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There it is! The 400lb DNC hacker!

Turn them into soap and lamp oil.

Reminds me of Agar.IO for some reason.

>fat shamed at the mcdonalds ball pit


I bet this was filmed in some flyover shithole.

Don't elect a fatass to represent them.

Here you can see a wild whale in her natural habitat, truly what a majestic creature.

apparently all we need to do is put them in ball pits

first, sterilize them. then put them into fucking camps. make them ride a stationary bike that is connected to the grid so we solve our energy problem and fat problem at the same time. if they don't want to ride on the bike, put them on a treadmill that either has giant spikes behind it or placed at the edge of a cliff.

Hey Cred Forums, who would you rather be in a room full of: Conservative white trash welfare infested landwhales like in OP's video, or liberal hipster DUDE WEED LMAO skinny jeans wearing Starbucks sipping douchebags?

Conservative white trash cuz at least they like jesus

why the fuck not? have you seen Hillary's ass lately? Other planets are getting caught up in her orbit. why else would we be contacted by ayylmaos

Good fucking christ, the degeneracy. How does somebody even reach the point of being so obese that they are virtual cripples? You'd think that at some stage in their metamorphosis, maybe by the time theyre dragging an extra 50lbs of lard around, they would realize its time to stop munching burgers all the damn time. But no, this landwhale had to take things further, eventually becoming unable to maneuver herself through some plastic balls designed for 5 year olds


serious lack of orange balls in that ball pit

Look there's thicc and then there's not living past 40 for the sake of pepperoni pizzas.

I weigh ~220 lbs and even I feel fat sometimes.

I mean, when I stand up straight and I wear clothes, you wouldn't think I'm super big, but I still feel pretty shitty about it.

I eat healthy food most of the time, but I guess my problem is that I eat just little over excess.

But there is no way in hell I'd ever let me get to the point where I'm so fucking fat that I literally become incapable and/or immobile.

Another shining example of health at every size

How could you guys be so hurtful as to fatshame this BEAUTIFUL young woman? Check your thin privilege, you scum!

how are this man's forearms so small?

leave em in the ball pit

Stop skinny shaming and more fatty bashing.

You just know it. All these fucking brown balls in the pit when they are supposed to be red, yellow, blue and green.

Sounds like me, 6 foot 220. Work as a floor manager always moving climbing stairs and helping warehouse employees do labor. Rarely eat fast food but I eat out at local restaurants often. I don't workout well really workout. (I'll go maybe 4-5 times a month).

People not in the USA don't get this because le burgers Americans are fat meme. But the majority of young adults are obsessed with fitness. At least from personal experience. All my friends and seeing people on a weekly basis around my town and nearby ones. I have a feeling some new studies done in the next few years will show this.


You be overweight.

You weigh like 100 kg. That's what we in the real world would consider in the fat(but somewhat in the lower range).

The true meme is that you americans are so used to fatfucks that your standard for what a fat person weighs/looks like is higher.

And though you be in a generation of people who's more careful with their health, it doesn't change the fact that you're stuck with the generations of fatfucks before you.
Hence why USA is the second fattest country in the world(Only after Mexico; Which arguably got to that position mainly due to the shitty influence of americans food culture)

Ban sugar

Fat hate thread?

warm up the gas chambers



We should tax people for being obese or grossly overweight.



Increase sales of body bags.

Body bags of all shapes and sizes.

Name brand body bags.

Generic brand body bags.

High fashion luxury body bags.

could that actually kill a person?

Let's get this shit started.

>The South

Fat shaming my man. Make these pigs understand

Like an ugly balloon, just fill it up until it pops.



This is actually true. The deep south is the fattest part of America. Its also a complete shithole that we could totally do without.

Forcibly put them on 500 Calorie per Day Diet until they get in a managable area and force them to take Nutrion Classes

90% of the fat fucks ive met simply dont know shit about Nutrition because theyve never learned it

Fat tax.


0 calorie per day diet. I'm not even fat, and I work manual labor... and I still every 2-3 weeks go 3-4 days without eating. If I were fat, I'd go weeks, I'm sure.

>The deep south is the fattest part of America.

>Translation - the south has tons of beans and nigs

So why is it that the most liberal states are also the most touristy, got the most attractions, and are just all around the biggest tourist traps (with the hottest women, might I add)? Meanwhile, the most conservative ones, especially in the south, are filled with useless fatasses who wouldn't know fun if it sat on their already fat useless faces? Really tickles them neurons 2bh pham.

What a disgusting, shapeless blob.

>How do we stop the fat problem?