
What's going on now?

How do you vote with out logging in?



Trump is going to win and the Democrats are scared to play fair.

Time to get photographic evidence of Democratic Party meetings and activities in your local area.

You will need it when it's time to bring them up on actual Conspiracy charges in court.

The Left is shilling hard. This next month is going to be a wicked ride

can we just vote in this thread?

should we vote in all the threads or just one?

this is my first election, so pls no buly.


I voted without having to log in.

daily reminder CTR is using these votes as bait


trump bump

vote vote vote

>just now

It was at 26% when I voted, so I guess we're gaining ground.

It was 19% when I posted this thread last hour. Definitively going in the right direction! PRAISE KEK

Can't find anywhere on the page to vote

We need some more Cred Forums enthusiasm if we want a total turn-around.

lower right hand side on the page he linked. At least, that's where I found it.

Voting from work, kek be praised.

I invoked meme magic, what else do we need?

If voting in the election were as easy as brigading an online poll Trump would win in a landslide. But since it's not...

can't wait till trump orders the execution of these "journalists" when hes in power.