Constitution is a Jewish Creation

The constitution was actually created by and for Jews. I will explain

>First amendment
Allows Jews to say whatever type of degeneracy they want, whether it's communist propaganda or sexual degeneracy

>Second Amedment
Allows Jews to own guns

>3rd Amendment
Soldiers can't be in Jewish homes

>4th Amendment
Jewish houses can't be searched

>5th Amendment
Gives Jews due process

>6th Amendment
Gives Jews fair trial

>7th Amendment
Gives Jews a jury to sue opponents

>8th Amendment
Prevents Jews from being punished badly for crimes

>9th Amendment
Gives Jews all rights

>10th Amendment
Gives powers to states (takes it away from the Federal Government run by WASPS and gives it to states run by Jews)

>11th Amendment
Allows Jews to sue states

>12th Amendment
Allows Jews to rig both Presidential election and vice presidential

>13th Amendment
Jews can't be made slaves

>14th Amendment
All Jews born in U.S get citizenship

>15th Amendment
All Jews can vote

>16th Amendment
Jews can tax the goyim directly via Congress

>17th Amendment
Jews can vote Senators

>18th Amendment
Jews can run the underground Alcohol trade

>19th Amendment
Jewish women can vote

>20th Amendment
Jews choose the terms for President

>21th Amendment
Jews can now sell alcohol legally

>22th Amendment
Goy can't serve more than 2 terms


Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot the biggesr anti-jew act a Nation could ever do:

No fucking (((bank)))


>lincoln was anti-bank meme
You know the National Debt skyrocketed during his Presidency right? Did Lincoln issue his own currency or borrow from banks? He had to borrow since the debt went up.

You fucking goyim had ONE FUCKING JOB




The idea that if it weren't for Central Banks we wouldn't be in debt is a bit silly since every President (except Jackson) had national debt.

>"Right after the Civil War there was considerable talk about reviving Lincoln's brief experiment with the Constitutional monetary system (Greenbacks). Had not the European money-trust intervened, it would have no doubt become an established institution."

Ever wonder why Lincoln really got assassinated? (((Banking))).

Andrew Jackson, JFK, Hitler, Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein and soon Putin, Assad and NK all have something in common: the (((international banks))) benefit from their deaths.

Being in debt to a friend is not a problem. Being in debt to a bank is.

Centralized banks are NOT the friend of the people of the nationa they exploit.

>Andrew Jackson
He paid off the debt by selling land, not by fighting against Jews

Was a big fan of the ADL, and his order 11110 actually increased power of the Federal Reserve

The debt skyrocketed to 101 billion under Hitler, more than the Wiemar Republic. That means that Hitler must have borrowed from banks rather than issued money

>Saddam Hussein
Iraq was in debt under him

Russias debt is rapidly increasing, Putin signed anti-holocaust denial laws, and Russia borrows money from banks

Borrows from banks doesn't issue money

>North Korea
Borrowed money, did not issue it's own

So how are those guys anti-Jew?

But during the Civil war the U.S Federal Government borrowed from BANKS, why did the debt go up so much?

Debt doesn't matter if it's not to an internationalist bank that has the authority to print money whenever it (((needs))) it

You are a disinfo shill

It's the common theme among all those listed: they were in conflict with the interests of the international banking empire.

You're a shill though so this post is only for lurking readers. Reply again if you want me to post more for them.

Lincoln needed to borrow from the banks and establish the National Bank Act in order to win the war and keep the US together.

They assassinated him after the war because he was strongly against what he had to do in order to keep the nation together.

If he had not been assassinated, Lincoln made it very clear he was going to remove power from centralized banking and increase the Greenbacks system which favored the people over the userers.

The Jews instigated the French revolution, and was the result of a small group of Jews, same with the Bolshevik Revolution.

Napoleon was the counter-result of the French Revolution, just like Hitler was the counter result of the Bolshevik revolution. Somehow, every time after one of these forced revolutions, a truly great Gentile leader takes the stage and brings back order.

It was Nathan Rothschild who funded the English and Russian armies to fight against Napoleon. In fact, Nathan Rothschild traveled to the last battle himself, when he saw the defeat of Napoleon. He quickly travelled back to England, before the News of Napoleon's defeat arrived there. He went to the London Stock exchange and sold all his stocks and securities, as a result, all the traders around him thought that Napoleon had won and the English lost, so everyone started dumping their stocks, bonds and securities. However, Rothschild knew that Napoleon had won, so just before the news came in, he bought all the super cheap stocks and securities. Once the news came in that England had ACTUALLY WON, the prices sky-rocketed, and the Rothschild dynasty was born. He was the richest man on earth in that single day, and from that moment, the Rothschild dynasty would control the money flow of the British Empire.

Going to need to see some citations for this.


Some sources on these would be nice

Cool story

He's a disinfo shill

I am not or else I wouldn't have memes like this saved and shared

You have the internet, look it up

Wait but didn't the Jews have more power just with the monarchs? I mean the French were living shitty lives under the Monarchs.

What makes a difference? The government is still in debt why does it matter who it is to?

Yeah I did look it up and they're all bullshit that's why I was asking you for a source.

first amendment was based off of americans right to protest taxation without representation, which birthed the country to begin with

fucking leaf, what would you know about freedom?

Ok I'm not going to take 30 minutes getting a source for every single country I named that had debt. Name three.

If you can't even give me sources on what you said then get the fuck out of here faggot.

I named like 20 countries, I'm not going to spend 20 minutes linking 20 sources. Name 3 any three and I will get sources. Besides you don't even deserve sources

>I mean the French were living shitty lives under the Monarchs.
A shitty lie. While I am not a Monarchist, and most late Monarchs got corrupted and indebt with the Jews (Except some, like Wilhelm II from Germany and the Czar, and look at their faith) the idea that it was bad for Europeans under our Kings is largely based on falsehoods. In fact, we experienced our greatest times when we had Enlightened Absolutism, and living standards increased immensely.

In the Protocols of Zion the Jews themselves state that the best protector of the gentiles is a dictator or a monarch, and that all pro-revolution/liberal idea's are merely tools for the Jews to gain position (and oh boy, they did)

Okay source on what you said about Germany then faggot.

Wtf I hate the constitution now

The constitution could work fine if the first document said that it only applies to White, Gentile people of European ancestry. It's that simple.

Except some of the people writing the constitution weren't European

Alexander Hamilton was part East Indie

There were some Jews

And John Adams was part Sicilian.

Canada needs to be fucking nuked.

>Why does it matter who the debt is owed to?
Because too many reasons to list. Simply put, if the whole world is in debt to banks and the whole world gets their money from the same banks, those banks will inevitably enslave the world.

Usury is core to jews and was a sin in other religions for good reason. It leads to indentured servitude aka slavery.

I already read that while I was waiting for your sources. It's bullshit and the books he uses have been debunked already before.

Like the Hitler and wall street connection is just not true.

Who owned the debt before the Federal Reserve act. Who did Lincoln borrow from?

Do you agree Nazi Germany had a national debt?


All I wanted was a source on your claim of 101 billion reichsmarks in debt and you couldn't give me one.

You're talking out of your ass and making everything up.

You're a giant fucking faggot.

I have a source but you don't deserve it, fuck off.

Don't try bro. Muricans have been brainwashed by muh freedumbs as they turn into a minority in their own country. There is nothing worse than a traitorous White male lolbergtardian pure scum


Makes sense more than it doesnt


It actually only stated "property owning males" which happened to all be white/christian at the time

I would love a source on their voting law being written as racist from the beginning


>hey guys all these countries had tons of debt and were actually working with the jew banks!



>ignores the National Bank Act that came before the Federal Reserve Act and ignores Lincoln's shift towards the Greenback system before his assassination

This is where leafs get their stereotype from. You fags are worse than jews on anonymous imageboards.

Welcome to Arguing witn Disinfo Shills 101

They are paid to annoy you and mislead you

It is their job

Kill yourself, leaf.

Everyone is born with the right to free speech and the right to keep & bear arms.

I already said I had it but I'm not giving it to you

>shift towards greenback
>Debt goes up

please have cancer


Then I'm going to filter you and everyone else should do the same. You're a lying faggot

Dumb post, but it's still true that

Articles of Confederation >>>>> Constitution

That's how arguments and claims work faggot. You provide a credible source for your statement.

i know it's a meme thread but you do have a point. it's enlightenment values generally that allowed jews to gain such a foothold in the west. instead of before when they would have been BTFO for not being christian, they were given equal rights.

I am the source. You can't disagree because that would be ad hom attack.

The Constitution is based on Native American law. Thomas Jefferson explains this in his journal. Read a book you illiterate faggot.

>muh freedumbs ooga booga

Rights are a social construct you stupid nigger. Your muh constitution is more worthless than toilet paper. Take your superstitious muh "natural rights" crap and shove them retard

>constitution based on savage law
Read a book scumbag

>greek politics
>greek education

remember to sage shill threads

This! Fuck freedom, it's why we have hoodlums running around fucking shit up.

Do you really want me to type up his whole greenback system that significantly contributed to the reason he was assassinated or are you just shitposting for attention?

Not joking just asking

Ok you're trolling, the greenback system obviously didn't work since the national debt still went up. Did Lincoln print willy nilly or did he borrow money?


There are two constitutions.

The constitution OF the United States
The constitution FOR the United States of America.

Article 1 section 8 clause 10. The Law of Nations.

That citation makes The Law of Nations constitutional law.

Mad faggots?

what a fucking retard

You answered my honest question

Fuck off and kill yourself leaf