Unpopular Opinions

>The holocaust was real but I don't believe in the six million
>Trump shouldn't lead the country for he's an idiot, but he is better than Hillary
>The Jews are right, and if people are weak enough to be subjugated they deserve to be

OP isn't much of a fag

all of that shit is true though

>Trump shouldn't lead the country for he's an idiot

How does some dirt-poor potato nigger think he has the right to call someone an idiot when that person is roughly 7 million times more successful than the said potato nigger? Are you really just that retarded or is it simple jealousy?

Then why are we fighting the Jews instead of joining them?

>The holocaust was real but I don't believe in the six million

Duh. Everyone knows it wasn't six million. It was, of course, six gorillion.


>Holocaust was real, but they didn't killed the jews, they just took them to the camps
>Wrong, just because you can do something to another person doesn't mean the person deserves it. For example I can kill my family, but did they deserved that?

>I-I-I would totally be as successful as Trump if I had a million dollar loan
>I-I-I wouldn't blow it all in a few years

israel is rightful jewish clay but should probably stop killing Palestinian kids and shiet

How is Trump an idiot

His problem is that he's impulsive because he has tons of self-confidence, which is a good thing, but it has to be kept in check.

Drumpf is a puppet, he will be eliminated from the election in less than 45 days.

I enjoy a lot of modern art (but classics as well).

>comparing national averages to individuals

Yep, sub-70 IQ potato nigger confirmed. Go pass out behind some pub and get pissed on, Seamus.

Either you're attempting to be funny or the bot's algorithm is off by 4 days

Not here

>Trump is an idiot
Hey CTR, it's a little late for subtle subversion but I guess Jeb! is for another run 4 years from now. People don't become what Trump is because they are stupid. Even if he was a real life forrest gump your point is moot. In life and nature, success is the only true measure. Trump is more successful, therefore he has my vote and I'll follow him over a failure like hilldawg

Those with clout and power should have compassion and concede opportunity to others whenever appropriate.
The megalomania among Jews and powerful globalists is inappropriate in the face of a population that wants upward mobility and who is on to their tricks.

On Trump, the US needs and political outsider and preferably an already wealthy person who isn't politically motivated by self interest to run the country. I feel that Trump earnestly wants to be a public servant to give back to the USofA.

This is literally how democracy works. A bunch of unqualified people judging qualified ones.

>being gay is wrong
>Abortion is wrong
>Worshiping Hitler is stupid
>Ted Cruz is a good man
>Whites aren't going to bounce back this time

I support Hillary solely based on the fact that she's a warmonger

Some Hispanics are unironically white

>hurr durr being given millions of dollars by daddy means you are a success

Are you serious? Must be trolling. It is fucking simple to make money if you have lots of money.

>anyone who disagrees is a shill

How's that echo chamber?

If trump loses it will be because you only spoke to other supporters and never tried to convince anyone else.


It's Trump's whole gamble. The dude is incredibly intelligent.

People forget Trump comes not only from construction and business, but from SHOW business.

The dude knows exactly what he's doing.

>Environmentalism is objectively a good thing regardless of what you think of global warming

>this country isn't shit

can't even get fast food here fukkin ass

They have to earn right to rule. Like my Mountain Blade vidya games.