Where's your false Lord kek now trumpfags

Where's your false Lord kek now trumpfags

>this is so delicious

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fuck Trump and fuck white people

nobody besides hysterical shitlibs actually cares

So trumpfags don't care that he is a lying cheating conning fagatron...

>I see

>pic is Baghdad Don's new debate coach

Kek is on no ones side, he is a god of fucking chaos.

The shear fact that this happened is further proof that kek is real and he's fucking with everyone.

tax evasion and tax avoidance is not the same thing

also taxation is theft

How did he cheat anyone?
Please tell me?

This only shows the IRS tax system is fucking retarded

Smart guy. We need a smart guy to run this country

That's what this board gets for forsaking the compassionate teachings of Christ and replacing them with those of Kek, who is a modern incarnation of Baal, the false lord of the Philistines.

Paul, Apostle of Christ, stated:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

This is a message of inclusiveness that even opens the door to transgendarism. Yet this board clings to xenophobia, homophobia, and anti-semitism. You reap what you sow Cred Forums, and this is what you get for worshiping false idols.

>"lose" 900 million so you dont have to pay taxes for decades

wow le drumpf is so dumb xD

How the fuck do you lose a billion dollars in one year in the casino business? I don't really give a fuck about this story. That's all I want to know.

Yeah, I'm hearing the leak came from Trump Tower.

It says he "could" have paid no taxes.

I figure he leaked this shit, everyone will research the tax code then he'll release his taxes and show that he actually paid taxes even when he could have deducted the loss.

That's the best case scenario for Trump.

Though they are already saying he had a responsibility to his employees and family and shareholders to pay as little tax as possible.

Whatever Trump loses Clinton sins, Clinton loses Trump wins.

Garbage world, garbage life, fuck this gay earth.

Trumpfags believe the world is going to hell either way, so something like that isn't going to change their minds.

You mean these tax returns?

By being a shitty businessman.

Doubles? trump goes to prison for tax evasion

>part of his '95 records
>he COULD HAVE paid no taxes
Ayyy lmao it's fucking nothing

there is a chance that he could may have possibly done something altough we are not sure at the moment

haha trum is finish

>audited every year
>irs has yet to send him to jail
literally did nothing wrong

Oh please, if Hillary had done the same thing you would want her to be publically executed.

If he were a shitty businessman, that failed business venture would have destroyed him.

Not as bad as all the years Bill Clinton deducted the "value" of the used underwear he donated to charity...


Have a (you)



I wonder who's behind this post?

Pretty good indication that the system is fundamentally broken in a way that has not yet been addressed. I wish we had a candidate with an intimate understanding of it.

Hillary has destroyed nations already, I think anyone who's not a sociopath wants to see her punished for that.



shut up faggot and make more meme abortion videos you double nigger

>He could
Jesus they're getting really desperate.

This tax release literally swung my vote from Johnson to Trump. I'm not alone.

wtf I love Trump now.

didnt farage end up winning though?

goddamn, the guy is genius.

he took a total shit storm and came out on top.

why is this not a movie? this reads as pro-trump.... and i know its supposed to be a hit piece.


The three documents arrived by mail at The Times with a postmark indicating they had been sent from New York City. The return address claimed the envelope had been sent from Trump Tower.
>holy shit, trump sent them himself.... just like the leaked audi tapes a few months ago

I wish. Not true, Farage denied.

Where is all the income from Russia?

I like how "parts of his tax records" and "could have" are all libcucks need to start pushing something as fact.

Hillary has been telling people for years to pay taxes and wants to guilt people in higher brackets into paying more, Trump hasn't.
So if Hillary were found to be cheating on her obligations it would come off as hypocritical compared to Trump.

Didn't answer the question. Also notice this has been the go-to response in nearly every thread.

Do you know how fucking illegal it is to publish someone's tax returns without consent?

Trump could literally sue them for everything they own. Fuck the genius might have even leaked the tax information to the NYT himself because he knew those fucking Jews wouldn't be able to resist publishing it.

This is some gawker level stupidity. His lawyers have to be erect right now.

I like how they attack Trump for ((could have not paid any taxes)) while all the globalist kikes who own Hillary have additionally paid absolutely no taxes for the last 30 years either. Warren Buffet has said as much, although the same applies to rich fucks like Bloomberg and Soros.

So what Trump admitted multiple times is true? This is clearly going to be the end of Trump's campaign.

>how dare those libtards speculate!
>"If he wanted that to stop, couldn't he just release his tax returns like everyone else in the last 40 years?"
>lolz irrational libtards!

Why would I care if he didn't pay taxes? I didn't either when I was paying for college. Was I an evil mastermind? Hillary "admires" Margaret Sanger. Hillary is a power hungry evil cunt. I'd vote for a charcoal drawing of a butthole over her because I hate her fucking guts.

>legally avoided taxes
>theoretically could have avoided taxes
they're really grasping at straws, huh?

Oh man trump legally paid all his taxes. Clearly what he needs to due is commit a crime, lie to the FBI and destroy evidence under subpoena. Then he'll have a chance at this election.

Until then he has no hope!

ctr uses this as bait on every thread

>he basically built the casinos too big, didnt get enough people to come especially during winter

Good for him. I wouldn't pay taxes either.

>Where's your false Lord kek now trumpfags

So, wait.....

You give me an article that proves the man is a genius with money, and that he exercises his genius without breaking any laws...... and this is supposed to turn me off?

Every person who pays taxes seeks to pay and little as legally possible. Trump would have to be a fucking moron to fork over one penny more than he had to.

All I care about is whether or not he plans to raise my taxes once he gets into office. Anything other than that and the article amounts to:


>Anchor Tom: "Tonight on New Channel 11, we have a breaking story. For more on this unfolding situation, we go to Jim, who is outside Trump Tower at this time. What can you tell us, Jim?"

>Reporter Jim: "Thanks Tom. Well, it began here a few hours ago, when any anonymous source from inside Trump Tower itself released some of Donald's Trumps tax returns from over TWENTY YEARS AGO."

>Anchor Tom: "Wow Jim, that is crazy. What did you find in the returns?"

>Reporter Jim: "Well Tom, preliminary analysis seem to indicate that Trump did not break any tax laws and engaged in the same behavior as hundreds of millions of other Americans by paying as little tax as he is legally able to pay. Further analysis by our experts prove that Trump has an army of accountants and lawyers to help ensure that he does not violate the law in regard to his taxes."

>Anchor Tom: "Wow Jim, he'll never recover from that. Doing the same thing as every other taxpayer AND following the law at the same time? That is inexcusable."

Piss off.

It isn't the money she's giving, it's the money she's getting.

That and wouldn't her foundation's tax documents technically be separate from her own?

>Trump hires good tax lawyer
>embarrassing loss becomes future tax break
Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Yes, you get to carry losses forward and he had chapter 11 bankruptcy for his casinos, which he came back from and put in record books. This isn't some advanced loophole. This is a single year return and he even wrote a book where mentioned this billion dollar loss: "The Art of the Comeback"

[He has run and built an organization for the past 45 years and who, in 2014, had at least 22,000 employees and generated $9.5 billion in annual revenue AND ran the most efficient campaign in modern history. Paying a ton of taxes through business](archive.is/p3Xle)

>muh 11d quantum dimension speed chess