What is your plan for if Hillary Clinton wins on November 8th?

What is your plan for if Hillary Clinton wins on November 8th?

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same as if the other one wins, complain for my rights, pay attention to legislators, threaten to vote them out if they fuck over my interests

They're both Illuminati plants anyway.


laugh at Cred Forums for doing the same thing they did with Romney

Open a bottle of good wine and enjoy colossal butthurt in Cred Forums

move to S Korea or Japan

Go on vacation. Contemplate existence.

laugh maniacally as I drown Cred Forums in a tsunami of their own tears

make fun of Trump shills and their silly hats

Also make more money and browse Cred Forums.

I'll probably keep saving money and move to Japan or something as an actual person looking for a better future and not as someone looking to sperg out and yell moshi moshi with pocky sticks in my ass.

is that why the MSM is freaking the fuck out over trump? Hell, Romney had it much easier for being the opposition leader 4 years ago.

Nice try CIA

i made this for your flag

Continue doing what I'm doing, just be a little more pissed off while I'm doing it.

move to the US illegally

I will rejoice at the sight of Putin getting cucked.

I'm going to stay at home the whole day to see Cred Forums crying. same if Trump win. BTW, should I stay at home on November 9th or 10th? when the result cames out usually? I kinda need to know In order to take a day off.

We only supported Romney because he was white. People here genuinely like Trump. There were not endless Romney generals.

I'm going to destroy this board.

quit my job and and sign up fo dem programz. Use said programs to buy guns and ammunition and go off the grid.



Because of the increasing amount of mail-in ballots in the bank by election day, we'll know by the 9th.

That's not a bad idea actually.

That doesn't change my life at all, I just want to see Trumps win for seeing LGBTshit and nig nog crying and chimp out

Move to the alps

call yanks cucks

The broadcast networks will announce a winner by 3 AM GMT on November 9. That's when Cred Forums will probably collapse under the sheer number of shitposts being submitted, but I'm sure you'll find lots of sobbing Trumpkins throughout the following 48 hours.

The Trump support here is nothing like it was with Romney. Most of us didn't like Romney because we were still salty about Ron Paul losing. Sort of like how Bernouts are refusing to support Hillary.


You're no better than a "refugee," leaving the country because it will go to shit. Stay and try to fix it.

kek, nice manlet bunker

A car, a hose, and some rags to stop up the gap in the window.

(She won't)

Hope for things to boil over into a Civil War.

Losing my last bit of faith in humanity.

Like I'm going to tell you.

I move to Estonia.

What happens when a state with nuclear weapons undergoes civil war?

be comfy and watch the world burn.

Fucking shitpost, like you don't even know, holy shit.

Care to give me some pointers on how friendo? I'll gladly heed any advice

but it's 7'6 in height

We'll fallout ourselves. Get ready to ghoulify or die

>threaten to vote them out if they fuck over my interests

Boy, they will be quaking in their boots


You're going to find out if she wins.

All it's going to take is people being aware of the machine rigging (and this is actually starting to be seeded by the media).

It's why she's been trying to spin it on Putin, but the people aren't hearing it. The boomers aren't loud enough anymore for anyone to buy that.

>mexican intellectuals

I'll probably spend the day shitposting on Cred Forums laughing at you faggots.

Honestly, it'd be for your own good anyways. You'd just end up hating Trump anyways if he got elected because his policies will end up being a lot more liberal and less religious-leaning than you would like. And you'd be sent off to go fight ISIS and try to murder their families and shit in his war campaigns. And I don't think the military is going to let you pathetic fucks have the luxury of wasting your time posting on Cred Forums while you're off fighting in Syria or whatever other shithole country in the middle east.

What will you do if Donald Trump declares himself shadow president?

hillary is the same as obama so the same thing i've been doing. the bare minimum

no reason to apply myself because what really matters is what color you are or whether you have a dick or a vagina. right guys

I've got a brother who lives up in Alaska.

Move up there, try to find a decent job and just keep my head down.

>because hilldog the great and terrible demands it
>because they've gone to far to make nice and they know he won't let them get away with shit after he takes power.

Its a win/win either way. If Thump wins, we've pulled off the biggest troll in recorded history and we'll bask in leftist tears, if he loses I get to troll and laugh at all the butthurt Cred Forumslacks on this board with my aussie brothers. Its going to be a wonderful day.

You have no idea how seriously I want you guys to take up arms and start an armed riot rebellion against the descent into degeneracy being led by liberals.

Please, please, PLEASE give us an excuse to wipe your miserable lives out away from this existence.

>implying Hillary isn't going to continue the forever war in the middle east
you've got to be joking.

I'm moving to Canada!

I'm implying Trump would more likely be the one to want to be more aggressive and lack any tact. I'm implying he's much more likely to send in a ton more ground troops to try to end things. And I'm implying that those ground troops that are going to be sent in aren't going to be the college educated libtards, that it's going to be you hicks who spend your time posting in this cesspool alt-right echochamber.

That's what I'm implying user.

Wouldnt you need to be fired to have it even better? Get that extended unemployment?

As a lefty, I fucken miss R-Money

To think we all ridiculed him for being a bigoted fat cat. We had no idea who was around the corner... rubbing his tiny little hands together... waiting...

Thanks Leaf and Burger, now I know when I'll enjoy the bantz.

What I've learned, after researching all of this shit, is that it doesn't matter who wins. Globalism is for economic reform, and we're just unfortunate enough to be the generations who are collateral damage for the change.

There is practically no difference between Trump and Hillary in office, just like how Obama was going to change shit and ended up neutered.

Trump's a businessman, and he'd be more likely to throw people a bone on fun things, but their core policies will be identical. No, the only thing ANY of you should be concerned about right now is surviving for when the dust settles.

We're in the middle of some shit, just keep your head down and take care of your families or those you love.

Shrug and prepare for 8 years of saying "I told you so" and "You didn't listen.
Also stay addicted to happenings because there will be a lot.

Hillary is extremely corrupt and she has done a bunch of illegal shit that can get he arrested/kicked out. Try to expose her or something. If all goes to shit, racewar

If Hillary wins I'm going to start rallying the troops on Cred Forums to get Gowdy and Chaffetz elected next time.

Same as always.

Wait for the happening.

If you've listened to anything he's said you'd realize how fucking stupid you are.

Only him, Stein, and Johnson have called out regime change. The difference is that Trump can win and is not retarded. Guess you want to end up like Europe and get culturally enriched?


Cred Forums burgers are already on suicide watch after the debate. Now I just sit back and wait

I'm okay with him sending you guys in to go kill ISIS family members and stuff if that's what Trump wants to do.

Well since my family is rich, we might just donate to her foundation and get that privilege access, I was talking to my grandpa about it.

this desu

it won't be different to obama except she'll be more corrupt and less human

american politics will become boring again for non-ameircans

>What is your plan for if Hillary Clinton wins on November 8th?
I'll move to Australia

Gowdy or Chaffetz would make awesome presidents. Imagine their revenge on the entire political establishment.

I got plane tickets to go to japan

If Trump wins I'll come back though

Stockpile foods and medicaments.

I'm with you. Chaffetz will probably run for Speaker of the House first, a nice warmup for the presidency.

>Putin cucked
Yeah, have fun once Hillary orders nato countries to attack Russia and he nukes them. Anti rocket shield my ass. You're either on the Trump train or on a radiated ground zero.

We stand with alex

Agreed I think they're quite possibly the best politicians in office right now, they really love the United States and they seem very centrist in their views not particularly holding to a party. They also seem to have a lot of integrity.

Is that from the set of the new Ghostbusters?

what do we do about this weeaboo epidemic?

Russia is fine, but the US is always demonizing them.

Watch the NeverTrumpers have a field day, then watch them go into hysterics when they realize what amnesty is going to do for the winning chances of Republicans in years to come.

Move to the country of Texas after they secede.

Realize that whatever chance I had of getting her dick drunk is gone now that her SMV has risen from unemployed to President.

If she gets elected I will start a Muslim genocide, second civil war, and hopefully a violent uprising. The American Spring will be upon us and I will rightfully shed blood on this tainted soil.

Who here takimg the day off to enjoy the pol meltdown?



Yeah if we work with Russia to do so and stop supporting al Qaeda and child beheaders like al zinki. He already said working with Russia to stop isis is the best way. Right now obama,kerry, samantha power, and other liars support isis and al Qaeda because it messes with Assad and Russia.

Nothing. I'll just sit around. 4-8 more years of these cultural marxist retards and we'll start the Final Crusade


Shitpost on Cred Forums, jerkoff to black girls, get drunk and go to sleep.

Be sad that I lost literally thousands of dollars that I have riding on this election in online betting.

>What will you do when Hillary Clinton wins?

Call Americans cucks for eight years.

What is your plan for When Trump wins on November 8th?

No, this is more like giving them the punishment their way ends with. Like teaching a child. If your boy is about to play with fire, let him, the burn will teach him not to do it again.

Move to Russia or another developed right wing country.

>Calling people Cucks

Yeah, Americans are really popular in Eastern Europe and Russia! I'm sure they'll give you a very warm welcome.

Shitpost for a couple hours

About as popular as Turks in Germany and they are doing quite well.

>moving to another country to escape it.
>not similar to syrian refugees
Instead of moving to another country, help us fix ours and make it better.




I can't fathom what the aftermath on social media will be like after November 8th if Hillary wins. I just don't want these social media liberal activists to win. I don't them to have the satisfaction of saying "We WON!! TOLERANCE WINS AGAIN!!"

This is our country, we all know that sjw's are beyond logic/learning. If we leave, it will only get worse.

That's because Germany is not a right wing country. The very thing you value about Eastern Europe and Russia is why you as American could never fit in and would never be welcome there.

After her 8 years your next president will be gay if nuclear war hasn't erupted by then. Then it's 8 years of a pedophile, then it's 8 years of a bestialitybro. You know how progressiveness works.

Make donation.

Ambassador to Norway cause hot grills and corrupt as fuck administration.

I will admit, its a step in the right direction, but.....

lose any remaining hope of a quality of life worth living

I reckon I'll work sleep shitpost and fap

Not immigrate to murrica

If he wins I'll move from the Netherlands to Ohio

If it leads to seeing a woman get drilled by a fully erect, nondrugged horse I'd vote xer in a heart beat.

I finish police academy in April so I think I may try grtting a job somewhere remote like Alaska or something idk

Continue to shitpost on Cred Forums

>What is your plan for if Hillary Clinton wins on November 8th?
I plan on Coming Home.


This user gets the point of these threads.

Except I'm white with blue eyes and I'm not a muslim.

become muslim and start beating/killing the faggots that voted for this.

Stay in Cred Forums trench in this big, wide guerrilla warfare called end of times.

I don't know. Maybe get drunk as fuck, browse Cred Forums asnd contemplate life. If Trump loses, I'll oloose al my hope in the saving of germany.

Ill stay in canada and wait till next electiom

I will spend money I am currently not spending, to counter the bond collapse and a probable, brief market collapse that the elite are clearly planning.

fucking kek

Washington here. Fuck off, we're full.

probably bunker in because NWO is imminent at that point and I say that unironically

Have a grand old time funposting on Cred Forums.

I'm so torn between wanting Hillary to lose to taste the delicious liberal tears or for Trump to lose to soak up all the Cred Forums asspain and fully immerse myself in schadenfreude. I think I prefer the latter, desu.

Why would trump plan a market collapse?

>Washington here. Fuck off, we're full.
The Pacific Northwest will become a new, White-only nation when the Jewnited States of Amurrica collapses.

If you're non-White or anti-White, you'll be out of a home.

Search the earth for understanding.

this place will literally just be trolls trolling trolls for months if trump loses, no sensible discussion will be possible, so most regular posters will just leave for a while.

You'll be soaking in imaginary tears

If you value duration you should hope for a Trump victory. Cred Forums will be anally ravaged for a month or two and then move on to memeing about whatever's topical again. Liberals on the other hand are professional whiners who will produce tears for the entire duration of a Trump presidency.

Shitpost on Cred Forums while checking my gun orders in another tab

>white power
I'm white but do you see how stupid you sound?

>>white power
Okay...you listed two cities...your point?

>I'm white
Then why do you oppose a group attempting to save the White race?

>but do you see how stupid you sound?
It's like you think the anti-Whites will be allowed to stay when the pro-Whites take over.

Gear up for the likely oncoming apocalypse. Then go to the bermuda triangle

What? Like how conservatives have made an entire mini economy talking about how Obama is the antichrist?

Yeah even if I had no idea how bad things were, and how bad they could get I'd still be fucking pissed those violent and brain-dead idiots get to feel validated.

Exactly, so tolerant! Tolerance above all else!

>Obama is not the antichrist

Greater Seattle is over half the population of Washington and overwhelmingly liberal. This is the state that voted for Bernie Sanders in a landslide and you want to turn it into the 4th Reich? Good luck faggot, I'll be here when it happens.

spoken like a true leaf

>Implying it's not Hillary

Report the theft of most of my firearms


She's going to tell you what you need to do.

I thought that exact thing right after I posted


>Greater Seattle is over half the population of Washington and overwhelmingly liberal.

>This is the state that voted for Bernie Sanders in a landslide

>and you want to turn it into the 4th Reich?
You imply that they'll be allowed to have a say in the government, a say in the society or even allowed to stay.

>Good luck faggot, I'll be here when it happens.
And you won't lift a finger to save your people?

You're as much of an anti-White as those leftists are.

Probably quit my job and live on welfare because fuck it

Grab SKS go innawoods.
She cant tax me if she cant find me.

>he thinks Trump is going to send ground troops to a failed war

What's going to happen is the kiddie gloves are going to come off, we're going to fully cooperate with Russia in restoring Assad, and we're not going to support any FSA. And we're gonna bomb the hell out of ISIS using airplanes like pic related in the captcha I just did.

You sound like a fucking HuffPost writer "haha u rednecks are gonna be sent overseas to kill babies meanwhile im gonna sit here in my lounge with my cup of coffee laughing at u shitlords :^)"

Kek okay if you're so deluded that you think you'll have a successful white coup d'etat in the northwest, whether the people who live here want it or not, then just carry on shitposting I guess. You'd have much better luck elsewhere though.

Mass shooting on my campus. Possibly bomb a blm protest. If he wont maga i will

I'm not a lefty so I'll keep living my days like a normal human.

>1 post by this id

>Kek okay if you're so deluded that you think you'll have a successful white coup d'etat in the northwest, whether the people who live here want it or not, then just carry on shitposting I guess. You'd have much better luck elsewhere though.
So instead we should just vote Republican like you're doing?



six bullets to the back of the head, ruled a suicide

this thread terrible stinks

sit here typing hysterically about the inevitable Syria happening

When did I even say anything about what I was doing?

ain't happening


>When did I even say anything about what I was doing?
You're just like all the other anti-Whites that shit all over the only plan in North America to save the White race.

It's always
>NWF sucks!
>No, I don't have any other plan to save the White race!
>I'm just going to continue voting for Republican Conservatives!

Or am I wrong and there is a plan/group you support that will definitively save the White race?

>inb4 I don't care about saving the White race. I just want to beat the liberals.

This, but if Hillary loses I'll just do the same thing on Facebook.

itll be easy as shit to get heroin then.

Do you currently live in the northwest? If not, then where? You seem to think there's this greener grass on the other side of this fence with a population that would welcome you but you don't seem to understand the land you want to conquer at all. The fact is I can't think of any region that would actually be receptive to a white only government except maybe the plains? But I've never been there so I have no real idea.

If??? More like when...

>.0001% immigrant population just like europe
we would have to deport a lot of people to become like europe. why are you race baiting when the shill tactic pivot was weeks ago???

Keep an eye out. First hint of a civil war/nuke/collapse go on "vacation" with my family to their home country in the West Indies.

Would rather chill in the Carribean and drink coconut water in the sun than try to pull some overwinter stalker shit here.

If something drastic happens (Election Day 9/11) and we can't access the airport then haul ass up north and go innawoods with my partner's family at their well isolated cabins.

If nothing happens then just keep saving money/gaining skills and eventually move to Alaska.

>Do you currently live in the northwest? If not, then where?
I'm currently in the process of Coming Home.

>You seem to think there's this greener grass on the other side of this fence with a population that would welcome you but you don't seem to understand the land you want to conquer at all.
You seem to think that I care if the anti-whites "welcome me". Their feelings are irrelevant.

>The fact is I can't think of any region that would actually be receptive to a white only government except maybe the plains?
And the real fact is that you don't understand the NWF nor why the PNW was chosen.

>But I've never been there so I have no real idea.
And yet you're saying that you don't want pro-White White people moving to the Pacific Northwest and you certainly don't want Whites saving our race in that area.

Why is that? Do you hate the White race that much?

I will be graduating college in the next year (2017).

So if she wins I will immediately start applying for jobs in the whittest state in the country, whichever state that is. If trump wins, I will stay in my hometown for four years before moving to said whittest state in the country.

>. Most of us didn't like Romney because we were still salty about Ron Paul losing.

newfag here. is this true? Cred Forums was full reddit mode 4 years ago?


Defect to Russia. The only nation thats on to the globalists shit.

I'm moving to Africa either way. Botswana, near the border with Zim and SA.


No they're not. Still very much CO. (((They))) love their Hegelian Dialectic.

I will stay up all night drinking tears from Cred Forums, Milo, Alex Jones and other Trump supporters.

If Trump wins I will still shitpost

whatever happens I will shitpost


Spend all day shitposting and laughing at Americans here on Cred Forums.

However, if Trump wins, I'm gonna buy myself a shitload of burgers, a case of Coors Light, and spend the night watching the tears flow on facebook and twitter while masturbating to blonde bimbos in the most vanilla porn I can find, as I blast classic american rock tunes as loud as possible.

lonewolf then fuck it

Chaffetz doesn't have the face to be pres.

Tragic boating accident on the 9th

She won't.

Ted Cruz's mighty skelegates are on our side.


you sound so stupid right now. gl living in fantasyland, buddy. you'll wind up in jail for hate crimes anyway

laughfest 24/7 on zombie /tg/

Live out my life to the best of my abilities until death


>you sound so stupid right now.
Oh no. Someone on Cred Forums said I sounded stupid. Whatever shall I do now?

>gl living in fantasyland, buddy.
As opposed to you continuing to live in an increasingly hostile anti-White country that's bound for collapse?

>you'll wind up in jail for hate crimes anyway
Oh no! Not that! I better not say or do something as racist as saving the White race from extinction! I might end up in jail! Anything but that!

Agent Johnson, please include the following in your official report:

Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger


entrance opening
ft. 4in

no american could pass through!

Work towards her impeachment

Revolution 2.0

It's true

My next door neighbour's called Hillary.
I'm going to beat the shit out of her

I don't want hillary to win because I can't stand feminists and other sjws.

I want trump to win but I also will probably have to get a more introvert job like accounting since I'm hispanic. I know I'm going to get harassed by random white people that think I'd salty about trump.

Just stay here, try and get dual citizenship, maybe move to Poland. I'm from burgerstan originally and if Hillary wins I probably won't go back.

Emigrate to Australia or New Zealand desu senpai.

Optional Quest: Find and seduce Syrian grill

whine on the internet for a week or so, then get on with my life.

funny when civilians convince themselves they are such a big deal

same desu. wanna become terrorists if hillary wins? no fbi, promise.

BASED riot cop

Conservatives are just flat out dead-enders anymore and with the republican party becoming increasingly unstable and radicalized in response to every defeat or party set-back over the past twenty years, a sound voiceog conservative values for your average american (who is always a cautious moderate) simply doesn't exist anymore. The Party has been so concerned with placating the pre-existing backwards Republican big money interests that they're quite literally incapable of appealing to anyone, but ignorant bible-beating blow-hards and alt-right millennials.

Where did it all go wrong for the Republicans? The Dixiecrats. When LBJ made the big push for civil rights we saw a mass immigration of racist southern Democrats over to the Republican party over the course of twenty years or so resulting in the Republican party valuing backwards religious social issues over fiscal conservativeness. Ever since the Party of Abraham Lincoln has become increasingly backwards and contrary to social evolution and if you refuse to change or adapt, you die out, it's simply how it goes.

No one wants America to become another Sweden, but if you get so caught up in ideologies of how things were or what placates solely to you as a white male, then you've no one but yourself to blame.

Laugh at Cred Forums for a month straight.

If the feelings of anti-whites don't matter, then you could do your little thing anywhere, couldn't you? Syria perhaps? So I'll bite, why the northwest?

This is a really juvenile post but after your others I'm not the least but surprised. Anyway yeah there are jail cells here just like there are wherever you're from so I don't guess it matters to me. Where are you from anyway?

Whats the address m8 ill join ya

Nothing matters until inauguration.

>go to the website
>kinda interesting, read a little bit
>check out one of the most recent podcast
>click to a random time in it
>"we are summoning the warrior spirit of our ancestors from the third reich to defend us against those who would want us dead"

The Jews will not let it happen. Regardless of who the president is.

You know.

I'm not doing it. But you can be assured that someone will ASAP.

He's handsome as fuck and he looks at people the way they know he doesn't take bullshit.


If by 'armed riot rebellion' you mean sulk around mom's basement eating ham and cheese hot pockets, then sure

>become muslim
>move to the USA
>rape white women
>leech money

>I'm currently in the process of Coming Home

So wait, you don't have the money or connections to move to what's essentially a foreign land, and you think that you and your internet friends are going to pull off a coup? Pic related.

>You seem to think that I care if the anti-whites "welcome me". Their feelings are irrelevant.

So basically, you're going to move somewhere you aren't welcome and impose your ideology on them against their will? Are you a Sharia loving Muslim? Pic related.

>And the real fact is that you don't understand the NWF nor why the PNW was chosen.

Because they don't have police, national guards, and military installations? Pic related.

>And yet you're saying that you don't want pro-White White people moving to the Pacific Northwest and you certainly don't want Whites saving our race in that area.

I think he's saying that the fingers-to-teeth ratio there is just fine without you Budweiser swilling yokels.

Forgot pic

2012 was a long time ago user

Is this a fucking joke? I'm laughing over here.

No it's apparently not a joke, which makes it even more hilarious.

Move to Greenland and change my name to "Wheel Barrel Tony"

cry like a bitch

get my popcorn ready for the complete invasion of Syria

most of you guys who will stay in America will be dead anyways. Hillary is pissing off Russia so much we'll have an even worse cold war.

I cant wait for Hillary to kill Assad

Prep for our inevitable war with Russia

Assad didn't do shit to Syria, It's obvious we tried to destabilize Syria with ISIS.



How many people agreed to this thing? Holy fuck this is tearing my sides apart. Do these people seriously think they're going to start a new fucking country right on US soil? And what the hell is with the flag? 3 colored lines is the exact problem that Europe has. For a bunch of white nationalists who care so much about making their happy town look fancy, they sure didn't put much effort into making a good flag. What are the green and blue for anyway? Nature and sky? Earth and water? Good lord this is terrible.

Remind myself that good men stood against tyranny and fight the good fight for the span of a lifetime.

whatever happened in Syria it doesn't matter Saudi wants Assad dead and Hillary is paid off by Saudi. Hillary has already said she will kill Assad as soon as she is president.

Because Trump is controlled opposition. The Jews who own the MSM knows that the nationalism pendulum is swinging back thanks to liberal cucktards, so they planted him to get negative coverage which would produce widespread, controversial support. It's all part of their plan

ITT: A bunch of CTR shills trying to demoralize everyone and talk "sense" into people with (((liberal logic))).

I kinda like the flag from an aesthetic standpoint. They're decent enough colors I guess. But yeah as a Washingtonian I'd heard of these guys before but I figured they must know it was a pipe dream. The user here seems like a serious business badass though.

Laugh at American stupidity
I like the country and I like visiting it but if you elect her it will only be your fault.

collect hand outs from the government like the rest of them

Oh and regarding the flag look up the Doug Fir of Cascadia.

I will have a moment of silence for the last bit of hope that just died, then I will observe the incomprehensible shitstorm and have a beer or two. I will weep on the inside.

Cred Forums imploding will probably be fun to watch. I guess I'll grab some popcorn.

Check out their forums. The most people ever simultaneously online was...
87 in 2015


then the way to fuck up the plan is to vote trump in

I'll go door to door and shoot every liberal in my neighborhood with a .22. How does one build a suppressor?

Is that more or less than Stormfront?

1 million naked neckbeard march. No one will touch us and we can halt all activity in the Capital.

Divest of all my investments in American companies save defense contractors

You'll be granted full amnesty.

Probably die since I can't/don't want to move and I'm probably going to get nuked by Russia or bombed by Tan Europeans.

Lolbertarians tend to go one of two ways. Either they keep the NAP shit going and end up like Ryan Dawson or Molymeme, or they snap and turn into Fascists when they realize that people don't deserve liberty.

I call this The Last Straw Syndrome. The Left keeps pushing, pushing, telling you that your rights don't matter as much as their feelings, that freedom is less important than being on the right side of history.

Eventually you start believing them. Maybe rights aren't so important. Maybe freedom isn't so essential. But "right side of history?" Oh no, that part you will never believe. So you adopt the weapons of your enemy and his attitude towards liberty, but instead of moving to the left you take a big 'ol step to the Right, and start revving up the helicopters.

Well if half those people are farmers, half laborers, and all of them soldiers, they might have a chance at becoming a semi-competent village.

>go to Cred Forums
>bitch about libruls
>cry about muh white wymin

Admit it, all you faggots will do the same

>1 post by this ID

Dear Diary,

Cred Forums falls for another slide thread

I guess, as long as they bring enough snacks.


Idont really care, 99.9% of pro-trump shitposting was just for laughs. its gonna be fucking hilarious shitting on hillary for 2 years if she gets elected.

if she wins, we're all dead and tomorrow is canceled.

Probly get myself banned from Cred Forums, Breitbart, and r/The_Donald from all the gloating I'll be doing.

90% of them are social recluses who've been "in the movement" since the eighties

Literally move to Russia.

Unlike these libshit cowards who say they'll leave the country if Trump wins, I'll actually do it. I have the financial means and the language-acquistion skills to make it happen.


Sign up for the military. Guaranteed she'll sent troops to Syria or Russia

Massive shitposting

The post is a failure, for two reasons:

1. You imagine you are being too clever by half, and yet you made the most elementary mistake of all. I would cringe, and you should too.

2 You do not even seem to be aware of delete post function.

You have scored a massive own goal, and your hubris has rightly been followed by nemesis. You should hang your head in shame, quit the chans and pic related.

>What is your plan for if Hillary Clinton wins on November 8th?

Get rid of 2 out of 10 people that work for me.
Taxes are killing us.

Chaffetz was born jewish but converted to mormonism.

Was he redpilled on the jewish trickery?

Then go. Leave right now. If your loyalty to this country is conditional on who runs it, then you're not the kind of person we need here. We need real Americans who are loyal to the beliefs that this nation was founded on and who, if the time came, would give their lives to see those ideals protected. Obviously you're too chicken shit to fight for America, so just go.

Continue to shitpost on Cred Forums


Rebellion. Or lone madman. Depends on your point of view, the media spin, and whether anyone else participates.

>Depends on your point of view
Is you're a faggot
>the media spin
The media doesn't usually report on Cred Forums spergouts
>whether anyone else participates
Well if nothing else, you'll never be alone, friendo.

she is going to have another stroke, live on TV this time. Kind of like 9/11 when she was dragged to the medi-van and lost her shoe.

But this time, she will fall and break her hip.

I'm going to move to Sicily and teach English. I'd rather help my people succeed than whatever is left of America. The experiment has failed.

Curl up by the fire with a nice warm cup of Trumpcuck tears.

Americans need to have a uprising if that dynastic psychopath wins.

Shitpost on Cred Forums. It will be glorious.

you know what it is

Get deployed to fight against Russia

>Or kill the bitch

t. CTR

>if Hillary Clinton wins
Get drunk, stay drunk, minimum 4 years.


Washington is kinda fucked. Eastern WA can still be saved though, and I've been seeing more and more Trump signs and stuff where I live, so who knows? We might save ourselves. That Northwest Front shit is retarded and will never happen though. NatSoc people should want to preserve the Union, especially when Trump gets elected.
t.NatSoc Washingtonfag

shrug and remember that the same players were going to have control over the game either way. we're merely voting for the rhetoric in which it is delivered, and trump did seem more entertaining.

Just promise to vote blue and you'll get in no problem

>Kill me now

You're a fag alright.

it will be war all over the place


>I have the language-acquistion skills to make it happen.

Better get on it, then. It takes 1100 hours for a native English speaker to become fluent in Russian.

I have every confidence that the fix is in and she will win. I will change nothing that I do except that I will blame her for everything wrong with the country in the same way that I blame Obongo today.

Get the same shit that's in the pipeline just a lot faster. If Trump wins he is gonna reneg so much of his policy once he has a chance to talk to his staff (handlers) and get briefed (zapruder film)

He won't be what you expect, and you certainly shouldn't expect one bombastic man to be able to clean cities of sewage festering just under our feet.

If he was a true threat to the military industrial complex he would never have gotten this far.

Will you be fighting from ur mums basement, lil Putin?

Take a schoolroom full of little niglets hostage and demand they release Dylann Roof.

As soon as they do, then go ahead and shoot them all anyways.

(Hi, FBI guy!)

I hate the poeple in my country

Two vastly more socially liberal countries

He's probably just a weeb.

It's very different. Moving around the first world with permission and a skilled trade is much different than being a refugee.

Unless you're just doublespeaking or ebin troool, in which case that's pathetic