Why are millennials so left wing?

Why are millennials so left wing?

Ryan Dunn ;_;

Because they got trained that way since they were small, they literally just repeat the shit mom and dad told them and to piss them off they just twist the shit into the crazy trash that they call activism/feminism ....
They are literally retarded, because their parents made them to be just like that ....


Cause people are becoming more accepting and welcoming of sin and satan than in the past

was a fag

>degenerate drunk was killed 'cause speeding like crazy

fuck him

because fuck racists, thats why.

Normals don't have politics as their primary hobby, rather their second thought.

If you don't play violin and some random person tells you false facts about it, you'll believe it as opposed to a violin player who would challenge it.

That is how Stephen Colbert, John Stewart, and so on are so successful in what they do.

wouldnt ever go past 40mph whilst drink driving ryran dunn was supposedly going like 140

People will never get out of this state of eternal bias and we will spiral into a state of hell.

That is how it is.

Because they're young and stupid.

university """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""education""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

More like Ryan Dunn himself in

Everyone I know is racist as fuck stop projecting

>"e-everyone around me is redpilled guys!"
>eastern block country

You don't represent the west.

it's even more frustrating when they use their retarded videos on youtube as sources

>UMMM trump is LITERALLY hitler
>here's a john oliver video fully explaining why


Where does he mention the west dick head

Apolitical people piss me more the. Normies and that's most of the United States population.

Our education system

During history we are taught about WW2 and the holocaust as the worst times in humanity's long history, the notion is constantly pushed that "this could happen again if we're not careful, all it takes is another Hitler to come along"

This is drilled into every pupil effectively installing the idea that "right wing = bad" and with this notion comes all the acceptance bullshit.

Modern day Germany is the best example of this completely brainwashed from birth.

The normalisation of faggotry as a thing.

Because the schools they attend teach it, the media they consume preaches it, and their peers enforce it.

true. the contrarians are fucking annoying too.

Why don't you take of your proxy, leaf?

I like your new spin on steve-o-posting pham

They don't wear tinfoil, tinfoil rooms is the real redpill

Because they are conformists who don't want to be ostracised and demonised by their peers, the media and wider society. If you try arguing with them, you see easily that it is more indoctrination than critical thought as they are very poor at justifying their positions. As Moly would put it, they have become 'rusty' through complacency.

>millennials so left wing
...becoz right-wing is antiquated
and unappealing, ya think?!

>Can spell antiquated
>Can't spell because

School based indoctrination.


cuz I want free shit and tons of hot pockets and wanna play video games and shit

fuck yourself

Even when I meet "right-wing" people on my campus, they still don't seem that good with politics.

>hurr I support Trump
Cool, me too. What do you like about him?
>durr Hillary is a criminal amirite?!
Um...well yeah but what do yo-
>we need our guns so we can defend our house!
Yeah, we also can use them for overthrowing tyr-
>Hillary for Prison 2016! lol haha!

It's better than some idiotic liberal, but they seriously just seem like the same people who watch "Rekt feminist" videos and "SJW destroyed!!!" on Youtube.

Contrarians are the worst. "Why even bother to vote. Your votes don't matter. Nothing changes. You're stupid because you actually give a fuck."

While that actually is true, it's annoying when we finally have at least one canindate who can break the system but these dumb assholes are still repeating the "it doesn't matter" mantra. Except this time they say "It doesn't matter man. They both suck. It's a vote of lesser of two evils. You're brainwashed man."

People who act like that, lack conviction. They're worse than conformists because at least the conformist is usually busy just living their lives. The contrarian is more of a snobby asshole who acts as if they're smarter than everyone when they're actually the dumbest motherfucker in the room who merely react to other people's opinions while pretending to be an objective, critical-thinker.

What do you expect? The media, newspapers and social outlets have all gone far left. This is because, people in the left are generally stupid and easily emotionally manipulated.

Why do you think every single time one black man is shot by police, the media plasters the fuck out of it and all these people trying to progress their political career take to social media to cash in?

BLM and liberals are the literal dumbest people on the planet. They're easy to manipulate and get votes out of.

LBJ said it best: "I'll have these niggers voting Democrat for 200 years" and it worked.

>this time is different :DDDD


well put my man. have a thicc thigh'd qt

As opposed to before where our only sources of information were TV, friends, family, the radio and newspaper, all much more heavily biased than the internet?

Millenials are left wing because they have more access to information. It isnt a coincidence that only poor whites who dont understand how to use modern information technology don't understand simple links between societal factors but instead think that everything can be solved by isolating a weak link and dumping all their hate on it.

Also, look around you. Every movie produced in Hollywood now has to include "diversity" and companies pander to people. Even Apple (no surprise there) panders to people because it brings in more customers.

>Look guys, we hire Hispanic and African american workers! We're so diverse!

The majority of people who go for development or programming jobs are white males but that doesn't stop the uneducated general public from bitching to companies about how all their products they love to use are created by white males.

As a response, companies now pander to dipshits who care about the racial or gender makeup of a company.

These millennials never had a chance. They grew up in a world where everything panders to them and politicians use them for political gain. I grew up watching cheesy MTV shows and listening to 90s music.

No one focused on race and there wasn't an infinite number of genders. People just lived.

Because they grew up with people from other races, not everyone has gotten bullied by a goog.

Why don't you take your purse pinchers off the keyboard, Gypsy scum?

Spoken like someone who hasn't been introduced to culture yet. It has nothing to do with race. There are people from all backgrounds that can blend in with society just fine. Not every African american acts like an uneducated wild animal who's goal in life is to commit as much crime as possible.

However, you can't live life by the exceptions and sadly, black people behaving is a very rare exception. They make up such a low percentage of our population but commit by comparison so much of the crime in "cultured" areas.

If you want to see what culture does to an area, look at Detroit and the BLACK mayor in the 70s who ruined it.

As much as I dislike to admitt it, I had no interest in politics when I was in school. This caused me to believe everything teachers told me about it. I literally thought the right wing is by default evil. And they wanted us to believe, and I know for a fact that almost everyone here believed so in school. Its fucking crazy how much they brainwash germans, I only ever noticed once I was out of there.

Ryan Dunn goofed

Most young people are left wing because they've never actually worked a real job, thus paying for stuff with taxes is an abstract idea for them

studies show older generations cared and continue to care more about politics than the younger

Almost every single site you visit uses metrics based on browsing history to artificially create these 'bias bubbles' you claim are a thing of the past. Two different people can give the internet the same input and receive a different output when it comes to sociological issues. That goes far past bias to the point of being blatantly divisive.

Uhh the left is much poorer than the right.

Pic related.

Same reason that faggot on the right is dead
>think about it

All leftism is an appeal to laziness, and lack of personal responsibility.

That is the attraction. The responsibility of right leaning politics of the future of your family and your nation is a life of work... And they don't think it's worth it.

Again at its core personality trait is one of surrender and giving up.

>cuz I'm stuck in the free shit meme
You're in the tar-pit now.

But I'm super racist.
Stop telling me what you think I am.

Because they want equal outcome, not equal opportunity

Where's Pontius?

More like Well Dunn

They all grew up watching Capt. Planet and Will & Grace and Ellen and never understood why GOP was so anti-environment and anti-gay. Now that the GOP isn't so anti-gay and both parties are anti-environment, they should all get with the program.

because boomers let Jews take over the media and from there they effectively raised the children while the parents were too busy working because the price of living has gone through the roof over the last 30 years.

Boomers are literally the source of every adversity and crisis the west is facing right now.

>Cause people are becoming more accepting and welcoming of sin and satan than in the past
You must be new to Cred Forums

>This is drilled into every pupil effectively installing the idea that "right wing = bad" and with this notion comes all the acceptance bullshit.

The opposite happened with me. I was brought up conservative, Republican parents. Went to college, computer science degree.

Learned how to think critically.

Now I'm re-evaluating the lies and fallacies. I used to cherry-pick the things I hated about liberalism. I loved to feed my confirmation bias. I know now I was much more gullible when I was that way. The left isn't so bad. The right isn't so amazing. But for me conservatism still has a lot of valid points.
>fiscal responsibility
>tempering social extremism

They have small differences, but the ultimate blue pill is believing that liberals and conservatives don't want the same things. They just have different ideas about how to achieve them.

>more biased than the internet
So your family and friends and normal people are more biased than someone making money out of speaking to you, who actively spies your reading habits, who is taught that theres no objective truth and that theres nothibg wrong with defending an editorial line by hiding facts to you
Oh and also thinks its his responsability to shape you to be a good citizeb

Yeah, speaking with ur mom is more biased

You just defeated your own argument. Millenials were extremely right wing even before the days of the internet. And you are talking about isolating links and dumping all of your hate on it, when that's exactly what the biased MSM and their followers are doing to Trump.

I feel like the majority of people in my age group (I'm 23) think that they were raised to believe the United States was infallible and that any flaw they can perceive in our country is some secret, hidden fact that they only uncovered because of how smart they are. So they listen to any political ideology that tells them America or the West is shit(the shit the liberals spew) because they think believing that makes them somehow more enlightened than the rest of us "idiots" who believe in their nation-state.

A: Robin Willaims movies.


Public schools, mainstream media, PC/SJW cultures, etc.

Mostly the electric jew.


Sorry but your super wrong, they do want completely opposite things, the problem is the sides are mixed as fuck, but on tgw end the distinction is esoteric. Left wants to engulf all humans into a supra-being, thinks that way human imperfection will go away, right believes human imperfection is there on purpose to be dealt with individually (gods judgement).
Every single political position sits between these poles, from communism to anarchism, one seeks total control of human life, the other to destroy the control mechanisms

Because deep down they know they have no future.

>People are still pushing this meme that Millennials are anyone between 1 and 35

That's left wing? I would say they are no-wing. Do they even think about politics? Looks to me like the usual jackass duff beer American freedom.

Because boomers fucked them over while talking conservative rhetoric, and young generations trend towards liberal policies anyway.

The older you get, the more conservative you get.

That and the disastrously incompetent right-leaning government from 2000-2008.


A generation of bastard's raised by women, are you really surprised.

I'm right wing faggot.