Hillary Insults Bernie Voters


>“It’s a false promise,” Clinton says in the recording, referencing Sanders’ political revolution. “But I don’t think you tell idealistic people — particularly young people — that they’ve bought into a false promise.”

>The recording, which is from a fundraising event in February, catches the Democratic nominee calling Sanders’ supporters “children of the Great Recession” that are “living in their parents’ basement.”

>And on the other side, there’s just a deep desire to believe that we can have free college, free healthcare, that what we’ve done hasn’t gone far enough, and that we just need to, you know, go as far as, you know, Scandinavia, whatever that means, and half the people don’t know what that means, but it’s something that they deeply feel.

>She continues, “If you’re feeling like you’re consigned to, you know, being a barista, or you know, some other job that doesn’t pay a lot, and doesn’t have some other ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe, you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing.”

Wow CTR, once again Hilldog is proving just how much of a backstabbing cunt she really is

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have a lifesupport (you)

fuck drumpf and fuck white people



Keep this alive

Here's a far left Marxist discussing related things

oh no she insulted an internet meme what are we going to do HELP

>When Bernie continues to be cucked beyond the grave


stop trying to bring down hillary, she will get more votes via the trump effect, talk shit get elect

Trumptard desperation is mounting. I can't wait to watch the finishing blow delivered on 11/8.


God, I want to rub this in the face of every former Bernie supporter who's gonna vote for Clinton. I want all of them to know they're sniveling little cucks.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.


Not a word of this on CNN.
Seriously Hillary is evil!

drumpflets getting nervous and desperate


>hillary calling someone else's campaign false promises
Let me know when you get that "free" healthcare and "free" college hildawg.

Post the full quote you retards. She was being sympathetic, not insulting.

>"There is a sense of disappointment among young people about politics. They’re children of the Great Recession, and they are living in their parents’ basement. They feel that they got their education, and the jobs that are available to them are not at all what they envision for themselves, and they don’t see much of a future…that is a mindset that is really affecting their politics. So if you’re feeling that you are consigned to being a barista or some other job that doesn’t pay a lot and doesn’t have much of a ladder of opportunity attached to it, then the idea that maybe, just maybe you could be part of a political revolution is pretty appealing."

I know Trump got killed in the debates and has had a dozen flubs since then, but you don't have to get this desperate.

only "article" i saw on yahoo was one of their in house bloggers spinning it to say hillary was actually defending those sanders supporters.

More fucking mellenials need to hear this considering now she is making all of Bernies promises.

"DEBT free college" What does this even mean!? The only 'plan' she proposed during the primaries was presenting Obama's REPAYE plan THAT IS ALREADY IN PLACE AND HAS BEEN FOR 3 YEARS as if it was something that she came up with.

We need to help the fools see through this, it is a glaring weekness of hers that Trump doesn't pounce on for some reason.

I voted for Bernie in the primary. I read her comments in context beyond the "living in the parents basement" part.

I don't take it as much of an insult. She's kind of right and it's pretty much the same thing when said about the half of Trump supporters that aren't in the deplorable basket.

Do you think she is at all sincere in this?

Her campaign "plan" was just stating what already exists under REPAYE.

Do you think she has any real plan to help with college. What about adults? Or will this only apply to children?

I don't know what her true meaning is because I can't read minds.

But since it was leaked from a private event I give it a bit more credence.

What she said about a lot of Bennie supporters though isn't wrong.

She's pretty much saying Bernie supporters are a bunch of dumb kids who blindly follow him because a political revolution sounds interesting.


is the audio available?

Do you think she's wrong?

how about a fucking video recording you faggot?

Classic Hillary.

Letting all the little people know what shit they are.

full audio
mean stuff is about 24:00

This is pretty typical Hillary.

She was trying to say something nice, but instead she said something that makes her a total bitch. I feel sorry for her, she can't help but be a huuuge bitch.

hey buddy maybe we could ask reddit to get #BasementDwellersForTrump
would be great to make a point of how rude she is
also once you get it to #20 trend youll start getting snarky hillary people making fun of trump, the hashtag, and racism


Lol no. Still voting Hillary.

fucking THIS


If Hillary doesnt get voted in i'll lose my job

>The Senator of Punjab is sympathetic to Americans

well she is not wrong

HCL and Tata are some two reasons America is dying. Sorry your in the basement, but look at how diverse we are with these Indians working your jobs.

Hillary loves poo






You don't think it's pretty shitty that she's the only candidate in the last twenty-thirty years to attack entire groups of voters instead of the person/party they're voting for?
No-one running for President attacks people who can vote for them even if they're almost certainly not going to vote for them because it means when you're running the country you start off with over 40% of the country fucking hating you and thinking you hate them.

Can you imagine her concession speech right now? The tradition is to write one that tells supporters to get behind the new leader and unite as a country, she's already told half her supporters that they're full of shit and half of Trumps supporters that they're racist deplorable scum. Even if she wins that's 25-40% of the country she's pissed off before day one.


if that doesn't make you think I don't know what will

what a time to be alive

This woman has a pretty serious contempt for the American people. To her, you're all just a bunch of commoners and your worth nothing more than temporary pandering for votes until she's able to secure power.

correct deez nuts bootlicker

She knows anyone who would vote for her is an idiot

and this was before she committed treason