Cred Forums BTFO

Cred Forums BTFO

Try and stop us

True. Could be a case of genetic disorder like intersexuality or hermaphroditism. It's when the baby is born with one X and one Y chromosome that you're certain it's a male.

Fucking leafs


I identify as a conservative

Stop oppressing me

I swear you leaf's may shitpost a lot, but Trudeau is the greatest shitposter of all.

Now I truly see ....

I cannot go on anymore. I am incapable of feeling anything but nigger-cock, loneliness or endless satisfaction.Even when I try to be with a friend, I feel like I am alone and that my heart is about to burst.Today my nigga Deshaun was asking for food for the 10th time in 5 hours, so I completely snapped by throwing his EBT cards all over the ground and filling his bowl until it overflowed. I chased the young black youth asking "aren't you hungry now?? huh?? I thought you wanted food?? why don't you fucking eat??" until I let him outside, picked up a sweeper, of which I used to sweep a couple of EBT cards before collapsing on the floor crying loud for what felt like an eternity. After I was able to get myself off the floor, I took a bunch of erectile-dsyfunction medication and prepared it in a bag for when I have finally hadenough,which I feel will be this weekend. Fuck..
-Wayne Lambright

What should we assume then?

>the leaf

Nothing until the baby self-identifies it's own gender/non gender

>Thinking about baby shemale penis


can't make this shit up

Fucking horseman of the apocalypse

Just because a guy isn't allowed to be a painter doesn't mean he's allowed to be a leader


>If you turn the penis inside out the penis wins

This explains all the suicides

Just because they sky appears blue doesn't mean it's actually blue, you need to wait for the sky to define itself! #blm

>tfw wore mom's high heels as a kid for a short while
>nobody gave a fuck and posted pics of me on the internet because the internet didn't even exist
>my dad recalled me looking silly
>no drama
>forgot about it until looking at photo albums

wew lads, what if my parents encouraged me to wear high heels, put on make-up and dress skirts because they assumed I had chosen that I wanted to be a girl?

I was just a paper hanger
No one more obscurer
Got a phone call from the Reichstag
Told me I was fuhrer
Germany was blue
Oh oh what to do
Hitched up my pants
And conquered France
Now douchlnds smiling through

Heil myself
Heil to me
I'm the kraut who's out to change our history
Heil myself
Raise your hand
There's no greater dictator in the land
Everything I do I do for you
If you're looking for a war here's World War Two
Heil myself
Raise your beer
Every hotsy totsy Nazi stand and cheer

Trudeau is proof of his own claim



It's fucking real

It doesn't have mental acuity to comprehend it's sexuality. We don't let kids fuck because they can't consent to it, why do you think they can consent to sex/gender change.
Moreover, it's less and less dividing both genders and at this point there's only a difference in label.

what the actual fuck, now I know why Canadians are so fucking annoying. It is a cry for help.


oh wait, didn't notice the "DUDE WEED LMAO"

Hopefully Trump wins, slays Trudeau in a duel and then annexes Canada.


Use gender neutral terms when speaking to your child. Refer to them as agender until they are old enough to decide their gender and which pronouns they are comfortable with.


(((Mere coincindence)))

It really made me think.

Op will watch his mother be raped.





Pls b jk

How will Cred Forums recover from this?
Simply put: They never will.

Cred Forums Pass user since September 2012.

Naw it ain't

If you think about it then it makes sense that the Leaf would elect the one who shitposts the hardest as their King

We don't give two shits about LGBT garbage. Nice try leafack.

>Cred Forums pass user since 2012
>obvious CTR
they dont even bother hiding it anymore.

Gender identity is nothing to joke about.

>gender neutral terms

funny how the soviets army used to used "comrade" for this exact purpose

personally i would prefer comrade to this cringey "xir" and calling someone "it" or "they"

If ISIS had balls they would target this fag.

I bet when Trudeau takes a shit a he flaps his hands the duration and goes, EW EW EW EW EW EW EW. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Au contraire mon petit fagelet

I'd just like to take a moment to congratulate the mods on how well they do (it for free) jobs.

And I thought we had it bad under Obama. Jesus Christ Canada get your shit together.


It's not real you conservashits.

>go to mcdonalds as a kid
>get a happy meal but they only have girls toys
>get a dolly and play with ir for 10 minutes before getting bored and moving on

I'm glad I wasn't raised by a single mother in sydney/melbourne because otherwise I'd be a giant faggot

>speaking two languages

This is why the leaf is a cuck. Go to Quebec and see if they would go with two languages with independence. This is why I always am more welcoming to the Québécois than the rest of the filthy Canucks when they visit my country.

Soviets weren't real communists. They were a lot better but still mistaken.

>6 million

I actually had thoughts of ending this fucker when he was visiting Vancouver

i was gonna make a thread and scream "INDEPENDENCE NOW" before pulling the trigger

I pussied out and failed to martyr myself for the freedom of my homeland

should i just hang myself or wait until the war finally comes?

Tell me if im wrong but have the leafs elected a Cred Forumstard to lead their country?

Nigger u gay af

You may think that calling someone a "f*g" is some funny thing that has no effect on people but it can be extremely hurtful to homosexual men and women who were brutalized, hunted, and killed in westerm countries for being themselves.


just proving a point about how even the original communist eastern bloc was less cucked then the people running the west today

Post pics of self execution plox


Wait and fight till the war comes.

Remember, if you kill him, he wins.

When even assume it's a baby, it could be a 70 year old platypus... you fucking bigot.

Obviously Tradeu and leaves are massive retarded cucks but this actually happens I think. I've seen on youtube videos of young children that have always known that they were the other gender and have ALWAYS wanted to mutilate themselves. There probably can happen the time when someone has their brain completely x,x or x,y but a mutation caused the wrong gender. This has to be scientifically proven but in those cases corrective surgery and hormone therapy seem fair. Why would he not state the facts and just shit post like that?

You fucking snow beaners...

god damnit. I'm fluent in japanese and (therefore) I'm not going to add "desu" to random tweets. This guys is pure reddit cancer. Leafs voted for an actuall homsexual.

The world is just jealous. No you can not have Justin senpai.

How on earth did they miss (you) then, you massive le cocgoblin?

That's exactly what it means to be a male, Cuckdeau!

XY + Penis = Male. Undeniable truth.

Canada is an awful country

>not knowing about the worldfilters

Nigger your new

I never assumed Justin Trudeau was a man.


Just cuck our shit up

Just because a faggot is elected, it doesnt mean we cant hang him.

Speciesist cunt

If you kill him, he wins.

>I'm glad I wasn't raised by a single mother in sydney/melbourne because otherwise I'd be a giant faggot
what did he mean by this?


How the fuck are these people so fucking transparent and why the fuck did I just fucking assume this faggot was transparental?


I'm pretty sure a lot of us dodged bullets like this. I was a flaming homo when I was like 5, playing with girl shit all the time and other sissy stuff, but eventually I grew out of that and started acting normal. I might have been raised by a single mother but thank fuck she wasnt degenerate enough to encourage that trash.

No, there is nothing wrong with speaking two languages. Speaking only one language makes you uneducated or lazy. They are cucks because people who live far away from niggers and spics tend to be cucks. they can still get away with electing a complete faggot.

He is a left-wing Ned Flanders.

His whole presidency is designed to fit a 140 character format.

How the fuck can leafs tolerate politician like this.


If I have a son or daughter and he/she dare acts or thinks he/she is entitled to identify as anything other than what the good Lord made them, I'm going to chain him/her in a shed and only feed him whole live squirrels till they decide that their private parts are as much a reality as the squirrels they've been eating.

Don't fucking insult Neddyboy like that again or I'll fucking slap you with a raw salmon.


>having trudeau as PM

Canada forever and irrevocably BTFO

this has to be fake

This can't be real...

we havent had a good politician for 60 years

eastfaggots love him

the praries didnt vote for him

BCs vote didnt count at all (and by design never has) yet the fed who technically we are not represented fairly to taxes us the most

remember the 13 colonies put up with a lot of shit before finally declaring independence

maybe a burger can help me finish this:


Just because a baby is born with a diddly, it doesn't mean you may assume it's a neighborino

He literally calls it "the consecration of the Holocaust memorial" in French

No way man it's legit, 100%

It is fake.

you know your alt right is failing when you have to shitpost fake tweets to get a bunch of autists riled up

>He literally calls it "the consecration of the Holocaust memorial" in French

>they always reveal their true meaning in french becaause its not as easy to "dance around" words in that language

when the fuck are we gonna just burn ottawa to the fucking ground Quebec Bro?

what exactly is word filtered?

There needs to be a leaf genocide rn

No such thing as too soon

s m h
t b h
f a m

are all people on Cred Forums retarded? no wonder you vote trump


>Bern release the phone slaves
>mass migration of leafs to shitpost in pol

stfu let them think it is real. Love seeing Cred Forums get triggered.

nah, truth of tweets has nothing to do with winning or losing. Alt-right is winning right now in terms of growth and in terms of being the only real opposition.

Based tones was based af desu.

I'm free to assume whatever the fuck I want.

no one gives a fuck about this clown

No shit senpai, if a politician legit had that in their desc the whole fucking world would've gone mad about it by now

Agreed. Justin was born with a penis and is still a complete bitch.

This post has to be fake...

This has to be fake

I'm not being sarcastic i'm just saying its fake. Yeah its obvious but i'm drunk af and responded to every dumb post you cucks are making. Why does uk have worse leadership?

>a country elected this man

did you just assumed his gender?

It's from The Producers. Springtime For Hitler.

Just because your cat has a dick doesn't mean you can assume it's a male

Kill this man.


Nice kek trips tho

Reported to CSIS

>Trump slays Trudeau in a duel
>Trudeau wins

Meanwhile Trump would let these women and children die in Syria cause he's a sociopath.

Simple, kill him, run away or get caught, doesnt really matter in the end. If you want to go down in history, just do a Shia.

>Mr. Leaf in charge of explaining Soviet terms
"Comrade" was a common word for adressing your fellow countrymen in the Soviet Union. It had nothing to do with gender-neutral bullshit and was chosen because the old ones (gospodin and sudar') have somewhat turned into archaisms after the communist revolution.
"Tovarisch"" does have an official female form in Russian (tovarka), but it was never used due to how stupid it sounds.
Also in official documents and legal proceedings the terms "Grazhdanin/Grazhdanka" (male and female variants of "citizen" respectively) were being used instead.

Also f a m s

Can any of you Cucknadians explain this logic to me? Because clearly my biology teacher and my parents lied to me if this is true.