Redpill me on the Holocaust

What's your best arguments for/against the existence of a holocaust during WW2?

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Approximately 1/3 of the Holocaust is attributed to the Reinhardt "death camps" (Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka). The evidence for which was eye-witness testimony from three people all of which contained obvious lies, logical inconsistencies, and discrepancies.

Further, Auschwitz only had 4 crematory ovens. They claim that 3 or 4 bodies were stuffed into each oven, once every 30 minutes, 24 hours a day, for more than a year, in order to match the supposed number of victims. The problem is you can only cremate 1 body in 30 minutes using modern incinerators, the kind of ovens used at Auschwitz would have taken hours, so the total number supposedly killed and incinerated at Auschwitz is mathematically impossible.

I should point out this doesn't mean Jews weren't treated horribly and sent to internment camps.

Nobody denies that. What we question is whether these camps were work camps or death camps.

If, for example, the Allies had lost the war... we had internment camps for the Japanese in USA and Canada... chances are supply lines to those camps would have been severed from Axis bombings, just as camps in Germany and Poland had their supply lines cut.

If the Japanese liberated those camps and found Japanese prisoners dying of starvation and disease, they could have made similar claims of death camps and "holocaust".

Holocaust probably happened. With enough evidence that you should probably state it happened if ever confronted.

The issue over the holocaust is not whether or not it happened. Its whether or not it matters.

If you state it doesn't matter because it didn't happen you lose.

>Holocaust probably happened

And I suppose you believe that Nero really did play his fiddle while Rome burned.

And that certain emperors engaged in incest.

Because the historians never lie about their hated enemies once they are gone and cannot defend themselves. Right.

what about the testimony of the freed jews from the camps?
what about the KZ guards?
they must have had an idea what was going on if those were really death camps.

Hey. Where's my reparations money?

You should use the discord m8

I make it brief and simple

The holocaust happened, no way denieing it
BUT and this is important, it was something completely different

Nazis killed off political opposition together with high-ranking officials of the military and educational sector

If you take out the smart people the idiot's won't have a leader and submit to you

Also jews but this was the minority and it had nothing to do with muhh anti-Semitism

More like "ähh if we're at it we can take them out too"
Convenience and shieeet

Also both my grandparents have been in Auschwitz
One was a guard

well, what you describe isn't a holocaust, though.
and why would they kill jews if not for antisemitism?
It's a fact, that nazigermany wasn't fond of jews.

There is only one eye-witness each for the three Reinhardt camps. The testimony of three liars is the only evidence for 2 million supposed deaths.

One of them is from a supposed Jewish prisoner. Among his claims, the Nazis enjoyed a feast and danced like devils while simultaneously incinerating tens of thousands of putrefying bodies. Could you eat something while anywhere near the smell of thousands of rotting corpses...

He also claimed that he was shot while escaping, but the bullet stopped at his clothing and that he killed the guard with an axe. This was a man who was born in the 1800s and had a very poor grasp of how bullets work.

The testimony from freed Jews at Auschwitz are full of inconsistencies. Why would they tattoo people if they were going to be immediately gassed and cremated, as is claimed.

Most of the actual Nazi soldiers who testified gave evidence that was obviously made up. For example, one of the soldiers claimed they piled the clothing of prisoners to a huge pile 12 stories tall. There was never any piles of clothing that large.

Work makes free

>Be me 10 years ago.
>"People don't believe in the holocaust? What a bunch of dumbasses."
>Do research on why they don't.
>"Well, shit."

The Nazis targeted the Jews because Jews were responsible for Communism and were a large majority of the Communist revolutionaries who tried to pull shit in Germany in the early 1920s.

During the 1930s, before a single Jew was sent to a camp, the Jewish Communist Yagoda killed between 2-10 million Christians in the Ukraine using a man-made famine known as the Holodomor.

Do you think Hitler was not aware of the damage caused by Communism, and the fact that Jews were the ones behind it... even Winston Churchill wrote a letter talking about the Jewish Communists and how dangerous they were.

Read his article titled Zionism vs Bolshevism:

>Most of the actual Nazi soldiers who testified gave evidence that was obviously made up. For example, one of the soldiers claimed they piled the clothing of prisoners to a huge pile 12 stories tall. There was never any piles of clothing that large.
why would they lie?
admitting that they were working in deathcamps would make them seem more guilty than admitting that they worked in workcamps, i assume.

The Holocaust happened and to dispute it is retarded and a very special kind of delusion. However, I think it is reasonable to say the statistics and numbers are grossly inflated and exaggerated for personal gain and to manipulate and persuade public opinion in the favor of elite Jews.

not that id be convinced wone way other the other, but reading germans answer this is awesome more


38 Billion coming your way you kike

Gonna go pray at my local holocaust museum later

Its could be some jew writing under a proxy you child, or even live there while they collect apology checks.

Some people think they were being tortured... its certainly possible. So they inserted lies that maybe would not be questioned during the trial by the prosecutor, but for anyone looking at things objectively makes no sense (like the 12 story tall pile of clothes) for people to find after the fact.

Think about it... if you were being tortured and you knew you would be executed either way, would you not try to insert some stuff into your testimony to show what a farce the trial is...

never forget, the victors write the history books

the Jewish populations of Germany and the future 'lebansraum' territories categorically failed to ascertain just how important it was to ethnic Germans that they leave.

After virtually a decade of dehumanization and marginalization, a "final" solution was resorted to. Centuries if not Millennia worth of generations of Jews called for their ethnic homeland to be restored, their own desired holy home, central to their faith. Germany was instrumental in establishing this place "Israel".

This place, "Israel" was created for them at the expense of literally the entire stability of the middle east., this was not a good enough or even desirable solution for many of them. historically, the jews are fundamentally incapable of forming an ethnic statehood or governance policy. The average jew has no concept of "nationalism" or "statehood", but rather an allegience to their "people" as a wandering ethnic group with no home. They prefer this. They prefer to be a marginalized ethnic group, separate from, BUT equal to, the people of whatever nation they occupy

Hitler did nothing wrong. Also just check the logistics of burning that many bodies in those ovens, it's bs. Not even modern crematoriums are as efficient as that Nazi engineering.

hm, i think i have to visit Auschwitz.
Never been to a KZ

Guilt inernetcarnate.

Read Germar Rudolf's reports

I'm watching "the greatest story never told" right now and even though i considered myself redpilled, I'm learning quite a lot about ww2. that stuff is all hidden in plain sight, even wikipedia confirms most of it.

Not only possible, some people admitted that they were tortured


hello, genoa

I'm not Genoa, I'm kingdom of Jerusalem

Jews might have actually been the civillian population that suffered the LEAST over the entire course of WWII. Ethnic Germans, Chinese, and Russians suffered Categorically more than Jews. Jews simply surrendered, and any logical military would take this as the gift it was. they forfeited .

The fact remains, Jews categorically gave up as a people, had virtually no unity as an ethnic group, and resorted to selling their own neighbors and friends to death. Just by the numbers there were MILLIONS of them in the European geographical area, and they failed on every conceivable measure to resist even as guerilla unit. the microscopic resitance they did pose was humiliating in scale and scope, given the MILLLIONS of them that potentially could fight.

Bottom line, Jews literally CHOSE NOT to fight for their lives. and instead forfeited, and got marched to their mass graves with mild kicking and screaming, given the scale of the global conflict raging the world over.

From China to Romania, all the way to the English channel, people of every single solitary, language, color and ethnic group fought for their lives, on both sides. untold millions dead. Statistically jews were among the lowest total casualties dead. Dead is dead is dead, and the numbers, in that sense, dont lie.

guys I don't like this, I mean, learning the truth is great, and a red pill here and there doesn't hurt, but the more I'm thinking about this the more it makes sense, why would they go through so many extra resources when the end goal was mass execution, why get rid of slave labor if you had a work force of 6 million people during a war period.

Cred Forums is making me deny the holocaust and I don't like it

If my family or girlfriend found out I'll be fucked

>If my family or girlfriend found out I'll be fucked
Yeah, it's not only this but a lot of things I have questions about. I have to censor myself at all times. I'm really starting to hate everything.

>If my family or girlfriend found out I'll be fucked
If the government finds out I'll be fucked.