Is Communism the final redpill?

Is Communism the final redpill?

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It's the final blue pill.

We will never know.

pure retardation
good job

that would be determinism

This. It's the ultimate blue pill. Communists are worse than the average sheep since they actually go out of their way to become deluded.


look at those classcucks



anything that opposes individualism and critical thinking is a tool of authoritarians to control you. Communism cannot exist on its ideas alone, it requires force to prevent defection. Individualism is anathema to the concept.

>he doesnt know what socialism is

those are all state capitalism


>state capitalism
i chuckled thank you.

yeah it's final because when you take it you die

Name one successful communist country.

Protip: you can't

The military is contractual employment, not socialist in nature as the government is not redistributing the work and assets of the workers. Workers work directly for the government im assigned functions as per their contracts. It is authoritarian, dictating how, what, and when a person must act and be, which is similar to the social control aspects of socialism and communism. Perhaps having experienced that level of total bureaucratic control over their lives is why so many veterans protest against further government encroachment? Really makes you think


No, because communism is incompatible with human nature, as well as being a highly inefficient system.

That has never happened.

I said successful.


In truth, Stalinism is not far off from Nazism. It's basically fascism with even more control over the economy.

communism is the dead pill

there's no such thing as a communist country.
in a communist society a form of goverment would not exist.

The GI Bill is not socialist either, as it is not a social entitlement, but an incentive offered during the contract negotiation process of enlistment. Veterans are "entitled" to the GI Bill becaise it was a service offered to entice enlistment, much like VA healthcare or cash bonuses. It is fulfillment of a contractual promise to provide the educational stipend, contingent on completion of said obligation. A socialist entitlement is one that a person may receive because they are a member of the society, whether or not they have contributed to the society or not.

the Soviet Union was highly successful.

Until it wasn't.

Only possible either at early stages of human development or at the zenith of technological advancement.

For in-between it's a system called Socialism which has variable success rate and can be combined with capitalism for higher success.

Different Socialist system have been present with different amounts of capitalism, Yugoslav Titoism for example had a higher degree of capitalism and as such gave more opportunities for citizens, the Soviet one on the other hand little to zero profiteering allowed and as such citizens relied heavily on the government and state to live.

if you consider a state whose achievements came at the cost of millions doing slave labor and millions being murdered, and then only achieving a standard of living that was worse than most 3rd world countries in terms of food and other consumer goods, then sure.


Most successes end up failures.

Except for the fact that Russia's economy and standard of living went down the shitter as soon as it was formed. Also, most successful countries don't collapse.

>worse than most 3rd world countries in terms of food and other consumer good
the Soviets only imposed rationing twice after 1950

false,its an illusion

I thought suicide was the ultimate redpill?

First post
Best post

that is the "black pill" or so I've heard.

Communism is literally caused by the masses believing lies.

any way you put it it was like living in a 3rd world country, despite having incredibly abundant natural resources and extraordinarily good farmland and a decent education system. Whether or not there was rationing in place it was vastly inefficient and unprosperous, much like Moldova today, where the political elites who had control of their paychecks through connections were the only ones who could afford cars or TVs.

Russian agricultural production improved when farmers were allowed to keep small patches of land for personal use.

Communism is utopia

I'm not a communist but as a historian it's interesting to think that communism was exactly what Russia needed at the time, it turned it into a superpower and provided a decent standard of living to just about everyone from the Baltic to the Pacific south to Iran.


The Marx pill comes with mass starvation and jewish control and america already has one.

so no with that point marx/communism is the black pill and blue pill.

>final redpill


There is no "final" redpill, you fucking mong. By definition it's redpills all the way down. Forever.

>as a historian
You're an intellectually dishonest commie shill of a historian if you don't acknowledge the series humanitarian crises that constituted life in the USSR

>it's interesting to think that communism was exactly what communsim (...) provided a decent standard of living to just about everyone from the Baltic to the Pacific south to Iran
It's also flat out wrong.

The baltics and Poland are MUCH better off without communism and it disgusts me as a descendant of an escaped Estonian nationalist that you can deny the disgusting and economically disastrous actions of the USSR.

No. Spare 10 minutes of your time to watch this video,
Rockwell mentions one part I always knew about from history classes but never gave it too much thought. Stalin reversed most social communist policies the moment he took power, threw out the jews and started reactionary rollback to family values and puritanism. This is important since agitka on your pic is stalinist-era made, which was the era as close to national-socialism as it gets. And I suspect most deluded commies in the west imagine soviet russia as it was under Stalin.

>jewish control
I wish this retarded meme died. For most of it's history USSR was as anti-Semitic as Russian Empire was.
There were many Jews among old Bolsheviks because it was a way out for those Jews, read about how they were treated in Russian Empire.
But those Jews were mostly shot by Stalin.

The spread of ideologies threatening my property is indeed a red pill

If communism gives you hope you are not understanding the direction the red pill goes

This. Stalin was few policies away from NS.

Redpill is a dumb cringy word. Extreme collectivism and extreme individualism are both dumb as fuck and both lead to misery for majority over time. Both ignore human nature and both are idealistic fantasies that hinge on unrealistic assumptions to be succesful.

So Stalinism is the true redpill? I believe it

>cost of millions doing slave labor
kek, that's exactly what happens in capitalism. It's just 3rd world countries producing everything for the west. Soviets used their own people. Same thing actually.

Socialism is the state ownership of the means of production and the removal of a price system in favor of centralized planning.