What is the final solution to the (((high rise))) problem?

In Australia, and I expect in many other countries, there has recently been a boom in high rise apartment construction, with hundreds of towers going up every year. This is due to the fact that traditional detached family homes have become unaffordable because of planning restrictions on natural outwards greenfield development. These planning restrictions have been lobbied for by (((high rise developers))) like Australia's richest man, (((Harry Triguboff))), a literal Jewish high rise developer who spends half of his time in Israel.

How do we stop the construction of all new high rises, apartments, rowhomes, townhomes, etc, in favour of traditional single family homes on 1 acre + lots? How do we comprehensively destroy the ideology of urban density?

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>How do we comprehensively destroy the ideology of urban density?
call a saudi or go straight to kosher source advice

I think you know what you need to do

deus vult

If you look him up he literally fulfils every fucking stereotype about subversive Jews. He convinced banks to start lending to women. He has called for all green space in Sydney to be sold off for high rise development. His loyalties lie with Israel and he is a proud supporter of multiculturalism for Australia, but not Israel.

Also, he's Australia's richest person.

I'm all for high rises. I think we should build up not out. We need building regulation and land tax reform making high rises much more attractive. We can also just establish high rises above smaller heritage buildings which is another interesting application. Take the casino in Brisbane they're going to build a megastructure over it.

Ideally We should have a densely populated city area surrounded by green bushland not a CBD and then a shitty sprawl for 100s of kms. We shouldn't be promoting growth in country towns at all but that's the opposite of what both governments have done. They're offering more incentives for immigrants to live in cheap small towns like Wagga in an effort to create more cities.

We should just setup a fast rail between all the capital cities and build up the cities.

High-rise is the most sustainable form of human shelter. You have enough population density to support a good metro system and definitely makes cities walkable.

The worldwide trend is to move away from suburban living and into downtown living. This is displacing the poor in the cities and swapping them into suburbia.

Don't fight the trend. This is the best form of living.

All high rises need to be forcefully demolished, and we need to execute people like you, preferably painfully.

You're a fucking idiot. I'd rather them build up cities and have them have affordable places close to work so all the shitters can leave the country and move to the city.

You need a viable strategy to reduce country and suburban growth. High rises are the answer. Like legit, how can you be against say a megatower. A giant structure which is just a city in a tower, with shopping, business and completely self sufficient. Then you have zoning laws which mean that you can pretty much only have two in NSW.

You are fucking autistic if you think demolishing them is the right way to go. We need them to go higher. Also just your concept is retarded and you clearly have no ideas. Fuck all people agree with you.

Sounds like you wanna go back to the fucking dark ages.

Fuck you kike we need less people in australia not more fucking chinks and curries to shit the place up

No fucking shit you hillbilly. In no way did I say i'm for immigration. Go molest your cousin you inbred fucktard.

We need to permanently block the growth of all cities. They are degenerate and decadent hives of human misery. What a disgusting failure it has been to pack everyone into megacities.

All future growth must be directed to rural and regional areas, with lot sizes of 1 acre at the absolute minimum.

If you want to live in a high rise, move to China or wherever it is you hail from. I very much encourage you to do so.

>A giant structure which is just a city in a tower, with shopping, business and completely self sufficien

You cannot stay in Australia. I hope your death is painful. I don't know what caused you to go so horribly wrong, but it happened.

you retarded faggot cunt

>They are degenerate and decadent hives of human misery. What a disgusting failure it has been to pack everyone into megacities.

Stop projecting your own shitty neet life. We don't have a megacity in Australia and we don't really have any in the world. We have sprawls with a CBD.

>All future growth must be directed to rural and regional areas, with lot sizes of 1 acre at the absolute minimum.

You sound worse than the jews, trying to take up all hospitable land with people.

>If you want to live in a high rise, move to China or wherever it is you hail from. I very much encourage you to do so.

You're a shitlord, I'm more aussie than you will ever be. Get a real job and buy an apartment and a piece of land like I did. I have my place in the city where I work and nice piece of land in northern QLD.

Classic failure mentality.

>Reeeeee kill everyone because I can't live a successful life.

All hospitable land? You stupid fucking faggot, we've urbanised less than 0.2% of Australia.

You have a piece of land? Lol, you don't deserve one. You want everyone to live in a fucking high rise apartment, you stupid fucking cunt. Your land should be expropriated from you.

Why do you want to limit the growth of country towns? How fucking retarded does your mindset have to be to think this way?

I cannot comprehend you. If you said this to me in real life you'd get a fucking smack.

>Everyone should live in an apartment in the city.

>this thread

You might like this video
It explains a lot

You are a fucking moron or a child. Your thinking is that we should get rid of cities then just grow the country towns. So realistically you are going to remove a large population of people causing huge growth in smaller areas and creating more sprawl. Fuck barely any of Australia is hospitable, so you build up the urban centres not spread them out. I'd rather one red dot on the map with all the people and growth instead of the whole country being primed and ready of build up.

If you keep it contained it won't spread, you just want to smear the shit everywhere don't you.

No every shit lord should live in an apartment and it should be cheap as fuck. The was it is atm you can score a 3 bedroom for $100pw in a rural town which means all the shithead methlords move out there. If the city was $50 a week it would move them all there.

Also I never said >Everyone should live in an apartment, nice reading comprehension.

>because of planning restrictions on natural outwards greenfield development

Absolutely 100% correct.

Here's where you go (((wrong))).
High rise developers do not give a single flying fuck about residential. One fucking jew isn't crushing the residential sector. Your Grocons and Crowns and Mirvacs sign an EBA with a corrupt union to waive every breach that may happen onsite in exchange for a comfy 3/4 to $1M. They get off easy. All the hurdles, all the complications, all the restrictions are coming from local councils.

The introduction of BASIX, and other state mandated greenist bullshit is negligible compared to the power councils have over who builds what and where and how high and what colour the fucking door knobs should be.
Environmentalists, greens voters, activists and other assorted eco-fascist protozoa have infiltrated and hold sway in every local council in every state in the country, with the sole exception of inner city suburbs who appoint equally corrupt (more easily bribed) indian and arab councillors, Parramatta for example.

50km south of the shore where I live, they estimate the water will rise 200mm over the next 25 years. 75km north they calculate it will rise 350mm over the same time frame. In my area, they say it will rise 450mm.

You can't cut a native tree down without being fined hundreds of thousands, you pay these cunts up to $30K just to LOOK at your DA, and they have the power to toss it back to you no refunds.

>green space
you harp on about? That's council mandated and protected with more laws than your fucking self. They won't even allow such land to be rezoned into RU or RU5 (Large lot acerages/village. The type of construction you are referring to) with the excuse of "muh urban corridors".

Small residential builders such as myself don't want to build urban sprawl over greenfields or over land releases. I almost exclusively build RU and RU5 lots. But every restriction on that has been purely from local councils citing bullshit leftist, greenist faggotry. My very fucking neighbour works in the planning department of the most stubborn council in the worst state of this dump of a country. A council which fought the longest and spent the most ratepayer money on legal fees for their "right" to not merge. Then they used the merger as an excuse to increase rates 10%, something they have been planning to do for years now.
It's a council so corrupt, whose sickness is so far beyond help, architects quite literally write in their DA's calling the planning system an outright conspiracy.

The big boys don't fucking care about residential, they never have. All they want to do is make them high and dense and flog them off to chinks with lots of 9's and 8's in the prices which those slants assume to mean the apartment must be "lucky".

This "housing crisis" meme is nothing more than DA's NOT BEING APPROVED BY GREENIST CUNT COUNCILS. THAT IS ALL.

Do you think everyone owning a massive block of land like you do is sustainable, you retarded faggot hypocrite shitcunt?

Australia is huge. The arable, green parts of Australia are huge. There is no shortage of fucking land, you miserably retarded faggot cunt. What part don't you get about this?

No, I don't agree with your plan to destroy the Australian race by packing us all (except you, of course, with your big fucking block of land) into tiny, miserable apartments in megacities. I don't agree with your plan to destroy rural and regional towns. I instead propose that you get put in an oven alive.

Fucking everyone in one building, HAHAHAHA. You fucking lost little child. You little faggot. You need a fucking punch in the face, cunt.

> you just want to smear the shit everywhere don't you.

Why do you consider white families "shit", you stupid kike?

What the fuck is behind your dumb cunt ideology? Is there any coherence at all? I simply don't fucking get it.

Yep, agenda 21 is a big part of it.

Heavily tax foreign investment.

Local councils aren't the problem. The vast majority of regulations they impose are actually regulations they are required by the state government and its bureaucrats to impose. If it was up to councils, we wouldn't have any high rise development, and greenfield development would be much easier.

>They won't even allow such land to be rezoned into RU or RU5 (Large lot acerages/village. The type of construction you are referring to) with the excuse of "muh urban corridors".

The councils actually want to man. Believe me. Right now a bunch of NSW councils are wrestling with the NSW planning department to rezone massive tracts of land to large lot residential. They aren't being allowed to. What little rural residential development that goes on only happens because a few determined regional councils play hardball with the NSW dept of planning to get land rezoned. Gosford council is currently wrestling with the planning dept to get 500 acres rezoned to rural residential, but isn't being allowed to.

You are playing (((their))) game by blaming the councils. They want you to do that. I promise you, regional councils want lots of rural residential development - it brings rates, jobs, and population growth.

God the dude from that video is autistic. I'm against this sorta shit. Not a fan of residential development in rural areas.

No but I earned my land, the government is promoting residential growth in rural areas with immigrants. Which is pretty much what you purpose but with the "whites only" meme.

Cities are an inevitability so by spreading out all the people you are really saying "Hey guys lets start more areas for cities to develop in the next century" and FILL THEM WITH BROWN PEOPLE.

Sure keep telling me how much you want to fight me over the internet you drongo. I hope your bloodline dies out along with anyone who uses the term "the Australian race". Those are the abos you silly cunt.

Rural residential development is a way to spread more cancer. If anyone here is a jew it's you. Earn your fucking land like a real man and stop begging for urbanisation of rural areas.

>mfw 5 story apartment complex being built right next to my house
Just fuck my privacy up

So you admit you're a Jew who wants to see the Australian race die out? Is that your end game?

>rural residential development is a way to spread more cancer.

Why? All white families should live on large rural-residential style lots, not in high rises as you propose.

Why do you want to force Australian families into soulless high rise apartments in megacities? You clearly don't want it for yourself, given the land you own.

Can you tell me any good points that would come from your plan? We've already dealt with the lie that Australia's land is in any danger of being built over in any scenario.

>australian race


>rural areas with immigrants
>Rural residential development is a way to spread more cancer

ahahahahaha there's a reason i bought a house 5 min from the beach 3 hours from the nearest city, and it's cunts like you

i do not want to live in a tiny shitbox with 50 other asians and indians cramped up next to me, you pile of shit city dweller. get fucked. i'll be happy to watch you faggots play pokemon go and snapchat yourselves into oblivion from the comfort of my 50 acre property.

Could we support the Sustainable Australia Party? Seems like some of us from different persuasions agree with their policy platform eg less immigration/pop growth + environmental sustainability

>The Australian race

There is no such fucking thing.

Also I don't want families in cities I already said this. I happy for their to be rural-residential style lots and haven't said this is a bad thing. I'm telling you that by creating only that you are seriously fucking up the country.

Let's follow your hypothetical of removing all the cities and everyone who isn't the "Australian race". Then we spread everyone out. Now obviously we have to take into account social services needed and business/industry. Therefore we will need centralised points for business and services to be housed and the people who work at those are going to want to live a bit closer so they can get to work easier. Oh shit we just created towns and this is going to be swiftly followed by sprawl. Fuck it's almost like cities and sprawl is a natural development of human living. If only we could just jam everyone into a big building and have middle to upper class people afford to have additional land out in the country.

ahahaha I could be your neighbour, we'd never know. I don't want to live with 50 other people cramped up against me either, which is why my apartment has a fair sized floor space and I have the other house to breathe. Thing is I realise that city living is a necessity to human development. If we didn't have people living in urbanised areas we'd still be fucking scrubbing our undies in a river.

build a wall

Look, if your idea is to force shitskins into terrible overcrowded cities while white families live on big lots rurally we can come to an agreement.

> If only we could just jam everyone into a big building and have middle to upper class people afford to have additional land out in the country.

Why not just jam non-whites in there?

I'm an Australian nationalist, which means I'm an egalitarian. I don't agree with the idea of only the rich owning land, and I never will. That's not an Australian ideal. One of the greatest things about Australia used to be that even the poor owned their own home and their own land.

>ahahaha I could be your neighbour, we'd never know. I don't want to live with 50 other people cramped up against me either,

Yet you want to force it on other people. The hypocrisy is incredible.

You said earlier you want to stop the growth of all rural towns and instead have everyone live in one gigantic building. How do you rationalise that when you yourself own a large block of land rurally? Why should others be stopped from doing the same?

Reminder that highrises are a conspiracy to slowly corral humans.

>Get everyone living in one easily confinable space.
>Install cameras

Instant populace suppression in cities. Watch Dredd and see what I mean. Or the fifth element.


>guys i want suburbs to get cheaper, how do we fix this?
>WHAT? you want to build ALTERNATIVE homes for people who DONT want suburbs? this can only make suburbs more expensive
you are a moron

>Australia is huge. The arable, green parts of Australia are huge. There is no shortage of fucking land, you miserably retarded faggot cunt.
if you want to keep it this way then you will not force anything

cucks move to apartments and leave land for people who want it, how is that hard to understand you dumb fucking cunt

Do what Mao did, send the urbanites to the countryside to learn from the peasants how to live off the land. The strong will survive, the weak will starve.

See that's the thing if people put the effort in we could actually engineer something amazing and have fair floorspace for everyone.

The main thing about only putting brown people in the cities is they are the ones who hold the purse strings.

>Australian nationalist, egalitarian

And? Nothing in my idea goes against that. I'm all for shipping out the brown people. I didn't say "only rich people can own land". You can and generally have been able to have a egalitarian society through laissez-faire economics. A son of a crackhead can become a rich man because he earned it and social/school services allowed it. By your logic a white crackhead should be allowed the same amount of land as the next man. This doesn't inspire anyone to do anything. Just someone who earns 60,000 doesn't want min wage bumped up to 55k a year because then he might aswell do a morons job and get paid roughly the same.

You earn the good things in life, you don't get them handed to you.

I don't care about floor space, you fucking idiot. The fact you are still pushing this dumb fucking concept proves you are a kike.

> You can and generally have been able to have a egalitarian society through laissez-faire economics

What's laissez-faire about FORCING people to live in gigantic dystopian high rise buildings?

When (((Foreign Policy Experts) order Hillary to start WWIII with Russia over the issue of Syria being on Israel's land, there will be plenty of open rural space in western countries.

>calling someone an idiot when they don't have a basic understanding of laissez-faire ECONOMICS

Nothing dystopian about being in a beautiful building with an amazing view of the ocean or landscape. Forcing people is a relative concept. Ideally you would have the middle class and upper class raising their families out of the city. Crackheads and lower classes can use the public services provided. They can try and get a place out of the building but it shouldn't be cheaper than the building.

This is the huge problem in Australia atm. Rural towns are filled with iceheads because it is cheaper than the city. Increasing the price of the rural areas moves them out of it. Reducing and containing the sprawl also helps immensely.

What sort of incident did you have with a junkie in a rural town? I have never had any such issues. I find people in regional areas are kind and genuine and all around good people.

Wouldn't your idea to force junkies out of nice rural towns be more easily implemented another way? Like for example simply jailing them for life if they commit a crime, or forcefully deporting them to cities?

I can't shake the concern you genuinely like this odd idea of having everyone live in one gigantic building. We need to be building up our dying regional areas, not reinforcing the miserable megacities and the degenerate lifestyles within them.

>How do we stop the construction of all new high rises, apartments, rowhomes, townhomes, etc, in favour of traditional single family homes on 1 acre + lots?

You can't. There's also no such thing as a "traditional single family homes on 1 acre + lots." How did people in England live for many hundreds of years? In rows of adjoined houses, often three or four levels high, with a small garden plot at the back? Why? Because transport is expensive and it makes more sense for people to live together in a community in close proximity. The idea of living on 1 acre blocks is just a meme that arose after the emergence of affordable motor cars. It just happens too that 1-acre blocks are very appealing to this suffering from autism and social anxiety disorders, as they can allow people to live in isolation while thinking that this is normal. 1 acre is a useless amount of land -- not big enough for any serious agriculture. It's only really big enough for a fancy garden or a few hobby vegetables and some chickens.

Fortunately, in the twenty-first century we've come to realize once again that it's more efficient, cost effective, and enjoyable for everyone to live together in close proximity, using the latest technology to build affordable, safe, enjoyable urban living towers. The only trouble is that aspies find themselves troubled by this, but then they have imageboards they can retreat to for solace, so everything works out ok in the end.

>What sort of incident did you have with a junkie in a rural town? I have never had any such issues. I find people in regional areas are kind and genuine and all around good people

You clearly haven't travelled around the country then or know anyone who lives in these towns. Country ice addiction is an epidemic, google wellington in NSW as an example.

>Like for example simply jailing them for life if they commit a crime, or forcefully deporting them to cities?

You're a fucking idiot. There goes your entire egalitarian philosophy.

I live in a moderately sized NSW town, you stupid kid. I'm not a pampered little limp wrist faggot like you, so I'm not scared by junkies nor do I spend much time thinking about them.

Forcefully deporting them to big cities is more direct than somehow pricing them out of regional towns. And your whole scheme will fail, anyway, as when the demand to live in regional towns is lowered, the price is too.

This is the man? Alright. How are gun laws in poopeelia? You guys can get a nice, accurate rifle, no?

Fucking this.

Suburban sprawl is a blight upon any country.
I'd rather people build upwards in cities than spread out and pave more and more of the countryside to accommodate houses and strip malls.

You don't know shit about me. I grew up in QLD to a poor as fuck family and now I have multiple consulting contracts which pay well along with a good portfolio. The only thing you got recognised for was being a scrum half in your flyover footy team. Doesn't mean you should get a free hectare of land because you're part of the "australian race".

>And your whole scheme will fail, anyway

This entire fucking thread has been hypothetical with your ideas ranging from forceful demolition to execution of everyone who disagrees with you, an autistic bogan. Also do you actually fucking think forceful deportation is going to go down in any reality? The first thing you are going to hear is "Muh Shoah, it's the camps all over again". In my plan it was extremely clear that regional areas and metropolitan areas range under different laws and regulations. There isn't going to really be regional towns anymore because zoning won't properly allow it.

But then again what the fuck would you know you are just some flyover bogan who wants his "gimmie datz", fucking google mentality right there. Wonder what else you can get for free?

Agreed. I'm from Melbourne and what's happening to the north and west of the city of fucking miserable. All these nice rolling hills being taken up by shitting A.V. Jennings homes in estates done by developers who don't care at all about infrastructure or livability. After ten or fifteen years, each new estate declines and starts turning into a crime zone, mainly because all these teenagers grow up in a shitty place with no transport and nothing to do. All these quarter- or half-acre blocks are turning Australia's big cities into massive sprawling messes or awful suburban underplanining.

Everyone should go back and read Robin Boyd's The Australian Ugliness. It's got some great critique of the miseries of suburbia and of sprawl.

>We need to permanently block the growth of all cities
Precisely. Cities are lairs of degeneracy because social cohesion within them is non-existent. People are complete strangers & there is no societal pressure to behave.

Consequently, third-world trash is easily imported in big cities - there is no community to stand up against it

Capital cities and major towns continue to become more populated and high rise apartments are the only option to house all of them. If you want to live in a traditional family home move well away from the capital cities to more rural towns.

Sorry, but (((yards))) are an absolute waste of space and contribute to the uncontrollable urban sprawl.

The less horizontal space is wasted on (((yards))), the more is spent on greenery and infrastructure.

You're a typical limp wrist faggot Brisbanite. Just more evidence that shitheap of a city needs to be nuked off the face of the earth.

>There isn't going to really be regional towns anymore because zoning won't properly allow it.

You talk about laissez-faire, now you're talking about using zoning laws to make regional towns no longer exist.

You're a worthless faggot. You realise you a worthless faggot. Your "consulting contracts" mean nothing. Hope you get put into a drooling wheelchair by a junkie some day.

the solution isnt binary but in a good mix of public and private property types

large parts of coastal australia are effectively locked up in nature parks (to protect property values by creating shortage of supply not because of environmental concerns), whilst urban australia has high prices due to rorts like negative gearing and again restricted supply due council controls...

basically poorer citizens need rent control (public housing), because of the high immigration rate into the cities, while wealhy australians need the ability to build and invest (deregulation from council da scam) but to no longer allow property investment to be used as a tax rort

chance of any of this happening...


We're getting a massive increase in supertall apartments in NYC... Along with large blocks of tall apartments in every borough. Only problem is that the supertalls that could really provide adequate housing for the middle class and service sector that provide the backbone to the city are billed as super luxury units aka foreign (cough Chinese) investors just buy them and leave them vacant as a type of legal offshore money holder. The new condos are totally empty because (((they))) are charging like 4K/mo and nobody who could afford it would want to live in those neighborhoods anyway since they're shitty and theres no complimentary infrastructure being established like parks, stores, supermarkets or places of leisure.

Billionaire Row, the section of the Upper East Side with the highest vale apartments is getting more empty by the day. Even the transplant yuppies are leaving now that the hippest and priciest parts of Brooklyn will be losing its lifeline train into Manhattan for one to two years.

Meanwhile there's strict laws so the incredibly abundant and slightly more affordable 6 floor apartments can't expand over 6 floors. People are fleeing the city in droves while all these units lay empty. The housing crisis here is the weirdest thing ever.

There are pros and cons to city and country living.

Cities are expensive, crowded, polluted and noisy but everything you could want is near you.
The country is cheaper and more peaceful but everything is really far away.

The suburbs are expensive, polluted and crowded AND everything is really far away.

It's literally the worst of both worlds.
City or country. Fucking pick one.
People trying to have it both ways are ruining the place.

Again you don't know shit about me you lazy bogan cunt. Wasn't raised in Brisbane.

>You talk about laissez-faire, now you're talking about using zoning laws to make regional towns no longer exist.

How fucking dense are you, the city falls under lax economics while the outer areas are subject to stricter regulations to avoid urban population.

Have fun with your ice pipe and sudanese neighbours moving in. I'll be happy to buy the apartments they build near you and make money of the immigrants who move in. I'll also be happy to turnover your place once you get shot having a psychotic episode while on an ice bender.

>We should just setup a fast rail between all the capital cities and build up the cities.

I don't know how you urbanites can live packed in like sardines with tens of thousands of other people in one square mile

>he city falls under lax economics while the outer areas are subject to stricter regulations to avoid urban population.

it should be the opposite, dumb kunt

if i see someone talking like you IRL i'm going to fucking smash their dumb cunt head in. 6 months in jail is worth it for putting you in a wheelchair for life.

Decent description of what's happening in NYC (I'm an Australian in NYC now). NYC should put laws in place discouraging overseas direct investment. Bloomberg was a massive fan of this but it really doesn't help the city much. Prices in NYC are high, but I don't agree that there's a massive flight out of the city. Demand is still very high too and there's enough employment around to keep that market at about a median of US$3000 per month rental for apartments. New York at least has a decent infrastructure of public housing / rent stabilization and other measures to ensure the city stays vibrant and healthy. New Jersey, in contrast, is a complete fucking mess, mainly because of suburban sprawl all over the place and because of crime-afflicted post-industrial cities that have not rebuilt properly since the factories left. Guiliani didn't help by moving crime from NYC across the river to New Jersey, so now Newark has the fifth highest murder rate per capita in the US (38.34 per 100,000 people last year). The housing crisis in NYC is mostly just college grads who come to the city and complain about how high their rents are relative to their internship salary, and also residents of a few neighborhoods that are gentrifying, like Bed-Stuy or Bushwick (ps -- if you want to see how public art can help the regeneration of a neighborhood, watch this: "No Free Walls: Art and Gentrification Collide In Bushwick" youtube.com/watch?time_continue=11&v=7n5pDoKAcgw). Australian cities need to do more to stop their exurbs deteriorating into amenity-free crime zones. Having a healthy city center that attracts people to live with great quality of living is one of the best ways to stop the fringes of cities turning to shit. High housing density contributes to this revitalization. Urban regeneration and preservation programs help a lot with this too (like Jane Jacobs's work).

Subdivisions on the edge of Melbourne have tenth and twentieth of an acre lots. The Australian Ugliness wasn't a criticism of low density urban forms - Boyd designs detached homes on large lots, you stupid fucking shitcunt

Agreed. I was born and raised in a city, then moved to a remote rural area, then back to the city. I can't stand the in-between spaces.

>Subdivisions on the edge of Melbourne have tenth and twentieth of an acre lots.
Source? I thought that in Craigieburn they were mostly 1/4 acre or 1/5 of an acre blocks.

And yeah, Boyd is arguing for better suburban design, especially the avoidance of "featurism," but he particular wanted houses that were designed to be integrated into a whole artistic concept and integrated into their environment. And yes, he did design detached homes, but modest and elegant buildings. I especially like his design for Jimmy Watson's on Lygon St.

Our capital cities aren't really cities mate. They're just sprawling suburban areas with a few high rises in the central business district.

Main issue is the sprawl gets larger and denser without the CBD really growing. Then you got fuckwits like OP who think we should all live out in some shitty town because he's an aggro cunt who has no friends to watch the footy with.

if i see someone talking like you IRL i'm going to fucking smash their dumb cunt head in. 6 months in jail is worth it for putting you in a wheelchair for life

Hahahaha, jesus that meth has made you angry. No doubt it would be a dog shot to the back of the head cause you are a spineless bogan cunt. Also you wouldn't get 6 months for paralysing someone you dopey fuck, especially when you sucker punch them. I'd gladly say that I would knock you on your arse but wtf do I care, we both know you are a little cuck keyboard warrior. Stay mad.

lol they are filling minneapolis with these but (((they))) cant find enough rich college students to fill them so the places despereatly try to get people to live in them with no success but people keep building them and the jews are losing so much money

>just dont rent that shit cause its a rip off


No. Victorian state law actually mandates a minimum of 25 houses per hectare in Melbourne greenfield areas, and there wouldn't be more than that anyway due to anti-sprawl zoning making the land so expensive.

The lots should be half an acre and one acre, but they are tiny.

Boyd wants what I want. 1 acre lots in a bush setting. Not cookie cutter suburbs with postage stamp sized lots.

I would get 6 months at absolute maximum you fucking dumb cunt. Especially with a good sob story (easy to do) and a good lawyer.

And I wouldn't sucker punch you. I'd stab you in your spine.

Maybe just maybe, people want affordable housing.

>I would get 6 months at absolute maximum you fucking dumb cunt.

Not only are you a lazy bogan cunt, you don't know shit about the law. A good sob story about how you stabbed someone because they disagreed with you online or overheard a conversation you didn't like. Fucking best lawyer in Australia couldn't get you off. Fucking iceheads like you are delusional.

Stay mad, your thread is shit like your life.

you are the type of brisbanite faggot who gets his shit stomped in on the regular down here. i can't wait for it to happen to you.

You are the typical nsw bogan who can't handle the banter and no cunt likes this is why you are online at 11.42pm with nothing to do but smoke ice and rage about how much you hate people who are successful.

you need to be put in a fucking oven, kike

and your land must be expropriated from you.

Big cities are for liberals.


>In an interview with the Herald, Mr Triguboff said there was too much focus by the Prime Minister, John Howard, and others on land releases on Sydney's outskirts, and that too much land was locked up in national parks and reserves.

>He also called for a big increase in immigration, saying the population of Sydney should be 20 million by 2050, with the population of Australia 150 million.

>And he has dismissed proposals for values and language tests for immigrants, saying: "What's more important for me - a guy who can fix my tap or a guy who can speak English?".

fucking kike, do I have to explain it?

What's more important for him? More non-native immigration, so that cities are larger, so that he can build more, so that after he got the #1 richest kike in Australia, he can get even more shekels on his account.

Does the Jewish greed ever end? When is it enough?

Looks like you have the kike ideology, see keep being a good goy bogan and wishing for more iceheads to hang out with.

>tfw want to live in a high-rise
>we only have endless streets of houses everywhere