"It's time"

>"It's time"
>"Send the tax returns to New York Times"

I'm guessing its going to be clean. No dirt whatsoever.

>"They took the bait. Now send in the actual tax returns."

Guarantee this is yet another step in his fucking master plan. 4D chess.

Why would he send in a fake return? Hell just look immature & stupid

its probably his real return but this is to reduce their credibility.

new york times always has (((sources))) for everything and trump is calling them out on their bullshit.

Screencapping this delusion.

I cant fucking wait for November 8th.

Gee I don't know , maybe because he's a fucking master at manipulating the media?

It's not fake. It's real. Everyone knows he lost a fortune in the mid nineties.

What's weird is why the mole/leaker has not sent in the other years.

Trump will let the media inflate the case, and when it's reaching peak will release the next stage.

He's playing them like a fiddle, but there is no other way. The media will never ever sit on a leak like that, they have to publish it.

Nobody likes the media.

Reminder that Trump was denied access to the Palm Beach Bath & Tennis Club because he's a Jew.

>against club rules


It's a one two punch. If only he had not bungled the debate maybe he could have recovered.

Legit question from a legit Trump supporter. What is the problem with posting a 900 million loss? He's surely made up for it or no?

If the problem is he hasn't paid taxes since because of this, what is the problem? Why would anyone paid a dollar more than they have to?

I'm legitimately not following the controversy I guess because this money is unconsciousable to me.


Who said it's fake?


fucking john miller

There really is no problem. The left has this idea that people would be pissed that Trump followed the law and used it to his advantage to not pay taxes. Plus, Trump wrote about his loss and was public knowledge.

Trump is in control of everything. He flexes one of his calves and the media jumps and starts spewing faux accusations of racism. Trump is control. Trump is POWER. Face it and embrace it.

I'm the 400lbs hacker who leaked Trump's 1995 tax returns.
I also have a 10y/o who helped me do it.

>faux accusations

So, tehyre accusations were fake?

Mfw I learn fuckface lost a billion dollars in the casino business in one year.

>What is the problem with posting a 900 million loss?
There is none. There's a carry forward and a carry back with losses to offset gains. If anytihng, this shows that Trump had generated hundreds of millions of dollars of gains that these losses could offset.

The kike media will try to do something with it but it's all crap. It boils down to

>he obeyed the law, the same law that applies to everyone, how horrible

mfw he earned a billion dollars in profit to offset with losses

That's all you got kike?

How the fuck do you even lose money in the casino business in fucking 1995? Sounds like tax dodging to me.

someone walking in with 500 million on red in roullete and it landing on red?