AfD 20% in Brandenburg, CDU, 3rd place on 17%


AfD numbers are only going to get better, Merkel the bungler guarantees that. Post smug Petrys

Other urls found in this thread:

Noice! 10 % to go...

New Yorker did a profile on AfD and Petry, comparing to Trump in the process- not fair & balanced

>"..Like [Trump], she often works by insinuation, fanning right-wing conspiracy theories not merely to stir up grievances but to bind members together with a sense of shared beliefs. Like him, she has been accused of financial improprieties. Like him, she castigates the media for liberal bias but also thrives on media attention. Petry and her colleagues have mastered the art of dominating the news cycle, to the point where a visitor to Germany listening to the radio or reading the newspapers could be forgiven for thinking that the AfD is the party in power..."

Next german government is gonna be SPD + Linke + Greens everywhere.


eastern germany, nothing to see here.


The afd is literally doing Jack shit with the Media.
They piss their pants on their own

This is why democracy is a fucking joke. They always ignore a large percentage of the population.

>greens at 6%
>the fucking gommunist party at 17%

I dislike that the AfD says man made global warming and man made climate change is a hoax.

I dislike their neoliberal agenda.

The only thing I think makes sense is their immigration stance and their direct democracy stance.

Thanks AfD.

>((Socialists)) idiots in 1st

Goddammit Krauts... Why are you and the rest of Europe so fucking obsessed with ((socialism))?

RRG is not even close to 50% in the polls.


greens are the cultural marxist party, they are 100% SJW.

>> East Germany

Kek I'm from Brandenburg and even I have to admit that we are irrelevant as fuck.

Are you stupid? 30% won't help the AfD, they need 50% on their own.

>The only thing I think makes sense is their immigration stance and their direct democracy stance.

Gotta set priorities brudi

>I dislike that the AfD says man made global warming and man made climate change is a hoax.
read a book then and stop believing bullshit models of climate """scientists""".

are they having elections now in Brandenburg?

no, but AfD is already in the parliament from the 2014 elections.

Because those that didn't want free handouts and socialism left for the US, so most people left here want more socialism.

Ever heard of signal effect? Strongest party and they are not governing? That would demask all the other parties as undemokratic.

>read a book then and stop believing bullshit models of climate """scientists""".

I don't like idiots and idiots who believe 27,000 articles by scientists are wrong, while 13 articles by mostly discredited scientists are right.

For me, people who think man made climate change is a hoax are as stupid as people who think the moon landings were fake or that vaccinations cause autism.

Next state election is Slesvig Holstein.

>> FDP pulling close to double digits

Not if 70% of the voters agree to vote for Parties that won't work together with the AfD tbqh

I know.

At least it would be a breach of a taboo. Has something like that even ever happened?

Germanistan BTFO

Only in some states (Hessen I know for sure, no idea about any others).

But anyways, AfD getting another 10% is quite a stretch too.


You mean "thanks, Merkel".

No, he means thanks AfD.

Thanks for deluding their voters into voting for a party that will not take part in a Coalition and throwing their votes away.

Because we're older, wiser and better than you. We care for our own. I want to know that the old woman, whom I've never seen, never met, living in another federal state, is doing well and is taken care of regardless of circumstances, simply because she is German and she is of my stock. Do you get that?

[Volkszorn intensifies]

Seriously though, that constellations is well below 50%

yeah but the spd will only make sure that abdul and his 8 kids are well taken care of

It is but it is not unlikely that other (establishment-) parties like the SPD get less and less votes in the future whereas the AfD gets more.

that might as well be a sincere thanks. currently greens+spd+left have a majority, if a strong afd + fdp are voted in there won't be a majority for them

>voting for SPD
I don't even begin to fathom what imbeciles would do this after the stunts Merkel pulled off

Why didn't you listen Cred Forums?

>who believe 27,000 articles by scientists are wrong
nice argument, are you a Spiegel reader by any chance? do you even know what these scientists are discussing? do you have the scientific background to judge their work? Or do you just believe whatever some drama bachelor on Spiegel online tells you while quoting a publication he doesn't understand?

Go on, show me the publication that can explain the manmade climate change, I'll wait.
Pro tip: everything involving the green house effect doesn't correlate to actual climate data at all.

Hi FDP shill

Cause when West Germany absorbed East Germany, it had to absorb a lot of commies who just don't know better... They actually made a commitment to assume all the social guarantees GDR promised its citizens... beneficiaries of these social programs want them to continue indefinitely...

Close one kek

>Tfw 16 or so years after end of DDR Germany gets a commie government again while Austria gets a right wing government.

You fuckin Piefke never learn do you?

i'm not. i meant strong afd and fdp just over 5% which I think is likely. i don't care for them, they betrayed their voters, the can go to hell just like the cdu

But we had Socialists Chancellors long before reunification..

>they betrayed their voters

What did you mean by this one?

all of poland was under soviet rule as well. And they're not a bunch of cuckolds who are into BDSM and watching their country get turned into lebanon. So that can't be the reason

fuck again two of you

ok, I thought you were him
as he always appears in AfD threads.

>do you have the scientific background to judge their work?

Just like the AfD, I do not. The AfD shills are idiots for thinking they are smarter than the actual climate scientists.

Any rational person, who is not an expert in a field, follows the 99% opinion of scientists rather than the 1% fringe opinion. Idiots follow the 1% fringe opinion.

afd ist beste

CDU on suicide watch

>Just like the AfD, I do not.
end of discussion then. Have you ever talked to an actual physicist? He will laugh in your face when you mention climate scientists. Because there is nothing scientific about climate scientists. They set up a model, watch it fail and then, when every other scientist would say 'well the model was bullshit m8' they sell their 'OUR MODELS PREDICT THE END OF THE WORLD' interviews to newspapers.

>Any rational person, who is not an expert in a field, follows the 99% opinion of scientists rather than the 1% fringe opinion. Idiots follow the 1% fringe opinion.

how can you even judge? where do you follow these scientists? I'm really curious how you even come up with an opinion. Well not really because I already know the answer.



>le wasted vote meme, what is relevance of AfD?



Good. Die Linke is based

>Die Grünen




They need to fire that ugly dyke who leads them and get a new leader. Women should never under any circumstances run political parties.

>Die Linke is based


AfD is a meme for rich scum and lumpenproles

Who is AFD?


>inb4 she pulls off a merkel and completely goes against the values of her own party

Bretty gud.

Are there any more regional elections?


is an SPD coalition with The Greens and Linke not EVEN WORSE than more Merkel?

this is the level of retardation we'd be dealing with as the head of Europe


>Try not to panic

Literally only above 50% in the current parliament because both AfD and FDP got 4,x %

It won't, they need at least 47% for that.

Yes it is :)

yes it is but linke & spd hate each other and it wont be easy for them to work together
more votes for afd resulting from this

Isn't Schleswig Holstein same time as NRW?

1. She's fucking gross

2. She's a woman

Replace her or be eternally cucked.

This translation triggers me every time I see it.
Atleast learn the fucking language before trying to translate you god damned turks.

We need much more of this.
We must spread the memes everywhere



That's just meme scientists who do it because they're attention whores. Warming is real and this can be seen with special satellite techniques. Nobody that is serious denies this. However, at the same time, nobody that is serious goes on TV to say we're all going to be dead just so they can get brownie points and a bit of popularity. They just research it and try to report on it and work, but it's not like it's something sudden that will kill us "overnight" in the historical scale of things. Only scientist shills say otherwise, and once again, only attention whores claim it's the end of the world in a few generations.


>linke & spd hate each other

just nuke us already

What this means is that even in the east, 80% still vote greenleft refugees welcome cultural marxist anti-german parties who will do everything to utterly defy any AfD work in parliament. Nothing to be happy about.

I know you will say "give it time" but we're at a choking point already and unless they get 51%, which will never happen, absolutely nothing will change.

Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany), the saviours of the German Reich.

Just annex Bavaria and let West Germany go African. The East may get an AfD majority sometime in the future, the rest should be leveled and salted like Carthage

Then we will remind the Ossis they are Obodrites, Vieleti and Sorbs after all and that Germanization was a mistake.

Expand to the East

Gas Berlin

Build the White Wall on the Elbe

Greatness achieved

It is, but the AfD also stole votes from the SPD so the SPD+Grüne+Linke only get 42-43% of all votes altogether, which is not enough to form a government.

Mercuck is already feeling the pressure. If she wants to get elected again (God forbid), she'll try to pander to the AfD crowd.

Wer hat uns verraten?

Goes back to the Spartakusaufstand

You got the brexit and how much % does the UKIP have again? AFD will have an impact that is sure

That's because Germany is an industrial powerhouse the Juden wants to milk to death and destroy its people while Austria is a completely irrelevant for anything other than tourism.

Last time she tried, she basically told them that they were too stupid to understand her and if she could turn back time, she'd do it again but in a more orderly manner. Pretty much a big fuck you to all AfD voters and that gave the AfD another push from 12-14% to 14-16%.

spd (social party) is responsible for many unsocial laws

Agenda 2010 being pushed through by Red-Green is one of the great ironies

I know they betrayed the Spartacists but that was a long time ago. Linke isn't a revolutionary party. It's just a standard democratic socialist party.

I'd expect the Communist Party to hate the SPD but not Linke

Love this

She will just say "lolbye" and not run for the next elections after 12 years, leaving Europe in shambles.

She and her party made it very clear that they don't regard their decisions as mistakes and will not make any significant changes to their policies.

It won't matter though, because der deutsche Michel has been indoctrinated so far by the whole establishment, media and politics already, they will elect any liar who is not """""far right"""""".

>I'd expect the Communist Party to hate the SPD but not Linke
But the Linke is literally the rebranded SED.

>not "Anime für Deutschland"
>You had one job

Good bless Germany. 4th reich soon.


I had a long discussion with someone like you here on Cred Forums just the other day so I don't feel like repeating myself but the tl;dr is that if you believe that politicians suddenly grew a conscience and push the global warming agenda for ulterior motives or to help African fishers instead of economic interests like certificate trading, energy subsidies, slowing other economies etc., then you're a fool.

Cred Forums shows you how retarded and corrupt "scientists" are every day with their graphs measuring how nazi radicalism rises based on how many Pepes are posted or with their studies on how transgender suddenly is totally normal and healthy, but when it comes to climate scientists you suddenly think they're legitimate.

You know how they said the AFD will be gone in a Year
You know how they said the AFD will never get over 5%
You know how they said the AFD will never break the 10%
The people are tired and waking up.

Kill yourself
i bet you are a christfag and flat earther too

Yeah and they've dropped the goal of a one party Stalinist state. So their hostility to fellow leftists is misplaced

>if we ignore it, it will go away times
that's some nostalgia right there

I'm quite sorry but you have no clue about the left.
Especially it's history in germany

Another exciting weekend in Germany.

I post Hitler reaction because it's illegal stuff in germany.

Reading stuff like this upkeeps my hope for my old brothers-in-arms

based Ossie chavs

i'm hoping you snap and go for another holocaust

thing is, germans don't do anything half-heartedly so this will either end in the death of your people or the violent expulsion of the intruders


Is it actually happening?

If DB falls AfD will skyrocket.

If this happens are the AfD actually competence enough to handle the huge amount of votes?

does she also hate women like Trump or nah

I am married to a physicist who is in her third year of her PhD. I know her friends and every single one would think you are an idiot if you start with your "global warming isn't principally man made" meme.

Most of them are not political and of those I know they are political, they gear towards CDU and Greens.

die Linke isn't so bad, they're hated by the greens and by sjws in general
they're old school commies who will never hit it particularly big anywhere

That's true kek we can't in to balance

>If this happens are the AfD actually competence enough to handle the huge amount of votes?
No. Best we can hope for is that AfD takes over CDU/CSU/FDP completely while Red/Redder/Green wins the next election, fucks the country up more, and in 5 years we'll rebuild it fromt he ruins.

Same for Trump desu, he's more useful as a strong movement in the people than as a president.

>having friends who vote Green
>calling anyone an idiot

we're a bit like you

we just think like and do whatever the current authority tells us to think or do. it's easy for things to get extreme when you have a docile people

Of course they can. I can't wait for some big happening.
The people will be really angry if we pay billions to safe the DB that will be funny to see.

In English, please.

A majority will give them a say in RBB , which means state funded redpills.

Why is this such a big thing ?
If it's man made we can't change anything anyway.
We're just a little nation a can't safe the world alone.

What room does AfD have to occupy minor roles in government and thereby demonstrate their competency in governing? If they could be demonstrated to be good administrators, it would be more unreasonable to continue to exclude them from power.


If you really think a SPD/Linke/Grüne coalition won't try to 1) change the climate 2) ban cars 3) take in every single person in the world who currently makes less than our Hartz4 4) pay off the guilt for colonialism, holocaust and slavery all at once, then you're in for some surprises.

Germany can heal the entire world if our hearts and feelies are just big enough.

Democracy was a mistake. People are too stupid those this system desu

Some people really don't remember the times were the SPD was chancellor


Burger literally can't read nazi runes. smdh.

Left-wing globalists supplying german girls with brown males as it should. Thanks !

Merkel on Cuckicide watch

> implying socialism is about helping your kins and not Muhamad and his 50 cousins and child brides


It's not even Sütterlin you fucking retard

Eastern Germany sure is going to be more pro-AfD but I can assure you that Western German cucks will all vote for messiah Mutti, Angela "White is bad" Merkel.

Sure they will and burn billions for nothing and I don't support this. They're stupid to believe we can change anything significant in the world.

Tbh the entire party system has changed completely in less than a decade.

SPD went from Schröder/worker class to full immigration/pensions/anti-hartz party
Green went from fringe party for the extremely political to mainstream party for the least political who just want to buy a clean conscience with money
CDU went from conservative to full-on SPD2.0/nation-destroyer
Linke went (at least on a federal level) from batshit-insane to actually having some positions worth discussing and having better personnel than the others
FDP went from conservative neoliberal to leftist neoliberal
AFD showed up


Redpill me then genosse

It's sad that the people who cry nazi the entire time know nothing about politic at all and the normal people believes in this AFD=Nazi shit.
We need some big happenings god damn.

great, i'm already preparing for the civil war

The alternative is that we get some weak compromise that will just slightly lower the number of immigrants and the number of billions we bleed and people will never wake up.

Germany and EU are already past the point of no return. There is no calculation anymore under which we'd recover.



I love how Germany was the last country to get rid of Blackletter fonts.
I even consider righting my thesis in them just for lulz and shit.

Surprisingly, it's not the cuck state of BW that keeps the CDU afloat (the AfD gets 17%, the CDU 27%) but Bavaria, where people vote for the CSU in the Landtags- and Bundestagswahlen, not knowing that by supporting the CSU in the Bundestagswahlen they directly support a Merkel government.

Problem is that in Bayern you have to tactically vote CSU. Imagine them being forced to form a coalition with SPD..

Only in the Landtagswahlen.

That's right the CSU must go. They do nothing but talking. I don't see any difference from Bavaria and the rest of germany. Shitskins are everywhere.

Which means civil war, best thing that could happen to Germany at this point

Goddam those commie and socialist and green party fuckes are gonna be dangling from every tree in Germany