Based czech natsoc president calling Islamic state cannibals and praises natsoc

> „Připomenu vám příklad z minulého století, příklad nacismu, který se nejprve snažil zničit Židy, potom Slovany a postupně další a další,“
May i remind you example from the prev century, lets call it nacism, which tried to destroy jews, then slavs, and many more after.

> Podle Zemana nelze diskutovat s kanibaly, protože „pro kanibaly jsme my sami jejich jídlem“.
He say, that one cannot discuss with cannibals, because for cannibals, we are being their source of food.

> Zeman také zmínil knihu Inside IS - 10 dnů v ‚Islámském státě‘ německého novináře Jürgena Todenhöfera, v níž podle něj jeden z vůdců IS mluví o zabíjení nevěřících. „ A jestli bude třeba, zabijeme 100 milionů lidí, 200 milionů lidí, 300 milionů lidí,“ citoval Zeman z knihy.
He cited the book which mentions the killing of nonbelievers: "It doesn't matter if we kill 100 mils of people or 200 mils, 300 mils people."

> Mein Kampf a úplné šílenství
> Dodal, že to je více, než zabili nacisté. „Jistě, že můžete říct, že je to šílenství, ale pokud jste si přečetli Mein Kampf Adolfa Hitlera, tak ten také chápali jako úplné šílenství, a ono se skoro vyplnilo,“
Main Kamfs are getting insane.
He noted that it's much more than what the nacists killed. "Yes, uou may say that it's completely insane number, however if you've read the Main Kampf, he was being considered completely insane as well and look how far the nacism got."

fucking pussy countries all around without any integrity.

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder who's gonnna run against him next election

:-( unfortunately i have no time to be involved in our scene at all. i just hope that given the current situation all around, people will go similar direction as GER is going, thus again inclined more to natsoc.

i don't understand your post.

There's a translation below every quote.

tell me about it.

mfw 1/4 czech

Feels good to be on of the good Slavs.

>similar direction as GER is going, thus again inclined more to natsoc.

lol you wish. AfD failed even in the most bumfuck part of the country. They are cucked beyond saving now and we can just feel sorry for them.

But whoever runs, Zeman is going to get second term. (assuming he doesn't drink himself to death before). He's good for keeping left in line.

he's sort of comparing nacism with islamic state in their extremes states. comparing historical events of nacism and how far it has got and how much it had to destroy before it was finally recognized as a threat to humanity as a whole.


pick one

czechs aren't slavs

well, our guys luckily didn't sellout that quickly, but i think it's only matter of time, perhaps a decade.

I think the translation needs a translation, man.

Well for starters his whole argument is based on a Godwin, and secondly it's a false equivelance when the Nazi's were fighting against a very real, tangible and credible threat to the western world and people which has been proven to the point of poignant. I'm not saying he's wrong, I just think the devices he used to make his case weren't the best.

Would you rather be Swedish mate?

The Czech Republic is a Slav country

Can some Czech explain to me why Hitler liked Czech so much? Is it because you are mostly Germanic or because you hate Albanians?


>Hitler liked Czech
What are talking about?

hey, it's just excerpt from the whole speech.
he's talking about them as anti civilization, comparing them to antimatter in physics which destroys already established civilization rather than being able to create one. it's extreme and i fucking like it.

heres' the translate link:

I've got some Macedonian and Greek in me so I'm just screwing with you, eastern europeans are alright are alright

It's right beside germany and there was a lot of germans there before they all got kicked out at the end of world war 2.

He used the excuse of muh germans to invade but was going to invade anyways.

we are 90% germanic abo

who the fuck cares? if you sit whole days behing a fucking desk plebing about your cancer supremacy genes. go suck some dindus in trash.

>falling for jewish memes.

Your language and culture are slavic. You guys might have the blood, but you haven't been Germanic since you were called the Kingdom of Bohemia.

This guy is good he speak russian With Putin thets mean czechs still sucking our big white dicks haha be mad germanic scum

> I would like to recall that the so-called Islamic State several years ago had an impact on just six countries, the so-called failed Countries. Now it affects thirty-five states. This is something like a social cancer, and this cancer has its metastases.

>The name appears to include the tribal name Boi- plus the Germanic element *haimaz "home" (whence Gothic haims, German Heim, English home).

Czechs are 90% germanic, ruled by slavic nobility