Weapons grade memes

This is some north Korea tier shit.

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Real talk, I thought she was having another Chai Tea moment during that part.

This is so cringe how do people watch this

Not gonna lie, that was pretty good.

I wonder long long Hillary practiced doing that titty shake before the debate? God I wanna suck on her nipples so bad. God bless our future woman president.

wtf I love Hillary now

She did

not sure where to put this but twitter just put a bunch of hillary tweets on my feed even though i don't follow her. they weren't labeled as retweets from people i do follow. i clicked on her and then back to my feed and the tweets were gone.

Not bad tbhf

*look at the creators channel*
*see a Jew*

Not surprised.

Cred Forums is always right.

The look on her face while she shimmy's just screams "Holy fuck I can't believe they're buying this shit, what a bunch of chumps"

the funniest thing is that Jeb, Rubio, Cruz and the rest didn't realize that Donald could be destroyed by just bringing a few facts and laughing off his stupidity.

B-but my 10 year old son Barron can stop that 400 pound guy on his bed from hacking the cyber.

shimmy time.

Always right.

CTR pls kill yourself.

We can all see you here, you do not fit in.

Hillary screws everything up with Hubris.

-Colin "brought to heel" Powell


She's also spending a fuck load of money right now promoting tweets. I saw a tweet from Bernie Sanders yesterday, that was promoted by hillary.

Wouldn't be suprised if twitter is shilling her tweets for free though

>CTR pls kill yourself.

Your hero bragged about not paying taxes, stiffing sub-contractors, fat-shaming beauty contestants, and hoping people would lose their homes so he could make a few bucks.

shimmy time.

You obviously didn't watch the republican debates.

Rubio killed Trump there.

But people don't even care much about debates. Trump is not a politician, he doesn't know how to debate.

>Implying those views are all real.


end yourself

I want to vomit

She was. It was better managed. CNN edited out a portion of Trump's reaction to that moment. He said something inaudible regarding her movement.

They're hiding her in plain sight now, it's effective so far.

>Rubio killed Trump there.

I take it that was not the one where Rubio turned into a robot and said the same little memorized speech three times while simultaneously Christie was mocking him for repeating little memorized speeches?

republican candidates. you have to laugh, or shimmy.

>shimmy time

most autistic thing ever

Literally non issues. Everyone who pays taxes tries to optimize his expenditures. You wouldn't know that because your rich daddy paid your womyn studies course and now you're unemployed.

She was
She was trying to control it the whole time

shh while I shimmy.



fucking lol.

and shimmy.

>Your hero bragged about not paying taxes
I imagine most people on this site are with this, tax is extortion after all.

>fat-shaming beauty contestants
Don't see the big deal here either, ugly people have no business going into contests of beauty. Also fat or weird/ugly guys get made fun of all the time by pretty much everyone and no one seems to mind.

You americans are crazy and all the obvious hillary shillin across the internet, specially on Cred Forums, is making me cringe. Gtfo of our site, you wouldn't even come here if not for the elections.

he was not auditioning to be an intern on the Glenn Beck show.

(shimmies quietly)

>he thinks you should pay more tax than the law states you should

>just smile and let him be
>not "just smile and harambe"

>shimmy time

Is this their weak attempt at their own Shadilay?

Epic post bro, you got me. xD

Wait a minute, is this supposed to be positive? I thought it was subtly drawing attention to the fact that she's fucking retarded and/or has Parkinson's. Did I miss something?


Why are we still arguing about this when 90% of the polls called the win for Trump? He converted independents 8:1

Anyway cute video.

holy shit wtf is that?

lol no.

you should relax and do the hilly shimmy along with me!

Trump already payed Hillary 100K to leave him alone about his taxes. Your candidate is bought and payed for. If she cared about rich people paying taxes maybe slick willie wouldnt have pardoned Mark Rich for IRS fraud after he gave her "donations"

You`re either too stupid to vote or bought and paid for at this point.

This is embarassing.


Same guy. He's a complete faggot.

more like weapons grade cringe amirite?


how can anyone like this autism?

>Your hero bragged about not paying taxes
No he didn't. He challenged Hillary on her e-mail scandal quite directly, actually.

/your/ (((heroine))) claimed that the reason the government didn't have more money was cause Donald Trump alone didn't pay his taxes.

I hope you're a first time voter new to the political scene so you can look back on this day and remember the ridiculous days of your youth.

>weapons grade
>not changing the course of history
wewest of lads


>Donald Trump alone didn't pay his taxes.

and then he said "that makes me smart".

(shimmies and giggles while Trump and his Trumplestiltskins self destruct)


Why does she try so hard to appeal to young voters but fails so terribly every time?

Aw that's so cute, they think they know how to make memes.

>when trump whispers "seizure" in the mic after the "WHEW...ok" and the 10 second shimmy

I've never wanted someone to kill themselves as much until i saw this post

K enjoy shimmying and giggling in jail.

Remember that Hillary only talked when the black man said it was her turn. Pretty sure no one in their right mind is going to vote for a literal cuck.

they were all fact checking him. Moderators brought out power point and projectors to show him how wrong he was and it still didn't matter.

Have you read interviews with Michael J Fox? His parkinsons started as a twitch in his finger that he couldn't control.

Oh man
Oh man oh man
Not again

I learned the game from Spock the Trekkie, you can never check me
Back to back for the Bernouts that didn't get the message
Back to back like my terms gon be after I get finished
Back to back like the last two symbols on my post digits, woah
Very important and very prestine
When I look back its cause I have a time machine
So the future's weighin on my conscience
Run for POTUS, left The Don no options
I wanna see the dankest of the memes
You gonna make me change reality
I'mma make em build a wall for free
You gon shit your pantsuit Hillary
Two-Hundred-Nintety-Six Days, Bitch. where ya'll at?
I done a deal in Meh-hi-co, Isreal and back

Because you would still pay taxes if you were smart enough to use the loopholes the government gave you

How come liberals are literally incapable of not looking like massive autists?

Chris Chan tier cringe.

>Because you would still pay taxes if you were smart enough to use the loopholes the government gave you

anyone with the debating skills of those two blm girls who raped bernie would have spun it differently than "that makes me smart".


Forced memes are best memes

Even Trump's meme songs are better


CTR always make the lamest meme songs. This is lame.

>How come liberals are literally incapable of not looking like massive autists?

can't you relax and let your hair down and have some fun? try it: shimmy once with me!



Not only is the video/song stupid, but you can tell her campaign came up with and funded this. Its just a really weak attempt to appeal to younger voters by trying to make a viral meme. OP can fuck off too.


I thought it was hilarious and he was right.

The difference between us is that you are an enormous faggot who prefers feeling over thoughts.

Seriously, if you get upset over the way someone says things, you should kill yourself

Sorry if you don't like my "tone"

>if you get upset over the way someone says things,

pointing out one of the many blunders of the god emperor is not "getting upset".

(shimmies respectfully towards you)


Her weird bobble head movements have always creeped me out.

That's just it, the only reason that you see it as a "blunder" is because your an emotional little girl

>doesn't realize most of the people in Cred Forums are libertarian sociopaths that don't see anything wrong with Trump behavior

Someone dub the song over her coffee seizure and her collapse at the 9/11 memorial. Intersperse it with her little mini seizures from the debate.


Of course I realize that. I study here every day to collect material for my thesis on the rise and fall of the patriarchy.


> implying you pay more taxes than you have to
> implying fat people should be beauty contestants and not in a gym somewhere getting less fat
> implying recognizing the opportunity afforded by something you can't change is bad

I do love one song by Johnathan Mann though, with a cameo from Peter "I pretend my realdoll is my wife" Coffin:

Class act, making fun of walking corpse. Never gets old. Add some barking to this whoah

>there is at least one person in the world whose job right now consists of watching over an online chinese cartoon board mostly visited by alienated quasi-autists and to promptly retort to every comment that challenges one specific presidential candidate

Just a reminder that the internet has come a long long way.

I am now going to shoulder check every shimming cunt I see into the dust. With my gun side.

>Just a reminder that the internet has come a long long way.

I really don't get the hugbox mentality. That's the very reason I leave my comfy subreddits and tumblr groups to come here and banter with you cretins.


Sure it is.

the voice in the music is putting my Gaydar off the scale. is this even possible?

>Sure it is.

I don't make THAT much money. After I withhold taxes and deduct expenses and set aside political contributions, I actually LOSE money doing this.

But it's a labor of love, so meh.

ok everybody, line up and lets SHIMMY!

I thought this vid was supposed to be making fun of her. I do not see how focusing on her dumbass shucking and jiving on stage is supposed to cast her in a positive light.

>Johnathan mann

You mean the guy who literally made a song about being a beta male?


don't you mean