#BasementDwellers is trending on Twitter KEK!

#BasementDwellers is trending on Twitter KEK!


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AHAHAHA!! Cankles fucked herself.

It's been trending since this morning. There's a lot of shills trying to hijack it, saying how what Clinton said was a compliment.

>inb4 twitter removes it

400 pound deplorable basement-dwellers. Sad!

my god, shillary is done, we did it 9gag army.

What did clinton say, originally? I'm not caught up

I am not deplorable.

>Some are new to politics completely. They're children of the Great Recession, and they are living in their parents' basement. They feel the got their education and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envisioned for themselves

>I am occupying from the center right to the center left

Hillary is a bigger neocon than bush.

In many ways trump is more leftist than her

Which makes the alt right moniker ironic

At a donor event whose audio got leaked yesterday, she referred to young Bernie supporters as underemployed college graduates living in their parents' basements becuase of the recession. It's not the same sort of basement dweller like you'd think of it, just somewhat patronizing, but this is how Twitter is framing it.

what? also i missed her saying anything about neck beards fill me in.


This is literal autism



Yeah, with everything Trump has said in the past vs what he says now, it's fucking impossible to tell what he actually believes.

He was previously extremely pro marriage and for LATE TERM ABORTION. I don't think there's a candidate alive that has said that and lived it down, let alone a republican candidate

he's just a businessman who will talk in circles, a broken clock - right twice a day (and won't let you live it down when he is right)


yeah i caught that the other day tons of her supporters were in the comments trying to spin it around but anyone not a shill agreed it was rude but went right on to say they still support her anyway.


he is the old right(paleocon/fascism) different from the stupid Bush "right", the alt-right is the only true right in the world, even leftist faggots know that.

Top kek. She keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.

Rule of politics: insult your competitors, NOT their followers. Because their followers could potentially become YOUR followers.

Notice that Trump only ever insults individuals or external groups. He NEVER insults potential voters. He doesn't speak ill of bernouts, the mentally hill, #cruzmissiles, #jebheads, republican voters, democrat voters, spics, niggers, whoever.

Now compare that to Hillary, who's spent a significant amount of her time DIRECTLY ATTACKING large swathes of potential voters. Whether it's the "basket of deplorables" or "basement dwelling" bernie supporters, attacking voter bases is absolutely retarded. It cements them away from ever voting for her. You can't get someone to vote for you by insulting them personally.

Honestly, maybe Hillary is a Trump plant.

Trump will win


Not really.
Economics no longer define the left/right spectrum but a party's stance on nationalism vs globalism.

You could start a bona-fide communist party tomorrow but you will still be labeled "far right" if your proposed legislation includes "points-based immigration system".

A right wing that don't hunt degenerates in the streets and don't propagate true order is not a right wing. If capitalism is hurting the traditions it should be controlled or outright killed, the natural order is important.

It's on Drudge and Breitbart also


Link to the full recording.

>gets a coughing fit 4:30 minutes in

can someone pinpoin the minute she says that?

this please


Good observation.

Are there any Americans left she has not insulted?


She called trump supporters irredeemable deplorables
Bernie supporters are all basement dwellers
During the debate, she implied that all white people are racists

So yeah, she's just going with the typical libshit narrative of whitey being evil. So to answer your question, the groups she has not insulted are niggers and spics.

she called black youth 'super predators' tho

Still better than clinton

This she's insulted niggers before.

Spics I don't think she's insulted yet though.

Niggers, spics and Jews. Gotcha.

What a great campaign for the dems, such a broad and diverse platform without those pesky white people.

"Taco bowls".

Praise Kek!

Kek, I forgot about that. I'll be damned. How is Trump the racist candidate?

Reminder that bernouts are spineless cucks and not a single one will change their vote because of this

That was a long time ago, and it's slid by the media.

In terms of who she's targeting for support vs disparaging, it's pretty clear: if your white, you should ashamed of yourself. Any whites that support her are the cucks who bought into that liberal guilt bullshit. Any minorities dindu nuffin and if you think they didu sumfin, then you are an evil racist.

This campaign of hers is a microcosm of what the democratic party has become. It's just a coalition of degeneracy. To find out whether something is approved by the left, just ask yourself "is this group good or bad for society overall?" If the answer is "bad for society" then its supported by the left. Trannies, single motherhood, fags, muslims, niggers, illegals, you name it.

Just when I think Hillary is fucked enough, this happens. We haven't even had the next two debates (which Trump will undoubtably do better in) or wikileaks big release. There might even be a recording of her making disparaging remarks against blacks.


I've been seeing that all day, who do they think they're fooling?

No one who reads Drudge or Breitbart is going to vote for Hillary Clinton.

meh, twitter will do the legwork for it to reach the masses

and basement dwellers are internet addicts, they will get to see it soon enough

From some of the tweets it seems BernieBros are pissed about the Obamacare personal mandate tax levied upon them

They better vote for more of it.

politico has picked up on it
