Is arguing with professors worth it

Freshmen here, my sociology teacher just tried to justify himself after I said the Chinese army wasn't 200 million, then claimed that's the number of military combatants and police
I already know where this is heading, anyone whose taken sociology will know what I'm talking about
He says the dumbest shit and I feel like arguing will be a waste of time.
Is it?

Do what you will, just know some professors do fail students who disagree with them.

>my sociology teacher
Found your problem.


It's required

it really isn't worth arguing with them in front of the whole class. Instead just prove him wrong in your essays/work. Otherwise publicly embarrassing him in front of his class will just make him angrier.

college is about regurgitating the opinions of other people. keep your head down and go to class, you can fight the good fight once youre out

Got into an argument once with a psych professor when he said weed wasn't psychologically addicting. I quoted the textbook for the class and two different psychology organizations' websites and he still said I was wrong. He got especially upset when I told him "Just because you smoke weed doesn't mean that you are psychologically addicted, this isn't personal stop making it about you."

He was a black guy with dreads.


Do this.
If hes a retard youre gonna fail his class, 100%, happened with me when i wrote about How the second WW started.

Former uni teacher.
I love when people challenge what I say, proves they are thinking. I prefer they either do it in their work or come to see me about it. The reason is simple, if everyone chose to debate everything they don't agree with we would never get anything done.
If the professor isn't a cunt then chances are they will be the same, either arrange to see them out of class to discuss it or use it in your submissions. Don't waste everyone's time by having a huge debate over it in class unless the teacher specifically asks for opinions.

The worst professors are the ones who think "lol I have a degree and you got jack shit so you're wrong."

I had a professor last year in my History of Communications Technology class I had to take:
>We listen to War of The Worlds
>Have a discussion about how people freaked out over it
>I point out that not that many people actually were freaked out
>Most of it was just people calling their local police to see if anything was happening then going back to daily life
>The whole thing was exaggerated by newspapers to scare people from radio which just popped up
>Compared it to how people on traditional media used to constantly bash the internet as unreliable for news
>"Haha user that makes no sense, there were newspaper articles about people freaking out!"

just do it in private, not in front of the class

teachers are incredibly vindictive if you make them look stupid in front of their students

No, especially humanity (((professors))). They are ideologist who will gladly let you fail a course if you don't reproduce their narratives.

Harassing them anonymously with good opsec outside of uni on the other hand could result in pretty good results.

>Course advertised to be about state theory, no lecturer yet assigned
>First course, lecturer is a fat Marxist
>2nd course, argue with her about the problematic view of materialists on the state and the incoherence of her personal view regarding globalisation
>Tells me after course if I keep interrupting her, she will let me fail
>Be quite last bencher for the next month
>Start spamming her phone, email and social media with anti gay stuff, gore, porn and Hollohoax facts
>Write her number and address on toilette walls with the remark of calling for a good fuck and for drugs.
>She looks from week to week more broken
>Second last week, replacement
>Colleagues tell me that she has had a nervous break down
>mfw she hasn't given a single course during the last 2 semesters

Don't argue, use the Socratic method. Play dumb, ask questions, and get them to contradict themselves. Then ask whether their statements are contradictory.

>when he said weed wasn't psychologically addicting
what the fuck, anything that gives you a kick can be psychologically addictive. Fucking, basejumping, gambling etc and of course drugs as well.


>He says the dumbest shit and I feel like arguing will be a waste of time.

I bet you know waay more than the dude who spent like half of his liffe studying this subject.

If you are a freshman who think you know more than the professor, you are a pretentious dick.
This basically goes for all fields of study.

But admittedly, sociology is a study for people who wanna be pretentious dicks about what they know on the subject. So you must fit nicely in.

Never argue with these kikes. They'll just come around and fuck you.

You are doing the Lord's work, user.

No. The concept of professional objectivity completely escapes many university professors, who have likely done zero blue collar work outside maybe bagging groceries as a teen. They are not grounded in reality, so arguing with them is like trying to convince Clinton that laundering dirty money through a phony charity is wrong.

He's an old fat Nigger not a Jew, he's really not that bright

First half of the class we had to write down all the social structures that keep the U.S. Together
I thought of stuff like nationalism and the family unit, but no, he meant buildings like police departments, airports, power stations, etc
Education=/= intelligence

>going to college
>taking sociololgy

Ask your professor to provide proof if he states something controversial, your teachers opinion shouldn't be taught and graded as fact.

Also don't look like a smug asshole or use SJW tactics.

just wait until you start leaning about how gender is now fluid and there are many genders.

poor based black old republican in my class got in a fight with a self identified weeb trans poly attack jeep over people are only born male and female.


probably not worth it.

If that's true, Austrianons confirmed for true bros.
