Why do we dislike her so much?

Why do we dislike her so much?

What exactly is she going to do that's so disastrous?

Can't she be a good president?

Other urls found in this thread:


She is literally the most corrupt politician in the US.



this is not an accurate statement, leaf.
also, why is it a problem?


Everyone has some skeleton in the closet, but isn't she qualified to hold office?

So now Cred Forums suddenly cares about the victims of sexual assault.

>Why is it a problem that Hillary is a corrupt politician who is selling out the country's interests to foreign dictators, embezzling money from a phony charity, covering up her husband's crimes, and making anyone who opposes her or testifies against her disappear, while being above the law in all circumstances?
Does this question really need to be answered?

we might find out. will see.

Cred Forums always loved Hillary though

this proves corruption but not that she is the most corrupt. Even if she was the most corrupt why is it a bad thing?

i might break out a flag, I might break out the popcorn.

>Everyone has some skeleton in the closet, but isn't she qualified to hold office?
No, she's too incompetent even to stand trial for a grievous breach of protocol and US national security.

>So now Cred Forums suddenly cares about the victims of sexual assault.
There's a difference between actual, violent rape and feminist "eye-contact rape" or "two people got drunk and had sex, that means the man is a rapist".

She is a traitor to the nation and is serving sandniggers in Saudi Arabia.

She's a traitor and a murderer. All the evil shit the us govt does will continue under her. Worse, she'll Merkel the usa. Under Hillary banks will crash, the dollar will continue to weaken, and hundreds of thousands of brown people will flood our country and start bombing. Just look to Germany for a glimpse of what another Clinton presidency will be. Also Obama put in his corrupt fbi director and attorney general to cover up the crimes they have planned.

When the news lies, and the news says to vote hillary, a trump vote is the only sane choice.

I dont see why it makes her unfit to be a president. Every single head of state in the western world has been sued for corruption

>Everyone has some skeleton in the closet
Yes, but for most of us they're not LITERAL skeletons.

Porra seu cuzao, vc gosta da dilma? Da merkel? Entao.


WTF does this mean?


She has literally wasted her entire adult life making life worse for all of us. (((bilderberg))) loves her.

I doubt any of her 'scandals' are as serious as her opponents try to make them sound like.

I just hate the status quo. I see her as just being a continuation of the obama presidency. I always vote against the incumbent.

We have politics that didn't even adapt to the industrial age and we are already in a post-industrial era.

>these mental gymnastics
Holy shit
Evaluate yourself, faggot
Just because "all politicians are corrupt" doesn't make it okay. It's a warning to remember psychopaths are attracted to power, not a jovial observation to be accepted


Her actions have led to the destruction of Libya, aided in the power vacuum in Iraq, exasperated the civil war in Syria, put the Muslim Brotherhood in power in Egypt, handed Iran BILLIONS in USD.

She LITERALLY had a MAJOR role in creating the power vacuum that led to the formation of ISIS and the refugee crisis that followed in Europe.

On top of that, she is a globalist through and through. Dozens of countries turn to the U.S. for influence in their politics, in their ideals. If she's elected, she'll continue to spread the leftist ideals and continue to give merit to the 'corrupt politician'.

Não gosto muito da Dilma em si, mas o que ocorreu no nosso país com a destituição dela foi um GOLPE, ninguém inteligente acha o contrário.

Não tenho opinião sobre a Merkel.

Nice conspiracy theory.

If any of this where really truen, no person, not even someone as powerful as the clintons, could evade going on trial.

No, she's going to be GWB 3.0 at best.
She's a warmonger who will get involved in another shitfest in the Middle East, and her tax plan is almost african economics, raising taxes while creating millions of new jobs and more government spending.

thank you for Correcting The Record

How is she directly responsible for any of these. THose are very serious accusations, but I see no proof for any of them. The situations in these countries were extremely complex, and frankly, it's not like the US could radically hange what was going on. Blaming secretary clinton for all that seems to be a very desperate move.

>Hillary and Bill approach Broaddrick

After three weeks had passed, Broaddrick told Klein, Hillary approached her at a private fundraiser.

“And so then about that time, I see them coming through the kitchen area. And some people there are pointing to me,” she recalled. “He goes one direction and she comes directly to me. Then panic sort of starting to set in with me. And I thought, ‘Oh my God, what do I do now?'”

Broaddrick told Klein that Hillary said, “It’s so nice to meet you.”

“And [Hillary] said, ‘I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate the things you do for him.’ And I just stood there. I was sort of you might say shell-shocked.

“And she said, ‘Do you understand? Everything you do.’

“She tried to take a hold of my hand and I left. I told the girls I can’t take this. I’m leaving. So I immediately left.”

Broaddrick added, “What really went through my mind at that time is, ‘She knows. She knew. She’s covering it up and she expects me to do the very same thing.'”

Then, in 1991, Clinton approached Broaddrick at a meeting at the Riverfront Hotel in Little Rock.

When the Clinton campaign learned Broaddrick was at the meeting, she said, “they called me out of the meeting and pointed to an area to go down around the corner by an elevator area. And I walked around the corner and there he stands.”

“And he immediately comes over to me with this gushing apology. Like, ‘I’m so sorry for what happened. I hope you can forgive me. I’m a family man now. I have a daughter. I’m a changed man. I would never do anything like that again.'”

Broaddrick said she believed Clinton was remorseful until one week later – when he announced his campaign for the White House.

“But still I have to thank him for that day because the blame then went off of me and on to him. And I knew that it wasn’t my fault. I knew that I didn’t use good judgement but I knew that the incident was no longer my fault.”

>isn't she qualified to hold office?
Because she has experience in politics? But if her experience in the one job that mattered (Foreign policy) amounted to:
How is she qualified?

And think about this. She's had 35 years in politics, with MAJOR influence as both the first lady and our foreign representative.

She didn't accomplish anything substantial in that time. So why should we give her the White House and expect any change? Or any better foreign representation that what we've been giving?

>I see no proof for any of them
Are you denying foreign involvement in Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, etc.? She's NEVER denied this. The U.S. NEVER denies this.

In the Iraq war, she passed her vote APPROVING it. In the other foreign involvements in the ME, she served as our foreign representative, and was DIRECTLY responsible for those involvements.

You sound like someone who's friends with the new usurper government in Brazil who would LOVE a Clinton presidency.

Go die in a fire, Brazillian faggot shill.

Lol, I'm against the usurper government, and that's exaclty why I'm sympathetic to Clinton

That is utter bullshit and you're a lying faggot. Go suck a usurper cock, you little faggot.

She's a sociopath, a deeply evil person.

>'usurper' government
No one's being fucking usurped. There's no throne. This is a legal, democratic process, numbnuts.

>corruption is okay cause I don't care
Fuck off, don't vote.

Also, if you're against the """""usurper""""" government, you'd be against Hillary, because the majority of our House and Senate are Republican, not Democrats.

holy fuck, good thing you can't vote!

Wow. You're a retarded little bitch. Confuse yourself with the VPN's you're trying to use for the first time?

Brazil's government has been usurped by a coup d'état. The new usurper goverment has DEEP ties to the treasonous criminal Clintons and is all aboard for Hillary being elected.

The Brazilians are so cucked it is sickening to see any of these sacks of shit here meddling in USA's affairs. They need to be carted off into the Amazon and left to die.


I am voting for her

Dude, you're confused as hell. Brazil's governemt has been usurped! It was not democratic. It was not legal. Their government is overrun with criminals and frauds.

Hardly surprising they'd love a criminal like Clinton.

Do not abide any Brazilian piece of shit waltzing in here kissing Clinton ass.

kys traitorous scum

>Why do we dislike her so much?
She can't walk down three stairs and probably had people murdered.

- Crazy sick and dying
- Establishment shill
- Feminist ally
- Criminal traitor
- Doesn't care about making America great and rich, would rather keep everywhere shit and be rich
- Woman, so people are voting for her just because of this reason
- Muslim apologist

I just had no idea the usurped government had sympathies to the Clinton's, so it didn't register.


How about you fuck off

OK. You're free to go.

Read The Intercept. Glen Greenwald lives (*knock on wood*) there and knows all about it.

Holy Shit! Hillary cheated in the debate with a teleprompter. Proof:

I hope that if she does get elected, at least people won't care about the gender issue any more. Women had their chance. So now don't look at gender, just look at whose politics resonate with you the most. Hopefully we don't get into another war by then.

People on here hate her mainly because shes a woman and and shes not Trump (muh wall). Yeah, she is hawkish on foreign policy, but that's why some liberals have a problem with here. Pol couldn't give a fuck about that.

Her conspiracies are obviously made up. If you hate her already you make desperately want to believe them so bad them that you could actually start convincing yourself, against all common sense, reason, and logic that they're real. Then you may start to hate her more. But its not the original reason pol hates her.

When Obama got elected, did people stop caring about race (esp. Black relations)?

If Hillary gets elected, feminism and feminist issues will blow up the same way #BLM blew up.

Mark my fucking words.

>People on here hate her mainly because shes a woman

Mate, trying and articulate a better argument next time.

Exactly. Now there's blacks out there who will scream "racism" at anything and think they can get away with it.

It's now happening with bullshit claims of sexism by fake victims.

>Why do we dislike her so much?

Because we know we'll continue to have 1.5% GDP. We know that post racialism is bullshit. We know that she'll continue to fund Islamic jihad. We know she'll do nothing about the border. We know that she'll continue to oversee the exodus of middle class jobs. We know that she'll tip the balance of supreme court justices, etc.

We have become a nation of shallow thinkers.

Liberals gloat over this.


No, they are far, far worse. She literally committed felony perjury during a hearing before congress.

She literally had top-secret government data in an illegal server, which was compromised.

Her crimes are massively hushed-up, in no small part due to the fact that the media is all owned by her backers.

She's going to approve TPP, cause another cold war/WW3 with Russia, won't stop funding kike bullshit and a lot more.

She power hungry on a level not since the ceasars. America? You think she cares about America? She would sacrifice her daughter for more of what she wants.

Still on that note? Did you watch the debate? Did she cough at all? Did she have trouble standing? No. SO put the tinfoil hat to rest.

>Was coughing and hacking and could barely get out of bed the day before
>Was fine on stage, but constantly blinking, with a jittery hand concealed behind the podium
>Back to death's door the next day.
Pretty sure they gave her a huge cocktail of stimulants to engineer 90 minutes of alertness for her.

>that creepy smile
She needs to stop using so much botox. Or maybe retrieve her soul from satan, idk.

Oh yeah? Has she been convicted of any of that? No. I wonder why. Maybe becuase it'ss all exaggerated.

>Has she been convicted of any of that?
Yes, the FBI and congress, etc. All acknowledged that she did it.

Why wasn't she persecuted?


It's all in your head. If she looked that crazy the public would have noticed and commented on it, like they did with Trump's sniffling.

The US is is going down the drain. We're at the cusp. Our first world status and hegemony is diminishing with an alarming rapidity.

As if all those agencies would have let someone who commited such crimes run for office. Just admit nothing she did warrants criminal prosecution. O, you won't, because that's all you have.

By the way, its prosecuted, not persecuted. It's embarassing for a native speaker to make such mistake.

>shill or meme

I'm not voting for her because she laughs like a fucking tard with her mouth open. It's also fake laughter in an effort to humanize herself.

She is a POS her whole life just read all the articles through the years. Time to whoop her.

>As if all those agencies would have let someone who commited such crimes run for office.
You're too naive. The democratic political party is far more powerful than any other institution in the US.

>Presuming to correct my English
Fuck off.

>As if all those agencies would have let someone who commited such crimes run for office.

Do you think criminals have never attained the highest seats of power? You are naive.

From mexican point of view, not the average retard who complainw about Trump (((racism))), Trump is the best choice for Mexico, as he told Trump dont want illegals , which is comprehensible, said that Clinton in the other hand not only is a racist bitch and a psycopath, she literally stole our oil and she and the Bush family are after mexican water to make it private for US companies, Trump wants to remove NAFTA which is good to Americans and Mexico, and wants to focus in his own country , the opposite of Illary Killton, who knows and understand what she have done has good reaso s to hate her, she represents war , hypocresy degenaracy and real racism.

>also, why is it a problem?
>So now Cred Forums suddenly cares about the victims of sexual assault.
>Even if she was the most corrupt why is it a bad thing?
>I doubt any of her 'scandals' are as serious as her opponents try to make them
>Blaming secretary clinton for all that seems to be a very desperate move.
>People on here hate her mainly because shes a woman
>Her conspiracies are obviously made up.

so what's it like to be amoral and have no scruples? Does your sociopathy prevent you from feeling anything or do you get some sort of kick out of defending obvious criminality?

Holy fucking shit cant you see? Hillary is a puppet, she was chosen to be candidate and consequently the president. She will continue the jew agenda. Shes got to go, man.

In addition to being corrupt and evil, she is also staggeringly inept. Look at Libya. Fucking disaster. Achieved the exact opposite of our national interest. SYRIA is even worse, it has made us a laughingstock and given Russia a huge advantage on the world stage. Her shenanigans in the Ukraine? Even worse. Zero accomplished, more clay for Russia.

People say Hillary is qualified. To do what, exactly? What skill set does she bring? She can embezzle money well. Good for her. She can start bad wars and lose us allies. She can make us look like assholes with a 100% success rate.

What is more baffling to me is that foreigners support her to such a degree. She is literally worse than Bush in terms of illegal foreign wars and her justifications for them are somehow WORSE than the ones we got for Iraq.

Then she also fucked up basic security protocol and by her own admission does not understand what "classified" means.

So either she is the STUPIDEST woman in Washington, or she is literally a traitor.

You tell me which she is, and why either should inspire respect and confidence in me.

>tinfoil hat

>fainted on 9/11 and 5 other times in the span of 8 years
>Wouldn't even admit she was diagnosed with Pneunomia until there was undeniable proof (video of her fainting)
>Has had DOZENS of coughing fits in her speeches (one time, VISIBILITY spitting out globs of phlegm into her cup)

It's not the best argument against her by any means, but her health definitely isn't so great.

Do you think typing "LITERALLY THE MOST CORRUPT POLITICIAN EVER" is evidence? You are weak and feeble.


^Free movie about the Clinton Foundation


She still probably had people murdered.

In 8 years of Obama you've got the worst race relations since the 60's and black lives matter, and a media unwilling to implicate them in any wrong doing. With Hillary you'll have the same but now with empowered feminists. I don't need pink-haired cunt lives matter marching the streets. Political correctness is one of the biggest dangers in the world right now.

We are poor


I dont like fucking roboshit lizard people

Pretty sure you would be a lot richer if your crooked princes didn't steal all the nation's wealth and own mansions filled with hundreds of cars.


You guys with these "spazz-out" videos are embarrassing yourselves over someone's overly hammy attempts at being human

it's so stupid I think it's poison pills by ctr

She was LITERALLY in the room as her husband raped a woman and then later moved to silence her when she complained.

She did it without a doubt, but the FBI didn't prosecute because they weren't able to establish criminal intent or negligence.

Hillary's justification was that it was personal e-mails or random junk, which we know to be bullshit thanks to Ivan's hacking over the last few years.

K.... keep me posted genius.

She's a woman...

He is kind hearted

She is corrupt. But the USA has survived corrupt presidents before.
I think electing Trump would signal the end of our status as a superpower.

She engineered the Syrian Civil War and selected terrorist groups to get funding and weapons that went on to found ISIS.

Maybe because there wasn't criminal intent. SO it's not as nearly as bad as you make it.