It's over he's finished

It's over he's finished.

Thank God someone at the IRS cared more about the future of the Democrat Party and welfare state than following the law.

Other urls found in this thread:

>These 20 year old tax returns are totally reverent compared to the current tax returns

Exactly how sued can you be for doing this?


Kek. They're so desperate!

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>A flaw in the tax software program he used at the time prevented him from being able to print a nine-figure loss on Mr. Trump’s New York return, he said. So, for example, the loss of “-915,729,293” on Line 18 of the return printed out as “5,729,293.” As a result, Mr. Mitnick recalled, he had to use his typewriter to manually add the “-91,” thus explaining why the first two digits appeared to be in a different font and were slightly misaligned from the following seven digits.
Trump is such a bad """"""business"""""man that he broke the tax software. Sad!

(sent from Trump tower)


>(((New York Times)))

only people that give a single fuck about Trump's tax returns are democrats that are already voting for Shillary

>from the trump tower
>1995, useless returns

he did it on purpose to make people talk about him, take the pressure of his current returns, pretty smart honestly


How fucking desperate are you shills?


what are the ramifications of this? will Trump sue them?

They could also show hes been avoiding taxes for longer than we thought.

Kek, do you think Drudge would blow it up that big if it wasnt just the first step of the plan?

I heard the source of the leaks was a certain John Miller

Can't wait to murder you

>20 years ago he fucked up, never mind the success within the last 20 years

>It's over he's finished.

I don't see how


John Miller strikes again

It will be wonderful if its just a bait and in the reality his tax returns are fine. A perfect way to gain attention and sue some media for this shit. Lets watch the developments.

>1995 tax returns


the mentally illery shills aint seen nothing yet

>he lost a billion dollars
Still in biz boys and girls

So he's been smart for a long time.

Trump's genius:

He faked the sniffles, lefties took the bait, showed their (low) power level, now he has free reign to go hard on the bitch.

She's done! Put a fork in her, she's finished!

>Donald Trump might have been legally avoiding taxes

You CTR shills will do anything for a vote, huh?

head over to reddit they're freaking the fuck out about this. apparently he lost $915 million in a year and because of that didn't have to pay taxes for 20 years

Fox News poll shows people don't care about his taxes.

This tax thing is all so stupid. I love laughing at the left wasting their time on this. Do you think there is any adult American who doesn't know Trump retains a million dollar NY white shoe firm legal team to do his taxes for him? It's probably been on auto-pilot for a decade now. He probably hasn't been in a room with his tax lawyers in years. They just do what they're paid to do: Reduce their client's tax burden. We know that.

This is stupid. You are stupid.

>Trump lost in today's money 1.4 billion dollars in one year

that almost seems impossible

Probably jail and a shitload of money. If these were released without his permission or weren't already publically available they will be fucked.

If your check gets garnished by the fed and your boss says a word about it to ANYONE you can sue the fuck out of your boss. Private personal finances are very serious in the business world. Especially when it comes to financial damages.

>Internal dems emails leaked about how they're fucking over a candidate
>"Omg Russians we r nice no way! Who did this!?"
>Trumps personal finances made available that has nothing to do with personal ethics
>"Lol omfg wut a loser! He USED THE SYSTEM!! Drumpf btfo and should literally kill himself!!"

if by 4D chess you mean his employees hate him so much they want to tank his campaign, then yes, 4D chess

Big corporations move big money

This is why they put out want ads searching for dirt on Trump. They've got nothing.

>Trump paid all the taxes he was legally required to pay

lol exactly why is this supposed to be damaging?

only an idiot would pay more than he is supposed to

hillary is desperate

fuck off faggot

Reminder: Shills were exposed for receiving online betting/gambling credits in exchange for posting. This is funded through offshore, possible Soros run, organizations.

People with gambling addictions being used to spread rumors and lies. So sad.

You have to go back




Praise Julian. I can't wait for his bombshell.


Yeah why don't I also head over to Democratic Underground.

Why would they only leak the one from 1995 then?

It's obviously a controlled leak by Trump himself.

>he's so good at taxes he avoids paying any at all
>he lost almost a billion dollars and is still unimaginably rich

how is this in any way NOT an endorsement?

>Shills were exposed for receiving online betting/gambling credits in exchange for posting.
God that's pathetic. They're just one step above sucking cock in a truck stop bathroom for meth.


Anyone else think the blowback from this is going to help him more than hurt him? This leak seems extremely petty, malicious and for the sole purpose of influencing the election. Theres no corruption or injustice present here like there was with every single Hillary leak.

This is the time we distinguish Cred Forums googles from the genius men. Anyone who fails to see this as a basic intergalactic chess play is just stupid.

The first part is true. The second part is COMPLETELY MADE UP.

Tax Returns are private property. Printing tax returns without express permission is a felony.

so either they think they have some angle that absolves them or Trump sent them himself.

You have to remember in the 90s, Bubble Economy was the current Economy and billions of dollars were won and lost in a month thanks to the Dot Com Bubble.

>muh taxes

Honestly, I feel like Trump has been laying alot of traps for the media to sue them into oblivion later. That would actually be more effective than anything he could do as president.

The only portion released shows a loss of 915 million while still staying in business operation. That implies revenues in the multi billions, and means he is as rich as claimed once accounting for his buildings values.

Nothing illegal or fraudulent in the tax return either. NYTimes BTFO.

They are literally attacking him for not doing the "donate $1 to NY Governors fund?" option at time of filing that everyone gets asked.

Funny how you guys are relying on ASSange to take down HIllary cause you know Trump cant.

>" doesn't count b..because it was a few years ago!"

Meanwhile if the situation was the opposite and Hillary was in his place you'd be screaming for her head on a plate.

>Trump ends up owning the NYT like Hulk Hogan owns Gawker.

Reported to your local law enforcement

They want to tank his campaign by only leaking his taxes from 1995? If you have access to that file you have access to all of them.

>implying anybody cares

reminds me of that Trump voicemail that was leaked and all the theories pointed to Trump himself leaking it. could this be similar?

>21 years
>a few

>liberals think that people who have been fucked with a knife over taxes are going to care about Trump gaming the system

CTR is literally this retarded

> Implying the majority care what Bruce Kardashian wants to call himself

The only people that call him Kaitlyn are those in the media. Most non public conversationalists still refer to him as Bruce.

Hell, by that logic, blacks should no longer be called niggers by this board, but they still will be.

4d chess at work Trump could have leaked fake tax returns showing great tax returns never having to release real tax returns a true genius at work


Fuck you

Sooooo, these tax returns are 16 years old? That's the best they can do? Sad.

There's literally nothing bad in the return though. NYTimes says everything cleared as 100% legal when they analyzed it.

We'd be screaming for her head on a plate... for turning a big loss in a year?

Doesn't matter if it's 21 or 21,000. Taxes matter and you'd have to be insane to elect somebody who a legit tax dodger.


>carry forward a loss from a bad year

Welcome to Cred Forums

Now point to the tax dodging. I'll wait.

It's literally older than 9/11, and 9/11 is suppose to be old enough for people to stop being pissy about it.

>mfw Democrats hate Julian Assange now that he's going after their corrupt candidate

Also don't forget James O'Keefe has audio of Hillary demeaning black voters ;^)

>few years ago
yeah 20 years is just a "few"

Yup, people would be screaming that it makes her unelectable and demand she drop out, but because it's Drumpf it's okay.

>non country

Hillary actually breaks the law. She criticizes Trump for using the system she had partial control over as a politician.

Way to miss the point, faggot.

Ironic when the United Kingdom houses the most corrupted city in Europe aka City of London that is a tax haven.


This tax meme, while initially a sound financial decision, is 10/10 bait and switch from Trump. Will thoroughly enjoy watching this play out.

user's mom has taken "a few" dicks too many.

You fucking CTR libs are retarded, his tax returns are sent to the IRS and are reviewed/can be audited. If he was dodging taxes he'd already be fucked. Figures dems wouldn't know anything about taxes besides wanting to give them all to minorities.

The only direction they can take this is some weak connection


As if our tax money is used on anything but neverending war

Didn't he admitted to this in the debates?

>sent from Trump Tower


> Three holidays about getting rid of you tea-drinking nonces

> You're drowning in sandniggers

Bitch please. And no, having a big loss in the Dotcom bubble is not a problem.

Guys I found a new video of someone saying Trump was BILLIONS in debt in the 90s!
This is it! Drumpf is finished!

I'm still not understanding what they'd be screaming at for exactly. What are you claiming is illegal in Trump's taxes? Did you even read the article and look at the return?

Your point is shit.




This is the best they can do, and this is how desperate they are. The leftist panic is delicious.

It's scarier when you say reported to the FBI desu

Something to keep in mind for next time you want to be a faggot.

As far as Trump's taxes go, he was right: they would have been squandered by our shitty corrupt federal programs and he was smart to evade them.

Also yes, he can sue and make dollars. The best part? No one fucking cares except Clinton kool-aid chuggers.

>Few years ago

Those tax returns are older than you Mahemet.

This seems too stupid to be true, but the sad thing is I totally believe it.


>Thank God someone at the IRS
Don't point at the IRS.

>The three documents arrived by mail at The Times with a postmark indicating they had been sent from New York City. The return address claimed the envelope had been sent from Trump Tower.
>Trump Tower

We have traitors.

Your obamaphone minutes are almost up,nigger.

>mfw Trump brings up the leaked tax returns on the next debate himself

No one gives a shit about his taxes except the braindead assholes that were already not voting for him. In other words, its not changing anyones minds. Plus, he already admitted he used the laws to his know....LIKE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO DO. It proves his point that the laws are fucked and need changing. This is a non-issue distraction.

Why wouldn't they release about 20 years of returns?

Or hes lying to cover a bad shoop
But then again its not like leftists would lie

Oh boy how will he ever recover!??


Why is he finished?

Who doesn't know that Trump is an egotistical greedy business man? Who the fuck doesn't already know this? Why do you think so many people say both candidates suck. I'm sure people on Cred Forums don't give a shit if he was greedy, as he was successful. But yeah all the retarded undecided voters and /leftypol/ whiners should have known already

You don't get to the top without making a few enemies and fucking over loopholes.


>20 year old tax returns

Oh noes yet another business man pays lawyers and accountants to make sure he pays as little tax as possible!!

inb4 trump did it himself


That means the Clinton (((bankruptcy))) is in play, right? Interesting how public officials somehow end up being multi-millionaires. How do they explain that exactly?

I've supported government transparency from the beginning, even when it wasn't politically convenient for me or my views.

WHitey is THE BEST!

>tfw you will never betray your fellow americans, sell american mines or inventions to foreign interests, get american ambassadors killed abroad, or be a liberal piece of shit democrat.

nothing short of live televised footage of Trump murdering someone will "finish" Trump. That might not even work..

Areyou retarded? Do you believe im hillary clinton becauseof the name field?
The return adress is manually entered in the corner of the letter.

If the government didn't want you taking tax deductions, they wouldn't make them legal.

So everyone is mad that Trumps accountants take advantage of legal deductions and carry forwards?

You know damn well the only thing those obamaphones were good for was roadside bombs... All the negros and rednecks on welfare have $850 gold-plated iPhones.

Nobody cares about Trump's taxes, even the Fox News poll said this.




Who would prosecute? The DoJ? I don't think they care.

I bet Trump himself sent it.

Except this isn't any such thing, this isn't a Panama account, this is literally carry-over loss.

>leak old-ass tax returns
>news sources everywhere make "trump tax returns leaked!"
>normalfags who don't care about the specifics only get "Trump's tax returns aren't being hidden" out of it
>Trump laughs

Grabbing a few papers off the top and hiding them under your shirt is a lot easier then playing Frank Abagnale and playing off 20 years of files as last year's utilities expenses going off to the secure shredders.

Like I said, this screams Mexican janitor.


A free helicopter ride for you

Same. It's interesting to watch all the shills and hill fags freak out. He set the bet, what will he catch?

You realize that what they're showing is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?

When the Trump Corp was going through shit time, he had a lot of losses. During the Dotcom bubble. So he had carry-over loss.

It's not even a loophole. It's specifically and intentionally provided for.

He probably leaked this as well.


>1995 was 21 years ago
I feel so old.

The IRS isn't even part of the government. It's not illegal by itself to not pay taxes.

Serious question: how bad is this for his Dahnald?

Hello fellow Maltese. How is the motherland?

>Trump had losses in 1995


What is actually in it? Absolutely nothing harmful. He had a disastrous loss year and the implication is he had some years tax-free due to carry-over loss.

Spin? I dunno, Twitter and Reddit already going nuts on it, and truth doesn't matter.

The mad man

Not bad at all.

I wish you had put as much thought into the fact that it's worrisome someone like Assange is needed to expose the level of corruption a presidential candidate is involved in, as you did in noticing that the first three letters of his name spell "ass".

The man admitted as early as the primaries that he and every other big businessman uses our legal loopholes like a cheap hooker, (and said they hurt the country and need to be eliminated) and that he's a fucking shark when it comes to business, he admitted that he's just as dirty as every politician. I don't understand how people are surprised by this.

Trump paid all of the taxes he was legally required too

Hillary's only argument is that he should've paid more, which is retarded

It will be a talking point for awhile, but it can't possibly be a campaign ender because it's simply not a big deal.


It's literally the opposite of bad.

he already have done it before during the Republican election.
We will see soon if this is true too anyway.

>Trump is his own PR manager while wearing a moustache

How do people hate this man? He's better than any candidate I've seen in my life.

>apparently he lost $915 million in a year and because of that didn't have to pay taxes for 20 years
I don't know what the fuck the fuss is about. It's all a matter of scale.
I own two rental properties. I have not had to pay taxes on the rental income because of all the fucking repairs I've have to make over the years. We get these things as write offs because the fed gov wants people to create housing.

>You realize that what they're showing is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?

They shown that he bankrupted himself badly enough to wipe a billion dollars, and Cuban is going to take an axe to him and say he hasn't recovered all of these losses to this day, which means he's a shitty businessman.

Shillary is not the threat. Cuban is.

>it's worrisome someone like Assange is needed to expose the level of corruption

It's actually reassuring in a way. As more people turn away from traditional media for information, they will lose power and money.

>mfw Barron leaked his father's tax returns from inside Trump Tower
>mfw Barron is the mastermind of this campaign and is merely using his father as his mouthpiece

People are stupid. Especially the undecideds and the liberals who are greedy cunts and don't understand that in business you have to be cut-throat to succeed. The Democrats love to push the "we're for you the working poor" narrative and that's why they're so focused on the taxes.

It's nothing but stupidity. Madness and stupidity. The average voter really is a stupid lazy indolent piece of shit.

We need him as President. Do say stupid shit like that.

Assange is cute


She's basically just saying "WOW JUST WOW, MUH TEACHERS MUH ROADS", as if the federal government doesn't just spend the money on neverending war.

>Trump sent them himself.

ding ding ding, we have a winner

Carry. Over. Loss. Is. Not. A. Legal. Loophole.

It. is. Provided. For. specifically. And. Helps. Small. Businesses. Tremendously.

>which he conveniently won't release

>implying Barron didn't hack the DNC

This is probably from obama

Remember when the IRS persecuted tea party groups?

Now they are leaking trumps taxes

Trump released these.

>>Trump lost in today's money 1.4 billion dollars in one year
>that almost seems impossible
It's a matter of scale. Keep in mind it's also high net worth real estate.

>This is why they put out want ads searching for dirt on Trump. They've got nothing.

There's no evidence of that. At all.

Company financials are a better gauge than tax returns, and he released those.

no one's gonna give a fuck

>someone at the IRS
You mean John Miller.

i kinda respect him for losing that much money to be honest



Is there a PDF of them? I'd like to analyze them. I'm a tax accountant.

This has been all over the cucked sites lately.

Could anyone tell me how is this relevant? isn't paying as little tax as possible a good business decision and doesn't Trump want to eliminate these loopholes that he himself used?

>Separately, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, Marc E. Kasowitz, emailed a letter to The Times arguing that publication of the records is illegal because Mr. Trump has not authorized the disclosure of any of his tax returns. Mr. Kasowitz threatened “prompt initiation of appropriate legal action.”

> Described by CNBC as the "toughest lawyer on Wall Street" and by Bloomberg Financial News as an "uberlitigator," Marc E. Kasowitz is widely regarded as one of the preeminent trial lawyers in the country. He has been profiled by The American Lawyer in an article entitled "Heavy Hitter" and in the cover story "Fast Rise to the Top." Marc has been recognized by Benchmark Litigation as one of the country's top 100 trial lawyers. He has been honored as a "Litigation Trailblazer" by the National Law Journal and was designated a "Securities MVP" by Law360, which noted that he "has made a career out of beating big banks." Marc has also been recognized as one of the nation’s top litigators by publications including Chambers USA ("widely respected as an 'extremely talented litigator,'" praised by clients for "his 'tremendous trial experience,'"); Lawdragon 500 ("the cream of the crop"); Benchmark ("a unique, zealous, and exceptionally skilled advocate" "his guidance is extremely reliable and he is very client-focused and big picture-oriented"); The Legal 500 ("excellent across the board," "superbly talented lawyer," and "very much at the center" of the current spate of mortgage-backed securities litigation) and The Best Lawyers in America©. Opponents cited by The American Lawyer have acknowledged Marc as a "powerhouse" and "the toughest of the tough guys," and a foreign publication has referred to him as "one of the most prominent and feared lawyers in the United States."

>leftcucks think they can withstand the Terminator-tier litigation team Trump has



Then maybe you can explain to the drooling retards on the internet that carry-over loss is not a loophole or tax evasion and that there's no evidence he hasn't paid taxes since.

>16 years old

Who gives a flying fuck who sent the taxes?

>He got crushed in the debate.
>He is losing in the polls.
>He is now going to be seen as a loser (negative 915 MILLION dollars???).

Fuck this. I am out. What next?

What's particularly funny is that Jon Oliver popularized the whole Drumpf thing.

Jon Oliver's paternal grandfather's last name was Boyd Carpenter (that's one name, not two). Bill Clinton changed his name from William Blythe III, so Shillary should really be called Shillary Blythe.

Exactly. Imagine you lost 3000 dollars last year running your own business. With the generosity of our IRS, we're allowed to carry that 3000 loss forward to offset any 3000 income you earn in the next year.

This isn't a tax loophole, it's 100% legal and strongly encouraged when you're doing personal client service.

That isn't how bankruptcy works. Forgiven debts are considered income by the IRS not a loss.

most idiots on Cred Forums don't understand anything with nuance so they will deny and cry about jews

20% of people polled are undecided thus far and shit like this will drive them away

Blows my mind how everytime Clinton's emails come up, or her foundation improprieties, or wall Street speeches media goes full damage control. Essentially telling people that treason is ok.

But all I've heard from clitons camp day in and day out is about trumps stupid fucking tax return, and about how it should make me mad for some reason!

Well it doesn't. I know rich cock suckers don't pay taxes and I know cunts like Clinton are responsible for that status quo. But that dense bitch just can't see a bad position when she sees one. There is so much about trump that can be pounded into the dirt, but this isn't it.

Oh and I wonder if those kikes running the news understand how their 24 hour nonstop coverage of Donald is backfiring. I'm honestly sick of hearing about the fucker and the utter lack of Clinton coverage stinks more than her daughter's cunt.

I feel that I was raised with a good bullshit detector, and as bad as meme man is, she is the one setting off the alarms.

Vote Donald.

>American education

They're beyond help. They just hate people for being successful and ignore any laws and court cases that prove them wrong. I've debated leftists on taxes before.

>shit like this will drive them away

nice projecting, cuck

d trump is stupid, stupid stupid. Why do you think he can handle being president when hes so D U M B?

>alright men, here's the situation. less than an hour ago, an anonymous user on Cred Forums made a death threat against another anonymous user on Cred Forums. this is what you trained for. let's roll. GO GO GO!!!

Most of you are too young to remember when Clinton was in the White House...

... so let me give you the flashback talking point you will need when people start throwing this story at you in the next few days...

... Bill clinton used to donate his used underwear to charity, and then deduct the "value" from his taxes.

... at the time it was a big story because of how much he overvalued them.

You're welcome

>doesn't understand undecided means I'm not going to tell you

There are no undecideds in an election cycle that takes nearly 3 years.

They were polarized a year ago.

You libs are all the same. Trump will not lose he will spank your criminal leader and make her cry like the whore she is.
Donald gives Hillary a spanking for being Anti-American

>The only portion released shows a loss of 915 million while still staying in business operation. That implies revenues in the multi billions, and means he is as rich as claimed once accounting for his buildings values.
this. and confirmed.

>deny and cry about jews
You can't help but out yourself, CTR.

No dude, trump is an idiot.

>just got schooled by a literally who country

he has been done for a while.

eat shit trump voters

half of you fags that read this wont vote anyway

eat my butt hole kid

All the nuance is on our side.

Understanding what carry-over loss is is barely even nuance in tax law.

SAUCE for this incredibly awesome pic?

How much worse could it possibly get?!

Very interesting

I hope Trumps asks who was driving the car.


he called her cancer?

what a great arguement


It's a fact, one you'd see if you actually talked to people instead of virtue signal.

Everyone knows that Trump had a bad few years in the 90s. But you are probably too young to remember.

What did he mean by this?

If you faggot shills are going to keep making threads about it, I'm going to keep posting this.

We already know.
He leaked them himself.
You're being played. Again.
Thank you for Correcting The Record™.

Don't bother replying, I'm leaving this thread.

Were you assisted with completing this form : YES

Name and signatory of preparer : JOHN MILLER

just some cave pic i saved. better do some reverse google to find out bruh.

btw vote hilldawg

trump is a dumbfuck

kind of funny how delusional some of you whites are. this isn't the 1800s and this isn't "YOUR" country you nazi

You weren't kidding.

CTR exposed


the jews are passing it off as a leak for views

>the return address was Trump Tower

Utter bullshit.

Even IF, IF, Trump leaked it, his campaign would not be fucking stupid enough to put Trump Tower on the goddamn return address.

Even if, IF, that were the case, which it isn't, then it still doesn't prove anything - not like you can't write out whatever the fuck you want as a return address.

lol will you please just close your chrome browser right now and go beat off and finish ur night off m8.

obvious you are the type of loser to say "plz stop correcting the record, plz stop being da shill for da hill"

lol eat my hairy ass you loser. enjoying watching trump eat my shit in november

god bless you for making this user

Why would they only leak the ones from 1995? Supposedly they have access to everything.

Two theories:

1. Trump has bad stuff to hide
2. Trump has good stuff to announce

In case 1, knowing we live in the wikileaks age, it's better if he leaks himself so he controls the timing and the narrative

In case 2, it's also better for him to leak old stuff in preparation of the full release, so people are already talking about it

If it's case 1 there won't be any further leaks. The tax offset he gets allowed him not to pay taxes for 20 years.
If it's case 2, maybe he still donated huge sums to charity that he deducted anyway.

suck on my nuts lil boi

trump will not win. my hairy nuts will not allow that

lmao you fucking simpleton

he says, trying to support a canidate who was trying to use also illegally obtained document to smear his opponent and asking Russia to help out

he lost nearly a billion dollars so they gave him the privilege of breaking even?

whats the problem?

I'm not white, quit lumping us all together.

dat rack

Dumbest comment in this thread.

>The IRS isn't even part of the government

Yes it is.

>It's not illegal by itself to not pay taxes

Yes it is. Its a felony and people go to prison for many decades due to tax evasion.

anecdotes are irrelevant

maybe you'll graduate high school and learn that sometime

Leave the shit posting to the strayans Achmed.

That tax return is old enough to have a drink.

>they wanted to tank his campaign, so they proved that he did nothing wrong

You'll see for yourself Mr. Silver :^)

So what's the problem?

Trump rump-roasted that woman so completely she repeatedly told the story of how she got called a cunt for almost 30 years.

This and chekd i am fucking livid i have to give up part of my paycheck to crack whores with 9 kids cause Muh liberal compassion

>Trump uses intentional big loss one year to legally avoid paying taxes for the next 12 years
>it's not illegal or even morally questionable, but simply a genius use of the tax code since he stayed filthy rich the entire way through
>leaks partial tax records to the media so they can create a firestorm over them
>turns out it's fucking nothing
>media sleuths trace the leak back to Trump himself
>everyone kicks themselves over being played by Trump again
>"Trump is a moron" meme definitively debunked
>even Trump's haters realize he's a playing 3D chess
>Trump sells himself as a mastermind who's always one step ahead
>everyone feels safe with him negotiating for us in world affairs
>he turns presidential without even having to prove himself in a debate


How will it finish him?

That's ok, the shillary leaks aren't even close to over, much worse is still to come.

There's zero evidence it's intentional, either.

>that awkward moment during the third debate where the moderator referred to him as "President Trump"

You literally have to have it.

If say you build a skyscraper for 500 million dollars but the year ends before you start selling the properties in the skyscraper, you would be taxed in the next year for pure profits because you couldn't write off your expenses.

at this point, I believe Bernie Sanders has a better chance at presidency than trump



the tax break literally allows him to break even

he is taxed after having 0 loss 0 gain

how is that a good thing? a good thing would be no loss

Hey Hillary. Quick question. How long until direct deposit is available for CTR? I keep getting raped by black men, and having to pay for the service so I wouldn't be rude.

Dammit John Miller.

>or Trump sent them himself.

Wouldn't be the first time Trump has done something like this

>he thinks he's getting paid

>head over to reddit they're freaking the fuck out about this. apparently he lost $915 million in a year and because of that didn't have to pay taxes for 20 years

He wrote off $916m as a loss which let him keep that much in taxes over next few decades, it's genius. Amazing

It was just 1 billion dollars, something he could recoups, theoretically, if his remaining 500 companies (for the sake of a round number) make two million dollars each.

"The only news here is that the more than 20-year-old alleged tax document was illegally obtained, a further demonstration that the New York Times, like establishment media in general, is an extension of the Clinton Campaign, the Democratic Party and their global special interests...[]

>when u drink water

It's because he's SMART.

Yeah lol they will arrest people for ((tax evasion)) because they suspect them for other crimes like they did to Al Capone.

I am usually an "eeyore" that thinks every little thing spells doom for Donald Trump, but I can't be bothered by this, I just can't.

The media and Clinton supporters on social media are trying to manufacture a controversy out of nothing. I can't imagine this shit affecting anyone's vote. Really, it makes the Democrats look bad, as a no-doubt Clinton supporter sent a Clinton-supporting newspaper something illegally, for them to run in October in a transparent effort to influence the election.

ITT: Idiots who refuse to see a shitstorm being unleashed

All of you trying to spin this into some sort of net positive for Trump or that he won't be hurt by this are delusional. If this were just one thing in a seamless campaign, then he could probably survive. But it comes after a bad debate performance and a week when his disdain for women was heavily displayed. Now it comes out that he lost close to a billion dollars and that it's likely (though not conclusive) that he hasn't paid taxes in decades. And what's more, that he subtly brags about it. That doesn't play well with a lot of folks (those you dub normies). It's almost funny how blind you guys all are.

And? The dude was still wrong. The IRS is part of the government and people do go to jail for multiple decades just for tax evasion.


You do realize he did this so that he is guaranteed to get asked about it at the 2nd debate right? You do realize he is going to show everyone how dumb they are for doubting him right?


Then wouldn't they have snagged him in 95?

this. the whole tax record thing will probably be tainted in the public's opinion because, by targeting the tea party movement, the IRS is seen as a partisan organization now and nobody trusts them worth a damn

>fresh, healthful Buttermilk

all the vodka proxies on /pol are fucking panicking rn.

they still havent realized trump doesnt want to win. he leaked that shit himself. his entire run is a rebranding of himself to russians and rednecks so he can somehow be relevant. watch him continue to intentionally flop.

best line of the article mitnick saying that even ivanka had better questions than him.

No, because Trump did nothing illegal.


This never would have happened if you guys let Cruz win, he was the better version of Trump. Honestly I don't even know why you hated him so much.

I was agreeing with you, its part of the government they will use it to sink people they suspect of other crimes.


lol relax guise its just 9D chess xD

The NYT are ducked, he could Hulk Hulgan their asses and own them after this. His lawyers are buying knew houses as soon as they heard

Top kek love that game

They picked up Capone for tax evasion because it was literally the only thing they could prove he was guilty of.

Trump isn't doing tax evasion, he's using the law to not paying taxes by filing his losses. He probably pays a lot of money for accountants.

Yeah they do use it as an excuse to hit gangsters but they also DO arrest random joe schmo that doesn't pay his taxes.

>his disdain for women

Fuck off shill

Its all or nothing in America.

We are 6 weeks away from becoming Brazil 2.0

No, he leaked them himself. The tax returns sent to NYT said Trump Tower on the return address.

1) Leak tax returns showing you lost 900 million dollars in 1995.
2) Under usual circumstances, you wouldn't have to pay taxes for 20 years after incurring a loss of that magnitude.
3) Show that you paid taxes anyway.
4) Mainstream media BTFO

See for details

naw dog chill

This is going to be a big fucking deal.


Anons and actual Clinton supporters are shitposting, on an otherwise boring night.

So Trump was playing 9D Pictionary all over again?

Cruz would never have won the election. His optics, his accent, and his faith all spell disaster in a modern general election.

I think you mean John Miller sent them

Maybe for the faggots on reddit who were never going to vote for Trump


>and his faith

You realize Hillary, Trump, every president in the last 200 years was a christfag right?
In fact you don't win the election if you publicly say you are an atheist.


This isn't a big deal in that it just confirms what most people already knew.

Trump lost a lot of money in the mid 90's then wrote off huge deductions and didn't pay taxes for many years as a result. If he just said as much no one would care but when he frames it as "that makes me smart and the government just would have wasted it" that isn't helping him when the average American lives more or less paycheck to paycheck and they aren't trying to hear that shit, even if it's not technically wrong.

He and Hillary are easily the two worst candidates ever and if you can't see that you are just as much a shill as any Clinton supporter. He is not playing this masterfully as claimed on these boards, this is not a chess game at all for him. He fell directly into every trap laid by Clinton like a retard, he can't help himself. Now he's tweeting at 3 am about some old former beauty queen and calling her fat on fox news, everyone would have forgotten about that by now otherwise. What kind if chess is that? What could he possibly have to gain from going on all these personal crusades?

Clinton and team are hitting him everyday. They are fighting a war on one front while he gets caught up in ten new battles every week. Clinton will keep dragging up people from his past and he will keep punching back in the wrong direction. When he drags up someone from her part she will continue to ignore his low quality bait and the story will die in a few days and he will keep throwing insults at his enemies and dragging out conflicts that only hurt him. This is why everyone laughed when he said he had a great temperament at the debate. His shit temperament is the only way he could manage to lose an election to Clinton who is so unpopular she lost a primary to a complete unknown then probably would have lost another primary to an unknown if the dnc wasn't tipping the scales.

You guys better get used to saying President Hillary.

Maybe for guys like this

yes. not that he had much of a shot in the first place.

pol just overhypes him because a bunch of ruskie proxies want him in office.

he really has no fucking pull in the college educated US

This stupid faggot has been saying this shit for months. the DNC leaks were incredibly underwhelming, and he has released nothing substantially damaging about Hillary. Fucking do something already you Australian cunt.

Cruz came across as a snake handling type of Christin. That doesn't get no pay even from most Christians

Trump cucks the NYT
Even though they have sworn (over and over) to NEVER GIVE HIM FREE PRESS!!! The libtards couldn't even fucking avoid the bait when it came in a package labeled FROM: TRUMP TOWER.

Why is this in every thread and why does everyone reply to it seriously?


>I have a son -- is ten years old. He has computers. Is so good with his computers. Unbelievable.

Is this what he meant by this?

This. I applaud Trump for fucking the IRS if he did. I'd pay zero taxes if I legally could or at the least a smaller percentage. I'm saying this as a business owner as well.

>He is not playing this masterfully as claimed on these boards, this is not a chess game at all for him. He fell directly into every trap laid by Clinton like a retard, he can't help himself. Now he's tweeting at 3 am about some old former beauty queen and calling her fat on fox news, everyone would have forgotten about that by now otherwise. What kind if chess is that? What could he possibly have to gain from going on all these personal crusades?

>tweet some about some fat chick at 3 am
>media shitstorm ensures
>people see this coverage and think "wtf is with the media"
>debate comes up
>the shillary media is focused on my tweets about a fat chick instead of real issues

>college educated U.S.

so a bunch of numale liberal arts majors

>Trump "leaks" his taxes...
>shows he had a huge loss 20 years ago...
>loss can be carried forward and deducted from future gains...
>lay down justification for not having to pay taxes for several years... totally reasonable and legal.
>"It's over he's finished"
not even close.

I don't think they are as harsh and will be more willing to work with them if they aren't doing something blatantly illegal on top of it.

>20 year old tax returns
>leaked by (((NY Times)))


>Trump loses a lot of money 20 years ago
>He COULD have paid no taxes because of this (no proof)
>This would be 100% legal
>Somehow this is supposed to make him look bad
Am I missing something here?



It's such a logically unsound argument for Trump to be criticized for this.

If the IRS tax code says you owe $50, do you give them $200?

It's as simple as that. The tax laws in the country are unbelievably complicated and it's pretty much every man for himself when it comes to how much money you allow them to take.

when a vodka proxy can't STEM

uh is this wat actually happened?

No, but it shows that he's a shitty businessman if he lost 900 million in one year, where he is running off good it is.

We could have a president who will put us $20 trillion deep in the hole... oh, wait, we already have...

>yfw you realize Trump plotted this move 21 years ago

Depends on whether he bought something massive that year and consequently declared a loss. Some years you are going to have to spend big and sacrifice profit.

I'll take a stab in the darkie that you've never owned a business, know nothing of accounting, and the entirety of your business experience is consulting with clients if they would like "fries with that?"

Which he won't release. I wonder why? Maybe he's hiding something? A very credible source told me so. People are saying all kinds of things, folks.


>Jon Oliver popularized the whole Drumpf thing.
*tried to popularize

That is so fucking stupid I assume you are trolling me.

Initiate weeks of bad press just so you can setup one line in the debates about the media not paying attention to real issues, as if you can't say that anyways and get an applause in any political debate ever.

Sanders did that practically every speech.

bad press is good press. it serves a purpose.

sanders is a government leech who did nothing with his life and pandered to the same multicolored faggots that hillary does. two worlds apart honey.

6 shekels have been deposited into your account!


There's a difference between Christians and that weird fucking borderline voodoo shit Cruz practices.