Harvard confirms fluoride in drinking water lowers IQ


Why the fuck are we standing by as our government is killing our people?!?!?!

We're all gonna be vegetables in the next decade and you're just letting this happen to our communities?

Other urls found in this thread:


>he unironically cites the huffington post as fact

Neck yourself fag.


>"Drinking water containing as little as 1.2 ppm fluoride will cause developmental disturbances."

That sucks. Good thing I drank mostly bottled water as a kid (lol xenoestrogens). Just checked my city's water report, and we get 0.8ppm tops here, so I'm not really concerned drinking filtered tap water nowadays.

>I forget how to write my name after I brush my teeth

wew now I understand

It's a pretty good source because it's a shitlib news source that attacks people for being ''conspiracy theorists''.

Even these people, even people at Harvard are saying that fluoride is bad for you.
Ask them directly and all of them are going to look at you like you're Alex Jones. Even the people working for Huffington post don't believe fluoride is bad for you, which is why it's great that you can point them to their own site to show them that it's a real danger.

>It's a pretty good source because it's a shitlib news source that attacks people for being ''conspiracy theorists''.

Can into logic, ice cream sandwich.


OP is a faggot for posting huffpooh.

>"Dr." Mercola

>never drink water by itself or anything fearing autism
>find out I have aspergers anyway



Don't give ad revenue to scumbags or let them put tracking cookies in your browser.


>don't drink water = die
>drink water = die

Oh well.

You're confusing vaccines with fluoride.

get a filter=dont die

news flash

bottled water is just tap water filtered to taste better, not filtered to remove heavy metals

>Why the fuck are we standing by as our government is killing our people?!?!?!

Because the water made us stupid?

Don't forget beta with the birth control

>Conversation is about flouride
>heavy metals


If you drink your toothpaste chances are it was a preexisting condition

Thanks for the breaking 3 year old article

wow I'm going to buy an Alex Jones™ water filtration system right now

No. Depends entirely where you live and what bottled water you are drinking. Over here 99% of bottled water brands are selling spring water from the mountains. Each one will therefore be different, and it certainly ins't the same water you would be drinking if you lived in the city.

>mfw my country doesn't add fluoride to the water

serves you guys right

I remember there being a test in China and the fluoridated kids scored 8 points lower in IQ tests than the non-fluoridated kids

You better get his super fluoride vitality selenium iodized water filters now.

Don't they cost roughly 5000% more than if you buy them on amazon though?

>toothepaste わてrはs野 flouride??? I don't believe.

>"The estimated decrease in average IQ associated with fluoride exposure based on our analysis may seem small and may be within the measurement error of IQ testing. However, as research on other neurotoxicants has shown, a shift to the left of IQ distributions in a population will have substantial impacts, especially among those in the high and low ranges of the IQ distribution"

>"In conclusion, our results support the possibility of adverse effects of fluoride exposures on children’s neurodevelopment. Future research should formally evaluate dose–response relations based on individual-level measures of exposure over time, including more precise prenatal exposure assessment and more extensive standardized measures of neurobehavioral performance, in addition to improving assessment and control of potential confounders."

I skimmed through the study and noticed a few things that seem iffy to me...

They used data from 30+ different studies, many were done in China as there are very different fluoride concentrations from village to village due to coal plants and naturally occurring fluoride found in rivers and wells.

Rural areas which have a high exposure to fluoride may not be as well educated as those in low exposure areas. Other areas with a high exposure to fluoride due to coal burning plants (mineral fluoride is left behind after coal is combusted) may be adversely effected by numerous other neurotoxicants that are polluting the environment due shitty to Chinese manufacturing practice.

It doesn't make any confirmation as OP claims, it simply sees that data lends to this theory and proper tests with better controls must be performed.

Regardless, water should not be fluoridated.

Here's a (YOU) replyfag.



Yeah, it's so big that you're just discovering this information now in 2016, when the study itself was conducted all the way back in 2012.


half an IQ point for 3x US legal limit

no information on what else is in the water (like say lead, which was reported to be in the water in the study region, and which definitely causes brain damage)
Fishy statistics too

worst case scenario: half an IQ point to keep your teeth from rotting out of your head

It literally found a correlation between low IQ and children living in areas with high exposure to fluoride, all in China.
This is radio towers all over again.

Oh shit I mean... uhhh... I'm redpilled!

Praise Jesus Christ. Deus Vult. Vote Trump. Buy Alex Jones filters to protect your brain from chemicals! Jews manipulate the chemicals in my brain make me stupid. Damn liberal marxist scientists.

IQ tests don't measure third eye strength

our buildings are so shit that a plane can take them out. Try flying a plane at giza


Tfw my city doesnt fluoridate and the water tastes like voss out of the tap.

Proper dental hygiene along with not over consuming acidic drinks is the best way from preventing your teeth from rotting.

>tfw I only drink tank water
I can't remember the last time I had poisioned water. Feels good to live on a farm.

Go ahead and drink saltwater then.

tfw get spring water from backyard 3/4 of the year and a well for the rest

>In regard to developmental neurotoxicity, much information has in fact been published, although mainly as short reports in Chinese that have not been available to most expert committees.

So the data from this overview comes from Chinese studies.

So you have to:

a. trust Chinese scientists

b. assume that fluoride is the only substance in the water (the chinese studies were dealing with fluoride as a *contaminate* not an additive, i.e. industrial run off.)

c. assume that U.S. fluoridation levels are as high as Chinese industrial contamination (they aren't, study notes this.)

c. the effect the review discovered is a -0.5% shift in IQ, which is actually within the margin of error specified in the study. It's a very small effect.


And yet the average IQ has increased steadily with the development of societies despite these societies going from no fluoride to fluoride. Ergo, fluoride is weak as fuck at lowering the IQ.


Hold on, nigger.

I don't think fluoride should be in water, but let's do a critical analysis of these findings.

>Serum-fluoride concentrations associated with high intakes from drinking-water may exceed 1 mg/L, or 50 Smol/L, thus more than 1000-times the levels of some other neurotoxicants that cause neurodevelopmental damage.

So, according to the eggheads, you'd have to be drinking water with 1 milligram of fluoride per liter to fuck your brain.

I checked the water quality report card from my county utility provider to see how much fluoride is in my water.

It's 0.70 parts per million.

That's roughly 0.7 mg per liter.

For this study to be a true smoking gun, it needs to determine if normal fluoride levels in residential tap water cause brain damage.

There's no doubt that too much of anything is bad for you, but I'm not sure if tempered doses of fluoride are really going to turn you into Forrest Gump.

>tfw I have a reverse osmosis purifier

>3 years invalidates research

You are invalidated for being over 3 years old

Who would have thought that a completely unnecessary substance being forced into your drinking water would have a negative health impact???


>I don't mind if you shoot me, as long as you use 9mm! I mean come on guys, they're pretty weak.

This was tepid at best, bro.

With leaf shitposting reaching critical levels, I expect way better from you Ausfags.

chch fag detected

super genius here AMA

How much floouride is in the water you drink?