Fellow bongs, how do we deal with the working class problem

Thanks to labour's retarded welfare state policies in the last century we now have an expanding underclass of Jeremy Kyle contestants.
They're insanely ugly, stupid, violent, supplemented by benefits and they're protected by our left wing culture. They go to other countries and cause bother which in turn destroys our reputation even more. How do we deal with this menace once and for all?

>Hating the working class
This isn't r/uk

Easy. Work them to death.

The middle class and upper classes do not need child benefits to survive
In a camp?

>trusting your television

Those people you see on Jeremy Kyle are Middle Class actors taking the piss out of the poor. Yes, there are people like that, but they are a minority.

Once you turn on your own, don't be surprised if you wind up with a Muslim boot on your neck. You paper-shuffling queers are too soft to deal with what is to come.

>on the benefit
>working class

being working class isn't the problem, being brit is tho

>implying these people have ever worked

They're all real. If you ever walked around any city or town in England you'd see them.

>a literal roach
>implying if we suddenly decided to take up eugenics we'd be the same weak lefties we are now
Something would have to change. Also, I don't hate the working class. I'm referring to retarded, unproductive chav types

Vote Corbyn for more public spending on gulags

>They go to other countries and cause bother which in turn destroys our reputation even more.
That's middle class #LAD types actually

Its the underclass that is the problem now but its Muslims that are the immediate threat

>a fucking rat

Oy vey but he's an Anti-Semite!

Have you evolved so soon? Looks like we'll need to crack out tougher pesticides now.

>implying Muslims are not part of the underclass

yeah sure, just dont eat me, u might need those remaining 3 teeth

>what are dentures
Stupid rat

>calls himself stupid
well at least ur self aware

If I'm a rat you're a frog, you bug eyed subhuman. You can joke about British inbreeding all you want but I've never seen a bug eyed Brit whereas you Turks are well known for it.

at least we dont look like sid from ice age or ayy lmao's

Even she has more masculine eyes than the average roach

Would you two pack it in it's embarrassing


shame on you for hating your own lower class people
they are your responsibility a nations lower class reflects on its higher class. if you don't like them, then kill them or shut up.

What we need to do is give tax relief to the rich and have a 80% tax increase on any one earning less than 100000 a year as they are all underclass and should just be serfs for me and the rest of the upper-class, peasants should pay everything while I get to enjoy myself your all just slaves anyway ;)

maybe thats why you fuck boys so much instead, ur women look more like men than ur men kek
pack in what? stop thinking about our dicks faggot

You don't have to live with them so stfu

Every Turk on this site is a homo. I swear I have not seen one turkposter who is not a closeted gay.

It's like Godwin's law: if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later a Turkroach will mention dicks, gay sex or anything of the sort

it's to attract the feminine british bitch boys, and it seems to be working, your fav drug is paki cock

replace them with migrants

There he goes again. So which one in the crowd is you?

under the flag there's a british tourist pleasuring hundreds of superior turkish masters of his

Bug eyed, inbred faggots just like your Ottoman ancestors

Working class millenial here, let me share with you, a fact;

People take the path of least resistance.

So you get welfare, single moms, criminals etc? Why?
Because it's sure as shit easier and less risky than working class jobs.

Want to fix the issue?
Fuck unions, they work with the companies exploiting people.
Increase the presence of solicitors around industrial parks, have government agencies have increased random compliance inspections, and hold companies more liable for damages.

There would ideally, be a nationwide taskforce to stomping out corruption from companies.

Things such as mass constructive dismissal, discrimination, gaslighting (seriously, my company tried to do it. "Where did you here that?" The general manager of the entire building "Nope... didn't happen"),
Health and safety "lip service" where they'll set work rates based on people they know break/ignore rules forcing everyone to break the rules just to avoid harassment. Targeting individuals, etc.

Seriously, corruption in working class jobs is so fucking horrendous that it's a fucking epidemic.
Holding companies liable for creating unsafe working conditions, discrimination and especially for thing such as mass constructive dismissal (similar to a case Amazon had in america) as well as pushing an increased presence of legal professionals (which means more money getting passed round and therefore taxed), and all of a sudden working class jobs would be the path of least resistance.

Do away with the unions, to many of them just ignore this shit and try to "compromise" with the company while allowing them to often skirt workplace law.
The problem is, often times you can't file for a lawsuit unless you've spoken to a union, tried to take things higher up (which incites the gaslighting), or made attempts to stop the corruption yourself - which often makes you more of a target as well as giving the companies ample time to protect themselves or dispose of evidence.

at least we weren't made for benefits and have our eyes right next to our nose like maislie kek

t. Average Turk


BTW, my company even tried to prevent me from having a union rep present for disciplinaries by calling me into the office when the reps were on their break, and 10 minutes before the end of the shift hoping I wouldn't want to wait around.
My verbal complaint regarding that was ignored. I should have put it in writing.

That is important because I would then have evidence showing that they've ignored and disregarded the complaint.

So, I'd like to add, that more working class people need to be given a better education and understanding of workplace law. What can and cannot be done, as well as how to obtain your file from the company using the data protection act.
They need to be informed of how to keep files and evidence against the company, and they also need to know that verbal complaints cannot be proved, so it's better to ensure every complaint made forward against the company is in writing.

Even better if it's by email, because then you can prove that they in fact, have received the complaint.

The only complaint of mine they ever took seriously was one that I emailed to the HQ.

Needless to say, after the shit I've caused for them, and going after their jobs, I've been left well alone.

Having grown up around these people, and went to school with a girl that went on the show after she got pregnant really young, I can assure you that these people are not actors or a minority. There are many of them.

Ditto my fellow britfriend. Local retarded breeding animal went on that show.

Horrible cow won big money on a scratch card too. FML Famalamalam

t. White british boy

Thanks for reminding me. It's great, isn't it

This is how the class system works now:

Upper class
Middle class
Working class
Benefits class
Criminal class

It is, I was worried about fitting in when coming there, so glad
Anyway I'm bored, this was fun, cya you pretty fag x

>a fucking roach

Crimean war was the biggest mistake in my nations history.

Is this a common feeling among the working class and are you aware of anyone dropping out of work as a result? It would be my guess that since the government pays you to have kids that would make it the path of least resistance but it's nice to have another perspective


Kill the welfare state and reduce tax on low earners. Make it so that only people who pay into the system can use it.

I like The Jeremy Kyle Show. It lets me lose hope for humanity without having to listen to incoherent nigger babble and constant clapping like on Jerry Springer.

>Criminal class
There are criminals in all classes, how do you define this

Blue collar and white collar crime?

Working and welfare have to be linked - no work, no welfare. How the fuck can the elite justify bringing in a shitload of migrants to work when we have the lazy fuckers already here who could do the jobs?

Also I think Thatcher had alot to do with the current problems by creating an underclass with no hope that was passed on to succeeding generations

>Working class

These are two different things you fucking retard. There's not much wrong with the working class, they work the tedious, unskilled jobs (dustbin men and others) that form a vital part of the national economy. The underclass however should be purged.

I'm on welfare because im too chicken shit to go see a doctor and get a sick-note, and if i do, they will only give me more money and expect less work

I don't see the problem since i work "voluntarily" pretty much 5 days a week

>Working class going to other countries and destroying them
I thought the whole point of them being working class was because they couldn't afford it and are housebound to their council estates or are you talking about Lower Middle?

There's some genuinely decent people in Lower Middle but the types you're talking about are pretty much council housed vermin.

>Is this a common feeling among the working class

Well, I hear the same story from everyone with a working class job "It's the same everywhere".

I was targeted so much I had to reduce my hours due to stress. Hence why I've looked into workplace law so much.

It's common as fuck.

>It would be my guess that since the government pays you to have kids that would make it the path of least resistance

My aunt, single mother, 4 kids, out-earned both my working parents on benifits alone and didn't have to put up with all this bullshit for a long time.

She was ultimately forced to get a job when the social services took her kids and she needed to prove she could earn for them.

But in general, welfare is much less hassle.

We need to make productivity the path of least resistance. That's the best thing we can do to improve the country.

>are Middle Class actors

Nah mate their not, i know two different people in my area who have been on the show, no joke

I don't know if actors are mixed in for ratings or whatever, but i know for a fact that two of them are real since i know them

i lived in england for two years for work. you're trash is on par with american trash lol

The single reason that working-class jobs are provided by shady employers is that they have no bargaining power.

You *need* to work in an already saturated job market in order to survive and not just sponge off bennies. Because you're replaceable and have no agency to pursue a complaint, companies can fuck you over.

Union collective bargaining is self-destructive. If you're employed by a company, it's because it needs a workforce. If the entire workforce walks out, company goes bust. Congratulations, you've "solved" the grievance by destroying the opposing party.

I agree with your analysis - easy, subsidised access to legal support is the only way the government can level the playing field.

Not sure about that really, last murder was next flat over someone got stabbed in a break in, now i keep like a half-axe by the door, so if anything happens or some niggers decide to try break in, ill just swing at their head with it

not sure how?

gun wise, yes america is worse.

but at a white trash level, both are on par I'd say.

I was in Merseyside. A young Scot was shot to death while I was there and a copper was stabbed to death, too.

LOve the countryside though.

Andn pork pies

and cream teas

No joke

>forced to be in school
>almost time to leave
>have to get a job
>have kid instead
>oh I can't work, I'm a full-time parent!
>bludge around for a years
>big brother says you gotta start working soon
>rinse and repeat
>still ok for a few years due to kid you had at 43
>he grows up
>big brother says you gotta start working soon
>oh I can't work, I'm a full-time carer for my autistic 12 year old!
>oh I can't work, I have a depression and anxiety!
>oh I can't work, I have a diabetes!
>oh I can't work, I have a lung cancer!
>oh I can't work, I have a irritable bowel syndrome!
>oh I can't work, I have a never ended deluge of excuses to get big brother off my back
>today tonight told me that indians are taking your jobs!
>a current affair told me that china is taking our houses!
>etc etc etc

If a fob, add in superfluous hatred for Australia and Australians while on benefits, too. Because nothing says a country and its people are fucking sacks of shit like them giving you money, housing, health care and the ability to not work for 82 years.

Don't forget to vote for the baby bonus.

I have personally never been attacked or even harassed where i live

niether have I, not in US or in UK or Germany

Well, I've been harrassed in US for wearing a Trump shirt haha
