The 22nd Amendment

What is Cred Forums's opinions of limited terms vs unlimited terms in office for the US?

Should the people be allowed to keep their president on for a 3rd or even 4th term if they think they're still doing a good enough job?

Or is the 2 term limit necessary to prevent those in one of the most powerful seats in the world from growing too complacent and prevent an indefinite hold?

What about the situation applied for lower offices, like Senators or Congressman?

Limit! Or else you have a Merkel too.

How long has Angela Merkel held office in Germany?

Too long.

Since 2005.


Because it's the public's fucking fault for being dumb and voting for them. Limited terms have much greater potential to be abused

Absolutely must limit. In fact I'm surprised the Founding fathers didn't add the term limits.

You should also add term limits for Congress.

Unlimited terms seem like a good idea until the elections start getting rigged.

What kind of abuse?

George Washington set the standart.

Well, seeing that a president will HAVE to leave in a few months (lets say leading up to the end of a limited term) regardless of what happens, what would you do as a politican with some influence or a gripe?

All publicly elected offices should have term limits. Career politicians are an absolute cancer on our political system.

Then again you could get Kekkonen

>What about the situation applied for lower offices, like Senators or Congressman?

we need to do this, also we should remove pay from those holding office as well as health coverage

Only one consecutive term per office per person.
Anything else leads to corruption.

start getting rigged, where you been?

So you believe term limits are a necessity to prevent corrupted politicians from staying indefinitely. Is there any politician you would have liked to have stayed longer than their term allowed?

And how do you feel about, if term limits are kept, is 2 the absolute most a president should serve or would you see it go any higher?

>Career politicians are an absolute cancer on our political system.

Also any particularly bad examples?

Personally I'd like to set term limits to one but make them longer.

It seems like 90% of a politicians time is occupied trying to get re-elected. Leave that to people not currently serving.

Aside from FDR, Presidents only serving 2 terms is the tradition, even before the 22nd amendment.

One Term in Office, one Term in Jail.

>half of your problems solved
