Yfw he doesn't lose ANY supporters from this

>yfw he doesn't lose ANY supporters from this


lol CTR is so fucking retarded


sweet thrad


Was this the bombshell that Asange was gonna drop for his "October Surprise"? That Swedish cuck probably wants Hillary elected.

He won't, but with 20% undecided, it doesn't bode well.



Quebec carries us in that regard

Trump fags can't think user. Pic very related

>posting the pic that I made
lol, what a cuck


>According to women

Aaaaand in the trash it goes

You really the guy who made it?

This only proves how retarded Drumpfkins are.

Look at that leftist love and acceptance. Making fun of a random woman you've never met. She probably has grand children and is a good woman, politically active. Do they teach you to be a scumbag in your social studies?

Nice body shaming and man shaming. More sociology teachings, I assume. Way to be sexist.

I make a lot of things, like pic related.

yes that totally probably happened because you saw a picture on the internet with text put on it A+++


I dont get that one.

Canadian inside joke?

hurrr build da wall!!!!

Can you put Buscemi eyes on this picture and every other picture of Clinton? This could be a viral smear campaign, you could be the star of it. Imagine the publicity you could get from it. Once you win, you can get a graphics designer job anywhere. Think of the possibilities!

Make it a new meme and force it, buscemi clinton.

The Grand Emperor Trump is always right. Think by yourself is bad!

You cucks are getting really desperate and pathetic. The end is near, winter is coming. You got spaghetti coming out of your pockets, I can see it.

it's literally nothing


Women don't know dick sizes for shit. The averages are more like 5.5 inches for western countries.

I'm just glad we don't have to see that stupid ms paint dog asking about trumps taxes anymore :)

Spoken like a true cuck

>The averages are more like 5.5 inches for western countries.
6.0 for western, you're thinking of asian countries.

>tfw 6.7"
feels good man

>indian average 6.3

And he wont win any undecided voters either.

His campaign was killed today, and you drumpfshits are losing your mind.
