Birth Rates

The problem is not that white birth rates are too low, the problem is that non-white birth rates are too high.

How do you get Muslims, Africans, Indians, etc, to stop having so many kids?

Kill them all

Keep abortion legal.

I've never read the koran but could muhammad ejaculate bats?

Economic and social development.

So it will never happen.

Stop feeding them.

This. There's no better solution other that direct genocide.

Cut welfare. Aid and social services go through the churches.

all blood transfusions are now done with a small percentage of pigs blood, and all major water supplies will have a single drop of pigs blood dilluted in the water. any muslim or jew who has a errant craving for liquid will no longer be allowed to drink, lest they risk "infecting" the gene pool. they also go to their respective hells for consuming pig stuff so it all works out in the end.

You exterminate them like the roaches they are.

Forced sterilization if you have more than 2 kids and you receive welfare of any kind. Those that already have three or more kids receive the same amount of assistance as those that have two.

Actually that's not how it work, you'll only be punished by the sand-nigger god If you willingly consume non-halal stuff. Also, you won't be punished if you do it to save your life (starving to death, only pigs around you, etc).

I'm not sure about the jewish equivalent though, it comes from the old testament and there's some shit from the new testament that undoes the old testament so I never paid attention to it.

damn. well then ill just piss on all the halal meat at the local supermarket.



dude go to india, go to any muslim country go to africa. They have even more children there. India is over 1billion loos strong and i don`t think they have welfare anywhere there. Haha braindead fuck.

Have you considered a Genophage type solution?

The Salarians are definitely the chinks of real life. I could see them doing this in Africa when their population starts to explore.

White, or rather, western and some asian countries birth rates are low because we all want to fit good in such a competitive society.

Mindlessly bringing out children like, 4 to 6 will most likely lead to a stressful life just to feed them, dress them, send them to school and all the necessities to have them lead a normal life with dignity.

In Africa the best you can expect is to get into a barge and live on eurocucks welfare, the others can die with disease or by AIDS or malnutrition. They just do that because they are not expecting to raise child in the same standard as ours.

They mentally are like animals, they just try to outbreed death chances, while we usually expect to have a person that need to be cared until 20 (realistically 25 if university occurs) and yet no hope of steady work so income and life.

The despots and strongmen there wouldn't want their supply of soldiers and slaves to slow. Considering they are all tied into a centralized system that pays into their accounts....
> How do you get Muslims, Africans, Indians, etc, to stop having so many kids?
.....So why go that route to depopulation?

1) keep abortion legal
2) stop all food aid to Africa and the Mid east

Birth rates are low in the west because we've all been tricked by merchants into going balls deep with self centered consumerism. Everyone thinks that they need all the newest gadgets, a shiny new car every year, and a 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom house when there's only you and your wife living in it.
Children cost a lot of money so they get in the way of buying things. The merchants want you to keep buying as often as possible so they convince people that children are just an unnecessary burden.

It's not a nefarious plot to wipe out the white race. It's just people making as much money as they can, at the expense of the rest of society.

>shoot red barrel
>it explores

>implying that will happen

>The problem is not that white birth rates are too low, the problem is that non-white birth rates are too high.
Objectively wrong. You need population growth. Whites are below replacement. The problem undeniably is whites having low birthrates.