feminism because they expected a bit more understanding, just like whites expect niggers to act rationally. It's actually pretty tragic.

>Jews will eventually breed themselves into extinction.....
Well son they have, that's the point.
They have gassed them self lit centuries if not more ago, because they count their lineage from the mother, which is futile.....

They moved to europe and they all got replaced with well mainly eastern european genes but also from other places they came from.

There is no descendant of David there, you find that with the shits living in the area they are fucking with.

>Everything Upside down
>Counting linage by the mother...
>Bloting children .... think it pleases God and gives them power even eating in passover bread.
They curse them selves, cursed people

I love based russians for some reason.

Might be because of the whole communism thing, idk.

I truly believe so, but I think it got out of their hands, and now they've become a target of their weapon.

But this is simply not accurate.

Whites have higher outlier IQ's than any other race, even ashkenazi.

While ashkenazi have higher average IQ's than whites by only 2-3 points, depending on the study. Their avg stands at around 107, whereas whites are at about 105.

So to view us whites as "niggers" is simply erroneous. After all whites have invented nearly everything. Compared to other races whites are godlike, mainly because our geniuses are a full standard deviation away from the next nearest race (east asians) and nearly 2 from ashkenazi genius IQ.

Whites also have the highest proportion of geniuses (1/500) as opposed to 1/1500 for east asians, and 1/10,000 roughly for ashkenazi.

If you understand statistics you rapidly see why we're the apex race. Not because our average is the highest, but because we have the most geniuses, and the highest IQ's in our geniuses.

The stormfag narrative has always been mostly retarded in my mind

Only a jew would ask a question like that. Go back to the oven jew. Daddy hungry for some bull goki

>Now that jews are no longer persecuted, they are again becoming "normalized".

Have you not been paying attention. They constantly cry victim and have been gone so far as to claim the descendants of Holocaust survivors have genetic trauma.

Yes, but they're breeding away their jewish genetics.

Whether they race mix with east asians like Zuckerberg, or like most elite jews racemixing with elite whites. The net result is the same: the jewish parasite gene is diluted.

I'm not saying jews are no longer parasites, they're still mostly 50-70% jewish, but that number is rapidly falling due to them buying into their own race mixing bs.

It's kind of like the fable with the frog and the scorpion

it's in their nature to destroy, even if they destroy themselves in the process

Oh, you mean this couple?

Plus Jew women always produce more Jews. It might have some nigger or chink in it, but it is still a Jew.

Are you retarded?

Do you not into basic genetics?

If they mix with a non jew their genes passed (depending if they are dominant or not) get diluted. And even if they're not dominant, they will still get diluted.

A 5% jew is starkly different from a 50% jew.

One of my best friends is a jew, but he's fully redpilled. Also his job is dealing firearms to bad goys in exchange for sheckels. I wish there were more jews like this and less writing articles for huffpo about how having white children is racist.

If the ashkenazi jews hated (((muh holla cost))) then why do they have ash and nazi in their name?

Jews - 0
Daddy Adolf - 1488

>They aren't, that's just Jewish propaganda to counter the fact that whites are now aware of their own decline.

You are attributing far too much discipline to the average jew. Yes their cultural memes cause them to try to utterly destroy the cohesion of all out groups across the entire world, but they are far more competent at that than keeping cohesion in their in group.

Vast amounts of jews bought into communism hook line and sinker. Yes, it destroyed a lot of whites, but it also destroyed a lot of jews. The true believer jews, of which there were many, became communists. Not communist jews, but pure communist. Not a single shred of their old culture they wished to preserve.

This is why Hitler essentially saved jews by giving them a new Shoah and victory to rally around, communism could have destroyed them. Just like racemixing.

He meant in a religious sense.

Jews are born from the women. They are telling a half-truth when they say there is no Jewish race.

Genes are not so important as the identity, capital, knowing your heritage and keeping up the tradition. So they can be nigger-nigger-asian-chink but they will consider themselves and will be considered jewish.

As long as the Talmud remains, Jews will never die out. Jews have difficulty enough proving they are from the original tribes of Israel and plenty of converts have come along since that now believe they too are from the original tribes. A few Jews going off the beaten path means absolutely nothing. They are simply replaced with new ones.

For Judaism to die, the Talmud and all derivatives of it would have to be utterly destroyed and all who speak of it killed on sight. As that is fully impossible, there is honestly nothing we can do other than warn people of the dangers of Judaism, like Paul, St. John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, and others have done.