Black Lives Matter is a Cultural Marxist Shell

Define Cultural Marxism.

HARD MODE: Don't define it as "the things i dislike or is against ideologically"

It the opioid for black masses

Methods to destroy the current power structure, politically, socially, culturally, to leave it helpless and weak and self-hating to make actual Marxism a viable option.

It's a tactical step. Its not an end point, its a structural weakening that will allow an opening of full blown communism.

Come at me BRO.

Guys guys it turns out (((elites))) are using dumb googles to advance their own purposes?!?

Google don't even realize what they're doing because they're all literally too stupid to understand that ideology is even a thing.

They are literally trying to destroy pillars of strength, nuclear family, healthy nationalism..etc.

It's basically Maoist Cultural Revolution stripped of the Maoism.
>One of the stated goals of the Cultural Revolution in the People's Republic of China was to bring an end to the Four Olds.
>The Four Olds or the Four Old Things (simplified Chinese: 四旧; traditional Chinese: 四舊; pinyin: sì jiù) were Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.

A healthy nation thrives on values like pic related

Anytime you see these values being depleted or diminished mocked or effaced, you have a path to weakness and self-destruction.

Marx predicted the masses would revolt after a huge catastrophe and implement communism. WWI happened, but only Russians "revolted" and became communist. Marxist thinkers realized that they couldn't rely on an economic collapse to implement communism, so they decided they needed to manufacture a cultural collapse of society instead.

Cultural Marxism is aimed at destroying all the building blocks of a functional society: healthy families, racially homogenous communities, religious cohesion, objective standards for cultural products, quality education, etc. The reason Cultural Marxists spend all their time shitting on the white working class is because they were originally supposed to be their useful idiots that would revolt and let them take over, but they failed to do their bidding.

I agree.

Ever notice that no matter how ridiculous, how poorly supported with facts, or how pants-on-head retarded extremely left-wing ideas and revisions of history are, they are often given a fair chance in discussion with most gen-x/boomers? Like, they may not buy into them, but they're given space and respect in media and public discourse.

Why is it that there are a select few logical ideas with more than enough substance and provable facts (not necessarily Cultural Marxism, but globalist endgame comes to mind) that are ALWAYS shut down as right-wing populous conspiracies?

I can't even bring up some of these talking points without immediately being hit with "oh, isn't that just something republicans say? that's not real" but these same people find credence in BLM or open borders as if they are actually well thought out movements or ideas...

Marxism in a cultural form, instead of the bourgeoisie and proletariat, it's the oppressor and the oppressed. Essentially the same relationship between the two still exists, but instead of it being the rich giving their wealth to the poor, it's the 'privileged' oppressors giving whatever is deemed as a 'privilege' to the oppressed. All of this is done under the justification that equality is desirable, which is furthermore why we are taught that we are all equal from a young age, as this vilifies inequality as something which is morally wrong, if we were taught we were unequal, we would have no problem accepting inequality and therefore would not see privilege as a bad thing, meaning cultural marxism would have no power over the minds of the people. Cultural Marxism however is not a practical or logical ideology however, and only leads to the destabilization of nations due to inner conflict between the 'privileged' classes, which are usually just the dominant classes, and the 'oppressed' classes, which are usually the less dominant classes. In the West these classes are defined in terms of both race and gender, with religion also being a lesser classification. With both white people and men being the dominant class, the white male has turned into the oppressor and everyone who doesn't meet that classification is the oppressed. The conflict which emerges from cultural marxism does nothing but cause hatred between classes and cause chaos in society, as the dominant class responsible for keeping order in society is weakened. In this case it is the white male. Cultural Marxism must be stopped at all costs if you are to preserve the west as you know it.

Bingo. That's why now more than ever the values of strength and success of western civilization need to be codified and heralded.

Race - loving your European race, not racial supremacy - Demanding respect and love - not disposition and displacement. The European race has a RIGHT TO EXIST - we deserve to thrive.

Nation - fabric of our culture, and our territory

Culture - things that are western should be valued

Family - traditional nuclear family is the most powerful path of individual success

Tradition - traditions codify values of western morality

Heritage - our leaders, our ancestors our accomplishments should be respected and heralded for examples of correct leadership and principles

populist* I meant there

>we are committed to pretending like we are living in mud huts like some fucking pigmy

It would be fine if they were given a fair chance, if it was fair for all sides. Of course it isnt. MSM in their seeking of shock and awe rating grabbers feed on destruction, of any type, and Cultural Marxist are happy to give it to them...if it bleeds it leads, and that includes if Western Civilization is bleeding.

Journlism schools are hotbeds of Marxism, it's really as simple as that. Spend any time on a campus, the School of Journalism doubles as the Communist Party headquarters.

Journalism school of though teaches to dumb down subject and use editorial license to change narratives to simplify and education....

The brilliant Marxists knew to take over those departments right from the outset.

The journalism school makes contacts in other departments with people who are aligned politically, so when it comes time to do a piece of reporting, they call in "experts in their field" who have already been vetted to agree politically with them.

Its a simple contact list. Not that difficult to conceive really. "Agrees, Disagrees,...Left or Right"

A very simple process.

A journalist calls his professor who is connected at the school, asks him who is the best "enter field of study" to talk to ....gets numbers, makes the call....The Journalist now interviews the hand picked expert for his expertise.

Slide it

>white people
>any white people (even double talking libshit tards)
>giving a fuck about niggers

Yeah, let me know when that starts.

That's new now?


>mothers, parents

kek they didnt even bother mentioning fathers