
>just wants to be a housewife

How do we bring back pic related?

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You know how.



stop giving single mothers welfare

"In the end, feminism’s greatest achievement will be the restoration of the patriarchy."

-Jim Goad

and bring Christianity, the morality teacher, back to america so we have real community and act like humans instead of hedonists.

I'm a trans girl and that's exactly what I'll be when I find my future husband

You mean you dress up as a girl

>I'm a trans girl and that's exactly what I'll be when I find my future husband

no you will be a hedonistic gay who takes a man out of the gene pool by tricking him into being a faggot.

you have a mental disorder that is being treated as normal and instead of treating your dysphoria you try to change everything else about you.

Full article!

>But as fun as all that sounds, this has clearly been the most annoying feminist wave of all. It peddles obvious falsehoods such as “rape culture” and the “pay gap,” and, most annoyingly of all, the cruel hoax that we still live in a “patriarchy.”

>third-wavers—not to be confused with third-graders, although I could see how you’d make that mistake—revel in “reclaiming” their “sexuality” by painting the word SLUT on their tits, posing for selfies with their armpit hair dyed blue, and having sex with as many creatures on God’s green Earth as possible just to prove that they will not be shamed into celibacy even though you called them fat.


Stop fucking sluts.

Men get the women they deserve.

Get a job that can support you, your wife, and up to three children.

>self sufficient
>knows how to work for cock


I'm not going to feel ashamed because I want to fall in love with someone and treat them well. Whoever my future husband will be will always get a kiss from me when he comes home and dinner hot and ready for him. (I'm an awesome cook!)

Never been into the whole submissive thing. It's frankly boring, I've always found submission irritating.

Any wife of mine needs to be a complete person in her own right.

That doesn't make my statement any less true does it?

If you were born female and dress like a male then you are a trans girl or trans woman depending on your age.

If you were born male and dress as a female then you are a trans boy or trans man depending on your age.

If you were born as a hermaphrodite then you are a Futanari and need to move to Japan.

How? I want children one day and I wouldn't mind if my future husband and I adopted or used a surrogate mother.

>If you were born as a hermaphrodite then you are a Futanari and need to move to Japan.

futas are acceptable, they have broken bodies, not brains, and can be fixed with surgery.


It is refreshing to see that I am not the only femdom enthusiast in here. It is quite a chore being surrounded by submissive females.

thread devolves into nut-fuckery

EVERY liberal cause produces anti-natalism.
Feminism, homosexuality, high taxes, marijuana, """global warming""", """over population""", abortion, video games, public schooling, I could go on.
All designed to keep you from breeding.

If you start to look for it, you'll see it everywhere.

>you have a mental disorder that is being treated as normal and instead of treating your dysphoria you try to change everything else about you.

this is completely unaffected by your wanting babies.

adoption takes you and your partner out of the gene pool and reduces the negative aspects of slut culture and people who don't believe in abortion but have sex and don't want kids.

and you would never love another "woman's" child as much as you would your own, it doesn't have your genes. adoption or surrogate.

It's a shit thread nigger.

Confirmation bias is real, but a lot of liberal ideas advocate for no more babies from the west. only hedonism.

That's like buying an airline to get free peanuts.

>Have to always step into a bathroom with your left foot.

>Cannot eat with your left hand

>Massive inbreeding they makes Deep South Rednecks look like prize thoroughbreds.

>Have to grow an Honest Abe beard

>Must believe literally every single line of the Quran or you'll be killed

>Including the one that said Muhammad (a pile of rotting pig penises be upon him.) Had a camel with a human face. Must believe this or die.

Yeah no thanks.

Take your backward ass, 1400 year old religion designed for illiterate subhuman rape apes, turn it sideways, then cram it right up where Allah demands you use your left hand to wipe.

>Cannot eat with your left hand
because this is the hand you must wipe your ass with

no tp because religion of savages