Tfw Poland tries to raid

>tfw Poland tries to raid

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Can I help you with that, Poles? What should I do?

i'm sure they only wanted to share rare popes with Cred Forums community

hardly a raid


Can anyone explain this pope shit, all I see is deleted thr3ads.

post some censopope

I think I've seen enough popes for today. Thanks though.

post papież jan paweł ii

nice numbers get

za każdym razem z relatywnego xD

Am I doing it right?

psy op

I love me a good ol fashion Poland raid.

>mfw I am enjoying this raid


yes Forums-org-pol-dlaczego-bo-mnie-stac-na-to.html#1275462

These guys are behind this

fucking viczan, full of left cucks

few tips
>nowy wątek=new thread

>this captcha

Did I mention no captha and posting timer?

nk słownik chanmowy polskiej dla 4chana

Create new thread here with raid on this vichan, I will help

If you see one of those threads, just report it in, already being deleted as fast as they show up.

At least raid with something substantial, poles. You're hardly close to getting revenge on the Germans at this rate.

I tried but It got deleted for participating in raid.
>I will help
Thank you krautbro. Use every language, but polish if you want to help.

I don't get this raid... for what purpose?
It's somehow funny nothing else. I'm enjoying it.

>for what purpose
For fun I guess.

Nice nice... I mean you can't really raid Cred Forums I know nothing that would trigger us.

the massive week long ctr raid a little while ago had people pretty mad, /qa/ was full of Cred Forums yelling about the janitors

Can we just put all the Poles on a Tu-154 and send it to Smolensk on a foggy day?

Really? Haha ok, CTR are funny if you ask me.
Libshits are paid to watch the ultimate triggering.
And this is lost land anyway they can't win here