California Child Prostitution

>California is legalizing child prostitution


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Pick one

can't be charged with prostitution != can't be charged

brb moving to California


It hasn't been legalized
Any child that's doing it will not get a criminal record for doing so, however any adult who participates will still have their lives ruined and sent to prison t get 5$ foot-longs with Jared

stupid bong poster

Not for the Johns, they still get the book thrown at them. Only the whores get off criminally.

We just like em a little young here

by the way, only legal for the gril still of course. You're still going to rape me in the ass prison when you get caught

>good goy

This is a good thing, less power to moralfags.


READ THE KNOWLEDGE BOMBS. bomb/username/anonymous5/#

The explanation is right there in the screenshot. California is decriminalizing prostitution for minors so that minors forced into prostitution won't be prosecuted,

Just prepping for the ancap revolution.

Yeah because we all know the best way to keep a child from doing something is to make it illegal.

if your child willingly does prostitution then you have failed as a parent because you lacked love and discipline

Careful with that language user, America doesn't own the internet anymore... it'd be a shame if you were found guilty of antisemitism...

It's still illegal to fuck kids, you dope.

It's just so prosecutors can't stain the permanent record of a kid who was forced into sex by charging them with prostitution.

Cred Forums doesn't read

>bongs in charge of reading their own shitposts

>product/service becomes legal to sell
>product/service still illegal to purchase

I understand what they are going for but just seems weird.

And what about the ones who do it of their own volition?

>children can now openly prostitute in CA with no fear of repercussion

what the fuck am i reading

Isn't this incredibly unsafe for the kids?

i dished the bussy out when my dad kicked me out at 13, homeless minors are the mainstream of prostitution. Suburban girls arent doing it.

they were still doing it regardless m8, law protects minors from fucking up their life permanently.

Careful with that language user, it'd be a shame if people realised you know fuck all about what the changes mean and are simply jumping spouting nonsense you found online.

>California legalizes Child prosecution because no logical reason what so ever.

In Tower Hamlets the children were actually being raped by Asian Muslims and the police were actually doing nothing because they were afraid of being called racist, this is just some bullshit legistlation that will never pass.

>google for this story
>first results Snopes saying it's not true, the new law is simply misunderstood

well shit california is fucking kids and paying them now.


California also lets convicted felons vote in jail.

One more time.
California lets felons vote from jail.
Why? Because felons mostly vote Democrat, that's why.

California is not America.

So its legal for the kids to have sex with me for money but not legal for me to give money to have sex with them?

That seams a little onesided.

>trusting Snopes

If you even read the image you'd know it's talking about minors that are forced into it through human trafficking. You're an embarrassment to the US.

nigga i took snopes "information" and just went with the opposite, I know they fucking lie

they're just the first result automatically because of Joogle.

>they were still doing it regardless m8, law protects minors from fucking up their life permanently.
You mean laws enabling them to do the wrong thing with no consequences

I think this just means that the minor doesn't get prosecuted but the John will. I'm for it, i feel bad for an underage prostitute. They should be in therapy, not jail

When will this RPer fuck off

>hurrr durr CTR shill

>brit can't into reading


Makes no sense. Having sex should not be illegal.

This. Goddamn polacks are tards. All decriminalization FOR MINORS does is give a kid in a shitty situation a chance to not ruin their lives and end up in the system. Thats it, a chance. They continue as an adult and they get the standard penalty.

Also like above poster said any adult soliciting minors is still gonna go to prison and likely have to register as a sex offender.

>this logic
>legalize cocaine sales
>buying still illegal
>coke dealers every corner
>constantly tempting you
>decide to try it why not
>cop rolls up and arrests you
>dealer just offers to next customer

Why should the state punish someone whos a victim? Few children would choose sex work.

You can't attack the logic when you don't understand it.

Man commits crime -> it's men's fault.
Woman commits crime -> it's men's fault.

Nothing to see here but feminazis and cucks blaming men for everything.

Still your decision nanny state. Get some self control degenerate.

That's just for the hookers not for you dumb dumbs

Haha, this.

Is California going to go An-Cap?

Why not just legalize every 'victimless' crime for minors then? Let them be drug dealers and shit.

Doubtful, its a communistic state. It should though, age of consent is a shit concept.

>underage girl is forced into prostitution by assholes
>charge her with a crime


Now these kids can go to police and not be afraid of going to jail themselves.

This is fucking retarded if they don't have a provision to get at pimps harder, or decriminalize if pimp is correctly identified by the prostitute. All this law means is that street walking minors have no downtime compared to adult prostitutes, it incentives sex trading under age girls if the cops who are not allow to harrass them start avoiding arresting and questioning thus make young looking girls prime material.