In 1970 Dr. Robert Heath conducted laboratory experiments on a young homosexual man named, patient B-19. Teflon-insulated electrodes placed in the septal region of the brain stimulated patient B-19’s libido for heterosexual intercourse. In one experiment, a female prostitute combined with electrode stimulation made patient B-19’s dick diamonds. And then, despite the milieu and the encumbrance of the electrode wires [poor B-19 was attached to an EEG machine the whole time], he successfully ejaculated in her vagina.

Under extreme (((ethical))) pressure the experiments were terminated and Dr. Heath reported that following discharge patient B-19 drifted back to homosexual prostitution. The truth is that patient B-19 later broke into the labs of Tulane University and stole an enormous cache of experimental somatotropin (hGH) and the EEG machine.

On his deathbed in 1999, Dr. Heath confessed that he feared a synergistic reaction between the hGH and electrode stimulation would create a totally deranged, megalomaniacal con artist capable of sowing destruction where ever he goes. With his dying breath, Dr. Heath warned, “Only God can destroy this imposter. Praise …”

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So he became gay for electrodes?

so, donald trump....a serial liar, buffon, imposter, con-man, imbecile, village idiot, orange faced, idiot.

God damn, this shit is real.....

That's insane


buffoon has two o's

>Be gay
>Want to be cured
>Cure exists but Jews destroyed it

I fucking hate the kikes so damn much

What is this supposed to mean? Is it supposed to be about Trump or somebody else more important?

We don't want your kind saved user, we want your kind gone

WAIT WAIT I figured it out

Go suck a dick pretending you are a woman. People are tired of your feels. Shit happens? Deal with it. Stop projecting your queerness. Nobody gives a fuck what you put in your butt,faggot.

So basically straight people should team up catch faggs give them drinks and a hooker.

Why dont they open homo correctus facilities¿

>he successfully ejaculated in her vagina


>something goes wrong
>goddamn Jews, this is their fault

>tfw you get to creampie a lady for science

It's always the Jews, bong. The paper trail always leads to a synagogue


Every godamn time

what the fuck? this happened in my neighborhood?????


God will cure the gay user.

BUMP for bringing back the Heath.

>homo correctus

Sensible KEK