Cred Forums is brainwashing

All white nationalist communities are infiltrated, and pushed into the direction of pic related.

Just look at Cred Forums. This board's very purpose is to agitate, demoralize, and goad you. How many of us can say “My life is better now that I browse Cred Forums.” That's how they control us, and keep us from influencing the public.

Other urls found in this thread:

>keep us from influencing the public
>after we just memed a TV star into the presidency and made a cartoon frog public enemy number one

PS Cred Forums isn't a stormfaggot board you kike fuck

my life is better after browsing Cred Forums

Unlike your pic the type of Cred Forums user's mindset doesn't end at hatred. It continues into self improvement and a future restoration of our volk.

Every Nationalist on the alt right preaches self improvement

Yeah, because they were doing so well before Cred Forums.

None of the shit here matters. We lost. This is just a place to entertain ourselves while the ship sinks.

I felt like i was just going through life, and since pol, I'm actually aware of what's happening around me.

This is a not a place for self-improvement, this is the place where people unite to talk about the shitty things that are corroding our world.
Of course we're angry here. Every bullshit that the kikes are causing, everything, ends up here so everyone can see and discuss about it.
This is not supposed to be a NS safespace.

>we made a cartoon frog public enemy #1

You silly fool. The MSM pinned pepe onto YOU.

>Cred Forums takes pride in having the symbol of socially dysfunctional, shut-in losers and degenerates used to represent white ethnic identitarianism.

>we memed a TV star into the presidency

If you think Cred Forums has anything to do with Trump's presidential run, you have very little understanding of how this world really works. Again, "we" didn't do anything. He's not on our team. He's not fighting for the first world, white middle class. He's a billionaire. He's a globalist shill who's manipulating your sentiments to keep your attention OFF the 1% / the bankers / the jews, etc.

You are the very example of the goyim's gullability, and why the jews rule and control you.

>Thinking anyone who would the globalists had ANY doubts about would make it this far in a US presidential election

I'd laugh, but it's really not funny. You're being taken for a ride, chump

Hatred is a calling card of the jews. It is what they know, what they are, and how they manipulate and control you.

They create and/or exacerbate, and then exploit your self esteem and masculinity issues. That is the source of your hatred. Self improvement? How about stop being an edgy, juvenile punk who runs around embarrassing us by advocating hatred of blacks as the foundation of our culture and society.

It is that very stupidity and arrogance that will be the death of our movement. And if you can't see how jews stand to benefit from this glamorization of hatred on our part, then may god help us.

That's a start, I suppose. But all of Alex Jone's followers, and there are millions of them, are "aware of what's happening" to some degree.

Are they going to change history? Are they going to stop the jewluminati? No, they most definitely are not. Just like white nationalist communities, the jones' farmers are being taken for a ride. A wild goose chase AWAY from real solutions, real empowerment of ourselves and our communities.

How does Cred Forums help us feed our families?
How does Cred Forums help us raise our kids?

Hatred is one of the foundations of National Socialism you want it or not.
How am I supposed not to get angry about all the shit going on right now? You may have a thick skin but it doesn't mean everyone else has.
When times of peace come we'll be peaceful, when the Jews stop fucking this planet up, we won't hate.

"Don't criticize the Jews or blacks goy it makes you look bad. We will never get anywhere that way!!"
Yeah, okay. Not that it matters.

Why are both nazis lesbian?

My life is pretty good thanks, and browsing pol makes my heart sing.

>Hatred is one of the foundations of National Socialism you want it or not.
Jewish propaganda verbatim. You're being taken for a ride.

>How am I supposed not to get angry about all the shit going on right now?
By being an intelligent adult who can think clearly, and not an emotional adolescent who follows whatever bait is dangled in front of you in this online psyops conditioning center.

>When times of peace come we'll be peaceful, when the Jews stop fucking this planet up, we won't hate.
It is not necessarily bad that you hate. It is bad that you hate, and do it in a way which is not productive to our social, cultural, and political interests. The jews hate you, for certain. Yet they control our society and we don't. Why is that?

They control the schools. They control the youth.
They're only tightening their grip.

It's over. So relax and say "nigger" while you can.

My life is actually better after browsing Cred Forums.

Before Cred Forums, I was jobless, living with my parents, and an alcoholic mess. After I started going to Cred Forums, I kicked my alcoholism, got a series of better jobs, and now I'm living with my gf and making significantly more than I ever hoped to. I'm even starting to work out more, eat healthier, and participate in local politics.

Cred Forums is a force for good.


If Cred Forums spent the time proactively organizing to expose jews that we do being insecure and angry about black masculinity, we might get something done.

There's a reason White Nationalism is a dirt poor bunch of burger flippers on Cred Forums, and Jewish Nationalism is it's own country with nuclear weapons. Why is that?

Because whites were genetically gutted during WW1 and WW2, and all that's left are the cripples and cowards who didn't die in the trenches?

>just give up on white racialism and act like an idiot because it's fun

No thank you

I'm here, so apparently there's still some spunk and intelligence left in the white genetic pool

Please make threads with the focus of helping others accomplish what you have.

THAT is White Nationalism

Whites are warriors. If you look at our history, we fight for what we want. On the battlefield. Whether it's Rome or the Goths--we raise an army and we win by our might, discipline, and strategy in physical confrontation.

That kind of strength is irrelevant now, as is the discipline it requires. We're a relic from a bygone era.

We had our time and the time has passed.

Besides losing my job recently through no fault of my own, my life is okay. Have I made mistakes and faced my own personal challenges along the way? Sure, but I am mentally and spiritually better off than most people I know, with a great family life. There are things I need to improve on. First would be if I could actually meet some real friends, but I haven't shared any interests with the people I have met lately, and I just recently moved out of the city and into a nice, quiet part of the country.

According to this I'm straddling the line between 5 and 6. Not learning a trade, but am disgruntled towards women.
I can thank my mom for that. She hates women in the workplace.

Nailed it on the head.

You're getting me totally wrong here. When I say hatred I'm talking about hatred against injustice. National Socialism revolves around hatred against what is unjust. The destruction of the white race is one of these things, if Hitler were alive today he would totally hate it. Am I wrong here? You know I'm not.

You're thinking about those neo-nazis who say that every black person is a nigger and think that every race other than the white one should be exterminated, etc. Honestly, I don't think they're a problem here on this board, I barely see them. But yeah, I totally agree they're ruining everything.

>Just give up goyim

Nope. We can adapt, and we will adapt. After all, our ancestors were the ones who pioneered, invented, and designed this shitty new modern techo world.

That's not true. We just don't have a good leader right now, who is willing to lead us in the good fight.

>This is a not a place for self-improvement

Yea, I know. That's a fucking problem. It SHOULD be. Because THAT is real White Nationalism. We should be here to HELP each other, for real.

>Let's all just be angry, arrogant, loud mouthed dicks on the internet because it feels good, and then not give a fuck about anything beyond that.

Garbage. It's fucking garbage.

All wrong. Literally everything you have written here is wrong. How is it even possible to be this wrong in a single post?

pretty much this

If your life is good, you should consider seeking to use this platform to help others. That is White Nationalism.


I'm not a nazi or stormfront though, and my township is basically 100% uncucked, so I just come on pol to get non-agenda conforming news about the world around me.

Every place has its own purpose. This is Cred Forums's purpose.
Is what you're looking for.

>Just give up goyim, and don't think about or pursue the options.
>There's no hope ;_;

We are first world, middle class and upper middle class whites. We HAVE options, and it's NOT over. There's still a billion whites on the planet, and we are still the richest people in the world (except the jews).

We have options, and don't let (them) tell you otherwise. We're just not thinking clearly. We're not patient enough. We're not detailed enough.

Start with your life, and your family. Then you can play politics for real.

lol, we fucking lost, it's called natural selection, survival of the fittest, the jews are clearly a superior race, i don't give a fuck about anything anymore, just materialism and sex

9 reporting in.
Learned Danish, German is a work in progress and going to start Latin in a while.

Also know Arabic since I used to live in the Middle East, and it's most useful to understand the most dangerous enemy of the West, the muslim.

Purpose is what we give it.

I give Cred Forums a different purpose, and I'm asking you to agree with me. It is BETTER this way.

There are white kids coming here looking for community and identity. It is OUR job to give that to them, to help them become happy and successful in life. If we don't do that here, where else will that happen? We need to grow up and start acting and thinking right.

White Nationalism and racial identitarianism isn't an internet joke or a game. It is a real, political and social movement. And we need to start acting like it.


my life is actually beter since i started browsing /pol and left /b.

I now have a white girlfriend and a non cuck tier job.

I couldnt be happier I found this place thank you anons!!!

here's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna enjoy a degenerate life, and leave all the work of restoring the fourth reich up to you guys, once you've spend all your life on it and succeeded than I'll join you, but first I'm gonna fuck every race and hookers on the planet and enjoy capitalist materialism untill then

>the most dangerous enemy of the West, the muslim.

Um, what?

Who do you think you're fooling?

>Final stage is libertarianism

well you're white, it has always been good. nationalism and conservatism, if you're not white, is just never gonna be good.

Tyrone, come to Denmark and take a walk through Vollsmose in Odense.

Of course, the zionists are an issue as well, but the situation must be dealt with step by step

>focus on the blacks!
>focus on the muslims!

No. We can completely forget about them for now. Focus on ourselves, and focus on the jews. Everything else is an irrelevant distraction.

Muslims are pretty much using an opportunity created by the jews who promoted multi culturalism and obviously the brainwashed west accepted it completly but now the people are waking up.

You know you two act exactly like a cat now: you spot the bird on the fence from 100m away, but forget about the hand-fed bird below you.

The immediate threat now are the muslims. It's pointless if, in a perfect scenario, the jews are taken out of the equation and the mudslimes create a caliphate in Europe.

Oh but I'm not denying that the muslims are a threat. We don't tolerate them here and completly support the west in getting rid of them. I'm just pointing out what caused the entire turmoil.

>hai guise, luk @ dis stwewman eye maid

Please kill yourself, nigger.

>muh bankers

Found the Democrat

>Starts out okay
>Turns into Rome Rules propaganda

If you don't realize that the Rome you idealize so much is the crux of today's bullshit in the West then you still have a long ways to go. This pic just encourages focus and blind idealization of the beast.

all mainstream media is literal brainwashing

Cred Forums is a paragon of free speech

saged for subversive kiking

>The immediate threat now are the muslims.


>Collects plants
>walking in the nature


This place was never intended and never will be a place for self improvement, anonymous imageboards as a whole do nothing more than act as a blank canvas for the purpose of providing a medium for expression, trying to change it or mold it into something else goes against the very purpose it stands for.

Its only brainwashing if you are an easily impressionable fuckhead.

>doesn't drink
I would beg to differ

hi shlomo. since when do we let kikes tell us what acceptable forms of white nationalism are? before modern natsocs were demonized the 'original' natsocs were demonized. the idiots who act like hooligans are our SA not our SS. no enemies on the right. fuck off with your d&c memes

>Hatred is one of the foundations of National Socialism
What makes people feel qualified to speak on things they won't lift a finger to actually study? Maybe when you love your people, you hate those who want to destroy them, or think of them as "cattle", as the eternal enemy calls us in the Talmud.

It's not "Old Nazi" Vs "Neo-Nazi"
It's actually a German vs an Ukrainian.

>not our SS.
I assume burger never heard about "waffen-SS mobilization"

I feel much more open minded and can spot out degeneracy from a mile away. Cred Forums made me think more critically for both sides

as well dreaming about gasing all the kikes and mudshits

I'm glad I'm not the only one that buys into the white nationalist bullshit.

>defending the bankers

found the moron

Rome is the basis of all western civilization and there's never been a western nation that didn't try to emulate them

>My life is better now that I browse Cred Forums
I can say that without Cred Forums I wouldn't have been open to learning about the Rothschilds running the world so I owe it some appreciation.

>t. Buttblasted bernout
How's that revolution coming along?

>the white man is oppressing me, that's why I'm a drug addicted loser, it's not my fault

>white people
>I would have been a success except they gave my job to shanequa and now I can't compete against Jose and the big bad government which is conspiring to oppress me, it's totally not my fault

>women only want 10/10 Chad Thundercocks with bags of money and form harems and are all bitches etc etc. That's why I can't get a girlfriend. Also I'm a loser who plays video games in my basement all day because women got my scholarship and job. It's not my fault

>I'm constantly being oppressed at every level by the patriarchy. Literally nothing in my life is my fault because the patriarchy. Even my negative emotions are all because of men. It's not like I constantly feel inferior to men at male dominated things that men are naturally better at yet I've been forced to do since capitalism destroyed women's work and forced women to become wage slaves and act like men. Nah, it's all because these shitlords are oppressing me and making me feel inferior. It's not actually like when you judge men and women by the same (male) standards I actually am inferior. It's men's fault.

Everything is related to pride. It's one of the things in the bible I've come to wish people took more seriously because I've realized it's a huge problem in our society.

Take a visit to 3+5ch/pol/. That place is your image. This place is chaos with shills and golems to every direction.

>National Socialism revolves around hatred against what is unjust.
But then it goes and says "might is right." anyway...

>How many of us can say “My life is better now that I browse Cred Forums.”
For me it honestly is. I became /fit/, started reading more and going out more.
Thanks Cred Forums


You are retarded as fyck, and resented too, you need to be a real lazy and self-unaware fuck to believe some abstract money boogeyman is the source of your distress . Its you man, aleays been you, always will be you , while u keep thinking you "woke up to a secret" 'was asleep all my life', you are gonna keep having a shit mediocre life chasing the ghosts of your psyche

i am a 1 :)

I would say I am 7. But I am hispanic. So there is a point where this chart has white pride and I recognize white man's achievements but don't know where I would fit in a completely red pilled world.


I am somewhere between 9 and 10 hands down.

It has been one, long ride. I remember every stage as I am reading these, very accurate. The worst phase was number 5-7.

I was a 4 when I was 16, I am 23 now just to give perspective to other semi-redpilled underage baits on here.

SO much numale faggots in my university right now, it's unbelievable
Men they are so fucking dumb, trying to be whiteknights, make me kek everyday