MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way

Imagine yourself on a cruise and the ship you are on is sinking. As lifeboats are put into the water, it is discovered that half of them are not seaworthy due to lax maintenance. One out of two sink as they are put into the water and its occupants swim back to the sinking cruise ship, desperately climbing back on board as everyone still on the cruise ship is panicking. You find yourself sitting on one of the lifeboats that actually works. However, a man wearing the uniform of a crew member points at you and yells at you. He is demanding that you get up out of your seat.

He says, "There aren't enough seats for everyone. Women and children first!"

You look over his shoulder and see a woman waiting for you to get up. You tell him to go fuck himself, and refuse to give up your seat. You assert that your life is just as valuable as hers and since you got to the seat first, the seat is rightfully yours. The man waves some of his fellow crew mates over to you and they forcefully remove you from the lifeboat. As soon as your seat becomes available, the women sits in it without hesitation.

The notion that she has priority to that seat has been ingrained into her since childhood. She feels entitled to that seat and whether or not your life is more valuable never even crosses her mind. The fact that you are a professor at an Ivy League university and one of the most renowned physicists currently living and she is just a house wife is irrelevant. She is a woman.

Where feminism is primarily focused on female supremacy, traditionalism is focused on female superiority. Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat. Traditionalism is the assertion that your life is less valuable than a woman and that it is your duty to consider yourself disposable. It is the pedestalization of women.

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Traditionalism means that men are given privileges and power in society and over women and children with the responsibility to lay down their life for the sake of same. Men are given power with the expectation of being responsible for the well-being of their charges. That you cannot appreciate this just shows you are unfit to be a man.


>he fell for the privilege maymay

Not an argument.

Women are not weaker than men. Physical strength is only one attribute of many attributes. Emotional intelligence is another attribute and being able to use it to manipulate others effectively is a form of strength.

The fact that men have evolved into a state where they have larger muscles than women is actually evidence of women being able to dominate men. They dominate men by manipulating men into turning over the fruits of their labor to women and they accomplish this feat rather easily. Women have no need for muscles when they can just get a man to perform menial tasks for them. Your larger muscles are evidence of your forefathers having been emotionally dominated by a woman who manipulated him into volunteering to be her drone.

Allow me to put this concept into terms to which you can relate.

When you play a summoner in an RPG and you use your summoned creature to kill the enemies you encounter in the game environment while you hang back at a relatively safe distance, do you give credit for those kills to the creature you summoned? Of course not. You consider every creature your summoned creature killed for you your kill and you don't even question that you deserve the experience points. The summoned creature who actually did the killing for you is just a drone.

Getting a man to do something for her is as easy for a woman as it is for you to press the #3 key on your keyboard to summon a creature in an RPG. That isn't weakness. It is a very strong capability.

Traditional women are a very real danger to men.

stupidest shit ever.

if you're going your own way you just fucking do it. you don't create a support group.

This is me going my own way.This is my lane.

whatever more pusseh for me

D&C shill, sage this shit.

MGTOW is for numale cucks who can't handle their women or having a family.

Every white man with reasonable intelligence should be having 4-6 kids to offset the blackening diversity that is taking over right now. The USA will be like africa (white people ousted because of their skin color, genocided) if we do nothing.

The reason women get first place on the life boats is because real men are resourceful enough to make a raft.

>go your own way by doing things how I tell you to


Support group looks to be a poor way of defining it. To the majority (from what little I know about it) of them it is more a community for discussion around the overall perspective.

>gets thrown off life barge to make room for woman
It was my privilege.

>MGTOW is for numale cucks who can't handle their women or having a family.

Correction. MGTOW is for numale cucks who never had any chances of getting a date in the first place.

Women are sociopathic.

Women seem to be emotionally adept at times because all the men around her want to fuck her. It's easy to manipulate people when they're attracted to you.

Women don't have empathy they have sympathy, and even that they mess up. Constantly feeling sympathy for the wrong people, like "refugees".

Women are also more likely to emotionally abuse/neglect their children than men are.

Why are you posting the same thing

The situation will probably work itself out eventually. Most whites will die, the few will manage to flee in diaspora and become the new Jews over time.

>Women are sociopathic.
>Women seem to be emotionally adept
>Women don't have empathy

You figured out the essence of the female

>>Women are sociopathic.
They are, men too. But usually a man that acts like a cunt gets put in his place
>>Women seem to be emotionally adept
Do you know what the word seem means?
>>Women don't have empathy
They have very little empathy.

I date all the time. I own a bar and I'm very rich. Men Going Their Own Way is not celibacy. It is a statement of self-ownership, where a man preserves his own sovereignty above all else

wtf I never thought about it like that wtf I hate women now

FACT: More than half of the anti-MGTOW shilling in such threads is in fact females

Look for cheap adhoms such as "hahaha loser!!! virgin!"

>le neckbeard faec
quality post my leaf friend

>The fact that men have evolved into a state where they have larger muscles than women is actually evidence of women being able to dominate men.

No, not at all. Men are physically stronger than women because women are highly specialized to bear and raise children. Men are specialized as providers to this end. Advanced societies arose around the fact that it became beneficial for dominant men to offer less dominant men the promise of marriage and chilldren, so long as they obeyed society's rules and produced for the common good. It is the ability of men TO provide that made our society even remotely possible, as dominant men saw this as a means of helping them attract and keep the most attractive women by aggregating the resources of lesser men. The exchange for all of this is that each man was in his own right the sovereign of his household, meaning a lesser man who otherwise might not reproduce at all in a state of nature suddenly has a woman and possibly children. You're blinded by the fact that modern society has snaked the privileges normally afforded to lesser men, but kept them saddled with all of the responsibilities.

>le RPG analogy

This isn't a game, dumbfuck. This is evolution, where everything has a place and a purpose. Women occupy an essential part of our survival as a species. That you can't grasp that men have power over women is likely just a projection of your own sociosexual ineptitude. But to be fair, what nominally passes as traditionalism today is exactly what you'd expect for the cucked right: all of the responsibilities, none of the privileges. All the same, since you're probably not swimming in pussy, if you can't see how what I've outlined above is actually to your benefit, then there's no helping you at this juncture.

Doing it wrong, all those milf teachers so desperate for sex, hitting up students for it, time to have a harem of milf teachers along with a harem of house wives you service, they already have their meal tickets.

No one said hate women although everyone probably hates being around your overweight cunt

no u are the overweight cunt



>women going to Cred Forums
>women being offended by men they were never interested in declaring they are no longer available

The lifeboat thing is a myth. In all cases of disasters at sea, (With the notable exception of the Titanic.) it's pretty much every man for himself.
If this ever happened to me, I'd throw the silly bitch in the sea, along with the prick who gave the order, and any kids who got in my way. Fuck em.

>Its an "I'm too much of a beta nu-male to control a woman" thread

Are you some kind of cuck? We don't hold that kind of power anymore, so why should we keep laying down our lives?

And if you do "control" a woman, you go to prison. It's a catch 22.


I'm telling you to fulfill your duties as a man, among which involve demanding what is rightfully yours and caring for it accordingly. If that's too much for you, then by all means pursue as much hedonism as you wish and leave nothing behind, as many failed men before you have done.

I'm not sure what you mean by that statement, but it has a whiff of autism.

Lol no you don't unless you don't know how to control a woman without physical abuse. Try harder. You need to learn to control her mind.

fuck off pussy. that how we evolved and that's what works. muh life is as important so i'm going to run away from battle, let the women fight, muh life. more women is better for reproduction.

Because he lives in a fantasy land where he's desperate to fulfill what his idea of a man is. He's DESPERATE to be seen a man, in his own eyes and everyone else's

>pursue as much hedonism

You are way too wound up in this to not be a completely lacking "man" yourself

You're projecting. I'm invested in this because it's what's necessary for Western Civilization to survive. MGTOW is just the death throes of a dying culture. If that's what you want to represent, that's fine. If you want something different, more is required.


All people are sociopathic in that sense, dumbass. We all do what's best for us.

Nigga, everything we do is based on primal urges or some iteration thereof. Think evolutionary. Her eggs are valuable to her. She has to carry the offspring for 9 months, she invests the energy into raising them for the most part.

She acts unpredictable and stupid because you're acting like a pussy, and she's trying to figure out whether or not you're man enough to maintain your frame. If you handle HER stupid shit and act like a bitch because she's having a fit, how are you going to provide and handle other men and provide if shit gets rough?

>implying I wouldnt give up my seat to secure a life for the next generation.

why dont you stop being a pussy and fight for a better future instead of giving up?

We'll keep on fightin' on Cred Forums.

YOU are, making a difference

We don't live in a virtuous society anymore.
There is no male privilege, this is some made up stupid idiocy for the weaklings. It's literally just a meme.

>so why should we keep laying down our lives?
It RARELY comes to that. Why even worry about it? You probably have bigger odds dying falling down the stairs or some shit than being chivalrous.
That's the extreme though. I agree that you don't need to treat some random cunt any better than a random guy.
Traditionalism doesn't make all that much sense in a feminist society, but most women would still rather you act like a traditional man to some extent. Not that you have to...

>All people are sociopathic in that sense, dumbass. We all do what's best for us.

You couldn't even understand what I said.

Hey nigga, how about you go blow your nigga brains out ok, nigga.


Nice digits. Shame they're wasted by feigning indifference in a thread that's literally about social movements.

I just don't think you're a man

>the only way you can maintain power over women is through financial dependency....there is only one thing they like more than cock...just ask Trump.

I understood exactly what you said

>herf derf womenz are meanies

I swear to god, you guys are retarded. Pic related, just swap "the left" for "MGTOW"

My heart will go on.

>maintain power over women
Is that what they call not getting cucked?

Well nigga we can't all be thankin like you

I doubt it

>Two posts of shitty adhom, one of defending females' shittests

spotted the female lol

>FACT: More than half of the anti-MGTOW shilling in such threads is in fact females

Are you sure about that? If so, you have to go back to elementary school.

WTF I hate men now.

>red pilled

Call it the School of Diogenes and the Allegory of Plato's Cave.

Naming something with an autistic stem acronym, or a 90's flick made by mentally ill trannies is not a good way to brand something.

>Traditionalism is the other feminism. It's the gynocentric, white knight voice on the conservative side of politics and it’s the reason the ship's crew pulled you from the lifeboat.

And yet the traditionalists spend less time talking about women than you do.

If MGTOW was real there wouldn't be any of these threads, no forums, no "personalities", no books.. because there's nothing to sell, and nothing to do.

If you're doing your own thing without women factoring in, that's it. The end of your journey. There's literally nothing else to it.

So where do these constant posts and pleas to follow you come from?

It's like if there was a "voluntary extinction movement" preaching suicide that just sat around and talked about how much life sucked. Just fucking do it you faggot, stop stalling.

>good goy
>don't get married
>don't reproduce

You sir do not understand the evolution of sexes.

You absolutely do not understand the evolution of sexes.

this virgin beta garbage again

>And yet the traditionalists spend less time talking about women than you do.

The irony is that 80% of the women-related posts on this board are traditionalists whining how they can't find a christian virgin wife in that "sea of whores".

A MGTOW thread pops up once in a while because people tend to plug it into a lot of discussions anyway so why not have a thread as well. It's a good place to discuss the philosophy in it, or was at least, before it started getting swarmed by females and males who're so deep into their inferiority complexes that they need to come in a thread on an imageboard and post adhoms to reassure they're """alpha"""

I agree tho, you shouldn't make threads like this OP, keep it to yourself and optionally post a reply or two if you find a related topic, else you come out as someone who seeks validation for his movement

You know this was a pretty based post.

OP you are a fool and I'm tired of your shit.

>The irony is that 80% of the women-related posts on this board are traditionalists whining how they can't find a christian virgin wife in that "sea of whores".

Or /r9k/ crossposters. Or MGTOW people. Pretty much the same group.

>A MGTOW thread pops up once in a while

Literally every single day, multiple times a day.

> It's a good place to discuss the philosophy in it

Pray tell what more there is to the philosophy? It begins and dies in the doing. If you are not doing, if you're simply concern trolling or whining about women, you are everything you claim not to be.

> else you come out as someone who seeks validation for his movement

How the fuck is it or could it conceivably be a movement?

The only thing that explains the forums and support networks and constant fucking whining about women in them - rather than positive talk about what you're doing that's not related to women - is that it all boils down to sour grapes on the part of the "MGTOW". For whatever reason, none of which I care about.