Ethnonationalism vs Civic Nationalism?

Ethnonationalism vs Civic Nationalism?

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Evolutionary selection for in group preference means that ethnonational states will be more stable due to greater amounts of trust and social cohesion.

Civic national states aren't raysis tho, are much more flexible, but when push comes to shove, people will preference their own kind before a lofty ideal.

internationalism and tolerance

88, thats all folks

Civic nationalism can work unless you have a large subgroup of people who are SIGNIFICANTLY more retarded than anyone else. They become a drain on society because they're incapable of competing for jobs with the higher IQ population.

So basically civic nationalism is fine unless 15% of your country is niggers.

Fuck those subhumans pigs

>in a few years the EU and UN will make having white children a hate crime for perpetuating white supremacy

Finland is for Finns, not for shitskins.
Some subhuman somali or a durka durka arab dunecoon will never be a Finn.

Maybe but the world doesnt revolve around you germanics pigs

Please die already

Just like you will always be a pig

I know you're trying to make yourself a meme like the "EVIL ANGLOS" german guy but it's not going to work m8. You're not funny

Ooga booga, nobody cares what you think.

Civic nationalism is a meme, only ethni nationalism is good;

ethnic nationalism

Nation before everything!


Civic nationalism is a joke that will never work

This, ethnonationalism might work in a country that doesn't have 13% black people, whatever % "Latrino" and whatever % gooks etc.

White isn't even an ethnicity, most white wouldn't even want to be part of some gay "ethnonationalism" because white people aren't all the same, you've got Italians, Germans, Anglos, Irish. White wasn't even a thing, until we were juxtaposed with blacks.

>when the Dominican nigger whose wife was fucked by a Germanic tourist has free time after working a 70 hour week in Bavaro Beach Resort, acting as a clown for white families
Keep it up, mate

What about us fennoswedus?

This leaf gets it.

I consider Fennoswedes to be Finns.
After all, the things that differentiate us are basically just the language, and few, very minor, cultural things (that basically subsist of how we celebrate certain holidays etc).
Fennoswedes fought for the freedom of Finland, and helped to build our homeland into what it is now, just like other Finns did.

RKP can go to hell though. I hate that party and it's cancerous influence. It is the main source of fuel for the divide between Fennoswedes and the Finnish speaking Finns.

>that Dominican that always shows up in threads about Italy and Greek history when anyone suggests that maybe in two thousand years those populations have changed slightly

go away evil global dogger


Im not

I just hate germanics pigs


Fair enough.
Mind if I ask what you think is cancerous about RKP? Not a big fan of them either

I think the UK is a good example of this. Sure there's a few hiccoughs here and there with the Irish and Scots, btu for the most part, despite being different ethnicities they're all loyal to the crown and the idea of being British.

Monarchies/ideals are good for that shit.

one and done.

Locally, in counties dominated by RKP, they reinforce the divide with Fennoswedes and the rest of the Finns by separating the kids from one another basically from daycare all the way trough school life. I grew up in such a county, and the Fennoswede kids went to their own daycares, their own schools, even their own high schools, and never interacted at all with the Finnish Speaking Finns.

In the parliament, RKP is the whore of our politics, willing to go into any coalition government, as long as it keeps the mandatory Swedish and other policies that exclusively benefit Fennoswedes in the program.

Both of these behaviors, further reinforce, and fuel both the divide between us (despite us being all Finns), by both keeping the Fennoswedes as their own, separate thing, as well as by aggravating the rest of Finns.
RKP policies fuel divisiveness, hatred, and resentment, and they do not benefit our people and nation in the long run.

hail to those dubs of truth

Civic nationalism is doomed to failure because nonwhites will always, ALWAYS try to subvert the nation by voting left. Even conservative nonwhites vote for the "fuck the white guy" party.


Civic nationalism is fine so long as all persons within the borders of the state share the same national character i.e. hold the same values to the same levels of importance. This is easy enough if everyone living in the state has lived there for their entire life and their family has been sufficiently assimilated (which is extremely difficult). If, however, there are unassimilated elements and persons who hold different values from that of the national character the tendency is for those values to become confused with the national character because it is difficult to accurately define the boundaries of the civic nation. Therefore the presence of the unassimilated and dissidents will eventually erode the boundaries of a civic nation until they cease to exist entirely.
Furthermore, a civic nationalism can never overcome its most fundamental obstacle, human nature. Humans, like all other sophisticated animals, exhibit kin-selective tendencies. People prefer most their family to other people innately. Beyond the family, kin selection can be and is transposed to broader, less concrete groups, like sports teams, hometowns, political parties and entire ethnicities. Kin selection creates a strong in-group preference and out-group mistrust by itself. If then historical and cultural factors are compiled upon this existing bias the effect is quite extreme. If it is ignored it leads to violence almost inevitably.

>every who disagrees with me is an autistic Nordicist
Fucking neck yourself

>This is easy enough if everyone living in the state has lived there for their entire life and their family has been sufficiently assimilated (which is extremely difficult)

Not just difficult, it's impossible. First generation immigrants have a higher IQ than the average of their nation of origin, and their second generation children have a lower IQ that regresses to the mean. The second generation aliens belong in Western nations even less than the first generation immigrants. Notice how most jihadi attacks in the West are from second generation aliens.

I say difficult because its possible for anglo immigrants to assimilate into other anglo countries. For every other situation, you're right, it is impossible within even several generations. To a large extent even the Irish in america are still assimilated and they came from the most anglicized non-anglo country on earth

This. IQ is polygenic and polygenics are a bitch. It requires many generations of selective pressure on a small founding population in order to show any significant deviation from the new population's mother population.

I think the various white ethnicities will be able to assimilate with each other (with the possible exception of Slavs). America should have always been the melting pot of exclusively European ethnicities.

bullshit nigger. not too long ago, american meant white by default. displaced liberians and mexican invaders are not american.

Die in a fire. This country is Anglo at it's core. I mean fuck... the founding fathers were worried that Pennsylvania was going to be too German to be part of the union

we all live in our own countries though, and their were huge problems with the irish. also the whole "british" identity as opposed to ethnic english/scottish/welsh identity has turned into a massive cancer.

Come on goy embrace the multiculturalism don't you like schnitzel and pierogies?

>In a book called Observations Concerning the Increase of Mankind, Franklin asked in 1751, "Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as to Germanize us, instead of our Anglifying them."
>New Yorker staff writer Philip Gourevitch has looked into that history. He says Franklin wrote about "ignorant," "stupid" German migrants, "who will never adopt our language or customs, anymore than they can acquire our complexions."
Benjamin Franklin knew what the fuck was up. Those fucking swarthy Germans shouldn't have been let in in the first place.

That was true back then but now the whole of Europe learns English as a second language. We have successfully inseminated them with the anglo mind seed.

Fenno-Swedes are literally the jews of our country.


>just speaking English makes them an Anglo
So glad we have 37 million black and 55 million Hispanic Anglo's in our country

Pretty much.
Are you ok with this shit though?
You do realize, that RKP's shit weakens the unity of our people, right?

In my whole life I've met like 2 or 3 black guys that can speak intelligible English

Bioregional Nationalism is the true way


In my whole life I've met like 2 or 3 continental Europeans that can speak intelligible English.

On my first vacation to Europe I met at least 10.

Not sure if Norway counts as "continental Europe" but the whole nation can intelligibly speak English.

Don't forget their treasonous support of mass immigration solely, because they believe that they can "integrate" them in Swedish and in that way artificially inflate the declining number of Swedish speakers, creating an ethnic underclass that is completely dependent on them, because you cannot actually function in this country without speaking Finnish.

Fucking despicable.
That party is cancer.

Ethnonationalism before civic nationalism always

Yeah I know all about the shit they're doing, and I do think the situation kinda sucks. I still can't completely relate as I've lived in a hurri white suburban neighbourhood my whole life (to the point where my Finnish is terrible).

Most of the people I know shill the same way jews do (supporting multiculturalism and hating on nazism etc.). Most are either members of RKP or a part of some bank. One even told me that her job was to control some bill to keep the wagecuck cucked.

This situation feels kinda weird if I'm honest.

While I appreciate your anglo-chauvinism I don't think Anglo-ism is a winning strategy in a world with 6 billion niggers. Pan-Europeanism could make for a winning coalition.

You could help to break that system from the inside senpai.

>Canadian autism
Just stop

This. All non-whites are just tourists and not actual Americans. You niggers wouldn't think think you were Chinese if you were born in Shanghai, even though China recognizes dozens of different ethnicities.

pic related, romans were like him

not pigskinned with blonde hair

Pan-Europeanism will never work.
Europe is divided into multiple nations and cultures for a good reason.
Pushing Pan-Europeanism is basically pushing globalism, because it too, would force Europeans to abandon their own cultures as they are subdued by foreign ones.

Fuck Pan-Europeanism.
Some non-Finn will never be my kin.

not an argument

Civic nationalism has never, and will never, work. The USA, France, and UK are significantly worse off with non-whites and trust and social cohesion goes down every time.

People self segregate and no one likes each other within the same country. How can that benefit a nation?

Maybe you guys are right, I mean it's probably a lot easier to maintain a small nation with a monoculture than to maintain a nation of 300 million mutts. Even if it's harder to defend militarily.

True that.

Whenever I do or say something redpill-ish they say "b-but you're a Fenno-Swede!", kinda like expecting me to continue our (((tradition))).

Their defense to mandatory Swedish is nothing but "muh bilingual country" even though 5 FUCKING PERCENT speak Swedish.

>"b-but you're a Fenno-Swede!"
And you should reply with "Yes, and?"

Ethnonationalism for Europe, Civic nationalism(all whites) for the New World, since different European ethnicities mixed in the process of colonization and it's impossible to actually divide a New World country among ethnic lines. Blacks, middle easterns and mestizos have a right to form their own country, but they have no place in a white country as a large minority, whether it is an ethnostate or a "broader" white state like the USA would be without their minorities.

Yeah I always say that and end up getting a "wow I can't even, just wow"

Something like that. Ask me more questions if you want.

How indoctrinated Fennoswedes are?
I don't know any, because Fennoswedes practice self imposed apartheid here where I live.
They fucking refuse to interact with non Fennoswedes unless they really have to.

Your experience with us sounds pretty familiar.

Some younger Fenno-Swedes might have Finnish friends if they live in a neighbourhood with them, but it seems that the older you become, the worse your connection with Finns become.

I remember as a kid getting yelled at for speaking Swedish, calling me a "Swedefag" etc. I mostly didn't care about it, but I do see why that might happen.

Oh yeah, and some of us consider it to be "degenerate" to marry a Finn, as ones noble surname (which are really Jew-like, half of my friends have either "berg", "sten" or "von") will be given up to a "white trash" surname.

I know the structure of that wall of text is fucking unbearable, but I just wrote everything out of the blue.

Can't answer any more, but hope you found it interesting.

The resentment towards fennoswedes is only worsened by the fact that in the regions where you live, you separate your children from the rest of us finns basically at the start of daycare.

RKP policies are dividing us. I consider Fennoswedes to be just as much Finns as the rest of us, but RKP seems to think differently.

The only excuse for this kind of segregation is "muh archipelago" (as we tend to live by the coast).

But like just said I can't reply anymore.

Well, take care. Hopefully more people with your attitude rise within Fennoswedes.

It depends whether you want to win or lose. The winning strategy is ethnocentrism.

Can somebody explain what the fuck this is?