Your 15 year old daughter tells you with tears in her eyes that she's pregnant...

Your 15 year old daughter tells you with tears in her eyes that she's pregnant. She says about a week ago she told you she was sleeping over at a friend's house but it was actually a party. She says she just wasn't thinking and ended up having sex with a guy.

The good news, the guy is white.

The bad news. Now that Donald Trump is president you have to fly to California with her if you want her to get a legal abortion. Of course she wasn't on birth control because planned parenthood was dedunded and she didn't wear a condom because it's now a violation of federal law to give condoms out in public schools.

What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

"Nothing wrong with being a young mother, unless the dad is black."

Dump the cunt with no consequences on my end

>being able to determine pregnancy within 1 week of conception

What kind of technocratic future is this? Why haven't they already reversed Trump's policies?

Push her down the stairs tbqh


>wanting her to abort a white baby
the white race needs more babies m8

Thank God
Banish the girl & try raising this child better.

If you think I'd change my mind about morality because it'd be "hard"; that just tells me a lot about what kind of person you are. You're a shit.

"You can have a day off from school the day of the kid's birth and the day after."

Aborting white babies is some Google shit

>Dump the cunt


This fool thought OP said "Girlfriend" somewhere.

Do you even into reading son?

Also, my answer OP. Find out if the guy is a half decent human being, if not, scare his shit into becoming a man, in the mean time lead by example by heavily scolding both of them and giving a rant about how this is what's wrong with today's society, then rewind some steps and tell them it's okay, humanity has always been fucked up and we're likely descendants from a few drunk peasants that got a little heavy into some bucket wine one night. Proceed to lead by example again and help them figure out the logistics of taking care of a kid.

she gets an abortion because I'm australian and it has nothing to do with me because I have now dumped her

Yeah this. And make them get married

tell her that she sure has a big belly for a one-week old pregnancy then burn her at the stake for breeding a spawn of satan

How is any of those things related to a fucking trump presidency? Wouldn't let my daughter become such a whore and that's a shit lie I wouldve figured it out pretty quick.

Are you trying to make a point or just summarizing the important take away from the OP?

This is unconstitutional to deny rights to mothers

"you have to fly to California with her if you want her to get a legal abortion"

I'm sorry, Do I look like a fucking liberal to want my own grandchild killed inside my daughter's womb? She would have that child and would raise him, espeacialy if the father is white.

What is an honor killing?

"Now I can finally breed you without fear of retard gub-gub retard babies"

>important take away from the OP

id be happy that im getting a white grandchild, though nervous about my daughter's age. then id help her however i could because she's my daughter, including a fair amount of 'not fun but this is your life now and its worth it' advice, and also id probably keep an uncomfortably close eye on the kid who knocked her up

>Thinking Cred Forums has daugthers
>All these fucking neckbeards pretending to have daughters on an anonymous messageboard

Fucking hell, Cred Forums is only one step above the suicidal losers of /r9k/ or the basementdwelling weaboos of Cred Forums who live at home with their mother.

Get over yourselves. Fucking autists.

>Letting a female member of your family out in public unescorted by a male family member

Foolish infidels.

t. Cred Forums

go get ye to a nunnery

>Your 15 year old daughter tells you with tears in her eyes that she's pregnant

Disowned. You can give up children younger than 18 for adoption or wards of the state.

Riddle me this... Why are you here if you are above all our autism then?

As punishment, I would cum inside my daughter for 9 months

I raise my daughter right is what I do.

>A week ago

Learn biology, you can't know if you're pregnant that quickly.

Exactly this.

>a week ago
Not enough time to tell at all. She's being fucking insane. Tell her to into science and take a pregnancy test after 2-3 weeks.

>She tells you she's pregnant
>She says a week ago she had sex with a guy at a party

I tell her that's not how pregnancy fucking works and she needs to wait at least three weeks to a month because she can even find out.

Raise the child and be happy one more white person is in the world.


Problem solved

Never tell the father, homeschool her for the next year until the child is born, give everyone the impression that my wife is pregnant, raise the child as my own and make sure my daughter learns an important lesson and lives the rest of her life more responsibly.

Praise Allah for inventing coat hangars, retreive one from the hall closet and tell her to get it done before school tomorrow, I'm gonna get wasted and watch Jeopardy.

Do you seriously not understand what a hypothetical is? I thought Danes were supposed to be smart, are you some kind of shitskin?

I let her live with her consequences. Having a child die just because my daughter acted like a wore doesn't make sense. Justice demands that people live with the consequences of their decisions.

>thinking trump will get elected

this sounds cool

oh boy here we go again...

We can't stump the Trump. Let's do what we did with Romney. Make women believe he was going to take away their birth control and ban abortion. That worked back then. I am sure it will work now

>you have to fly to California with her if you want her to get a legal abortion
What do you do?
Abortion is not good, I will just disown daughter when she is 18 and pretend she doesn't exist.

gub-gub retard incest babies*

Well since she can't get MORE pregnant, I'm probably going to stop wearing condoms.

>a week ago
plan b is OTC in most states and can be used in your hypothetical situation

I wouldn't have let her sleep at a friend's house in the first place so whatever.
In case she do become pregnant, it's quite simple : i disown her and leave her on the streets as soon as legally possible.

>have sex before marriage
the witch must be burned

So she gets a womb scrubbing and I get to go to Disneyland. She can continue learning absolutely nothing in HS and maybe go to college for First Nation Studies or some bullshit and I get to see Sleeping Beauty Castle. I really fail to see how this is 'bad news'

>She didn't wear a condom

I have so many questions right now.

>burn 2 white childs

Are you a muslim?

So I can legally go to Uruguay and burn someone?

I tell her I want to meet the future husband before the wedding next week.
I also get the shotgun ready in case he doesn't want to meet me or has any funny ideas about not getting married.

Why would she get an abortion? She wasn't raped, her life isn't in danger, she just made a bad choice and now has to live with it. I help her find a job somewhere to start saving money for when the baby comes.

Is he Mexican?

OP here.

Let me retcon that so it was a month ago not a week ago. Sorry i don't know how pregnancy tests work.

Also it's pretty hilarious all the perverts who are like "sweet that means I can cum inside my daughter now." I hope y'all never have kids.

If a kawaii 2D American woman gets a rapebaby put in her in Mexico, then she comes back home, but then goes back to have the baby in a Mexican hospital, is the baby then not American so she doesn't have to bring it back across the border with her?

Hey Shillary fan....

it takes more than a week to know you are pregnant and the man wears the condom

>please don't let this dumbass be old enough to vote

Honestly half mexican half white girls are obscenely sexy.


>but then goes back to have the baby in a Mexican hospital
>Mexican hospital
Hahaha like that's going to happen.

>If a kawaii 2D American woman
>is the baby then not American so she doesn't have to bring it back across the border with her?
No, because she is not real.

Don't be a faggoty liberal, dude.
That's Sarah Silverman grade tryhard.

She has the baby and takes care of it because she was raised to appreciate human life and to take responsibility for her own actions.

I'd fly her to California as soon as possible to abort it before it becomes a person (which is a lot quicker than most people think) and smile to myself knowing that with a trump presidency there is a small chance that when she does have a baby when she is married that my grandchildren would have a small bit of hope in life

Get my shotgun and the address of the son of a bitch who did this to my little girl. I've got a wedding invitation to give him.

i have a daughter?

my daughter would not be murdering her baby so muh drumpf attacking wymyns ryghts! is not bad news or a problem.

out you go

>if you want her to get a legal abortion.

The good news: I don't kill babies, and I've raised my daughter better than to want to do
so, least of all out of convenience.


Plan B only really works within two days of accidental cumming insidedness. It's not an abortion pill because it disables the sperm from joining to the egg. It's not an abortion pill.
If it were I'd have broken up with my GF the first time she used it with me.
There's wiggle room for my on lots of things but abortion is murder, especially if it's my kid.

fly to california and get her a fucking abortion

>The poor girl had to go to school during her entire pregnancy and endure the looks, the whispers, the disapproval, and feel humiliation.
I can't believe how many of you people would want your daughter to have to endure this.

I'd make her hitchhike to California to get an abortion or else she gets kicked out.

Understood. no sleep over when i get a daughter.

Good man

Another vote for this.

Simple, kick her out, don't look back.

This right here pham.

That little fucker just committed to at least 20 years of hard work and sacrifice to make sure my little girls white baby grows up in a happy and healthy household.

Oh, you're the popular football team captain? Well too bad, now you're engaged to my daughter and if you cheat on her I'll blow your fucking brains out. Good talk son.

>and she didn't wear a condom because it's now a violation of federal law to give condoms out in public schools.
That's retarded. If my daughter had sex without a condom she's a literal retard and I should kill myself for being at terrible parent. Just go to wal mart and buy a pack of 30 for $15.

Try to meet with the father of my future grandson or daughter and teach him how to be a man.

If hes going to raise my grandchildren ill make damn sure he will make a good father.

Ill force the him to learn a trade or go study something useful.

If hes unwilling I would disown my daughter on the spot and leave them with their own problems.

Fly to California. Make sure she spends the summer working to repay the costs. Disown her as soon as possible and pretend she never existed.

Would you buy condoms for your daughter?

Many parents wouldn't and girls are too shy to buy them themselves.

>implying I'd have a daughter

>disowning a 15 year old

>another burger failing to read

Do the Jews in your country honor kill their daughters if they get fertilized by muslim seed?

we need more white children, why would I abort it?

Demand a marriage from the boys father.

In this based timeline he should appease me to preserve both our families honour.

Why the fuck would I even have my daughter have an abortion? If she doesn't want the child I'm not going to authorize its death.

Humane Vitae

Not as far as I'm aware.

>Your 15 year old daughter tells you with tears in her eyes that she's pregnant.
>Disown her as soon as possible
>3 years
Fuck off.

trump is president.
there are plenty of jobs with benefits

My daughter is not a slut or a murderer, go fuck (((yourself)))

>failing to understand what "as soon as possible" means
>making some incoherent shitpost when it's pointed out
>being a typical burger

Force the father to marry her, brainwash him into being a redpill and teach my daughter to be an obedient wife.

make her have the baby and then throw the slut off a bridge. It's her fault anyways, not a newborn white baby's

Well you could also raise him as your own in the right ways and when your daughter is 18 you can kick her out

Going to have to go with this. This a bad parenting kind of thing. My daughters never got involved in any of that crap.

Wonder how how a kid slipped through the vasectomy and didnt knock up my child hating wife.

Either she can keep it or I break out my herbal mixes,plenty of stuff in nature can help bring on a miscarriage.

Basically this. I've known enough that I don't get the big deal.

the grandkid isn't a kid yet faggot lol kek

Your daughters never go to parties?

How many do you have? What are their ages?

What kind of cuck is going to marry your single mom slut of a daughter? Would literally have to be a leftist, which would be a reason to disown her in and of itself.

>tfw high school girlfriend you loved moved to California and got knocked up by a deadbeat spic

>Unironically having values

What do I do? I let her have the baby, she doesn't need to have an abortion just because she's 15. So the guy's white, great, is he going to help provide for her? That's my main concern. Also in what world have condoms ever been handed out in public schools?

My wife and I would adopt our daughters child as our own to raise, because our daughter isn't in a position to raise it properly herself and I wouldn't want one mistake to destroy my daughters life. No reason for both the child and my daughter to have shitty lives because of a bad decision she made at 15 and if I've already had one child, I would be financially secure enough that raising another shouldn't be too much of a burden

>implying I would raise my daughter badly enough to be in this situation to begin with

They didn't hand out condoms at your school?

I'm 27 and when i was in highschool they gave out all sorts of free condoms.

Just give the child up for adoption.

I find it hard to believe that any high schools give out free condoms.

Well; then she shouldn't have had sex now should she?
It's like a fat person complaining about being fatshamed.

She should have just kept her legs closed.
It's no reason to kill the child; in ancient times; it would how ever have been reason to kill her.

No; again; it's much easier for her to just keep her holes dick-free until she's married and ready for children.

You're 27 and you don't know how pregnancy tests work...?

So you had your daughter when you were 12? I guess apples don't fall far from the trees after all

Tell her that everything is going to be fine and offer her some tea.

>You're 27 and you don't know how pregnancy tests work...?
I'm a virgin.

I honestly thought it was normal. Maybe it only was in nyc where I grew up. You say you find it hard to believe and I'm not really sure what to say to that considering I saw it first hand. Like a couple of guys made balloons out of them and batted those around during a break period or something.

Female condoms are a thing

There's other little sluts going through the same thing I'm sure. Also

>public school

>So you had your daughter when you were 12? I guess apples don't fall far from the trees after all
No I'm a virgin I just said. The situation was hypothetical. I know your english isn't that good but it mentioning a Donald Trump presidency should have been a clue.

>Abandoning your family

You're not white.

>Now that Donald Trump is president you have to fly to California with her if you want her to get a legal abortion
not happening

If confine her in her room until she delivered my grandchild then adopt the child and kick her out.

> spoopy

Please don't start this shit

I'd tell her she's keeping it whether she likes ti or not. If she wants to fight me on it that's fine, I'll force those prenatal vitamins down her throat and have one of my sons watch her to make sure she doesn't try to hurt her baby. Hopefully I won't have to go through all that shit, hopefully I will instilled her her enough morals to either a.) not be in that situation to begin with or b.) if she does get pregnant that she'll keep it not only because it's the right thing to do, but because abortion is murder.

Not so nigger. I come from a pretty low class family so this shit comes up pretty often in my life. My dad married my mom and had me when she was already a single mother,and you'll never get away with calling him a leftist. I don't think she's gonna land a jew lawyer or whatever but a decent tradesman is a good enough son in law for me.

Why did he marry a single mom if he's not a cuck?

> New York City

Oh, that explains a lot.

Clasp her cheecks and say "Why are you upset, pumpkin? We'll get through this..."

The I wank into the kitchen and start baking baking her favourite cupcakes.

"Why Daddy? Why I thought you'd be angry?" she asks.

"no pumpkin." I say, quivering. "No..." I turn to look her in her face.

"i... I couldn't be happier. Anthoer Anglo is born".

Nothing, the guy was white. They'll have a successful life together.

silly kike, abortions are for niggers

>Abortion is murder

What if she was raped, user? Is it still her responsibility to carry the rape baby to term despite health risks to herself and inevitable damage to her future?

Because we live in the real world where everybody doesn't get their pure virgin waifu, especially when they're 28.

Trump won't/can't make abortion illegal you fucking kike


Make the boy marry her. The whore must live with the consequences. Letting her murder her child won't teach her anything.

His mom is that hot, uggo.

i got my gf pregnant at 15 and we had to listen to our parents scream at us for maybe 4 hours straight. her dad brought us to the abortion clinic and yelled at us the entire way in the car, then let everyone know what we did and made us feel like the biggest shits on earth. we're still together after 10 years and have no baby, so all the screaming and grand standing worked. also emperor trump won't get rid of abortion, burgermeister.

>where are you going to be living now?


So you let him cuck you out of children? Man I'm glad both you and your girlfriend and your parents are so dedicated to exterminating white people.

Your wife's daughter, you are still a virgin.

>Not locking your daughter in your basement?
Its like you guys want to get cuck.

>anyone in my family
>getting raped ever
>mfw this faggot doesn't know the magic of gun ownership

>trips of truth

She's Japanese.

It will be ok, user.

You will make the degenerates pay in the end.

So you killed your first and so far only child?
Time to repent.

She has dishonored our family, I rape her allow her brothers and uncles and cousins to rape her because she is a whore and then we behead her.

Is there a full vid of it popping? I wanna see how it looks like.

You can't tell if you're pregnant in one week.

Bear that bitch with a belt for lying.

I should have known.

Also, honorary aryans.

>mfw I got pregnant at 16
>still with the father 10 years later and married
Fuck the statistics

Give her lots of nutmeg. Lots and lots of nutmeg

Dunno senpai

I like you

muhammad pls

Schools are gun free zones.


I would kill her if she killed her child.

What is the point of your question?


Plot twist: the guy she's fucking is white, but the man who got her pregnant is black.

I call up her boyfriends father, and we start arranging the marriage.

>implying you don't do your job as a parent and educate your child on sexuality
>implying your kid is so retarded that it won't use birth control
>implying your kid is so stupid it goes with 15 to a fuck party
>implying you're so poor you can't affort to give your childe some allowence

Kys CTR nigger


This. Ever hear of a shotgun wedding OP?

>muh abortion is pro aryan meme
Finally the proof it's aimed at white in raw number.

If those are abortion numbers in the US, then it's a good sign. The US, being 60% white should have 60% of abortions being of white babies. And black people being 13% should have no more than 13% for it to be proportional.

>then it's a good sign.
Adjust them for birth per woman and realize your mistake.

>Now you listen here you little fucking shit, you're gonna make an honest woman outta my daughter or I'm gonna kick the shit outta you