Is this true? if so, how do you feel about it

is this true? if so, how do you feel about it


hope it's true. That shit ruined my life.

really fucken good

It's child open, you clods.

Fine by me, porn fucked me up really badly.

Saged and hidden.

I'm okay with it.

Porn is very (((degenerate))).

And it's basically legal prostitution.

porn has ruined america.

fix porn and 30% of americas problems will go away

the porn industry of a country is a reflection of itself true self

its your lawn, you mow it.

Don't care at all. It's impossible to do so.

Porn is controlled by the jews to undermine white people and destroy the family unit by promoting interracial sex, cheating, incest, and much worse. We would be better off if it was out of reach of our children and adults or at the very least much harder to access.

Child porn i.e. The type of porn CTR watches

All the same type of posters freaking out about ICANN.

Get fucked retards.

I don't know a god damn thing about ICANN.

God Bless President Trump

He will save the white race by forcing people to go outside and talk to each other instead of just staying indoors and jerking off.

Make America Mate Again

>promising to an anti-porn group that he'd do state sponsored research to study possible harmful effects of pornography

Fuck off CTR, I still don't know why you cunts are even here.

>He will declare a war on porn.

there always has been, and always will be, porn

As someone who is addicted to and has many gb of porn, I welcome this. Porn is poison and one of the many reasons behind society's problems. Also, the Jews make porn. Taking away one of the ways they poison our minds is a good thing.

Trump's losing pretty bad in the polls, does that make you upset too?

The difference between watching porn and being a legitimate cuck is a very thin veil.

I've stocked up, and I don't live in the US. I'm fine with it.

Your a stupid piece of google shit aren't you?

Porn is disgusting
It leads to a life of sickness and addiction, there is no positives from porn and is the reason our society is so sick and overly sexualised.
Porn producers need to be HANGED for their crimes and the whores who perform for these sickos need to be locked up in jail.

Of course a degenerate European famous for his sluts and drugs would support porn! You Europeans legalised homos since the 1800's! You've always been a sick twisted society

might make porn profitable again

Geez, what a faggot.

I have more porn than I can ever watch. If it's banned I'll just make mega sheckles selling burnt dvd's next to those Redbox retard machines...who uses those even?

Trump trumps himself again, if true

As far as "if" I do doubt it coz sheckles. Give up porn anyway, it's not doing you any favours.

I like how Tumblr finds this to be bad.
I like moreso, how this person acts like porn is a necessity.
Tumblr is also where the (very poorly drawn, and boring) webcomic Satan and Me (it's like these people are telling us they're the bad guys!) is very popular.
Matter of fact, you'll get lots of "Hail Satan!" along with their "No more traditionalism!" "I love (same sex), it's in my soul!!"

Guys, I'm an atheist faggot, but seeing how terrible the left is... I'm thinking about converting, because it seems like there is a god. Can bisexuality be cured?

simply necessary

Bisexuality isn't real, if you like dick you're a homo. That's the end of it


>Make America Mate Again
top kek

>catholicism sucks
>consumed by those very same WASPs
methinks that the Jew doth not know what his own words meaneth

>not wanting literally hitler to rule

Good, now my arm muscles will go back to being a the same size

You really want to know what's actual legal prostitution?

But I like men just as much as I like women.
I am sexually attracted to both sexes.
I am bisexual.
I thought for sure Trudeau would make so that you had to know these differences by heart.

hitler burned porn.
Trump is literally hitler.

>I like men
Disgusting, if this was 50 years ago you'd get your ass thrown in jail where you belong sick bastard. All you homos are rapist sexual predators. It's dangerous to have homos living in the same country where children live so you need to be sent into the middle of the Atlantic Ocean where the only schools you can hang around are the schools of fish