Alright, Cred Forums. I have a proposed form of government. Tell me why it will or won't work. What should be added...

Alright, Cred Forums. I have a proposed form of government. Tell me why it will or won't work. What should be added? What should be changed?

Ethno-nationalist Constitutional Republic
1) With a limited, national socialist economy
>the government only regulates industries that may do damage to the citizens, or for a clear benefit to the nation's people
>the government offers work programs instead of welfare for able-bodied adults

2) With hard limits on who can vote
>you must pass an IQ test at at least average
>you must pass a language test with basic proficiency
>you must be a legal citizen (horrendous that this is even a debate among some people)
>you must have paid more in taxes than you've received in direct public benefits (including both personal finance and any businesses you own)

3) additional factors
>government representatives are paid only the average income for the entire nation
>government representatives found to be taking "campaign donations" or other bribes are to be considered traitors
>national traitors of any kind are publicly executed
>you are not a citizen simply for being born on our lands. We belong to our lands as much as our lands belong to us. You are a citizen if you are born to citizens. There is no dual citizenship.
>Others may apply for citizenship. There are hard limits to how many immigrants we will accept, based on our own needs. Citizenship is granted on merit, as you must display some benefit (either through skills, service, etc.) to our country, and you must have a willingness and ability to assimilate to our culture. Your ethnicity is taken into account, so as to maintain a homogeneous majority and tribal identity.
>Immigrant citizens cannot vote, even after becoming a legal citizen. The children of an immigrant citizen may vote, if they are born a citizen. Immigrant citizens may have their citizenship revoked at any point, if they violate any pre-defined crimes or acts of disloyalty

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm on board. Do you think me and you could make it happen? I am 6 foot five, weigh 275, can deadlift over 600 pounds, and have guns. Amy one else want to fight for freedom?

Also, as part of the Constitution
1) Free speech is clearly defined without limits for "hate speech" or any other bullshit.
2) The right to arms is clearly defined, there is no mention of any reason (so "progressives" cannot later say that it only applies in certain contexts). It simply states that a citizen's right to own weapons cannot be infringed.

To be honest, I have no idea how to make it happen. I'm still working on that part.


no more ideas?

Should women be allowed to vote?

>Should women be allowed to vote?
That's a tough one.
On one hand, I understand that, when women are given the right to vote in any nation, that nation inevitably goes left-wing, government eventually becomes the new husband/daddy, and the empire crumbles over the next century or so. This does seem to be a historical fact.

However, I also know that this is only a trend among women, and some individual women are intelligent conservatives, loyal to the tribe and willing to take adult responsibility. I don't know if it is a worthwhile loss to completely leave them out.

I think that this:
>you must have paid more in taxes than you've received in direct public benefits (including both personal finance and any businesses you own) to vote
Takes care of a lot of that. Women take the large majority of social benefits in society, and men pay the large majority of taxes. There would actually be relatively few women today who could vote under these conditions. The few who could vote, I think, are most likely to be a more adult and responsible type.

*public benefits
As in, tax-funded programs
I know someone is going to bitch about "social benefits" of some sort if I don't fix that.

Male favored divorce laws.

Opinion on Military Conscription?

No none whites.

>Opinion on Military Conscription?
I've thought about this a little, but I haven't come to any hard opinions about it.

I'd be interested to hear others' opinion on whether this should be a thing or not.

This is more or less exactly what I want. Good job user.

We're looking for a leader. Too many people have been cowed by the political correctness horseshit. What we need is something like the sea turtle breeding strategy. They all lay their eggs on the same beach, and the eggs al hatch at the same time. Although loads of predators come to eat them, the enormous numbers, all at once, is greater than the predator's ability to kill. Rope day must be like this. If 10 million patriotic gun owners struck at once, shooting every liberal they know all at once, there would be no way that the cops could stop even a fraction of them. If each of us kills 2 or 3 undesirables (libs and minorities), we could make America great again in a single afternoon. We need organization and coordination.

Half votes for women.

The IQ test should be dropped. Instead a test that tests both mental or physical aspects should be used. Or the individual must serve in the military to get full freedom

>No non whites.
Well, I think this one gets a little complicated. As you can see from Cred Forums, nobody can agree on exactly who is "white".

The way I'd approach this is to do something like
>our country is to be made of 95%+ (or whatever percentage we like) of people who are of European descent.
>We have a specific list of ethnicities that are considered European
>Ethnicity is a consideration in immigration, so as to maintain our desired demographic levels

Might work, but there's gonna be some problems.
A) A lot of people who would accept that this is a necessary action are just Cred Forumstards living in their mothers' basement, and actually could not do anything.
B) We live in a politically segregated society, to a large degree. You'd have a lot of people who'd be willing to do this in the small towns of South Dakota, Oklahoma, and places like that... but they won't have many people to shoot in their hometowns.
You'd have like 3 people willing to take up arms in San Francisco or Seattle, and they'd barely make a dent.

I always bump threads with actual political discussions in them.

I like the idea that you must serve your nation to be able to vote in it. I wouldn't use military service alone as a criteria for voting rights, since a lot of idiots can get through the military. People who are too stupid to understand politics, but are still happy to vote in droves - that's a huge problem for this country.

Whether it is IQ tests or some other test that includes mental ability, it's gotta be in there.

Yeah that excecution part is pretty harsh. Also, that immigration policy should only apply to people from the west (Western Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan)

>Yeah that excecution part is pretty harsh
Too harsh? Would you do something different?


I'm with you 100% until the ethnicity part.

I understand why but sorry, I am not loving to some shithole, ran by "my people". You people are my people.

So I will stay here and fight.


IQ test seem to be finicky. I've known people who get 103 on some then a 130 on others. So maybe we take an average of multiple IQ test.

>the government offers work programs instead of welfare for able-bodied adults

"Work Programs" should include construction jobs for infrastructure and Military support jobs (cooking cleaning construction etc.)

>Whether it is IQ tests or some other test that includes mental ability, it's gotta be in there.
This gives way, way too much power to the government. I can imagine the next nigger president using the NSA to look at your internet posting history and deem you mentally unfit to vote because of your "racist" opinions.

A better way would simply to remove the right to vote to anyone who doesn't pay taxes or who receives welfare in any form,

Are you that MWF faggot from earlier today?

Yeah I'd just make it illegal with jail time. I don't think corruption should be punishable with death

Non american bumping. Seems interesting

Yeah, I'd be down for some sort of metric to get a more accurate number than a single test might give. To be honest, I'm not extremely familiar with official IQ tests, so I'm not sure if that's the best way to do it. I just think there is a need to make sure the people who vote are the same people who can understand the issues.

This is why I don't think it's necessary for the nation to be 100% Aryan or white or whatever. To be honest, I wouldn't care much about race... except that I think a nation benefits from considering itself a single tribe that behaves in similar ways. People clearly identify most with their own race (on average), and the different races tend to behave differently in statistically significant ways. So I think that countries should strive to maintain a racially homogeneous majority. But if we have 5% (or some other chose low percentage) of people who are not our race, but are part of our culture, share our values, and bring benefit to society... I don't really have a problem with that.

Yeah, I see what you mean. Libs in small towns would each get shot 50 times, and many people in lib areas would, unfortunately, not even get shot once. This type of problem is why we require a leader. However, once the small towns and rural areas get cleansed, we could cut the supply chains to the big cities, and the military trying to save them. Destroy the roads and bridges around the big cities, and we could starve them out. We don't want to fight the military and police head to head - we need to cut down their supporters.


I agree that taxes and welfare benefits should be a factor in voting ability. However, that doesn't fix a major problem in modern politics - lots of people are voting who don't understand what they're voting for.
There are plenty of people who pay taxes, who don't accept welfare, but can't understand much more than what they are spoonfed from TV. These people might know the details of whatever is happening in their favorite movie franchise, but they often don't know a single thing about their nation's history, the way the government structure works, etc... and they have an equal say in who goes to congress, who goes to the white house, etc. It's a problem that's gotta be addressed some way.

Poor analogy. There will be no niggers in this utopian America.

IQ tests are not a very good measure of intelligence. I would change that to a critical thinking test. Basically they get to pick the most logical answer to a question.

Yeah I understand. People, especially minorities, are idiots who identify with each other by superficial reasons like skintone.

I think you could allow other ethnicities, as long as they are properly educated, the best from their country, and are not allowed to move in groups to create mini states. It was Coolidge's theory on immigration and he was very pro immigration. I think it would work.

I like the citizenry by citizen birth only idea though. Absolutely brilliant.


>Yeah I'd just make it illegal with jail time. I don't think corruption should be punishable with death
Don't you think that presents the risk of some special interest group/individual approaching a person in a position of power in the government and saying
>If you make policy X for my group, which is likely to make us $1billion richer at the expense of the people, we will cut you a check for $100million which point a corrupt politician might think
>I *may* go to jail, but even if I get caught, if I can stash away the money quickly enough then I'll be rich when I get out of prison

I think political corruption has to be considered treason, and traitors have to be taken out of society as a punishment, a deterrent to future corrupted politicians, and for the safety of the people.

I'm in, I'm under 6 foot but I shoot rather well. (plus im white.)

>Non american bumping. Seems interesting
I'd be interested in some non-American opinions on this as well - what would work in your society, what you'd change and why, etc.

Not just execution, but hanging.

Sounds good even Trump knows the only problem in America is the Federal Government. The same fucking thing the founding fathers enacted the Constitution for. They knew greedy slimes will always work there way into the Heart of a National Republic. Creating wealth for themselves and demising the people. States need more Control. Like Trump says if you dont believe that your a fucking idiot and your kids should eat shit and die. Just for having retarded fucking parents. Politicians are peasant scum.

Well death is a serious penalty, and If the jail time is like 30 years then they would be old by the time they left prison and it wouldn't be worth it or they'd die in prison. I just think death is something that should only be considered when someone else's life has been taken or destroyed. Like I think torture and paedophilia should have death sentences. But things like taking campaign donations aren't even illegal now, so taking such a drastic measure so quickly would turn people away from your movement. I'm just saying that erasing the death penalty part wouldn't betray your principles and would make you a lot more accessible to potential followers of your ideology, in particular bernie people and libertarians.

God no

Ok let's see.
>There is no dual citizenship.
So if you lose your citizenship what happens?

>you must have a willingness and ability to assimilate to our culture.
What "culture" would that be, being a new country means culture is imported.

>Immigrant citizens cannot vote, even after becoming a legal citizen.
So, initially, no one can vote besides the founders

Taking some time to read again the thread.

What are your thoughts on transhumanism? I think that there definitely needs to be a lot more funding for things like gene therapy/reprogenetics to combat dysgenics, funding for neuroscience in order to develop technologies to artificially raise individuals' hedonic set point, and more effort to reduce existential risk.

Would there be a state religion? If yes, what religion, and would there be any restrictions on religions such as Islam?

Funny how you post an American flag as if your fascist government has anything to do with American ideals. You should have post a flag with dicks in form of a swastika.

No. Kid's work. Confused ideas with no understanding of any single topic's complexity. And I'm not jumping any train that doesn't nationalize banks and criminalize usury.

What drug laws would you have? I personally think we should legalize all drugs, including hard drugs like heroin.

>So if you lose your citizenship what happens?
Well, I would say that only immigrant citizens can lose their citizenship. So, if you lose your citizenship, you get sent back to your original country.

>What "culture" would that be, being a new country means culture is imported.
Not necessarily imported. This isn't a new country being started out on some uninhabited land somewhere. Just a new government. In my case, I'd like this to be the government of the United States, which already has a culture among its people. Someone from Australia is likely to be a lot more familiar with our elements of our culture (English language, Western education system, etc.) and our values (Western ideas about human rights, society originally built on Greek/Roman/Christian ideals, Western concept of liberty and etiquette, etc.) than someone who spend their whole life in Somalia. For you, I imagine that someone from Chile is likely to assimilate to your nation and culture a lot more easily than the average person from Thailand.

>So, initially, no one can vote besides the founders
Anyone born here, who passes the criteria for the ability to vote, can vote. I prefer to leave out those who immigrated here and applied for citizenship, since it is hard to completely drop the loyalty for the nation you grew up in. But their children, if born in this country, would have full voting rights.

>And I'm not jumping any train that doesn't nationalize banks and criminalize usury.
I think this would fit under
>the government only regulates industries that may do damage to the citizens

There's hardly any point in having your own country if the money is run by international banking interests, or for the profit of multinational banking companies/families

Any government not run by jews works well enough

>>Immigrant citizens cannot vote, even after becoming a legal citizen. The children of an immigrant citizen may vote, if they are born a citizen. Immigrant citizens may have their citizenship revoked at any point, if they violate any pre-defined crimes or acts of disloyalty

They should be able to if they can prove that they have ties with europe/weastern culture
We want more whites afterall

I see.
What are you thoughts on military service?
Here in Argentina it used to be mandatory and worked very well.

Get rid of the IQ test cause you would fail it. How much free do people have? Is there a constitution? What power do the branches of government have?

>What are your thoughts on transhumanism?
I'm so torn on this issue. I absolutely see the value in increasing our intelligence and physical capacity beyond what is natural to us... yet I also don't trust anyone to develop this with the good of the people in mind. I think it is very likely to be developed for the betterment purely of an elite class - either through only allowing them access to the technology, or handing out the technology to the plebs in a way that allows for mental manipulation. A lot of risks, and a lot of potential rewards.

>What drug laws would you have?
If the goal is to reduce drug use and addiction, the most effective model I know about is Portugal's - keep drugs "illegal", but decriminalize use and treat it as a medical issue. You don't go to jail for smoking weed, but we don't tacitly agree that intoxication is an okay way to live life, and we can spend a fraction of what we spend on the "drug war" to see major reduction in the use of hard drugs. I'd be open to other approaches, but Portugal is doing better than anyone else I know about.

Hello FBI

>OP, you would fail an IQ test
>"How much free do people have?"
Please be trolling.

>What are you thoughts on military service?
I've heard good arguments for and against mandatory military service.

To be honest, as long as we can get our government to quit being a servant of Israel's government, and as long as we have many beneficial non-combat roles, I think some mandatory military service for all able-bodied adults can be a good thing.

They would have 3 frees, maybe 4 frees.

All you've proposed is just new avenues for jews to exploit.

How much Jews will they have?


And it's "how many" not how much.

Soray im a Syrian refugee.

>You should have post a flag with dicks in form of a swastika

I searched, but all I could find was a Swasticock.

How do you propose that we eliminate Jewish/Zionist exploitation?
