Hillary: Bernie supporters are "living in their parents’ basement"


Wow, just fucking wow. She put her foot in her mouth yet again. This is the last straw. As a millennial progressive, I can no longer support Hillary. Trump all the way.

Other urls found in this thread:


First she gets BTFO in the debate, now this... wtf. I am now a #TrumpMissile

Of course they are, her generation destroyed being able to afford a house without lifetime debt.

Agreed. I was supporting her until now, but if she's going to disrespect millennials like this, she can fuck off.

Trump is the only candidate who respects my generation, so I'll be voting for him.

Explain why do Bernie supporters still support this bitch again?

Are all Trump supporters this stupid?


i think she was saying they were living in the basement because of the recession, but fuck Hillary lets spin this against her and get some more of those Bernie votes for Trump

If Sanders supporters had enough self-respect to care about this they wouldn't have supported Bernie "please fuck my wife" sanders in the first place

beats me

No but apparently that cunt is. They only thing she hasn't done is scream "fuck you all" into an air phone.

They're the ultimate cucks

Good old Hillary.

Always being the fucking worst.

wtf i'm voting for hillary now!

She's so awful. God what a horrible woman.

Stupid regressive muh free college SJW Liberal.

STFU and vote for Hillary.

Idiot! Read the article. It literally says "We have to be understanding of them"

well if by trump supporter you mean former bernie support and NOW former hillary than i am stupid because i thought things might change with bernie

and then i was stupid because i thought bernie may have gotten through to hillary

well guess what? i am not going to be stupid anymore

trump could possibly be our worst president EVER but if that what it takes to wake our politicians up,so be

face the facts,WE WERE PLAYED

fucking trump shill!!!

Can we get this photo but instead of black guy a berner/college kid and maybe a different caption instead of "senpai" something else

That's the incredible thing about old people.

No matter how progressive they try to appear, they don't realise how fragile people are today. They will inevitably end up offending people at some point if asked enough questions.

>If I just continually insult people then surely they will see the light and vote for me!
>In fact I encourage my entire voter base to relentlessly do the same.

This really needs to be shared on twatter and cuckbook, normies need to hear this asap

Praise KEK

I am doin my part on twatter. I need some memes though soon as possible

I love how as the dementia takes over she starts inadvertently being honest.

What's your username?

>Editor’s note: The headline and lede of this story have been changed to better reflect Clinton’s tone.

oh hell naw bih

Whose parents can afford a house with a basement?

Looks like Jill Stein just gained some new supporters.


This whore needs to be spanked and Trump is the to do it.

Wheres the audio?

>non argument
You forgot to say
>fuck all white people
Do you not want more (You)s, cancer?


I used to be a Hillary supporter but after hearing this I am #FeelingTheJohnson

She's right though. This only strengthens my vote for her

>I can no longer support Hillary.
Ever supporting the Shill dawg.

Glad you've woken up. When she makes these "mistakes" her true thought processes are shown to to the world.


Dude Bernie is a complete fucking retard just give up.


Is this accurate?

heh apart from the "living in their basements" comment she is right
probably just sounds different in your heads because of the trump bias

Vote Trump you faggots. And stop dressing like a hippy or hipster.

Cmon this is pretty based, first truth Hillary has spoken

>she wheels out literal diaper shitting retards to speak at her events

>she actually thought it was a clever idea to say "trumped-up" in a debate against Donald Trump

>she pulls smaller crowds than a high school band

>she claims it took 33,000 emails to plan a wedding yet she somehow expects to run the federal government

>she actually picked tim kaine as her VP

>she has such low energy that she's trying to get the dead to turn out for her

>she literally had to pay people to pretend that she won the debate

>she's so revolting that she only gains popularity when she stops campaigning

>she can't explain any of her policies and expects you to go to her website to explain them to yourself

>she literally thought that a US presidential debate was an appropriate time to shill her book


I'm not sure about the paid speeches but everything else is accurate

b u m p

>During the conversation Clinton confesses to feeling "bewildered" by those to her far-left and far-right in the election.

where can i listen to the recording?

i want to hear her trash on bernie supporters.





Just your average hillary shill impersonating a trump supporter

She doesn't appear to be in favor of the free stuff culture bernie supporters want.

>Trump could be the worst president ever, but it is worth it to send the political class a message

I don't get what is so hard to understand about this. This is the driving force for a lot of Trump support.


here's a short summary for the lazy

7:50 -- too many people desire free college, free healthcare, want to go as far as scandanavia, whatever that means.

8:15 -- occupy center left/center right, don't want to overpromise. want to level w/ american people -- be clear about progress that we can make

9:20 -- trickle down economics don't work, cut taxes don't work etc. etc.

10:35 -- sanders wants to start single payer

12:10 -- went to flint, water is bad blah blah blah

13:40 -- flint wouldnt be like this if it were white and not predominatly black -- there needs to be a reckoning for this

24:08 -- sense of disapointment among young people. young people were 'for' obama and he didn't do anything for our country

25:20 -- if youre feeling consigned as a barista or some other low paying job with no ladder of opportunity attached to it, the idea that you can be a part of a political revolution is appealing

25:50 -- not to be a wet blanket on idealism, you want people to set goals. take what is achievable and make it bigger

27:15 -- we already have revolution, we need to take back the senate

27:50 -- don't tell young people they bought into a false promise. don't tell young people that, instead tell them 'thats great, lets just do this instead'

33:00 -- reform tax for sure, its highest in the world. we need to do something about it

34:45 -- proposing trumps tax plan (lol)

36:25 -- what are the odds sanders can win the general election?

36:45 -- he (sanders) hasn't been vetted. his ideas havent been vetted. they are in the NYT and the suck

37:30 -- republics are boosting sanders against me

Thanks. Where is the part about Sanders supporters living in their parents basment?


I'm glad they follow the same standards with Trump

whats up with all these articles saying how we dont buy houses, cars, go to the movies enough and shit.

thats what happens when you make all that shit cost more than before without raising wages and bringing in a shit ton of immigrants to keep the wages down.


It was in there, but she didn't specifically call them out as bernie sanders supporters, she just said something like this. Can't remember the timestamp

>lots of people (millenials) are living in their moms basmenet so they don't understand how bad the recession was.


Who leaked this?

>Sanders will ban shit-tier non-renewable energy

What's the downside exactly? Oh, rich old white men don't get as much money? Damn, that's a problem alright





An accurate assumption, desu

>sanders will make us dependent on kike oil again
>sanders will ban new nuclear power
nice try shekelstein

as a converted bern victim it absolutely drives me crazy to see people that voted for him in the primary support shillary

its almost as if they were only in it for the free shit and not the idea of getting rid of the corrupt establishment...

What does Bernie have to do with fucking wives?

Dahnald kind of looks like the man with the shittiest haircut ever in that comic. Did some of you tell Ben to watch Jojo or something?

As a Bernie supporter, this pisses me off.

Even more reason to vote against that sinister bitch.

NO yt link = fake

Why does it make you mad? Its accurate.

its hard visiting this website with all the trump love and I was big itno Bernie in the primary and defaulted to Hillary/don't bother voting but at this point I cant even keep voting for her.

im not voting
MAYBE I will vote for trump maybe


>being triggered by a politician in another country

how cucked can you be?

>she has such low energy that she's trying to get the dead to turn out for her

read the thread before commenting you cuck

upload to yt or it won't spread.

She's projecting. Hillary supporters are the ones stuck in perpetual childhood.

Bitch has always hated Bernie and his supporters. They get in the way of her plans with annoying calls for "changes" and "progress".


Of course she thinks the youth are just to stupid and clueless to realize how "great" she is. This bitch is truly delusional.



Then of course Bill's input

who cares. catch her talking shit about niggers and then we'll talk, god knows that's all you americans seem to give a fuck about

Are you kidding me? I was going to vote for Hilary too since Drumpf is such a moron. But as a Bernie supporter, I'm highly offended. I guess I'll just have to stay home on November 8th.

Strangely enough if Bernie was only a nationalist and and more pro resource he would be the perfect candidate

Even stranger is if you combine the good parts of Trump with the good parts of Bernie you get literally hitler

Parents house?

>Editor’s note: The headline and lede of this story have been changed to better reflect Clinton’s tone.

CTR is everywhere

oh look it's fucking nothing...again

If you think you could run the US on only current renewable energies you're underage and should be banned. The worst thing about it is him wanting to ban nuclear energy which could actually be a strong competitor against oil.

Listening to it now.

Hillary actually sounds pretty based.

>Bernie supporter
>parent's house?
do you even need to ask?


fuck u thailand just because u get to fuck traps and eat mangoes all day doesn't mean USA isn't crying over this election. you dont understand

wtf i hate clinton now



And to think some of the media tried to say the alt right was insulted by trumps "400 pound hacker"

Wtf this post made me shake

Same. I was seriously considering voting Clinton but I just feel like she's making all these personal attacks against millennials. I don't feel any connection to her. Guess I'm voting 3rd party this election

What's that faggot in the gif's name

it's her saying berniebros are living with their parents because they got a bum rap with the recession you fucking desperate faggot. It's more sympathetic than it is insulting.

get something that'll stick next time you fucking bum, maybe your buddy assange will release something that actually fucking matters or maybe your "god emperor"can stop making an ass out of himself and then you won't need a scandal to take down Hillary.

fucking pathetic cocksuckers the lot of you

This is how you get bernie supporters to join your side. They are cucks.

Fuck everything

Literally doesn't matter

She stole an entire election from them and got away with, she can do no wrong. She has the retard vote on lock.


Imagine her wall street speeches...

Yhea, but every other media outlet is not covering the story, just checked plebbit to see if there where any disgruntles burnout bro still hanging out in r/politics and the entire first page is 16 anti trump shill posts
just check this shit out:

>Warren Corners Trump: 'You Never Tweet At 3am With Ways To Create New Jobs'!
submitted 5 hours ago by mahparson

>Trump Praised Saudi Arabia's Sharia Law for Making It Easy for Men to Get Divorced
submitted 6 hours ago by wrtChase

>Fox News poll confirms: Hillary Clinton won the debate in a landslide
submitted 4 hours ago by abourne

>Trump adviser in Florida resigns, citing discomfort with campaign 'direction'

>Donald Trump Is Having a Meltdown
submitted 8 hours ago by billm95

>Before 6 a.m., Donald Trump proved Hillary Clinton’s point about his temperament
submitted 13 hours ago by Shitposter123456789

>Hillary Clinton Announces New National Service Reserve, A New Way for Young Americans to Come Together and Serve Their Communities
submitted 12 hours ago by emr1028

>Trump says he may not accept result if Clinton wins, in reversal from debate
submitted an hour ago by MysticRay

>Donald Trump Still Won't Tell The Truth About Cuba
submitted 3 hours ago by oranjemania

>USA Today thinks Trump is so ‘unfit for the presidency’ that it just wrote a historic anti-endorsement
submitted 16 hours ago by WriterDave

>Idiocracy now: Donald Trump and the Dunning-Kruger effect — when stupid people don’t know they are stupid
submitted 15 hours ago by movethebird
755 commentsshare

Obviously every article cited is either Huffington Post, Salon, politico, or BussinesInsider.

The stage of denial is strong with the democrats, how much longer till they accept their fate and remove the blindfold?

Do we really want them on our side dragging us down?

How can she be so further from the truth?
Bernie supporters are past 30 still living in dorms.
Trump supporters are basement dwellers.

But Hillary supporters are dead...so I don't know what's worse.

I made a youtube video just for you sven. It's 'processing' right now


Fuckng hell they aren't even hiding it now

>get to fuck traps

He IS the trap.

How nice of them to not include a timestamp on where it happens in the fucking 49 minute long recording.

24:30 minutes in

w-why are you so mean user?

Sanders was anti-immigration in the past, because he felt they created an unfair labor surplus. Sadly, he abandoned that sentiment in his run.


Superior way to share it, literally first 10 seconds.

>It's done boys. Youtube link here

thats the whole reason Cred Forums and everyone is behind him, same with Brexit. It's not about trump as an individual person, but what he represents. The public would rather anyone else rather than the same old shit

butthurt shitskin manlet micropenis ladyboy spotted

Just when I think she's finished as is, and then has a wiki leak and racist audio leak coming her way, she further fucks her campaign up with this nonsense.

JUST of the highest order.

What if this whole election is one big set up? Get the American people so divided that no matter who wins there will be rioting in the streets. Inevitably leading to martial law, fema camps, market crashes and every piece of the puzzle to rush in the "New safe and you'll eat world order if you just sign here".

America is the one that has domesticated the world through brute force and now must be tamed for it all to fall permaently into place.... Just saying, maybe it doesn't really matter who wins. Game set match

Shit, this makes me like Hillary more, for realizing that Bernie people are retards

I think we all know who has the "retard vote"

>(((video has been removed because it is too long)))

That was obvious to anyone that wasn't a Bernfag themselves though.

>Even stranger is if you combine the good parts of Trump with the good parts of Bernie you get literally hitler
>tfw the two most popular candidates are a nationalist and a socialist

now show it by income amounts.

having a gender studies or sociology degree does not make you smart in any way.

>video has been removed because it is too long

Consider your record, corrected

As a Bernie cuck, I don't support her, and I don't care if Bernie tells me I should. He can go fuck himself. I hate her more than I like him.

I've shifted all my political energy to The Don.

>"take your time! take your time!"

You mean just when she claimed publically that she does? I'm Hillary Clinton and welcome to Jackass.

>That's right goy! Take out your student loan to fund your underwater basketweaving degree! You can pay it all back when you graduate! And if you can't make the interest payments, I'm sure we can work out a long term plan.

It's like she genuinely hates the idea of people who aren't 100% supporting her, so much so that she doesn't care about appealing to them.

Meanwhile Trump will appeal to the Bernie supporters because at most he gains some votes, and loses nothing.

I would have been more receptive to that kind of response when he had 40% among college graduates, but he's now headed for the high 20s.

At this point, he's literally only appealing to subhuman waste.

Everyone leaves in their moms basement. When will that insult be retired?

sorry about your bad case of faggotry.

enjoy being a poorfag with that trans-nigger studies degree for the rest of your life.

>if you insult intelligence and call people retards it's borderline hate speech
>it's ok when we do it


You have no idea how much normie college kids still love Bernie. They think he'll still come out and lead the charge against corruption. The dudes a total fraud and these may be the most gullible kids ever.

He's hated by the poorest and most educated. I wonder what that would look like on a Venn diagram?

she looks like such a fucking rat

how will you all feel when she does shit like this & will win anyway?

>If only sanders wasn't a jew, wasn't a socialist, actually knew something about ANY topic, and wasn't a cuck, and had principles he'd be a good candidate!

ya don't say

This situation is wonderful. You have kids that were graduating college in 2008 and so they voted for change, it's eight years later and they're still far from home ownership. They're probably still paying off their student loans and still working that job they didn't want but took anyway.

They were Bernie bros this year, the party rigged it against him and now their nominee is shitting on them for being uninformed and lazy.


>Strangely enough if Bernie was only a nationalist


>too long



Dish and meme it hard



he was a cuck



Funny thing is if we got rid of liberal arts and -studies and focused on science and engineering a near free college might actually be viable because everyone graduating would actually be able to earn enough to pay taxes

Mechanical engineer here who works in the energy industry. Long story short most "renewables" have a huge problem syncing to the grid. They have to generate 60 Hz AC electricity, and most simply never reach that frequency and therefore never sync to the grid. Most "green" energy is wasted by not actually ever making it to consumers.

Nuclear energy should be explored widely replacing base coal plants with gas turbines as peakers (peak demand). Green energy is a pipe dream.

Except Hillary is pretty much a continuation of obongo

please tell me that's a girl

Not really because all the engineers will just engineer out their need for existence.


>tell them 'that's great, let's just do this instead"

How fucking degrading. How can any young people even be considering voting for her?

this is probably the first time ive ever heard hillary sound genuine. i'll probably never hear this tone from her ever again.

Styx said that this is going to ruin her campaign.

I'm a bit skeptical. He's very intelligent, but Politico comments seem to show that even Bernie bros don't care.

>implying all intelligent people make it to college and no stupid ones do

Why do so many retards vote for Clinton for free gibs?

Also I know about your graph. Completely disregards for example trades that make more money than a liberal arts graduate working at McDonald's also engineers tend to favour trump

Your graph compares mostly liberal arts degrees to highschool dropout hillbillies and niggers not counting the population in between. Try again Ontariocuck. Shouldn't you be donating your transfer check to the poor refugees?

Cause they'll never see this and just read or be told trump is racist.

I was a Bernie supporter. I was pissed as hell when it turned out that they were literally conspiring against him.
Gonna vote for Gary Johnson.

Who hacked this recording though?

everyone is like that when they aren't talking to the general public.

trump is the exact same way as well, but you have to talk like a retard to get votes and thats the ugly truth.

Whose systems got hacked and whose didn't? Do you think the DNC or Pagliano had better security than the Trump corporations?

What graph? Are you brain damaged?

Looks like Hilary voters. All they every say is why does this matter. They would vote democrat as long as the water/electricity worked. No matter what.

Nobody cares about hacking Trump corporations whereas many people do care about hacking and undermining the US government.

>the 33000 emails were about a wedding

Why is this the first time I've heard about this?

Pretending bernie bros can uncuck themselves after hearing this. Theyll still vote for shillary

Just stay home with Mommy.

Same boat. How fucking annoying is it that he STILL emails us asking for money? Makes it easier to go against his wishes tbhwyf

>Nobody cares about hacking Trump corporations
hillary would suck you off if you could hack into their systems just to get more dirt on trump.

She claims that the 33k deleted emails were all personal emails about chelseas wedding

Living in the basement

With Her

>go as far as scandinavia, whatever that means
scandinavians live a legitimately cozy lifestyle. i envy them. but then again i live in minnesota which is basically norway 2.0.

and yoga


rly makes u think

The one your fellow shill posted

The one you eastfaggots post all the time Now go spend more transfer payments on refugee housing. Let the non shills have their conversation

>US government

While yes they are one of Americas political parties they themselves are not a branch of the us government in any way shape or form

Not a shill. I just think Trump is a retard and that Cred Forums is too dumb/naive to see it.

I seriously just want to sniff their assholes.

Implying Hillary wouldn't be worse

And this is why I want to separate from the rest of Cuckada. Hopefully that way we could avoid war

thank you for your dedication to correcting Cred Forums's record

Yeah, after saying how they're idiots.

It's the most condescending "Poor idiots, they don't know what's good for them"

>Bernie supporters are "living in their parents’ basement
Well shes probably not wrong

Well obviously college grads have lower incomes than the poorly educated. Numbers don't lie, right?

[The content of this post has been removed for violations of UN hate speech regulations]

>its almost as if they were only in it for the free shit and not the idea of getting rid of the corrupt establishment...



Could this story sink her campaign?


im positive she is finished

>"This will be the end of Hillary's campaign," says increasingly nervous frog for the seventh time this month

Nope. Sliding under the rug with this one. Its not even Trending and these bernie voters stay at home all day.

Hillary will be literally king nigger 2.0, so I think she would be better for America than Bernie since more of the same is better than the possibility of going full red.

[IP address pending civil identification.]

>Implying Hillary wouldn't be worse

how would she be worse? Trump flip flops on everything and speaks about everything so vaguely, its hard to tell what he actually stands for.

>And this is why I want to separate from the rest of Cuckada. Hopefully that way we could avoid war

that will never happen.

shes looking at the hat

Gr8 b8 m8

I honestly prefer she talks this way which more closely resembles a human being.

The basement comment isn't necessarily untrue, and she follows those comments up with proposals to get college educated basement dwellers jobs.

So you're saying that if he was a nationalist in addition to his socialism he'd be a good candidate? A socialist nationalist if you will.


high energy af

The guilt articles about not going to the movies piss me off more than anything. Movie ticket prices are retarded.

nice meme leaf

this post can be utter bullshit, but i'm not a "mechanical engineer" and thus cannot verify



The reason it costs more is directly related to why the wages have depressed. Increased amounts of immigrants and population, too quickly I might add, has had the deleterious effect of both raising the demand for housing, while decreasing the demand for labor.

Even ordinarily safe havens such as engineering and medicine are being bought out by immigrants, specifically east asians. It won't be long until the poor class of Americans will be her own citizens, many of whom have generational ties to this countries founding. It's no wonder many are turning towards Trump; immigration is killing our country. And the reason for this massive unchecked immigration is welfare. Let me elaborate: The social programs (including all the military spending on things not directly related to warfare) has reached enormous cost. However, the tax revenue has decreased. Immigration is capable of fixing both issues by increasing tax revenue collected by people unable to relieve benefits. And thus is sown the seeds of the demise of our nation. Either we decimate our government spending, or we capitulate as citizens of America. Neither option is desirable, and more likely than not, will lead to gridlock ed indecision as America plunges off a cliff.

>Idiocracy now: Donald Trump and the Dunning-Kruger effect — when stupid people don’t know they are stupid

>he doesn't know

no faggot, it's the Trump cucks that live in basement


How is this something bad? Our gener4ation is struggling to the point were forced to live in our parents basement if they even had a basement.

lmao this is hilarious

It's our responsibility to get them to turn against this bitch, can someone make a thread?

>You hate Bernie's voters
>you REALLY hate MY voters
>Who the hell DO you like?
>How can you lead this country when you hate half its citizens?

These words would end her charade of a campaign

it is. not really sure what he's getting at. solar panels produce DC but they have no problem being used on the grid. it's easy to convert DC to AC.

since he's a mechanical engineer he's probably just a paid oil shill working in the bakken fields of ND.

It doesn't matter because the mining operations needed to extract the raw materials for solar panels, wind turbines, etc. are just as if not more damaging to the environment than burning fossil fuels. """Green""" energy is a fantasy that should be thrown in the garbage bin of history where it belongs.

Haha she's so right tho

I'm #artillery4hillary now lads

The negroes voting for hillary and not bernie didn't tip you?

They is only one demographic there Trump doesnt win
Jesus Christ Hillary is pathetic

Did you just call Hillary a faggot?

Major fallout from this one. Even worse than Deplorables. Watch.

I live in a storage unit in Alaska

Former Berner here, what a condescending bitch, Trump has my vote.

Well someone better spread it. It's certainly not picked up steam.

he does have principles though. Pretty much the only thing going for him

fact checker: mostly true, Bernie Supporters are millennials and generally live at home with their parents still

However if Donald Trump said it

>pants on fire: this is a bigoted generalization, many college students live in dormitories


He endorsed Clinton; how principled could he possibly be?

The clinton campaign is going to be shook badly by this and seeing moles everywhere!

.. And this generation is making it a million times worse than it needs to be by outright refusing to identify the root cause of the problems.

>There are former Bernie voters ITT

You should hang yourselves.

Not advocating one canidate or another but that's a really weak argument for Trump. He literally trashes his voters and doesn't give a shit about most of them.
If you are really going to come over to the "white" side than do it based off of political positions not for this stupid reason, you dimwitted cuck

Does Clinton have so many scandals that it becomes pointless at some point? It's not like anything can finish her.

The vast majority of news channels and websites shill for it. I live in Pa and one in every 4 commercials is an AD for her.

Everyone knows she's corrupt and it's not going make a difference.


Hillary telling it like it is. This is pretty based desu. I wish she had the courage to say shit like this in the open instead of only behind closed doors.

>shill for it.

I mean her.

seconding Pierre

Holy fucking shit.

I'm seriously done.

On principal I cant vote for trump, but I was going to vote for her on principle as well.

Her entire progressive platform is a lie.

Oy vey...

the bernout voting for hillary is just a lie they tell so when they rig the election they will say 'it's all those bernie voters' bernouts are not voting hillary.

>I live in Pa and one in every 4 commercials is an AD for her.

Is there a thing as too much shilling?


My parents are Vets so I plan to move in and help expand our tax free home after college. I really do not understand the urge to fly away from parents when a Family home is amazing. Just make a longish hallway between your area and your parents, get a nice job, and be /comfy/

Can't meme magic this one?

>you should vote for Trump and then throw yourselves out of helicopters

>trashes his voters
I don't recall Trump calling half of America deplorable in fact I see him reaching out for everyone meanwhile the liberals get on their high horse and Shame anyone outside their safe space.

Welcome to Cred Forums. If she's not tits-out in a wheat field, she's got a dick.

>The economy's fine, just stop going out to eat every other day you dumb kid!
>5 years later
>torrent of articles complaining about how millennials are tanking the economy by not eating at restaurants

If this gets enough play it could seriously hurt her.

This isn't some arbitrary investigation or millitary fuck up or grey area "bribing". People dont really care about that because it has nothing to do with what she is saying she wants to do for the country.

This audio is liek Romneys 47%, she has shown her true colors.

She doesn't believe in free healthcare or education. She is blatantly and shamelessly lying to win the whitehouse.

Those two things are the pillars of the left, all bernie supporters are fucking gone, and the majority of independents as well I'd guess.

Fucking cunt

>all that coughing

What if undeniable evidence came out that she personally murdered somebody in cold blood?

this desu, Fuck off with the liberalism and usury

>Not even Trending on twitter

Tweet this to Trump

It will hurt her regardless of whether the MSM picks up on it

Bernouts are young and connected to the internet, they'll be sharing this all over the place. If the media ignores it then that will piss them off even more, making them more likely to vote Trump in the hopes of fucking Clinton over.

wtf I love Hillary now

zerohedge has a take on this:


Christ, how anybody can vote for this bitch, I don't know.

Well, I guess I'm an #AfterBerner now.

Wow Hillary. Me and my wife's son can't believe this.

Dropping support with her and now #TrumpWon

>clicked the link expecting the audio
>some random blah blah shit text
>300 replies clinton is ded and stumped
No idea who is stupid here

Just vote for Trump nigger. Less taxes.

This. I'm in college and I'm staying with parents until I pay off every last penny of school loan debt.

I don't know why so many can't tolerate their parents, mine are alright.

Though when I can afford it, I will move out to the countryside and get myself a nice big lot to build a house on, and when my parents retire, I'll have another house built on the property for them to retire in. The current home we live in just won't cut it and we'll never pay it off anyways.

You're retarded, those Sanders policies would cripple us into almost being completely dependent on imported arab oil.

The only reason I'm for increased fossil fuel extraction here at home is to rid ourselves of oil from the middle east and destroy the influence those countries get from being rich from oil. A long range decades-long plan to eventually transition into renewables is a better option. Outright banning everything now would just not work.

If you think the state of current renewable can feasibly replace our non-renewable energy output, then I can only feel sorry for you.


>1 post by this (((ID)))


>I am serious there is a fucking hat right here I can see it I am not lying
>I bet its part of the plot of those cartoon frogs quick let's make an article about it

>tfw nu-left only care about handouts for their identity politics, and don't give a shit about the poor, homeless, or poverty in general.

We could focus on our current welfare to give the low and working classes a better shot, but no, let's give scholarships and job priority to privileged trans-black women (male) instead and fuck whitey (who doesn't have a home).

Enjoy these lawful-ambiguous migrants driving down wages and making housing more scarce, while shitting up your neighborhood with drugs. You didn't need to own a home anyway.

>call EVERYONE that can vote for the first time and wanted to vote democrats basement-dwellers

She didn't just fuck herself over, she fucked the entire party over. Holy shit. This is amazing. She turned two entire fucking generations away from the democrats.

You should all post this in the comments on tbe Bernie Sanders FB page constantly

She's not wrong
A lot of Bernie supporters used rent money or even entire paychecks to donate to his campaign and had to move back in with their parents
The funny thing is that half of those people are Eurocucks who could never vote in the first place kek

>without raising wages
You don't know how inflation works do you?

His campaign funds did NOT go to Clinton.

They went toward helping him buy his third house.

This is the stuff Trump should be hitting Hillary on, not the dumb emails.

If talking about emails made a huge difference it would be reflected in the polls. its not making a difference, change tactics and go after her integrity and the trust issues people have with her

would love to see these words during the last debate.


>Telling the truth is looked down upon now

Its not about truth its about hurting her with bernouts. She's trying to go left and earn more millennials and bernouts, this will stop and stunt her growth with them.

This information must get to fucking Trump.

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Electrical engineer here.

I had a rant about that being retarded but as I'm drunk posting took me bit to realize I read your explanation wrong. So that more or less correct. Or atleast good enough explanation for a tawaineese crab fishing convetion

But yeah that's definitely can issue. People also forget that battery technology simply isn't there yet. Sure we could generate there's no efficient means of storing it.

Though the biggest issue by far is that it just cost too much and can be pretty inefficient. Some of the alternatives like ethanol can even be engergy negative. If it was really was a viable alternative one of the big engergy companies would have jumped on it to undercut their competitors.

In fairness solar actually has it uses but only small scale and specialized application.

>CLINTON: It is important to recognize what’s going on in this election. Everybody who’s ever been in an election that I’m aware of is quite bewildered because there is a strain of, on the one hand, the kind of populist, nationalist, xenophobic, discriminatory kind of approach that we hear too much of from the Republican candidates.
>And on the other side, there’s just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free healthcare, that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means, but it’s something that they deeply feel.


Also fuck you too Clinton.

What are you talking about? Of course Trump won the debate. That's why his odds of winning plummeted by 13 percentage points.

I'm a #TrumpBumper now.

Those odds are just guesses made by political hacks.

Leave had significantly worse odds than that the day before the referendum.

That could very well be biased, polls are the way to go, and when you look at them, Trump has gotten better (including one that actually predicts Trump as currently winning the electoral system with 290 votes).

God I love those 400lb bastard who find this shit

I was a Bernie supporter. I was leaning Clinton, but after this....

It's probably time for Trump. She doesn't get it.

Really makes you think that Sanders should have been Trump's running mate.

Also checked

>supports cuckoldry

she's not wrong though

Better to live in a basement than in a basket of deplorables

she really doesn't know how to win anyone over

wtf i like hillary now

>thinking Cred Forums is dumb
Nice meme newfag. The red pill will take effect in just a bit. Relax and enjoy the apocalypse.
Cred Forums: It's always happening

Yeah, they are pretty retarded and childish

Makes me ashamed to support Trump, since I can see what kind of white trash and neckbeards who cum in their pants every time some minor thing happens worship him

They are just as bad as major media is, only less successful

>inb4 ctr (((shill)))

Canada is so cucked, and every Canadian that isn't a total cuckold has already come over to an actual nation (USA). You are irrelevant.

That's bullshit. Half his voters if not more are voting for him because he's a racist promising to ban minorities from the country.


>Canada is so cucked, and every Canadian that isn't a total cuckold has already come over to an actual nation (USA). You are irrelevant.

^See, this is the effect Trump has on children.

>Editor’s note: The headline and lede of this story have been changed to better reflect Clinton’s tone

It would be treated as a wacky conspiracy theory by the media and then no one would talk about it again.

If they can't see how badly Trump fell in Clinton's trap in the debate, then they either have a really high level of cognitive dissonance, or are dumb and unobservant.

I think this is a terrible choice and both candidates are horrible, but the first debate was a fucking successful bait. Just annoy Trump a bit and mention some woman he's attacked and he loses his cool and starts ranting and shouting over others. He just can't let go of these silly beefs.

Except he doesn't do that you race baiting jidf

She won the debate. But he won the manouvring. More people changed their vote to him than her afterwards. People don't trust her and now see that there was a lot of exageration and demonisation about him.

That's Bernie "women get turned on by nigger gangrapes" Sanders to you.