Scott Adams on Marijuana

Scott Dilbert Adams was just talking about marijuana on his periscope chat. He basically said it's a perfect plant with benefits only. The ones he listed were all simply physiological things and even then not universally true.

For example, he said weed clears up allergies. O rly? What about allergies to weed itself? I know people who will take one sniff of marijuana in a bag and sneeze, get a runny nose, etc and if they smoke, forget about it, they are blowing their nose for hours. I know others who after smoking regularly for a week get a severe case of sinusitis that nasal decongestants only make worse and they spend an entire day or two blowing endless amounts of snot out of their noses.

Anyway, I don't know whether he actually smokes, - if he doesn't, he can be forgiven, because it's very easy for non-smokers to misunderstand cannabis, no matter how much research they do - but if he does, then he's just giving out bad persuasive advice.

The real problem with marijuana is not any possible health problems resulting from smoking, all of which can be kept at bay by exercise and healthy habits; the real problem is the psychological effects of accumulated THC in the brain, which alters one's very thought processes, interests, inclinations, and undermines the will of the individual, altering their personality subtly but surely over time.

With weed, it's a case of smoke once, accumulate a certain amount of persistently lingering THC, smoke again soon after, increase that amount, keep smoking all day erry day, end up with a brain saturated with THC, altering your very personality and cognitive processes.

Sorry Scott, you are wrong on this issue.

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Who cares. You faggots are so desperate for attention that you will latch onto the most meagre celebrities so long as they support Trump.

A cartoonist who hasn't been funny in over a decade, wow-ee, what a catch.

Pot bellied pot smoking reddit CTR shill scum detected. No wonder you signed up for CTR shitposting, your brain is fried. Go watch My Little Pony.

Anyone against Marijuana is an idiot.


If you could get an endorsement from the phony ponies, that would still be a step up from any of the ones you got so far lmao.

Ann Coulter, Milo yannilpouioius are seriously the best you can do. It makes me laugh just thinking about it Not only that you idolize these people, but that you are so weak willed you literally need "famous" people to echo your opinions.

where did "thc accumulates in brain over time and makes you zombie" meme came from? even bromism from dxm overuse doesnt work like that and goes away when you stop frying your brain. weed makes you dumber is just an excuse for smokers so they can blame a plant for their problems.

I disagree.

>but that you are so weak willed you literally need "famous" people to echo your opinions.

Taking pages out of the liberal handbook. It's an effective strategy.

OP is a faggot who gets paranoid when he smokes weed.

That's all this thread is.

Marijuana should definitely not be legalized along with any other drug that affects the brain that much. I know you guys want to 420 blaze it but will it be worth the few people who have their scizophrenia triggered or the negative impact it will have on our culture which is almost already completely dead?

Might be a good one too, if you could do better than Dilbert. Maybe you should go gamble ten thousand dollars a night at a casino because it's an "effective strategy" for professional poker players.

against what?
i am up for smoking it, not so much for making it a legal massively distributed product, i would stop at the seeds

Please stop posting Asuka, she deserves better than being posted by some disgusting leaf.

Looks like the United States need their own Duterte.

This is a genuinely valid concern. I'm personally a pretty consistent smoker that doesn't have many negative side effects from it's use. However, I've got a buddy I started smoking with that was diagnosed with schizophrenia shortly after we started smoking. It's clearly something that he would have struggled with regardless, but the weed really highlighted the problem.


People will greentext this as biased but it's absolutely fucking true. I smoked weed consistently for about 3 years and it's done nothing but degrade my intellectual and emotional state.

Fuck weed, man makes an entertaining comic to this day
i mean how long has it been going?

Am I the only one who has failed to get ''high''?

I was in Amsterdam a while ago and smoked all kinds of joints. Sativa, indica, mixed. Yes, I did breath in so that it felt in the lungs, kept it for a while in my mouth, and blew the smoke away. I smoked in total ~7 joints within 3 days. I also tried cannabis ice cream. No effect from anything.

Why am I unable to get high?

If you are a loser when you smoke weed, you ere a loser before you smoked it.

ban weed
legalize DMT

>being this persuaded

Some people just don't get high. I'd say it's more of a blessing because weed sucks and drags people down.

>believing any junk in those tourist trap shops actually has cannabis in it
You can't get high because you're already dumb to begin with.

You probaby don't know what "high" is. I never hallucinated or anything.

i,m going to kill myself on friday #wow #whoa

I've smoked 5 times and I don't think I've ever been high. Just had panic attacks.

No. He is right about this issue. All of the things he said are correct and are well-known to many people.

It definitely clears them up. Maybe not for everyone, but a lot of people. Of course this is just hearsay, but its an extremely common occurence.

>brain saturated with THC
>subtle personality changes
>undermines individual

Well, the whole point of smoking is to change your personality a bit. Its called getting high. If it didn't effect your brain, nobody would bother. However, how do you know that this is bad? Why is changing your personality or your brain a bad thing? For all you know they could be positive effects.

Perhaps you should find some research and some sources to back up your ideas, lest you continue to sound like a retard.

t. Someone who doesnt smoke weed

Who says altering the way the brain works is a bad thing?
I have some form of autism and smoking weed has definitely changed the way I think, except in my experience these lasting effects have been nothing but positive and have improved my life. I can think more clearly in the days after I smoke and the fact that it changed the way I think has been very helpful to break out of rigid thought patterns that I had all my life and that were pretty prohibitive in my daily life.

Although I was also diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and put on Ritalin for 12 years so maybe my brain is fucked by that and the cannabis kinds fixes that. No idea.

>the psychological effects of accumulated THC in the brain

The brain doesn't accumulate THC.

>I have some form of autism and smoking weed
now that makes total sense. also smoking will fuck you up. have fun with your psychotic hallucinations

>What about allergies to weed itself?

Regular user with mild allergy here, desentization therapy works.

Well look at that guys, a tard smokes weed to cope with being a tard. What a surprise. Weed is for imbeciles.

This user is right.

I used to be a incredibly blue-pilled selt entitled millenial faggot.

I smoked weed for about a year in conjunction with finding Cred Forums. I started lifting weights, finished university, now have a good job, have a proper hair cut, don't drink or smoke, read a lot. I went full iron-pill. I don't think I could have done it without the open-mindedness weed offers.

Well, we should legalize MJ along with every other drug. The biggest redpill you can take is realizing that we shouldn't legislate morality. So stop being a bluepilled, scared faggot.

>oh no they do something that doesnt affect me in anyway

You're much more likely to experience psychosis on alcohol than weed.

And latter doesn't cause it with dangerous interactions with your legal meds

4.0 GPA grad student about to finish my master's.
If that counts as an imbecile then sure.

>implying the general public should be encouraged to misuse the wrong tree bark and lye

You're just asking for a retard cleansing. DMT safe, making it not. Then again, nobody knows what the fuck DMT is 9 times out of 10 and think it's fucking crack or cocaine.

But what is the reason? Psychological, specific genetics blocking something, medication? I do take methylphenidate as ADHD medication. Didn't take medication on any days during the trip, but the tolerance for medication naturally stays for a long time.

I'm ''obsessed'' with the concept of perspectives which is why I wanted to try weed, but I guess it's indeed a blessing I can't feel it.

I got them from many different shops and some of them from my experienced friend that was with me. He has been pothead for years now and he smoked the same stuff and he got high.

To prove my intelligence on an anonymous imageboard, I've to say I did get 128 (at 15 standard deviation) in the mensa internet test. My mother has said I'm intelligent and handsome. Why is it always you retards calling me dumb on the internet? Does it make dumb people feel smart if they call others dumb? ''They won't suspect me being dumb if I accuse others of being'', like that?

Yeah I knew it would be anything much, but... I simply didn't feel any different from normal. Absolutely nothing. People wouldn't do illegal and pricey things to feel nothing.