Gunuts will never lern

>The boy accused of murdering his father and attempting to murder three others at an elementary school appeared before a court today as his mother sobbed throughout.

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Hoplophobes will never learn:

>Mother shoots home intruder five times in face and neck after he cornered her in attic with her twins, 9

Racial demographics predict violent crime rates, not the legal availability of guns.

>this bad thing happened
>that means give up your rights americans!


Yeah, he did some illegal things. He will be punished for it.

Now explain how this is the fault of the guns that I own. Which weren't used in the crime and are preposterously unlikely to ever be used to commit a crime.

>His father was also disclosed to be a convicted criminal. In April 1991, Osborne senior was convicted of a marijuana offense after a court bench trial at South Carolina.

>More than four years later, in December 1995, the murdered father was found guilty of 'criminal domestic violence'.

>Unidentified woman fired all six rounds, missing only once

There are women out there like this, Cred Forums. There is still a chance.

And it's why even if you find a partner who doesn't like guns you should try to convert them. Self-defense is the only defense you can 100% rely on if you know what to do.

The hat makes it look like it's the kids birthday

That's a small gun.

for u
>a woman who protect herself = a stupid gun nut who can't lock her guns


I swear, niggers make a hash of any language they try to speak that isn't grunts and clicks.

I would pork the mom.

Thats why you take your son to martial arts lessons as a young teenager so they build some character before you start letting them practice with guns.

yeah she isn't not bad

Remember when kids only chopped off their parents heads with axes? Truly guns are ruining america

>black people are allowed to reproduce



That kid in the picture doesn't even have his sights up so I'm not very scared of him.