Will Trump kill himself after the election?

Will Trump kill himself after the election?

Great thread

He already did great things again some behemoths that are desperate in asking even dogs to not vote him

and you are a faggot of unfathomable proportions

Trump can't handle losing.

He will either be president or create a media empire that will fill the void that the current media has created due to their propaganda.

based spaghetti poster

yeah, if a 3 45cal bullet to the left temple fired from a 9mm with his right hand.

Some people need coffee to wake up, some people need 5 doctors and 12 injections to last 4 hours before going back to bed


really made me think

let's hope so, but first he MUST rape hillary then Ivanka

Wtf im now with her

Why would he? Even if he loses, he still wins.

Why the hell the president of the United States should kill himself?

No, someone must rule the country

He would be the first president to commit suicide...

Honour killings are justified.

If your wife sleep with a nigger, you should be allowed to kill her

So every woman in Brazil is dead by now ?

Either way he probably will. Hello, President Pence.

Maybe they just don't get married

>He could possibly, maybe, hypothetically kill himself!
>and as such:
>vote for the one who is dying in front of your eyes!

Nice trips mate.

He'll die of (((natural))) causes.

Dah-han-old I endorse yee


Here's one without the distraction

i'm Muslim its hit not kill fucker

Damn Hans, bringing the banter I see.

I don't think so
he'll probably just quit and go back on the apprentice

why wouldn't he

mah swede/nigga (it's all the same): you'd best screen cap this shit & send it to 9fag FunnyFag or wherever...: Let the world know that this is truly happening, that she is truly dying.
Now, if you'll excuse me: I'm off to suck the dick of my goverment mandated Syrian roommate, so he will be nice and hard to fuck my Aryan sister.
>TRUMP 2016!


Will he kill himself after winning the presidency? Probably not.

Boy I hope that this bitch doesn't reply....
>Kek magic 4tw

I think it's possible. He's old, his relationships with his children are all very surface level/artificial, and his business is taking a hit. The wife might leave too.