Thomas Sowell

Cred Forums focuses on race a lot, but based Thomas Sowell will BTFO out race arguments by showing how powerful the influence of culture is.

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wtf i love fatties now

Great comparison, but for the pig face on Amy.

Fix that too?

Vagina and food.

>picture one
>ancient rich fatty commissions a statue made
>picture two
>modern rich fatty commissions a photo taken

At least ancient rich fatty put down her snacks.

Pretending Amy Schumere is beautiful is the worst Jew meme of the past couple of years. They cherrypicked one particular statue of a mythical figure to "prove" Amy Schumer is the standard of beauty.

That's what most women would have looked like in those times. Look at old paintings. They all have that body shape.

Does culture also explain the difference in brain size between blacks and whites?

Because they and their family/lovers were the ones paying the artists for the product.

>negro economist doesn't understand basic logic

Shocker. What is a false dilemma? What is correlation vs. causation?

You guys should watch the vid in OP. He knows what he's talking about and the media hates him because his research doesn't support the institutionalized racism meme.

That's one particular statue of Aphrodite. Here's a normal one.

You should watch the vid. He is pretty awesome. His research findings indicate that affirmative action is worthless and even harmful. He also finds that racism is not a significant factor for black failure.

The mean racial characteristics limit the extent of that race's culture.

"The third world is larger than the first world and the second world, the communist block, combined. There's not much probably of it working as a cohesive unit. They're poor because of a lack of cohesion. If you spend your time fighting each other instead of working things out, you can't expect to do as well as people who work things out. Unfortunately (for the third world) in the west, working things out has meant that the strong has conquered the weak."

This is the most redpilled video I've seen in awhile.

Yes that's true. He does acknowledge that whites have had a "head start" and that it's reasonable that blacks in the west have not caught up because in spite of a relatively rapid improvement from living in a western society, white are also continuing to advance.

Captcha seems to be broken atm.


except pic 1 shes got her knees up to her ribs and is turned down into her crotch (giving her many folds)

amys just slightly lening over (legs down back reasonably straight)

tl;dr your photo angles dont fool me amy you fat fuck

pretending she's beautiful isn't the worst meme, pretending she's funny is.

giving the slut any attention at all is a fucking sin

Black people fail because of their culture. Their culture is a product of themselves. Black people fail because they are black people.


Its very interesting but he does not mention something I find obvious. These small groups of people are probably interbreeding, the smart genes that provoked them to move country and do well stay in these groups.

Its a mix of genetics and culture, and unfortunately blacks have a bigger disadvantage here.

Maybe they were just terrible at sculpting.

On the topic of race, Sowell is biased, and he can't bring himself to admit that at least 50% of the problem for blacks is not their culture, but their race. It's obvious, and he can't admit it.

That summarizes so fucking much of what we do in life.

>Guns and butter.
>Germs and steel.
>Vagina and food.

this is true. Immigrants who came here voluntarily were those who had ambition and skills to back it up. They may not of been geniuses, but they were smart enough to figure out how to get ahead and fit into their new environment.

Blacks on the other hand, were shipped over here involuntarily, they had no desire to fit into American culture because it wasn't their idea. Add to this the fact that American slave holders dabbled in a bit of eugenics, breeding the strongest, dumbest niggers with each other to produce the best slaves, and you get the violent, anti-social race we have today.

Watch A Conversation About Race instead:

Redpills so potent you can feel them just by watching.

>Black People Fail Because Their Culture Promotes Failure Thomas Sowell

Pretty much what I've been saying. It's the de facto largest contributor in my opinion.

I fucking hate this word and this argument
Where do you think culture comes from?

Black people create black culture, their genetically programmed behavior is their culture
Culture really just being another word for behaviour in this context

I'd sowell is right about culture playing a huge factor but race and intelligence are inherited and maintaining say a culture of high trust requires a certain percentage of the population to have a fairly high level of intelligence.

Also wanted to add that you stupid faggots should watch the whole video and learn something

Culture in every aspect is an outgrowth of race, and the environment that determined the development of said race over time. Whites made the world we live in.

I've actually heard black people adopted southern redneck culture in our society. If you look at the Appalachian areas of the US they are heavily populated by poor redneck whites with similar cultures of ignorance and non beneficial cultural patterns.

If you differentiate between sub races and environment I'd agree with you. Celts and Slavs don't achieve as well as other whites where as the Mediterranean whites with access to trade developed more sophisticated culture with emphasis on success. Same goes for the Danish . The English don't count till they were invaded

How man hillbillies do you hear about looting or playing the knockout game or killing over sneakers or any of the other retarded shit blacks do?

Hillbillies live primarily in mountainous rural regions of the US if they lived in urban centers I'd say they would do the same represented in numbers similar to inner city blacks. I hate niggers as much as the next person but their failure of a race is due to their mean IQ and hillbillies are as smart or more as low tier to mean niggers. Everything's a curve.

That's considered fat now.

Great point. The black lineage in the US is largely made of people who are victims of circumstance with no particular genetic/cultural history of having any drive to succeed.

Even assuming that the "WE WUZ KANGS" meme was true for some of them, any distant connection to whatever ancestral ambition toward building a civilization was lost.

race and culture are inextricably linked you fucking nonce.


>"based" black man says "we stopped evolving from the neck up 50,000 years ago"
>"its just culture that makes blacks degenerate and one standard deviation lower in IQ scores, even in Africa, where no black Americans have ever been and have nothing culturally in common with"
>nevermind these studies of trans-racial adoption
The house nigger doesn't want to accept that blacks have genetic problems, not cultural problems -- hey, that makes him like 95% of niggers on Cred Forums

Well I don't really see what's wrong with the term. For example, where he talks about why third world cultures fail, is there a more appropriate term to describe this? I suppose the only alternative is to focus on race, but to me culture is a more complete term which includes agency as well as structure.

>by showing how powerful the influence of culture is

culture is born from race












IF culture was fixed due to genetics than what we should find is socioeconomical data on blacks in America since the end of slavery up until present being almost constant, however, the data doesn't support such a conclusion. The data actually supports the notion that cultural values are malleable.

but she is funny, u sexist.

Blacks of Sowells age are also alright, hardly taking to the streets with this dindu trash. It's the products of Lyndon Johnsons welfare state
Sadly it was a good investment for the democrats

": 'I'll Have Those Niggers Voting Democratic for 200 Years"

He was right

Sowell is very logical. Blacks impacted by the welfare state are instead focusing their attention on whitey instead of taking self responsibility

Small expressionless features on a jowelly pig face, coupled with tired uninspiring comedy.

Thats what i dont like about her

IQ and MAO-A genes aren't "cultural", and they don't change with your environment or income

Most people lived in poverty and were more than likely somewhat malnourished.

Saying most women looked like that is like saying most men looked like the Statue of David.


>black people fail because their culture promotes them to fail.

Yep, what every logical thinking human being already knows, but that it's not "PC" to say, because it might offend the precious negros if you tell them the truth.

It's deeper rooted than that because africa has almost exact same type of murder rates, but it is when they abandon western type culture and implement their own that it turns to shit.

Here's a few examples of how that turns out when they regress..
>reading is white and you're an uncle tom for reading and being good in school
>not dressing like a thug is being a sellout
>having a job is being a slave on the plantation
>niggers aren't killing blacks, only the police, and if the policeman is black or asian or hispanic, it's still somehow white people that done it.
>every mistake they make they blame on everybody else but themselves. They themselves are ofcoures completely blameless cause errybody knows something something slavery 150 years ago. Eventhough arabs enslaved africa for 1400 years and europe and US only bought and owned african slaves and for 400 years.
>they burn down their own neighbourghoods and loot if they don't get their way no matter if their way is right.

>they have lowered sat score levels and affirmative action where a nigger is hired instead of anyone else because of a race based quota to keep a certain amount of blacks employed regardless of their merit at the job.
>inspite of this they still underperform and blame it on something something.

Infact blacks haven't changed in the last 20 years with the rioting stuff, they've just added a bunch of fat mentally ill people (blm) who thinks they need permanent welfare paid for by taxpayers because of slavery 150 years ago, and don't have to work..

Bit of a joke really.. Buy them off of african slavers, to go work in the US, they barely do anything but pick cotton, get freed and now refuse to work. And rampage around murder and criminals Kek.. worst deal EVER!

No. Some of the painters actually had a fatty fetish. I forget which one.

You need to be specific when talking about the MAOA gene.

There's MAOA-3R (3 repeat allele), which is common in asian populations, and liberals will try to point to this to say SEE WARRIOR GENE IS DEBUNKED. ASIANS HAVE LOW CRIME RATE
>59% of Black men, 54% of Chinese men, 56% of Maori men, and 34% of Caucasian men carried the 3R allele

But the one actually associated with criminality is MAOA-2R.
>while 5.5% of Black men, 0.1% of Caucasian men, and 0.00067% of Asian men carried the 2R allele.
Video related.. this is 20 years ago, sounds exactly like the stupid rioting today.. a guy WRESTLED WITH POLICE OFFICER.. got shot and they burned down the neighbourghood.

Listen to the caller that calls in halfway..

>well you gotta give us some monies
Money isn't going to help you nigger, it's your own behaviour that's insane.. When you change that and start having productive communities you can if you put the hours in and it is of merit have plenty.

>most women looked like that
>post a painting of a women that doesnt have rolls of belly fat

Much like the statue, Amy Schumer is broken.

remember how he kept shitting on Trump?

>Cred Forums focuses on race a lot, but based Thomas Sowell will BTFO out race arguments by showing how powerful the influence of culture is.
Translation: I love sucking big nigger cock before it enters my wife

desu he looks like he has some White in him which of course raises his intellect... unlike Obongo he wasn't raised by a communist muslim though so he came out ok

>Celts and Slavs don't achieve as well as other whites
Can't be history because that proves otherwise.

No everybody knows niggers are stupid.. and by them deliberately not studying hard, they can pretend that they're "Held down" instead of being dumbasses. If they had to study and people didn't consider them victims anymore, then they could only blame themselves.. it's a copout.. this is why they promote the victimhood mentality amongst themselves. Because on an even playingfield where they weren't pampered with special treatment, they would have a hard time competing.. It's not racism it's just niggers being stupid.

How do i know niggers are stupid, look at africa, pick any nation..

you said you loved niggers in the OP you libtard.

celts and slavs were still living in fucking mudhuts while across the river the mediterranean races were living in marble cities for thousands of years

>You need to be specific when talking about the MAOA gene

>you said you loved niggers in the OP
Did you have a brainfart, i'm not the OP.

here, ill make this easy. if you think thomas sowell is "based" you love niggers.

Yeah... but an ethnically narcissistic culture centers around race. Have a black kid, expect the Democrats to push them into a bond with "black culture". You know for "unity" (control) that is heavily influenced by politically partisan types who glorify laze-fare violence and intimidation as a means to conflict resolution or procurement from others. "If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, and it demands you recognize it as a duck, it is a duck"..apparently.

>celts and slavs were still living in fucking mudhuts while across the river the mediterranean races were living in marble cities
Roman and Greek aristocrats were living in marble structures, while the majority of their peasantry lived in mudhuts, rock cottages, and other primitive structures. Just as the Celtic and Slavic nobility lived in expertly masoned structures, and had for thousands of years.

stop learning history from history channel documentaries and bullshit you read in

You know what you call that, lack of impulse control.. Why.. because niggers didn't do shit for 6000 years not even invent wheel.. So whilst others were struggling to invent and deal with their environment niggers just sat eated and fucked.. and murdered and enslaved rival tribes.

They never created any proper society because the thing you need for this to promote to deal with conflicts non violently in order to promote cooperation, they never did, hence they are a bunch of violent shitheads, and as soon as their indoctrination of western values wear off they go right back into the gutter.. As soon as they figure out that they don't have to follow the law and these things anymore.. just watch what happens.. it's the reason for the current situation, they even act like they are victims when a criminal gets arrested or harmed.

As I said, you need to brush up your history knowledge, nigger.
A small example of how wrong you are is the knowledge of producing mail (or for plebs: chainmail), comes from the celts and was brought to the mediterranean races trough trade.

>celts and slavs were still living in fucking mudhuts part 2

>celts and slavs were still living in fucking mudhuts part 3
gee, the expert chariot-makers for the British nobility, who made war chariots like the Romans had never seen in all the near east, even Egypt... were living in fucking "mud huts"


the difference, Tyrone, it that we actually wuz


>if you think one niggers is good you love all niggers
That's some nigger tier logic right there. Thank you for the exhibit.

No when a black person realizes something true, that's great, heck even a broken clock strikes true twice a day. That doesn't mean the rest of blacks are even remotely similar..

That you really are that dumb that you do not understand the difference is baffling to me. It's like your brain can't logically deduct or analyze patterns correctly.

Yeah culture's powerful but so is race.
Have a look at adoption statistics when blacks are adopted to white families.

The Greeks as always remain unstumped

Which is why you get African immigrants coming here legally succeed at a alarming rate compared to Black Americans, yet still reap the benefits of being black.

Why are whites and Asian the ones coming up with better cultures?
Sowell is an overrated.

You're retarded


>you get African immigrants coming here legally succeed at a alarming rate
lol, no you don't. Somalis and Congolese use welfare and wind up in jail at faster rates than African Americans, and have an average 15 points lower IQ score. They regularly get deported for violent crime. I know because I used to work with the ones that got deported.

>why do africans not come up with proper culture
see this Africans are total savages when they are not indoctrinated with christianity (so they have a set of basic morality) or atleast a western style culture and set of rules and laws, here's what a muslim historian had to say about them. The muslims btw. enslaved entire africa for 1400 years, europeans bought and traded africans for 400 years, just to put it in perspective.

"To the south of this...there is a Negro people called Lamlam. They are unbelievers. They brand themselves on the face and temples. The people of Ghanah and Takrur invade their country, capture them, and sell them to merchants who transport them to the Maghrib. There, they constitute the ordinary mass of slaves. Beyond them to the south, there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings." - Ibn Khaldun.

Notice how similar that is to cannibal warlords of liberia documentary.. Except ibn khaldun lived 600 years ago. Notice that he mentions cannibalism that they frequently eat achother..

it's what happens when they

In liberia 90% or so of the women have been raped.

Also related book about the horrendous muslim slavery of the africans. over 100 million slaves+ that were sterilized and the children killed when they had served their use, aswell as used as war slaves in armies to fight for the muslims.
Indeed europeans and "white people" did not create the slavery in africa, no, those were muslims and african converts and other african tribes.. hundreds upon hundreds of years before the "white man" ever bought slaves from africa..

clickable link

Africans are savages everywhere in every culture
see look at the pic on my picture

you can be kill and rape people but still be intelligent and successful, Proto Indo-Europeans were like that, Mongolians were like that.

(cont) essentially the further you go down this rabbit hole the less blacks would want to know about their behaviour and history, which is why american whites and others have been polite about not prodding them about it.. But now they have gotten completely delusional and think they had space pyramids and wuz k4ngz of egypt, well the muslims knew differently.. you don't go from space pyramids to oogaboogaing around in the bush.. oh and this was hundreds upon hundreds of years before the "white man" bought slaves in africa.

Sorry, I meant Look at the pic on my post

Also stop shilling for Christianity, christian niggers are still nigger, christian spics cut each others throats daily.

>creases on your belly when hunching forward means you are fat

aactually that's more likely than all women looking like that due to more jobs being physically straining

Men engineered women out of hard work

and quite a few of themselves as well, yeah
also, to clarify: women looking like that=like the fat statues

Culture is only one half of the equation, and very correlated with race.

Why is it that north east asians don't ever seem to develop nigger culture? Really makes you think, doesn't it?

African culture

Funny how she needs a chair to sit on instead of crouching.

Watching the idiots freeze every time they are questioned about their contradictory opinions, I can almost see their brains scrambling to look for a justification. Then a flatline when they realise whatever they say will sound racist.

Disconnect is a good word for it. Fucking brainwashed freaks.

>christian niggers are still nigger,
>christian spics cut each others throats daily.

You are a completely dim-witted, narrow minded, idiot.

A nigger Christian is an oxymoron. You are either a Christian or a nigger. A Christian spic cutting throats is an oxymoron. You are either one or the other. Niggers and throat-cutting spics are forms of filth. True Christianity is cleanliness from degeneracy and sin. If a nigger and a spic are cleaned up then they are no longer niggers nor spics anymore.

That's like say barely washed clean dirty pants or dark dim sun light. You can't be both. You are either one or the other.

This is the only right answer

Being fat and pale was a sign of wealth before the industrial revolution. The poor were often tan with wirey muscles and thin, all from working the the fields and farming all day.
The ones with wealth have the means to commission painting and portraits so it would only make seems that paintings would be what the wealthy looked like physically on average
I learned this in like 3rd or 4th grade are schools that shitty now?

Outliers exist

Most blacks would insult him with "uncle tom" or ridicule him for being "too white"

You shut your whore mouth!! Thomas Sowell is a fucking genius in comparison to you.

>it's an identity politics episode

Nice raw assertion there. Got any, you know, facts or research or citations to back it up?

It's pretty pathetic that Sowell, a black man whom you disparage, can write whole books but you white racists can't even put a single ficking internet link in your posts


how insulting to the actual whale--whales are beautiful, noble and intelligent creatures.

wow she... actually looks better naked than i had imagined. good for her.

I am calling bullshit on this theory. West Virginia is the whitest Appalachian state there is, and it has less crime than 50% of the rest of the country, and less unwed childbirths than 80% of the rest of the country.

But what creates culture? People do.

And what are people? Biological constructs.

Therefore culture has a strong biological basis.

A pitbull raised with poodles will still maintain its own biological based behavioral tendencies.

Modern bitch can't even squat properly

Degeneracy is real

Yes, as the title of the video says "Black People Fail Because Their Culture Promotes Failure." I've seen numerous times when a black person presents his view in a reasonable, intelligent manner, other blacks jump all over them and call them a coon. Things like having a job, being responsible, complying with police during a routine traffic stop... these things are deeply ingrained in the black street culture as making you a coon.


that's a nice tit

Society and culture are racial constructs faggot

That explains the spudnigger.

People can change their culture though. People can choose to not be driven by emotions, impulses, desires, and communities. People can change one community for another. The world is not as shallow as you think it is.

Look at the fastest growing religion in the US AMONG blacks. That's Jehovah's Witnesses. Black JW are some of the most red-pilled, cleanest, well mannered people you've ever met to the point that secular blacks hate them for being "sell outs." Some of those black JW are former niggers themselves. The difference between black JW and black Souther Baptist is that Souther Baptist adopted nigger culture and even promote it. Black JW have abandoned all politics, cultures, flags, ethnicity for the identity of a JW.

>black teenagers rampaging trough a mall
If you didn't know that was in '95 you would think that was yesterday.

This man is a fucking hero.

When you are talking about meta manifestations though, you cant