Well? what did he mean by this

Well? what did he mean by this

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Guns don't kill people.

People kill people.

do guns fly planes into towers?

Guns are objects lacking free will and agency.

Didn't he shill for gun control in the debate? Also what the fuck will solve terrorism at this rate?

If you ban guns, then criminals will be the only people with guns.

If you ban muslims, then...


how did you get retarded?

No, but neither does Islam.

No believers in Islam means no Islamic terrorism. Pretty simple actually. If you pressed a button and killed every single Muslim on earth, there would be no Islamic Terrorism.

Banning people works.
Banning tools from all people so that you can take in some heretics from the 3rd world who want to kill you, doesn't work too well.


>Banning guns won't stop crime because criminals get guns illegally
>Banning muslims will drastically reduce the fucking attacks because muslims commit them
WOW SO HARD. I honestly have no fucking idea why liberals love to deny the fucking statistics of muslims committing terror acts. They literally blame all attacks on white people, and then when it's conformed a muslim say it's just a random loose canon and doesn't represent islam as a whole

You are a nigger OP

actually yes because terrorists do things because of Islam

9fag and politics don't mix very well



Awesome....now onto domestic terrorism! Goodie

But how do you ban all muslims....Its worth noting that the NYC bomber and orlando attacker were both second generation.....

You force them to burn the Koran, if they refuse you deport them.

Guns don't kill people, muslims, spics and niggers do.

I'm sorry.I don't see Christian State In Alabama and Mississippi and I say that as an atheist.

Terrorism is a organized group thing. Stop trying to label every nutjob a terrorist to excuse Muslim's bullshit.

Pressure cooker won't blow someone up
Muslim will.

>So you don't want to ban salt from food...
>But you want to ban chlorine???

Seeing the 2700+ number from 9/11 is fucking eerie.

What a stupid comparison.

>1 post by this ID


i think


this might be bait?!

We're banning Muslims, not Islam. The Quran will still be available as toilet paper and BBQ ribs wrapper.


Don't forget slavs, you murder kurva.

Russia has twice the murder rate of USA despite having less than half the number of niggers and spics.

Crimes are committed by humans and not inanimate objects

No I'm serious, what do we do to combat school shooters? Aurora? Charleston 9?
I don't think calling these people "nut jobs" is sufficient.
How is what they are doing not terrorism?

False analogy.

A gun ban means confiscations, the equivalent for a Muslim ban would be deportations. What Trump is suggesting is preventing Muslim refuges and immigrants from coming to America, your analogy sucks.

I will say I have a lot of sympathy for Europe when it comes to this...I am thankful all the time that we here are an ocean away from all of it.

Guns are a constitutional right. Muslims are not.

>How is what they are doing not terrorism?

Because they have no stated political goal they're trying to accomplish. It's different from bombing things up so you can be a martyr for a cause.

>No I'm serious, what do we do to combat school shooters? Aurora? Charleston 9?

You get the normies to stop being bullying shits their entire lives.

Those people are mental health issues that stem from societal problems. Cure the societal problems and those people will stop shooting up schools.

That is, they would if they weren't all false flags meant to discredit the second amendment in the first place. :^)

>tfw my shotgun jumped out of it's locker and nearly shot me today
Guns r dangerous. Just look at how much crime decreased once we banned and restricted them!

>tfw the left sees muslims as objects

I can build a gun in my garage using the components of my kitchen sink.

I cannot build a Muslim in my garage.

Wait, this picure in reverse is just:

>Banning guns will solve gun violence
>But banning muslims won't solve terrorism

Which is the lefty position.

>tfw the left sees muslims as objects

Well...they are. Explosive ones in fact.

Thanks for correcting the record. Here is your maga hat and coupon for free soda at trump tower.

Trump talked about major gun control in the debates, he is in no way pro-2A.

banning guns doesn't stop the millions of guns that are already in the country and would do little to stop the ones entering it via illegal means.

stopping illegal immigration in addition to paying extra attention on muslims coming from islamic countries would stop a lot of the threats from coming into the country.

once that happens, as far as islamic terrorism is concerned, the country would really only have to worry about those living here now, but the thing is a lot of those muslims have been checked before by one government group or another. They are either clean or aren't clean and definite threats, but have been let off the hook because investigations = racist. I don't think trump would care about the latter. So then, it'd REALLY only come down to homegrown terrorists which means millennial shits that worship ISIS despite never actually being in contact with them or their culture.

Is that what terrorism is? Stated political goals?
Also, both of the people I mentioned lived. Don't you have to die to be a "martyr"?

>bullying! the problem is bullying!

Nigga you just went full plebian

>No I'm serious, what do we do to combat school shooters?
Raise your kids to not be fucking mental. Pay attention to their behaviour. Contact psychologist/psychiatrist if needed. This isn't fucking rocket science.

Dense motherfuckers

You ban firearms for citizens in mass, nobody except police have guns. Niggers still get shot for pulling a knife on someone. Gun violins.

Remove all Muslims/mosques from the country, no Muslims to turn radical terrorists.

Yes. Plus criminals aren't going to be secretly hiding and carrying muslims around with them.

By that logic maybe we should just go unfuck ourselves from the middle east, and islamic terrorism should cease to exist. In a few generations.

Great plan, genius

It's almost like I see a corrolation here.

There were no school shootings when there were no gun laws.
Every single school shooting happened after the gun laws came into force.

>tfw biggest school attack didn't even use guns

Yes because Muslims make moral choices and guns do not.

Pure coincidence.

I don't believe banning muslims is going to stop terrorism, it obviously won't, but preventing random people with dangerous muslim ideologies from entering the country will lower the amount of people with dangerous muslim ideologies. Especially if the people are from high-risk areas where people tend to be more dangerous than in any other place in the world.

This one?


>I have no retort and I must comment
wew lad

It's well known Hillary has a paid internet posters

She took a page from China and their 50 cent party


Can you prove Trump has the same?

So are niggers and muslims.

Because I'm sure if the parents of all the mass murderers in history had been *urged* to "raise your kid to not be fucking mental" then this whole discussion wouldn't even be happening.
Like great idea guy, tell me how you plan on making that happen FOR THE WORLD and I'll listen.

Guns are useful. Muslims saturate labor market.

>Is that what terrorism is? Stated political goals?


>>bullying! the problem is bullying!
>>Nigga you just went full plebian

Read any of these guys manifestos or words and they mention being bullied and outcasted. I offered an explanation and all you offer is shitposting.

All the big superstates are doing it. Even our glorious European Union.

My point wasn't in support of gun laws so much as it was to argue that should Islamic terrorism cease to exist, we still have the large problem that is domestic terrorism. By whatever means, be it gun, IED or what have you.

>Some 6 people get shot by a psycho
>How do we stop it
We start holding parents accountable. If you can't raise your fucking kids right and they shoot shit up you get bad parent fined and that goes to the relief effort. There.

>implying Muslims work

>muh oculus rift

I've read. Some of these people have experienced bullying, but in addition to being fucking D E L U S I O N A L.
Take elliot rodger. Being the entitled piece of shit he was, the most modest of actions could be interpreted as "bullying" in his mind.

Look man I'm not trying to downplay the serious and harmful effect of bullying. But crazy is crazy.
If that triggers you, call me an ableist, whatever.

Of course, I said almost. I wouldn't dare suggest it was real obviously. I'm a good goy

Forgot to reply to the first part.
Well okay, its more than just stated goals. Surprised you just went with that description.
I would say you left out the part about using weapons to cause widespread panic and fear.
Like if it all comes down to political motivations, would you say the communist party of the US was a terrorist group? or the Nazi party?

Easy there McCarthy

You are right. We have guns banned. Also you may not harm the criminal more than he planned to harm you. You may not kill those who try to rape your daughter. So... the self defence is banned too. But as we say, "being buried is worse than being imprisoned".

Fuck gun bans.

Great....so wait for an atrocity to happen...Then fine the parents....to youknow...deter them??
You're not making a lot of sense friendo

In terms of mass shootings, I don't have numbers for IEDs or etc, the US doesn't really have that much of a problem, you just have a large population.

I'd wager that a few things would reduce those numbers across all countries though.
1. Enforce drug laws.
2. Actually punish bad behaviour in schools.
3. Don't insulate children from responsibilities until they're 18/21/25/finished 5 gender studies degrees.

Banning niggers would stop most school shootings, gun crime, most crime.

I think they should be next over the wall.

After that it's liberals. If we remove people who are easy targets and love to be victims, there won't be anyone for criminals to crim on.

THANK YOU for taking my point seriously and actually showing evidence contrary. Fine post, chap!

Parts 1 and 3 of your solution are compelling. Part 2 I have my doubts about. Kids just move from school to school...also it seems the type that end up doing these things are not the type to necessarily act out in school....thats what's so troubling about it, there are warning signs but they are subtle by nature. (In my own personal experience.)

Muslims have the will to act. A gun does not.

because criminals can't hide an illegally obtained muslim in their waistband?

LOL except most school shootings are white people....the big ones are anyways. White, sometimes asian.
No, black people aren't about meaningless mass killings. Maybe they will very deliberately kill specific people for retarded reasons. But the whole anonymous reasonless mass killing is not their style

I thought Trump came out in support of a ban on assault weapons.

Alright friends its nearly 6 am here it is time for me to get some sleep fine posting tonight gentlemen. Some of you are fucking retarded though, or maybe just children. Hard to say
Goodnight all god bless

Maybe. Although if you did 3, 2 would naturally result from it.


Guns dont' kill people, muslims do.


You don't get it. America doesn't have a gun problem, it has culture and education problems.

Do you honestly believe kids who are unstable enough to go on a murder spree would be behave perfectly fine without access to guns? Their mental state is the problem, not their tools.

Stop treating the symptoms. US is not the only country with easy access to guns and other dangerous tools yet it's the only one when shit like this happens so often.



Muslims are just the bullets of the gun called Islam

proof me wrong.

Hi, my name is Mister Truck.
My nephew in France was recently used to murder 86 people

see It doesn't happen "so often", they just have a large population.

he doesn't realize most terrorist events are engineered by the FBI.

Glen Greenwald wrote a bunch of articles about it.

>I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun. With today’s internet technology we should be able to tell within 72 hours if a potential gun owner has a record.

From his book, The America We Deserve.

Source: archive.is/o1RxG

>muh non argument
Wew lad


>in 2000
It's been nowhere in his campaign and he's never held any legislative position before.

But who pulls the trigger?

I can't use a good muslim to defend myself against bad muslims


Fair enough. People are allowed to change their minds.


But there are millions of those...




coincidence m8, you're not a bigot, are you?

Oh! what a fine beginner of a conversation, I'm sure this user and I will begin a meaningful debate on Donald J. Trump's policies and the rationale behind them.
Hey what's that on the left?
>9 g a g
Oh, Nevermind.

Banning Pressure cookers and the koran will help.

Don't be such a racist. Islamism has nothing to do with Islam.

oh well

wasted get


when you reduce legal gun availability, crime goes up, especially with niggers
when you reduce muslim count, crime goes down

>banning abortions won't stop abortions
>banning guns will stop mass shootings
checkm8 faggots

it's just like how banning niggers would drastically reduce crime

white people, christians, and atheists aren't the problem
jews, arabs, and niggers are

Wierd how we hear about white suprmascist killings so regularly but for some reason they don't show up in the terrorism statistics. It's almost like there is a bias in how violent events are classified.

Terrorism is a means towards achieving some sort of goal by instilling fear. School shooters generally don't have any end game, they just shoot people.

Was he paid by directly by Trump? No,he wasn't.
Nice counterargument faggot.

>Wierd how we hear about white suprmascist killings so regularly
more like the media reports on every one of them for months on end, but avoids reporting anything to do with niggers and arabs like their lives depend on it

He's been endorsed by the NRA

Never thought I'd approve of Cred Forums poetry. Happy to find out that user is quite the poet.

>Seriously comparing guns to people
I mean 'humans' from twitter are plain retarded, but that is a potato level at best

>school shooters
>falling for these false flags to shill gun control
Look at this retard

Terrorism is commiting acts of violence with the objective of forcing people to give in to your demands via fear. Lone wolf shooters generally only have a message or are mentally unstable. If you don't get this you're pretty fucking stupid. Or a shill.

>shooting up schools to try and force the populace to accept gun control

>You can't take away 300 million guns from America
>But you can avoid terrorism by not having 300 million sand niggers.
Sounds pretty simple desu.

Banning niggers would solve a lot of gun problems.

Banning guns would still leave you with a person who wants to murder you.

Banning muslims will leave you with no such person.

>dat false equivalence between guns and people

This is a red herring.

Its core idea is flawed. The argument it is trying to make is just as bad as the argument it presents.

Also, people are much easier to find and capture than inanimate objects that can lie dormant for over a hundred years underground, if properly stored.

yes. because good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns

it's not like we can arm ourselves with good muslims, and throw them at bad muslims

I cant help myself. Consider me baited.

>So let me get this straight
Condescending, meme used to imply disbelief
>Banning guns won't solve gun violence.
With aforementioned condescension, the creator implies gun violence can be solved by banning guns. Notice they preferred using gun violence rather than just violence.
>But banning Muslims will solve terrorism.
False equivalency comes into play, Muslims practice an ideology where as guns are only a tool and cannot practice anything. Notice they opted to use terrorism rather than Islamic terrorism.

However there is more.
Trump never said that banning Muslims would solve terrorism or even Islamic terrorism. He never even argued for banning Muslims.

This is the red herring. The argument is designed so that you argue the false equivalency rather than the red herring.
This way people watching the debate over it assume this is Trumps stance.

What he actually advocated for is ceasing immigration until an effective vetting process was enacted.